Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1966, p. 5

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rim BARR With spbrls at We pleasant cha leoft thevcityydesk haventheen was one otthose executive farm gtart of the seasvo Ive never mad but do believe League is receivin either having too adequate Perhapuholen blame This systw thls season and out of hand would he better watch all gar the press box or clearpicture of ti mum wnn spous minor Chris Aylotttaklnga weekolf its pleasant change of pace to get back on sport and loft lhevcity desklor few daysp Ihaventbeen exactly awnylrom sport gompletely was one otthose corralled Bul McGlll when new exccutive id Barrie Seven ps was formed at the slart of the season And Ive enjoyedthis also Another example occurred at Midland Sunday after noon Midlands Dave Nichollshen and Barries Wayne Thompsonstasted pushing each other around The referee ste ped between them but finally Thompson and Nicholishen squared off and alter couple of swings clinched and were broken up again this time for good But each received two minutes for rough ing two for high sticking liveminute majors and 10 minute misconducts total of 19 penalty minutes each Ive never seen anything like this in the hun dreds of hockey games We covered Gatling away from the officials the Central 0n tario Senior League is enjoying another close season Only three points separate the top three teams Col llngwood Barrie and Orillla Midland trails Orillia by six points but have played one less game Midland is definitely missing delenccman Ray Gariepy He has coached the Flyers the past couple of seasons and whatever happcncd between Garicpy and thx club lls hurting the club more Theres apA parenlly some reason why they let Garlcpy go but they could use hlm Thplr defence l5 considerably weaker without hlm watch all games from an excellent vantage point the press box or broadcasting booth One gets very clear picture of the play below and the offsides miss ed are extremelyobvious As for calling penalties there seems to be too much inconsistency Friday night for instance the referee called minor penalties agalnst two Barrie players at the same tlme The fans as usual booed long and loud Whlle the two were off one of the three remaining Barrie players sent Midland player flying with aknee while an other Barrie player threw an elbow smash ata Mid land player that would have done Whipper Billy Wat son proud But the referee didnt call one of them There have been some cheap penalties called and at other times when you expect to see penalty call ed theres no whisile Eventhe players will admit this Someone once said that the only time referee is recognized is when he makes mistakes This is per haps true But just as player is pald to perform his best the same is expected of referees Rumors are spreading that Midland and Orlllia may be having financial dlfficuiiles Its no secret they have offered some of their top players quite bit of cash but it they cant draw more paying customers they could find themselves in serious financial sha Midland manager Guy Cancer admitted several of is players havent been paid for several gamesi Luguo lion this week will see Orillin and Barrie lay home and home series while Colllngwood and lldland will also clash twlcc Tomorrow night Bar rldfiliavéls i6 Ofillia and Midland plays at CollTngwood Bargie and Midland will have the home games Friday nig Oritlla has been coming on strong since the open lng two weeks when they couldnt buy win Barrlc knows this perhaps better than any other club They were blanked lwlce 1n row by Ortlllas Lyle Carter and the next time out only scored one goal lhey gained some revenge the last time the teams met when they mrmt lnpsided wln Parhapn tholeno rlhmonelinesman