Please understand dnnl Ian shape his nynbrnws or Inylhinx like lhnL Just want In pull out lcw hmu and im mnvc his looks Whal do you InkFllllkl Glrl Dear Glrl Your ldta is gnnd but your appranch is wrong Mml vull groomcd men ask their harbm In In lhnsc lillle chores Barbe use srissurs not lwnezum Sugncsl MI Frank and lets hope he gnu or the Gun Dhlde Ilrr nlhrr IIan How hy We WWr Mllllml her nr xhrd car In her presume III we trim plrnly nI nigh hfhlnd chle loan mm hrlp unmhliul mnin dctiur vu ANN LANDERS Dem Ann My snry no mm but It mlgh sound dilhrcnl rnmlnx from mnlhcr Our 1F furnlrl linuxhlrr rnuldnl say no and became pregnanl My girl Hm Inmuinn uhnl mnthcr nor Ihmunh hm ho gm surh mwsnol unlll she hears ll mm hvr own Inuxhlvr God forbid IOHERFUL Lmnzn The lolhcr evening asked Frank hed let me Iwcczc low hairs out 01 III mirldlci ll laughed and said Ynuli make me ionk like parisyi id he in hi every lhirix minutes Frank is very handsome but his cynhraws an cxlremcly bushy They grow Iogclher In the mlddle inslnad nI separat Ing Ihe way most pnoples in Ha Xnokx as he ha one eye brow over both eyes Dur Almv Landau am llyearuld girl who is going with ZSycamid graduate slu ian We plan la be engagcd on Valentines Day hope you IVnnl think my prnbicm no filly balm with lix minus AN HONORARY lilo mem bership in lhe Womenl Mir lionary Society he Pm bylerian Chart in Canadl was presented to Mrs MCClunghElmvalc left by The Idea Is Right Approach Is Wrong nur Elhrl Snrry bul we nhll Nauru link lll htfllr In ell thlld Ihnl Mummy Innk Ihc wrung mndlrlnr man In my Mommy killed hrrscIL Samclimr yuun rhildrrn In suicide vidimx mx It was Ihcir 1mm in lhry hlltd the panl Thin can be lnr mm damaging than Ihe car nl Ink ha wrnnn medirlnr am 33 years old and am slill lrying umcnme sum re fem Insillrll In me lur lnx childhood by parcnls hn lhnuuhl but nnl In loll he lnlflIElhrl child Mm Ix Kinn mdl Ideas will he Icrrilicd every llme he has In take mrdicine or be vac rinach He will live In car lhnl he taking lhc wmnl moditine or that the doclnr may he mak in mutake This 53 pcï¬ccl example lclling children lie that might mgr mm life Denr Ann Linden 2er violcnlly wiih ynur advice that he ether should loll his ynum children whose mother cam milled inkIds 11ml Mommy oak lhe wrong mcdicine and madn her very sick and God rand bar In heaven FEARS DnrMol Thunks far powerful leller word In the wise sullitlenk made arrangomcnlz la send her In home or unwed malhm Two days berm she was to leave she had nurmal mis carriage Now several mnnlhs later things Ire quiet and she dating evornl nice young hope all young girl who read lhls lullcr will ask themselves How would my mother and mm mm In an annnunce man Hm Im magnum Molhtr Sllll In Shock Mrs McAuley Elm vale centre Mrs Ross Adam at right newly In lallcd president of tho Bar rie Presbylerial or the WMS of the Presbyterian Church in misï¬mnrmmommaglassw Canada 10ka on The pm$ entauon was made at he an nual meeting of the PMis tarlal bald yesterday at Essa Ruad Presbylcrian Church Examiner Pholns 33 kn Fr Fit is 283 £1 58 553 258 $2535 2hhzgczz In Mm WWW 3mm lmlhm In Mam iuvnnmr In luau mflull mm urim1iiiiï¬3 human Mm nu mm 93m mu navy and my 51ch woollius Clwmt nl mm PM duml ml mlndml Vt Iryq mm In milhm Whm Mm yum mm an COTTON PRINTS that Mm an Cnthm maul no Um 0m mum and ho datum um mm Moww mm Wrwvï¬vul mm mu mluu um um mum ml unwin mu anon Bibiiicloï¬i gmmulc and many durum Mob mug manna plan 36 Mt gonm iiibibmms mer noun Wm nl