Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1966, p. 2

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Tnnmm no nlhrall Mml Manlm 501 mu Wu rmder filnrl Vnncmwn IC Member nt In Lmrhnn lull Nummr fmlvmlpuon nlu dull by unlu we mklr 0M yurly SIM top We fly mlll Onlulo moo yum In so 11 mm lhm munlhl II no month Ilolor thrown moo nu ma nlx mmlm OurIda onlulo mm ym mum mmll mum poundm mm mm UV ml Fnrrlpfl The dccltno Arucknosn sing wrllm mums lhal it was only dialan Um lonl enchlnlmenl 5pm prnbo Mdum and my WRITERS 0F MOON SYRUCK OUT anllord Expuler In Mn Don ML between 1892 Ind 1004 mm mmb nulon ol the word moon nppom In 43 of tho mm An InltrosUng point is that tho 1m popular moon long published In 100 Thu wu the your Yurl Glgmn became tho Ural human lo lnvol In outer rpm and President Kennedy prochlmod lnnding on the moon to be gym ggal 44 dreary and dismal Ardagh Memorial Home has live palienls This is l7lh ear relu or elderly people arrie munle pal elecllon exciting day as sleifilhs brought many citizens to polls Pepier elected mayor healing Henry Sewrey 406202 Burton chosen rceve Dr Wells first de uly it Fletcher second de uly in Patricks Ward Ball on For svllh Were eiecled in Si Andrews nrd Iom Pearcey and Dr Bosanko chosen ns nidermen in Vicloria Ward Bolhweil and Michael lrawiey elected in St Davids Ward Dr hic Csrlhy and Im elecled ln Georges Word Sam Clidweil and Joe Pulien elecled ln Simeon county dlfihiherln Hniori uqu run lngt roug ice is excellent Many ly or shantlcs have appeared Town de walks dangerously icy Barrie market Saturn bultcr was 17ch In rolls 1516 lb sLeggs 20250doz Barrie Northern Advance Jan 1891 Brooks of Shanty Bay appointed prlnclpal Cralghurst school Cold snap make local coal dealers happy Good skating on Kem cnlell Bay has Earrle lads Endlalesl appy Fish ALL 75 YEARS AGO IN TOWN ifieivork load of home siudics is the responsibility of school boards but it is Ipcn to question whether ihe hoards While possessing all the merit of dir ect answer neither is quite reasonable or practical But surely there is hap py medium between this and the other extreme about which the Toronto area parents protested thatrsome children spend up to five hours on Grade 13 homework and even then lack time to finish Those parents have support from Dr Sam Luker head or the choiogical school services in Guep who asserts that increased academic firessure is creatingneurotlcs among igh school students Presumably the same situation at plies to tersitystud9nts Complaints to education officials in Toronto by parents contending that ex cessive homework is being thrust ucfaon high school students has trig ore ta provincewide controversy for lch the students themselves doubtless could suggest pat and simple solution dis continuance Alderman Herseys city development committee Will be responsible for zon ing and tanning Dantes future growth the prob em or waterfront development The striking committees recommen dations and subaequenL provnl by council contained no surprlsh appoint ments to the three citygcom ttees Itis wise to headthese with men yvho have had ex edence previous councils and com tteea The post oi vicochalrmen were allotted to member at the Previous council with the excep tion Alderman Jack Garner who pfobablx could not be overlooked due to his outstandln achievement at the polls on election ayi Alderman Roberts should be COM getent chairman of the all1m ortant inance committeeconsidering hs posi tion vicechairman last year and his elxperlence in the