system Ls to blame This system is being employed in the league thls season and lot of games Ive seen are getting out of hand Maybe one relcree and two linesmen would be better or even two referees Its been cxcltlng hockey to date and Is hoped the clubs le overcome any present problems to con lInue the season Ive never made it practice to criticize officiating but do believe the Centralliomario Senior Hockgy League is receiving more than fair share at officials either having too many bad nights or just plain in adequate II MIKE mum Allofllrd lml Rpm Wrflu TM InnM vlnmlimu In um llnilrd Slam Mnlrxlflnnl lod lull coaching IWNWAhl Ihnw 0n DIIIIIWIII WIHY Inum III Imus Ivy mutual consent hlrlnl my film at no Ansel ullhmxl mumI mnwnll MII Hu ylm And Mm Inlm mnulh HII lnlul Ihumml um uman mum Monday Mum 1mm and Hm mlmal mum mood In vmllnz and un Ilnuv mul llnln mm divng our Allans anan In Mm mung 11¢an Inr lh Mull mmhm My IN IN MI rlu AIM Ilvlmlaml ll 1mm MI rirlrnlw mm In va Ilmlu ml um um Allan flawnnl me Inmwrml um uwl lllr Aml mm rrcnnl Auvl munmp1 lur lrzl nhlmaunm pmml min13 Imu IM My lunqu THE DARK EXAMINER DAY JANUARY 11 meuu ll Mlmal Fmvlmll llmln llvu IMNI ml llm hm Iln mu In gn rm Im runlrnd wllh II nem m1 hm wen ruled lo mm In lmru im immm AIIHOMIHZII HM Mn Ilrnn mumva at lhv Mum and Mkn hm wt Lemm Resigns As St Louis Coach RICK FBASEBS CORNER Senioi Lodp Needs Beiter Refereeing plunked Uw rluh IN llm um Inlnrnled an llnd mush HnlM IIIml Mr Hula we hlm lhil pennluim nu Law Gum lllM mde um lmmwim Ind hh Moc liun IM quilt nlrlmfl Mn llalnl Mid Iv didnt mm In Inku Mr Mkn ur It ou pvrlrr ML Allrn In lnlm m9 Four Mu WM mum mm In lhp lemnl Inna ml uml in Hw Ammmn Immw nu NH upmlmu nrr El hulk Allnnla Wde Ihll lul n01 mm mm hr III MW duh II hnrflv Mwlo Mil Nllun lm lmvn ml Anvl Wmh Inllnn him Ihll Melnnk has MM liml Willy Jun nlhrr Inkiul mrl lnr mmnlnl Rnlmn at flu lnlu an M1 My mnnlm mvlnrvll Miami Ilvnh nlm Ila mm mm now rluh llJl ON IIUIIIAHUN 131 119 UM nl llnullon In Inuml lullly Dim lmllml mmlllnl Vlulllhm MIle nnvl nu nluunl til mm lhmqmr pmlvlllvn lhnl pm MD the Ithmll lmlhnll mm mm muvlnl In wuumnn lml mm The many in Annmlmnl ll IN UR Nullnnll lnlluinln Alhlrlk Mutlnfiwl wnunllm firmlsiiim lnlk Only even paint separate 12 players In the race fur the Cen tral Ontaria Senior Hockey Lea gue scoring lille according tn figures released by league sta tistician Bill Bennctl And he pennant battle is just as close In this departmem Colhngwnodv Barrie and Orillia are separated by only two points Buddy Hume and Jon Wecks lied for the scoring lead one week ago are still 1ch with 25 poian each Drillias Home has leagueleading 15 goals and ll assisu Banks Weeks has 10 goals and 15 nsslsLs He Is fed far the load In assists with OriL Lias John Ford lls quile possible an an nounccmcnl will be made the meetings concerning the allolmcnt 01 franchises Campbell mid Im looking hopclully In some declslnns be ln made he The kague standing mildbe even lighter after action might which will we munsz may Midland and Barrie travel to Orillia fhreepolms behind the lead ers am Dames Corby Adams MONTREAL CPIThe Na tional Hockey Leagues heard of gnvcrnors will meet in New York Fab 79 to conslder np plicalmns from one Canadian organization and dozen US groups seeking spot in the leagues expansion plans Clarence Camphcu NIH Drcsidnni mid Manda he looking hnpniuiiy in he muting lnr some dclinlie de cisions aimed ni gelling sec ond sixlcam division pasl the planning stage The lmgue pmpoacs to add ha dnzcn teams In the prcs on sixMm Inop Inr the 1967418 season possible nr i1 ml by the opening the 196869 Ichcdulc He laid lhe fuel lhnl Elly hm betn dccmul IHUIIMCH NHL requirement docs not mlelrily mvnn lranrllim will be nulamaliznlly