ML and Mn Fluchrr Mll chrll Squaw MIIM on Mr and Mn Mnx mm Sunday lnhn llaldwln nlunrv vhth lclallrn hlrmls Tumlny Mm Umln llmlflum mu IM Mnllnh Turnum WM Sunday wllh Mr ml Mn IL llmlunnn THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley Mrs Norma Brawn and am My spent the weekend wflh rel alive in Newmarks Hy MRS DUCKWORII Winner at the Lm Lodge Hall Jan were high 2mm Maurice Miller lone emit Mrs Brmmlicld high Mrs Duckwarlh lone hands travelllng prize Ed Mo Hugh law M15 YanUIa and Emu ward Brown is pa tient Vcllesley llospllal Tm onto Hcr ricnds wish her spggdy Argenvcry Coilingwood maid their cousins Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton Sun day also Mr and Mrs Tom Jog Barfi Mr and Mn John Duck worth spent he wackend with Mr and Mrs Larry Kcnnard Toronto Mr and Mrs Harry McCul lough Barrie visilcd lhclrmcus ins Mr and Mrs WDuck4 woArlhA royal Jack Crnn home mm My al Victoria Hospital Barrie and is feeling much balm Mr and Mn Cook Sr 01 Lloydminflcr Sash visited lhclr sun Cook and family befure lenvipgon rip nglnnd Miami Mrs Currie and children Elmvnlc visited at Cnrsmls Sunday auie arson and Linda Pan ting were among those chosen as maul leader hr the has lrnnsporlnlinn samy system Fnrcsl Hill SCHOOL ny ms near xmmvr Eucmms buchm will rcsume In Hell wart Communuy Hall Jnn In 15 Proceth will be diridnd bclwcen Community Hall Board and the Ladies Auxiliary In tho Canadinn Legion Branch 547 Cmgralulnlions In Mr and Mrs John mu on the birth IIONDII AWARDS Conxrnlulanm John Ncw lMc Bell Ewan who was ccnlly presented with an haunt Iwnni Ivy Innlshl Townsin Coun 11 or brnwry on msouinn badly Inker girl mm tho wreckagn restaurant cx ploslon during lhn summer 1965 Also mmle an award was JlmflForrImj Jim mldtd 6n €11 Wm has JIncu ninved lo Anius lIm lrnnipon ed Inbred In hospital Mwcll wLhrs ml ton Frmer mum In Royal Vidaxla llnapiml and In Jim PatrHK who hm mlumod hnmo tiller lnmz slay in hnyrilnl wflh on Inhmd not nMlIhT mum 9mm mnllnu nl Ive con Errnalknu will hrhl In Hell Ewan Ilnmlsl Church lrldny Jim mm Jun on flank nwnt LLJ erkmtl Id NHL Coward sum Ixumulm Mvi mu wrru Mlu lnyrn yum th Inwdnln ml Minn Hutu Tm Ofllu JKwaMuninhM wnI KAIm lur llu wrvkrml mm erh ull lpuxllalTqvnlxlrr le mum snldrr Im mm mu hrr vnrrnlx Mr Am MIL Alnï¬M In lllch lllm Allxllm Mp1 AlmrMhM run qmln IIL 1N llrymzn mm hule tnul iuuln lnn In In Um Omnlr Ml va ml nwunl ulll lu nl Mu Imp lnllnni Jun Hull rnll II llml In In numlm um mully um mm In In nml why mm ml Iurl nuqur mm mm nlwmlwl my rwnlng 11 nl Hm lwmn Mr Iml Mn Mgww IlmIrn Au Ilmir In Iwnnr nrnlyuwh HI nnrl Nil Krllh Inhlmnn um rm 1an um mum Im Irnm Ihil rum lmmll Jnhul Ohllllaï¬lmll mp umo A23 Bo ï¬w 265525 mzo 2a mmmwz mï¬sni BELL EWRRT ny M15 £41150 MIKE BALDWIN CRAIGHURST SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ANGUS APTO February mreling will be held one week earlier at pm The Sunday school ska mug party will be Jan 29 and cungrcgalional supper Jan per was held In the church hasn ent with good attendance allowing the supper the Sunday School pupils presented Nat Mly Pageant Dickerson Bar rie and Miss Judy Lynn Ells mere were sotnlsts aecnmpanted by 151 Amy Lea at the organ The assistance at Mrs Light baurn and the SundaySchoa1 teacher was much appreciated cm were given to the pupils at the 11050 at the evening January meeting of the Uni led Church Vomcn vns held Wednesday evening Jan with an nliendance or 21 Worship scrvicewas taken by Mrs Stoddart topic being Kept in Hue Pawzr or God Bible pas sages were read by Mrs Brown Mrs Kinshaw gave an encouraging inanan report and it was decided carpet would be purchased at he church The new executive were oiiicially installed by Rev Mr Dahlin Mrs liaincs and Mrs Knceshaw look over president and secreLary res peciively Mrs Smith in charge flu pmgram introduced Miss Juan HunLicy