accounting profes son OverPressure Experience Recdgnized In CounciL Committees Published bjCanadlan Nowapupayrva lekled 16 Bayflold Strut Barrie Ontnrlo Walk Publllhor HLWHIop nu an ur nA OTHER EDITORS VIEWS with more deaths re DOWN MEMORY LANE Aulhnrmd urmfl dull nu Im mm Dmnlmsnl Md lnr pnymwl 04 ml In cull Dunn Sunday and filuulon Iolldun ompml 711v marriv Examinvr OL MoPhorIon Mnnnglnfi er Twafljmmvin me am mum rephvnl Hill Im ur Iluflm IIIII llw be local Mll uuh litlud Ihneln HZLKIHUNITI For ljumlnIr WAM Ad Mum 1m 1M ulmhnn number In all for Ibo Illulm Doyulmufl It 71 um mum rm uclmlnly mum lo lbw nu In toguhllullvm nu lrhu In lhln pl mdllod In II or The Alumled Im ur mum lml Ilw be local nun Mb mm mm luhlluhm Anorllllon UM Cnnuflln lrm And Am Ind Clycullunm Its problem for women In know whll lo do wllh lhclr 5pm lime mu woman columnm Many nl lhrm manage to consumu lnl of lyy Ming late or anguomnnlu direct hlu on the moon no have nhown nm the Allver orb we no 02 million nwny 11 iun rocky barren Ipamhlp dope ol fulum And who cm got mmnnllc About that Auvunllmll Bnrrio Mode ool awarded teach ing certificates to 60 pupils who am pieted Christmas exams They inciud ed Fred flatten John Brokovakl Rau ben Carr Fred Hurt Compton Jeils Home W4 Forloot Fredorick Norris Vlllilm Ramsay Robert SimpV mn Samuel Sonics Samuel Stephens William ihompgon and Sydney Leigh ported among children William Egan oi Hawkestone aRpolnted principal 0t tervllle public so not Elmvale vll lage had seven weddings last week Inspector Webber instructed to issue iish spearlng licences et 32 good to April it not to interfere with closed season for bass and maskinon Joe liood has contract for supplyn llamll Ion Northwestern Railroad ih 6000 cords wood ran through Allendale to hleaiordj Young man named Presser killed near New Lowell Sunnldaie when loge tell wagon Alliston building skating rink Mechanics in etttute public library closed or week while moving to new building Fire destroyed llolmes marble monument oi lice just east oi Victoria Hotel en Col tier St lit Wor Brother Daniel lilecwait installed new officers Corinth tan Led at Barrie Masonic Temple lie was eluted by Vor Bro Samuel Wex ley and lit Wor Brod George liionkmen nr 114 Paragraphically Speaking rrrrr yearem review And very Klignur director of admissions revealing review it ntthe Universit Toronto use that In mininer he will quickly hgnlilework iglch 215 UmI slflentbto nliee bfieomclmfiaglerfjedlgmmlrx caenges issqute uttereo is no reason wh these challcnges figflewfg 213 mfg should be crmittc to become physical claiemeni nicy are and mania endurance tests mam umrlnl concern themselves wlth this subject at all By and large this 15 left to the dir ccgor pf Individual teachers The composiuon of all committees has good balance of experience and calm ciimen with new ideas and we are look ing forward toprogressive leadership from these peo 1e who have been elect ed by ihblr feiow citizens to run the civic affairs or Barrie in the coming year union dtizens housing which is cuh rently the cause for some comment and firemolion of our convention and indus Ii gotenllal Al ermen Smith again assumes the chairmanship oi the public works com mittee which was the centre of much controversy in the ast ear in its hund ling of several oi he uger city affl 1ects Mr Smith is beginning his lh year chairman oi this committee and should be able to use his peat exper iencevto advantage in order to mid similar occurrences in future projects undertak bynhia depeytmentn In