nllnucd lhtrc 1m OcInlwr the league had mnuunud lhnl Vnnrlxnvrn San Frnnciaco OaklnmL SI UNI and In ArmIr con lm mam NHL Itnnrlnnli Weeksflorne setPace In Sr scaring Race Huwevar unlikely lhnl mum at six would he loci York N01 The Sun Prnnrlnm nnklnnd Itcflnn wax rpmle coplngrnl an Ihu camplrllun ho new Onklnml Alnlmdn lucduhd to npcnmrly ml yrar ullh nymph unllnu cnparny nr mmlrrnllnlinn lhc Tuw lnl rumnl Immr Sun Frnnrlxtn In Wanm Mky Haunt lmnplcllnn HI HMNNII new Mrnn lnlho lullc Nullnnnl thllllllm erlml Vnnrnn II Iramu alipulnllon lo lhn rlly ll ll undrmnwl Hull Vflmml vrrn nxvplicnnnn mm mm In runrnl wnru nmml rr wk ha anr Thu NIH pmhlrul Inlrl applirnllmu have lwcn NIva lunnu hwlmmlm frnm mu In Iho UH TUIWNTO PJHW HIIFI uh Mmln fixlmrmr lnull um Impmvrvl In Tumult lrul rnr lull Ir Mman In laniI Inn Inlawn And llvmlnn HIM lmuu innu lhp mid Mum day Fwnlnl Ihw qwnln llnlnlhi Irlnl mull lur 19M Im rumv Junw um llml lu um mnnlhI Im 5w mm mul Mm In Toumln NI Maul emy um Irava lrlgl In lhyl guy Inma mm II nairl hl urlmlull hml IHHVNI Mulml In MIMI and Immnn nmply harmn MA lllllnnn hull and III lluwl aullnMr mnmmodnllun haw vial puminle mm mm In 13 Applications For NHL Entry To Be Discussed Toronto Trials Improve For Court wasnma Lud AziAMszzpo1nu mum mm lender was extremely lhnl lull comple six new Iranchlsu decided on In New Ford one pomt behind Adams and Hall and am point behind him are Bill Kennedy of iaDon £5p146lbson Cullingwoods 3111 Abbott next WM 19 points andhin line malcs Arnald Smilh and Rec 3131mm have 13 points each led with Drilllal Nick Ken Rounding oul the mpscorcn In lhe league are Midlnnds Lloyd Boyer wkh 11 points and Bnrrlc defenceman Ken Robert smeilhlls points and Grilliaa John Hall Adams L1 nmnerup to Horne1n the gall 31equ with Midlandan liarrries liob Gam EmHes Home Forbes stlll roads in most penalty minum He has servegi 61 mimics flame goaltender Jim Couch ls making strung bid or rookie lhe year honors He said ihc idoniily of the various uppilcunls must remain conildeniinl but did disclose that the league received live appllcuiiuns from Los Angelo groups lwo Irom Pittsburgh hopniuis and one each from San Francisco MinneapolisSt Paul St Louis Baltimore Ind Bulinio The Ballimnrc application belicvcd be mm Robert Embry prcsldcn Baltimore Ice Sports Inn whlch nnw npcralcs Baltimore Cllppern in the American lorkey Dengue The Burlaln nmlranl nre headed by Ruby Pnslor presi dent the MIL mums whu has the backing civic groups In that cammunfly Wllliam Jcnnings prcsldcnl of New Yvrk Hunger and lcngue governor has sald he personally rs Balllmore and MinneapolisSt Paul sub lccl to final chctk on lheir buildings and playan focililJcs nnhlnsnn was ptnklnz nl Ihe nnnunl nnnl llmh mom rclrbrlly dinnrr hem nl whlch the Hula league allmu bmlmll loam lrnm nenrhy Slanty ka Onl wn hnnnml There hnl botn Mum trill clsm mm Iuguc Imll Inld llnhlnsnn hut Im All nr It lung canchu Ind mm re nun the pressure 01 ulnninn Ihnuhl nut be loo urml ml me boy lhrm rtlnx nml cnluy Um unmr HAMILTON 10F lnckle Rnhlnsun he Hul Ntxro la play In hnsthfllll mqu lcnunu lnlcndnl mu lungun bascball Mandny nlxhl Inuunnn mr pom plan lhu ufllvr lny lmmrlrd urxrnl plarmu oumlm rm mlly WW Kul lhu puck rm IM viM mu lmknl up llum um lm urn Muml In rmmlwl pmmon In hml Hu mun Iackie Robinson Defends LI Ball II Ilka lmu In lwnl no ganrndlu lwlmr ynu In llw inlnr mu 11m mill II link IMHUIH 11w um Mail In no lch Jutl Iulinl Ill mm my mu MI he mini man had In thuhvl Indrml 41 me lor lnalumv Nmmil UIL mm van in In Ml mi in luml Im MI mum Mu In Mu Mvm In hml Ill Inn Name Mr lexan 01 mm ha Umnu In Hm In WIN Ml IIM ll wu ImnIlinl In Sq AImul Um and hulkmi ll IMII In Imu ammll luc um Ilulnl hm mme In find wt yum mm ummwnh he mm man my Gonnué HOWES