Sirwd who is one or few wnmLn ordained United Church ministers She gave an inspiring inlk on Ihe Chumh of ï¬le Ixlurc and stand that every community no mailer how small shnuld haw church and lam in organizaLions should he can lmd around it Mrs Wilcox extended hunk to Mix Hunt lby delicious lunch wasscr ed by Mrs McLean Ir Knccsnnw and Mrs Knuc shnw DFFICEM INSTALLED Dy MR5 PADDISON Miss II Matthew has the sympalhy of the communny In the auddm passing her liner may nrgJan74 The Womens Inslilule ml Ihn home Mrs Pmldlson Mrs Cm hnd charge 01 he pm gram Moll Mu mu by Mrs Cambnum Papers wtm md by Mfr Arnold and Mrl Joe Lunth was served by he hosksxm Mn Jnmrs Lnughlin has muV ed In Slaynpr Mr and Mn Tampklnx Mur rny nml Tzrry vlsllml Mend In Taronla Mnmxy alng on to DC whtre II pmlcd Anna Paddxmn Ilnrrlc mm wrckrnd nl hcr home hm Mr and Mn Lcixhum um and family vlsllrd Mr and Mn flown M115 ROHEHT HATES Inï¬llI 11m Mn Nnmml Undrer null Art Gmlm wrm km of hm hrs Munml Mm DnnnM Mr 1N lrwy mksty Mm Ar rlnu ulmm nml 54mm lelrr llmvr Mm Hmuhnwnu mm rcnm Ivy mm Jnrkl Lako 1mm Hm hrrHV Huh IM plum Hm Mum um vlrmrn My HIHUII anhp Millrr Hun rm NMHIIL llrnnhy Mllr mu Man Hllhnm Ilvlan lmwr mu qwnknr 7M lmh rrinn hurrh Jnn 11 ml wnI Wrmlml mu Ivy 1hr inlmm nmlrmlnn Ilrv Mackmzln Dunlum Jan Mr mul Mrl llny thrr Am lgmily an fun lle mu Frlruvln ml nrluhhnn um mhhml lwnr Knurllny llml NHL my MLLnnn haul Inu rl nwnv IHIMIHIY Mwnu an ar livr hlml neluhlmr ha valhy ha rmmnmnly II lendrrl In hrr Mullaml Hull mul nuly Ilmllhlrr erfl IMII Kan lhuhh urrkrml In lMl urrkl ml 111 urH hum IMI It erwlmu Ilm ulh Him uwMiu in Ilnmlum ML ml Mu Amlv Imknlnl Yr nml Ir null William uHIIpmuISEl mvvl MII nn ermm lnmp Ilnnlru mu nmlilrrl SUNNIDALE CBS llv MIKE ALLEN MILLER NEW LOWELL BOND HEAD Munnm 74w Um UTOPIH larcommanly called postnasul drlp7 HIV you any lune lionsK By JQSEIII 61 MOLNEE MD Dzir Dr Molnar 13 thére any use injrylng avcura whag Pas nasal drlp Ma ennugh condition Thu mom secretion of the nose are up posed Io drlln forward pr marlly when loo much of lhe flow dralns he olhcr way It be come Sash nasal drip and Initiating In Ihc lhraal It 15 calmhnl Ilale omen loosely called sinus mubo the slum are Inhaled Ihey can Indend contribula In post nasal drip but this reverse drip can pccur wllhnu Hug sinuses belnxlnvolved First patients should be d1 vtded Into twn categories Those who make and Ihase who dont The first step or smnker ts obvious Stap smok ing The constant bumbnrdment ot the nasal passages lrritalel them and they rebel by produc tng mare mucus in wattprotec tlon The smnkcr may howrvcri have something besides the tumcs contributing to his div comforttor post nasal drip certainly occurs among nan smokers too These other tac lnrs many times are correctible True chronic sinusitis mnyrha in underlying problem al though as general Ihing it is matter of interaction rather than simple cnuse and eiicct One condition contribute in an other and together in total discomiurt is greater than that from the ailman rlngly COLD CAN CAUSE IT he more permanent con dilions nu common ones an polyps in he nose enlarged lurblnalcs and badly deviulcd T0 GOOD HEALTH Any dismrbanca In the nose that impedes the airways will cause he revcrse drip On lamporary basis cold does it You no dcclnrcr wilh lhu Wes hand at Four Hearts and Nnrlh lands lhg lhrcc of dia monds 50th lake It wilh the are and rclurns he deuce which you win wilh lhc king Assum lng Ulla he ramps Ireldivlded haï¬df Yau land lhe queen of dia mnnds and dummy lake Ihe ICIL Dorlnrcr plays lhu Jack mud whlch you win th he klnu East and 50th Inllnwinz nw Whu unuld you play now nun AQJM Draw lwn raunds lrumps endlnx In dummy and ml dlmnnnd an play club Nurxh lollnm low mm lhn tlxhl South mus lhcn ï¬lm you um um vxqm 1m QKQ nu 41mm 4x You an Vul deltndlng mum Rm Spndu Thu bla ding hu