Wm The US position 11 um nexu flallons can only be condumd amnn governmenul which vmu ucludu the Nalloual ub oration Front4h political mm of he V101 Gongmm the con Iertnca ubIe Vï¬iiriebe mural Iorcu In South Viol Nnm wall as the government of Communist nun sllulllan by mean Mile Pruldant Johmnn hunched mu peaca drive with renew call or peace neloflaunm But with Wham would 111 ncgollglel Lgns1Arxml wag nror ncmn 11d nullwon was Intensi lltd with each new American altar to him Ihe Ida of the war mum evnnlually he US men practically Assumed ha cnllra burden of ballle But despite Increased Amer lun military slrenxlh In San Wet Nam and the bomhlng raldl an Nonh Vlct Namv vie wary against 010 rebel VM Cong An undercurrent rustrallan llu behind the vigorous United States peace ollcnslve in Vlct Nlm allowing Hm Impallcnl emlnllon the Southeast Aslar conflict In the lastyeflr FruStration Underciurrent Behind US Peace Moves Farmer m1 driver Francois Lammhe who exposed an Ieged lraflioflxlng racmIn the Ottawa police deparlment By BORIS MISKEW Cundln Pm suanfller 24A DUNLOP ST 20 50 PASCOES PASCOES STOREWIDE TOWN SHOP On Our Entlro Stock of Quality Ladlos Woar Dresses Cools Sum Sporlswour SAYS LIFE THREATENED nu In xnerrfllnlype jungle warlm proved In be Just as dlmculz the Americans It had been In the French The US involvement began with Iho use military ndvlsm but eventually the advisers ound lhcmsolm unused in ne lual baulc In 16 hall year we 25000 US personnel In Vic Nam swellcd la 50000 Ihm to 100000 The US mnvcd lnlo 50th Via Nam to keep Ule caunuy Irom falling entirely Into the hands Cnmmunmlcd reb el after the French pulled an Indochina havan nullmd 170000 cagualuu Thu Americans ï¬gured lhclr superlor naval and All power would glvu them Wm chance than lhe French had In dtalln with Presldcnt Ha CM Minh and flu Norm Viemnmcsc Tho aim American peacn ef lort was US Ambassador Ar thur Goldbergs appeal to UN Secretaryflnnm Than and ha n7mcmbcr Unlled Malian to help get pence talk going with ceasefire malnr prigrllyzu North Vlct Namwhich Iho US blames or Ihe Vie Con auc cesscshnve taken the position that the Nation leerallnn Front must plrllclpnle in any page la mulled Mondny um thrush had been mnda on his 1112 annrche shown with hls wile and seven children Is Crown OLDEST CITIZEN DIES SIIEFIELD England Raul Erllnlnl oldest tlllzcn Mls Hannah Smith dlcd hero Monday nlghl lhm dnyl nflnr colllpslnz on her mom blrlhdny What max Imparlan now is that 1h US does not lose ll patience It would be unfortu min breakdown In pallenca would lunch of furlhcr escala llon Ihe conflict below ml llcmrnl can be workcd out So far tho allorls or peace MKDHHUOM have lulled lobrlng favorable responscjrom Narlh Vlel Nam bullha llghllng has remalm contlncd small male But all lhls failed to shake Iho elderly Ho Chi Mirth and um wodd looked on In car um tho escalation the ï¬ghting might lead to lhlrd world war and new to nearly 10000 AI lhe mllllary ilrcngth Increased so dld American air strikes against Nnrlh Vietnamese ur gets strong appeal 8y Pm Paul hclyed both side reach agreement on Chrlnmu lruce and um American sus pended ho bombing anh vm Nam 53 he pcaeo drlvn lnlcnslfled witness in tho case now be iors in courts He said he quit driving taxis because oi hunts and new is driving truck CP Wircpiloiai 413th 7201521 0lN MB WI sm Premium lb Tnblonn CHOICE NEW ZEALAND £6 MB CIIOIIH ZEAIAND lAMB Em Road Foodllunr 10 Em Rd and Clmp flordm Hwy lUNCHEON MEATS msmo ASST PURE MAHMAIADES JAMfl SMITH $100 IIIIMIhTHflS SNACK ITEMS CHOICE NIZW ZMMND KM MAPLE LEAF MACH SIDE BACON IGA CATSUP GA INSTANT cumsms IGA roommm MARKET sauMiEIcx XNA COMBINATION OFFER BASKET 15c MET IIOPH BTEW BOTH FOR Wouloy Ind Mulmlnr Slo Steaketts Chicken Alplm Frlmrou Tvllnqlo Bu FRESH CUTS LEGS BREASTS LI YOUNGS IGA MARKET STROUD ONTARIO Lbl mum ï¬mw