On Students Omar Marnir Itmulx IMI IIM hm hm Inn ha Imvl llxl Him filllhl eruullrIlUy 0m Ink mu undmlrl Imlllnl Aml um Hum 7L any WI Ind mu with nu hu ml hill In mumm nl xmrInImel lilh mun llvm Iter momma JIIM um nnn Ilnr mMMn My am In warlirnl flu lodu Ind mum tarm mddnt Alto mu an moumnl 1mm gun hmh In um um umuL IMum ll mini lnlnminl unnum dld by eontmh In In yam prcmdlnl um Hm World Wnr My Ideltd over 1750000 Im mllrlnll or In norm of 225000 etch 3m nut wu mt lplfl huldmuwml wu our per nl or our hum tho beginnlnl of II iolden on Iclllemml wm n1 rnluremm and ar Alxhltd our lrlmlllhm wn would Mn Idmlllcd ohm Mr mm 10000900 rmnlmnlm Our Man today would not 300000 bu Dbl men In memo no nl Unml mm ln 1M1 wmld haw been no ll Nlllon dollm hul cm hllllon And hll Mun mallhlor lmler Cun dlln pawldun mnd In rum lrnor Iual hm An odly 0n ml vmnl And ml IMAI cw Ital mld In mud over hmuler um hm Thu um min Irma lmm IllMandi Ilnlnmnl In My all an mom Mwnr mlmnlv In our Mulllnn lrnwlh Im In nmlllul nmrml flm humuan um lnlul 1h Inner II Um we lml woll um um mum Illnnlmm tlllmu ln flu Ilmml rum In nmllllnn In Ihno Immllrnnu i1 hm uer Uwir nIHu land IMPORT Mflllfl BIBLE THOUGHT HI IM for example by and 1065 Canada 1W 1500000 newnmml Ilncc the rod of the Swami World War TM an Ivarx 125000 pot yen4 or limo mm than onuull ol one mu our pmenl mull ch ym That Ll no my to open up our amply mam In In devrlop our rldi mourm USED TAKE MORE Loo why Iour firmdluhm Ilgrfisnlfih him ever firmlyam In our ou mu vlmum mwfll Ind develop ment We luoprcdomlnnfly ha United Slamom fully cducated and ruined Calu dlln baby or cry two gmelvzn immigrant lwo 91 prupemnl nnry lnz 1011le Canadian rid hu on ha back ol Ihc paycm ol the 1m wealthy Old World by Inna 1h void in our drill with young men and women who um was paid or by those lax paym lhm point wen mldo more my dgnr In Mudundl By PATRICK NICHOLSON MTAWA Jean Mnrchand newlycleckled dung1m 3d new appone 10 and Imitation has Just Issued hl in mlnlslerlnl yearend revIew And very revealing review OTTAWA REPORT One In Six Canadians Is An Immigrant 7m N0 IM NOT BACK EARLY INEVERLEFT And ll Mu had he machlmry And In mm mlnnnd mulmd In Mind Iha Imullm mum1m in mm dc 11w plrnima ha IM lnzlrl mlmlnlnIrIlvu mnry nu mnhlrm rmmiu whh India hm hum null 14 dll rownmnm 11m hu mum ndlhtr hu Iwn AMI Io Inlmm mlly rlfurilm lmwnumul mum 11w hlmfinl over mans Mmy Io IM prminm II lha key pollll in Ill program EFFORT WM RH mm lo hm bun dlvldal Thu provlnn nu ma mponxihlllly porllnn IM Ind nmnlnlmn And Iho Mm wernvnonl Ihrnuxh thy lmlmn Ami Hum4 lull In ml mulyllfly lur Mm malnly 1mm Indlnl And mnunlnltd am In lmpmvo he Illunllrm of Our In dIml9IHINIIIH lhc munm IndiumIA lo be undertaken vdlh Mqu lawmmml Alter you ol dlvldtd nmflbfllty whim munl no Indy mid do nod job ll hu ham and um lh pmvlmc Ihmld am In Mmlnh mun rupmfihmty Int All In The hy In the pronm It Hill In luu wfll now mm MM mnwm the TORONmAI mu MII In mum new proxrnm ll be hunched In and Indinm 111 Mm MM mutude which we owe the Old World equivalent to approximaldy oanUI our nnbonll debt the 35657 men IM woman listed by our recent census In proleuloml and lcdmlcal occu pations luv every nine in Imndzranu and many than came to Camda 1tu trained Not only have they or in sunce nvtd our entire health can pmzram from understaffed chm but they come to us frcc lhdr tnlnlnl having been pald or by the taxpayer ha Old World who made that coafly veslmenk for themselves nineem Immigralcd to Canada during the first 10 munllu 1w uwld