been Norfll KM Enulh Well 1v rm Pass PM Pu DAILY CROSSWORD LDlanry mlednrmrr CMIHMH Innmllrd 12 Mllllulppl Qlnbnnk inan Illlrnmn 111mm Sinuï¬tigMay Cause Past Nasél Dgip hmdll munch nlnnl 101mm carp nlu 11021er MIN 19 FAmHIIr ml Iorm munklml inlwl mull HMunlla llyJor on Iluxvrl In lrlnr at mm at Mlnfll mv wt muu 21 mm mm nhrlf mm Fllu lnr Imlnnrl ll llllll rum mun mnl mum aliulnmp llun man an nub aumvnruu mm IM AIM 39 mall my mInl MM Ilc Mummy hm nmm Put héw would you play lhé AOROBH DOWN smnkcr mayL howcvcn something besides the coplrlhuling lo 11 5in CONTRACT BRIDGE 4m NAan ravlnu vln Ill mphm 5y lrnh wnltr uh ILVuhAI 11qu By JAY BECKER néptum Polypsvau quite xenda Hy remnverii deviated aeplum callsjor less slmple surgery but accomplishes excellent mull then dys Enlarged lurblnaleu may rzqulre lurch or 1er lanL laclm Allergy due lo pollen another malerlals mhould not be forgot tenepeclally ma put nml drlp l5 uasonnl Sometimes Iconllnulng case may be nllun ï¬le in nature lamfrom dun molds animal dnmlen1 Nose drdps or xpnyx may lhrlnk lha membrnnel empor Irlly but they dn no mack ha cause in Identity polyp or other such futon by all mean consult nose and hunt aw chath Dnr Dr Molnm am 15 yeamld ginand my hair Ibout dawn to the middle of my back would like In be longer but It mm to have stopped growlng Is It true that hair stops at cerlaln lcnglh or each IndividualIM nm In essentially comet Al about no inches the me of growth decllnnx about 50 per cent However lhero are great variation from person In per mm The aslesl rate 01 growth in women In between the age of 15 and 23 an your In all probability will gmw sun longer tf you let it Dear Dr Molnar Are there vlsible Iymplnms damned llver lrom excessive drinklng My husband ls In alcoholic but wnnz ndmlt ll llecenlly havo noticed red man In check when he ls drlnklng Could Ihls be an lndlcallunlMn ms The skin oi an alcoholic wlih cirrhosis oi the liver is tumin snllnw with molly flush and drinking can cxaggorale these flushed spots Thorn may also be yellowncs of ihe eyeballs liowavu one cant diagnose cirrhosis on this basis alone Chemical Icsia are essential the conhacl cgnrdjcss all what he returns or how he cards are divided Thus club rclurn would un rlnht lnlo he IN and pcrmll yuu discard spade an the ace clubs whlla spade re turn wnuld end mnllrrr lag muchsmnér Ii dlamnnd rclum would nlluw you In discard rpnde from dummy ynu null In your own hand Thé lame mult wnuld ohlnln ll Norlh played the nine on at Iha poln when you ed low club towards lhe KJAB You wnuld covrr cllhcr cnrd wllh ma jnrk and South wuuld bu In the same unlcnabla msilion Ten 41 clubs Thlr play glvzs you he but chant nl delcnllng lho contract You hope In wln three club lrltks at ante Ten 41 clubs Thla play Elva ynu the but chant nl delcnUng lho contracL You hope In wln three club lrltks at ante pnnncr ha the MM nr lwn club lrlch And Man purl nrr has the 011 01 club nnd he klnx of hearts II vim 1m whim of these holdlnxl yau cannot really ex prfllty but thaAhnnd hind 11 Mlx luunml Imporlnm to lend lhn on clubs nul lho neven TM play mm lhu mulhlllly um 50th has the NM 01 clubs ll you ltd Iha mm dcclnm could mnkn ha hand by pinyin low lrom dummy lhuv lrnppln lhc qmn Thu wnuld xlva him ha mnlrntl evtn lhuugh lumer nul Ihnl Hall Md lht klnl hum melon 2211hhop Ilnmo 2111101 MJMINI aninmy mm Ihmh Epoch 2917 Mvmm mm nulpnur Mflrnnh mum Mlnl MIMI nkknlml townmy hlilvdlyl In 85 Nl polwnl so am IVE LAUOHED AT JOKES ABOUT WIVES WND UURNID SUPPfR GRANDMAJ New MAME WNW WESï¬SEEWWM New OWINCMEIWA Am DD miggmummrm mquzu 0cm mu RELAX SMDKE UJR magma ENE W19 LATER mm Jmm mmm vou nu run wa Wm om want cooml umAlma xwmuvmm vmur uh Kvmvr NU IVE BUT JUST Rrauf New gm BARBIE EXAMINEH FRIDAY JANUARY 1m 11 mm Raï¬ 351E 93wa rm 323 33 BER guns HE W5 PLANE FOR Emma Loon rh mm mwm Jr nu wsz svpnv no roowumu