ouhm and Hum WI hand li mod um lul um mum nhd mum mud vinyl and Muir giiiiiiï¬niimiiiï¬ï¬n ruuunm Moanmu mum comm mh mkhmq pam dewomh and muhmq llaml Homl Nomi may 41 mm Thu lnmmd mm and Mk HIM Onlmod lmm madam am am Imlthmg pmm Sumo km um mu Ihllhl FINE IABRICS FROM FAMOUS MILLS SUCH AS CANADIAN CELA NESE DAN RIVER COHAMA FRUITOFTHELOOM IN ALI OI SPRING 66 NEWEST PATTERNS COLORS IIIII 00K COORDIIIAIES MM 1m am 1966 Ebounmms WALKEIIS IOYIUL IANUARY WHITEISALE CONTINUES WITH FABULOUS SAVINGS FOR YOUR HOME DONT MISS THE MANY OUTSTANDING BARGAINS YOULL PIND THROUGHOUT THE STORE DURING THIS EVENT LIKE THE BLANKET AND EABBIC SUPER VALUES SHOWN HERE and mi Hm onva lmm madman wdmblq and MAM Wnnlk nmlnm mm mm Sumo kahn um vim wmllm pml all wddn ml Dnpr Jmn navy CLAMP DOWN ON CARS ATHENS AP Tax In treqseg2eclive Van lthltrthe MISSJELENWEBH right Eden of the WmiK sociation of the Presbyterian on hm MI rm mawmlulqnt Dy CM2m mum nlhd Mm mm Mu deM ml marmu Mr May mu Orv mu delnmnodc unlm Minn kn plkw mm and mm an my In many Mum deM Vuhm up 79¢ yuvl up ma 188 kua plank and mm wm man up luwhmly um mm mm DIMm Md Mirlul In Miniln Alvinl and mm In oil 54mm 681 rod Immu Iomnnm lem nulvhc HM lnIJMlx Iuluvrd xmnu WoJmhln and rvleuxl mumul 6w tinned lled and naumnl imam Dy Baylrm WNIq Mm mu rm In yard Jw Va many mm inn1 mm min Hm Greek molorls hind Yearly value and new can carry 180 tnx for nperaling car can be percent puryï¬ase VtaqureecVe mucï¬fasmï¬i céifz Hi nindurei no rs and Markov Church urges geï¬rqsbmgnis conm wD Blair am wood andrher daugNer Mix When up On 6911 I0 mu pm and hm lly mm 0mm TE SALE Vnhm up to 7m II Ovlglnllyllynd 88 ml 119 97 mo wmu may tn um Rog 19 mi 51 Rag 13610 In in kiwi mm wild ml Fcrne Blair Iefl allowing the allcrnoon session pmximatcly 60 women attend ed the daylong meeting 1m mm mm mum am 312 12x90 Reg Value 1293 We lhlnk youll be quick to agree that thi is our llu best if not he has blankcl bargains youve cvcr come trawl Ta replenish your own blanket supplies of for lhoughllul gift this ls one blanket buy you wont wnm In miss Individually pulybuggcd Check me oulsmnding lnlurcsl Salt lhlck long nhplc wnnl nflnrnxlmalcly lm Firm even weave lor luxurloul warmlh durable Mar Deep viscose hlmliux Iamuleer calmml and shrink rrslslant Rose llth green mullold sandalwood or lurqunlse All W001 BLANKET SAVE 4l0 gerinul drain unrfurelgn exchange Mrs Willlnm Ingram gave comments on live Mom Vhal we make oi our ham is time Im porlnnt than what our homes are made of Current events compiled by Mrs Stewart Donut11y were rxeader Mu Gordon MacDon ad The meeting closed with social hour unmet rcgards car purchascs mu Wm and many use or old lpltel were provided or Iha modemnnd advenlurous cook lpeakzr luggesled addlng dash clove to squash lun nlp or met polaloes or new and inleresllng flavor wrinkling curry pnwdar would add lnleresl Io meal or lish dlxhei luv bl ol mace wuuld pick up the flavor of chec olale cake or whlpping cream MissKay dvlml her auditm1 to Add spices xraduallly unlll Illa duired taste and flavor wax achieved ThiZguesl speaker wan Mm Kay Home Economlst Sim con County ml Mn Nurman Gllmnre was ho teu the meeting of Lelroy Womenl Insukule held lat eve mnl LefrOyWI Host Speaker FOLLOW LOCAL YASHION One of the low luduslrlcs of Cyprus Is cxporting b1ackflde false lcelh to hold chewing countricx of the 0rirnl mm unï¬t meow1 in mm in ya Vqu Welcom mm II ullmln bash manual mildly mum 1m out refl 1inus civic Ind hmlm mm us know 72645301 TDlmï¬