have cost 317 010100 to provide unlvcrsfli ed ucation or them SJmUIry it would ha cost Canada $1413 360 to pmvlde universlty educa llnn or the 554 dodorl who came to Canada In that lama period Today on Canadian In every six L1 an Xmmlgtanl Thshuga gmup include on In our of our doclan one in three our enlineen one in nven or our lendam and In on Dy DON OMEARN QUEENS PARK Will Open Drive To Help Indians 00 TOWN SPACE MVAL Que 1cm my 01ml hn hum mlnh lute Apa Knymly In haw mm nl hln huma ll mltl IllmrMnl pale ml nlhor Ipan Au nynmwnl In wither Mmdl my II All UAHIUII mullr 1m uhm Inim um hmn flulhmn In Nun my nm the way In now been mm For llmflultul undub unmiml Almond whmhy nu lmlmns may Ilnlpul In Maw ululom Mlvr mm Hwy may mml lnr lhrm uh MM lhfly lurp um um um whth Hwy hnvn Ihmm In Um we not In mllun ll Inn dandy all wrn mm Ia wml whm my In mn Hll hue lulrulmr and b0 nvlnl lmnnh mum lhnnk mint4 Thu minty wlll dovan and ndmlmmr rmirmworhn mom era wwlndl mmmfllu MainlyMn ulna rt on ma mervuhu my ex pmmlm 0m um Mn In mvnluflmlu Hm Mk Indiana mirmllhl WI Imhdr never will we If uhl me under It ha mm molrnml which hm hem Iomnwhnl wire In their my hul which muld only be pnnlnl MunroHI to mullnl lhn own problem an poor mm mlny InA dhm In II pmvlnu The pmvlncn IHK or mm llmo now am ndmlnhm Hvo rummlbnily mould bu unmllzed in hlndl an norw lhh awn ha deLIon bu been hard to break ley from New know his later will be vole crying 1n the wilder ness and willnu be printed any more hen the Mher one wrole along 1th same line The truth might hurt aomcbody or ramp on some we or nflect business We uem to be an In lhne whenanyl goes It look to many as pug or me ohnm trade and we lurely hear enough nbout It wilth any mom hnvmt much huh air left that bmaUIe We can only hope that me dny people will finally the evil the trade HEAR 345 mum Strut Nmnarka Evcn though we hear edun Hon pounded into our head nv cry dly and In good thin to have such talk lhal jun sham that isnl everything We need cqlpman sync inn AndAfinUly mug kn see by your paper Jan that one of your writer Inlm ha tobacco which he surely lmuws killer is more im portanl than vegetables va how such amply male as thls can come mm an tducnlui man andtbfi allowed to tget lnIn prin mystery many new lhblkdml will agree lhal many men who had new seen the Inside of school wouldnt lower lhcmsclvz wIIh such talk Mrs Tommi Dc Sir LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 5M llml when Inid her he wand In In Ihl end of flu urlh or bu Now In whlnu 1h ukl him to my mm 131 um la 01 Inptrmlrkrl und ykk up clrlon ol mllk 16 Bnyfllld 5L tried Altar ll chnply and Min th miner Mu lo mil hzr prev addmartian he pulled her low1y cum Naw ha She umtmbm flu undla lllmlaurml when in luned Icron he tlblu And pro sad to her All he an null prise he 1er Iha ordered WE SELL mummy he picked her up and carried Mr Hxhuy man lh lhm hold Now he too wuk bring In he Sundly MWIPI unaided RUBBER STAMPS WEDDING STATIONERY MIMEO PAPER NEW YORK AWNomi chanxu mm mm hm mun119 He Is neyer the urne lulu Ask Any Ht She keep wondering Ill her whll ever happened In um um ulIuI boy who led her to ma Illa And murmured do For tnmpk When was mulling her he loved lo shower her win flowen Now tho anly nowm the nu Iho dudeuonl llhe am out of thc front ylrd IWfl Once nothing was too good In hm Now myth she want cum on much Ugo wedding gmmqny Mr Owen lust Ihls argument however Councfl adopted the re port the mfldkfng cummlh leeInd the man In Wham Mr Owen took abjecllon will mm ml ha nun chnom la do so thin minuics mer council to into Iha business of its first regular muting or 1900 he was an his mi in muva In am endmenilo the striking commit tees pm This committee is rupansibio or bringing in nom inations members of counciir standing cammiiiees and rep reseniaiim to various boards and cammiuiaqs Mr Owen look excc iion the fact thll bull der glad been recommended or mi an the Barrie Piinninz Banrd It was no personsi il iack Mr Owcn hastencd to acid but merely an objection lo lire principie of having con Iiruclion man nda on mailers on whichhe could have per snpgi interest WE PRINT Ulually new Ildurmefl If on when they 1an 1th plch on councllr They know him procedure Ind Jen lboul thc mutation of clvlc buxlneu Thcyuln morn Ind more Mamaflnn tho week inland with thin howled come greaterconlldencl lo up and speak Bu lllch Inhibi man did no mm to bother Ald 11m aouid ha mensu year or flu Blrrle CityCoImcl Al 1m from out lundpolnt Aid Gerald Roberts who usually 1m unmetth lo ny on Ilmm Iny Iubjeclbelm that must body bu finally ml hll mulch In word pawér lb pmon lmhman Aldermnn Owen EDITORS NOTEBOOK By McPHERSON Roberts Meéts His Match In Word Power LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES INVOICES CHEQUES CLUB NOTICES THE BARRIE EXAMINER PRINTING SERVICE HAL BOYLE FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS THE LIGHT TOUCH Man Never The Same After His Marriage med la und her mid not llll ll Chrillmu luth munurn pm lume Now ha um In all Im no 5m Chm nnd ha buy her vacuum cleaner on Inn1mm pm Hahn Madmlrrd Ihu my IM mud Mm mumu Ill ha mm la nu prlu Inn On 1110 hontymann brought her brawn lu bod Now when flu llIrm clock mm uyl For Pelol me us you loin 110 dun 111 any on up And hurnml wme lam Im hun Berna marriage ha told her he luved cthdrrn Mm mu rilu In all Mr 13h Uwrnhcyn you Ilka Great 10d Alter man my hl balm Io look 11h middle Ind hnmdm Bulumn Muller Belem mmlm ho used to 11h to all her about hll drum Now all he ham her with In nlxhlmmm Once he liked la ramp with her thwa he IMW Now when they are club In uh uh hgld flu umbmlh ovch hlmull POWERS Power Vlha aidermen lira mnynr sinned concentraied in the cmmcii body they an Iuprrme in civic mam He lhen procudedJa ouiiine lhe duties and power oi lile VIIion standing committees Some p20 pic at example might not were oi Iha act that Ihe iin Inca cummiiice is mpomibil or much more linn drawinx up budget or expenditures and mum lax me It Illa deli with receptimu and civic impli nliiy hospiiaiizaiion welim and cammuniiy urvicu and he in department Every cammiilre in Incl in much mars to do than ill it would inditlle Remember when he would In me front porch twin WWI you half the M3111 chh lnl lull moon1 Now he modal an lb 10 by pm you doncwm yarn hair III llmel flung th tho dngl luv mm In which he oulIlned we lune llonl abllla councll Ho likened the councilln bond nl direc lan ol lug carpaullan Eel panslbla to Council and or Ibo daydndny Idmlnlslrnllon cl vlc Illaln Waller Gm the city manner mu We wlllflbl hon1n mm mm then twaJldermen or an ll jun firm ho nthlr when men to making him IEVhHld Md Owenespeclni new to be may for Iznnxfup yelr not his lest we quickly Ind now he may 21 anylhlnl uwmlwu In nlher respect um um maun Ald Robuhwu up And down muenuy loobjecl In Mr 311 tuna on point of mm or to paint on that anyone coulti be accused It mm mm 01h Inl personal tumm or m4 judlco In mailer In which he could be involud mgélinz 7266537

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