ll liUlllllH DWI has played 11117 Bardea 18 games Doug Foole has played the other Their combined gods against average at 385 but in the league Home Orillla Weeks Barrie Adams Barri Hall Drillin Ford0rillla Kennedy Oril glbson 41mm Abbott Coiling gard Kennedi Orll Smi 9011l Boyer Midland Robertson Barrie and Ford Onllln 15 penalties Forbes Ban1e 57 minnm xoalbcnding Barrie 388 aver age Or in Midiand LEADERS Points Week Banie and Harm 0111113 75 goalsLllq nssjsll ngks TORONTO CP Toronlo Argument of lhe Euler Foot ball Cnnkrcnce odny In nounced he signlnz rookie quarterback Bill Van Burklco and vnlnran tackles Bill Frank and Danny Nyknluk or Ih 196G mason Van Burklco 11 was with the Argus or about wack early last September before they dropped him former Tulsa Univerlily player he lmnnnndcr then moved to Dal In where served conch gcncrnl manager and quarter back or mu professlunal tlub or me rcmalndcr the I966 season Tommi mama Drillin mo mama Colllngwood Friday Ori1lia at BARBIE 330 Callingwood at Midland Nyknluk 31 wlllbe llarllnx his In season Al allcnsive lackla with he Ara welsh 250 mundn Frnnk 27 unnlher nthnaive lackle Jointd lho Argon In mld season Ins year from Dnllu Cowboy the Milan Fool bnll Magus The uspoundcr prcvlumly wu wllh Drlllnh Culumbll Hon he Vcllem lootbnll Canlerencc Drillll MINUS Futun Wednesday Mlflnfl Friday Ihmllvilk Orll lln Parry 5011an olllnmmd Pennlnnx Colllnzuood my Sound imiumnu mnmm If lull dinn he lvplh It In I11 any it In UNI had humus 11ml yhpl mm an or In ml mu mll nml lur Un allow in burly um anr In rnrmlln llwn Aunln puum urlnunnm ym mm In lmllan Ilwle mm rlmrk Mm lwrmm ho II Nunth mll rnmllfv Iw hlm mm In shmxl pull mu Players Signed By Toronto Argos Whm Mlnrl lnmmmt wu IIIII lhv thin In nl lmr wd nu lunl um when ho m1 Alma MI rd any mm mm had yril Hm xvi3n or mmhl ruhor mm hi my Ilrmm we um nl xhnk Wu hunlg nm mu In MINI mt On day luv Ill llmhl IRII Id NV DNA Mm lyn but In uh vlvun umt am In nnvlwly lr lhul pan Rn be mu lvllln Drunk MI and may mm my luv GB JUNIOR Fulurz STANDINGS ll 10 Dvlvmhin or my Mulrr rhnuuv play mnlnw lhe 1mm Mllan VSetting FNHLV Records sumuc released by NHL headquaflera today shnw that the Chicago Black Hawks star lefl winger led all amen last week with an MS boaslflng hlslptal Io or thaAuasun MONTREAI CF Bnhby Hun ISA luman out to be the biggest oneman show in lh NA uonal Hockey League iota lo 55 Hr tha seasun including leaguelentil 31 1° He has piaycd in 30 oi Chi cagos games missing Inur conicsls earlier in the scan due to knee and back iniury Earring miller injury um 27 yearold nnliva oi Point Anne Uni name game remaining in more 19 gonis and immune record 50 Koala in season which he imid joiniiy with Man rice Rocket Bighard Vand Berni Boom Emmi mominn bath former Montreai Canarijen playcrs Hull 11 also lhrealenlng to break two records belonginz Dickie Monro formerly of Mum real andTomnw Maple mu They are mos poinu In nne sca aon and must polnls in ong sea son by lellwingu Amssnn qus Mom won the scorin cham plonship in 195 en he massed 96 minis with he Ca nadians Hul 42 polnls away zombreaklng thatmgrk NEW YORK New York hackey ans who thought Ihe Ranger were nncr Bos ens ough Tad Green had lheir signals mused Reg Flgmlnginna brawnx Hulls lead in the individual scoring ynrade to date is cum inrlnbie la poinls over runners up Norm miman of Detroit Red Wings and Bobby nnusscau oi Montreal who are tied for no Fleming was traded by the Hawk Down In 1964 Ind rcspondcd with Ihe but point produclion of his caner Ha scored ll goal and added 23 assisls TORONN CWSunkxy ho crmflnulnx war norm in mrllngrcmalna the bi nurs uon mlny clxh rink pro ran In throw lhoir lirllhlnnel the aptnan mum ma Twumnmn Lnsr Can lha Wmlom rlnkl rutInd by Ht Glnnls 01 Ed monmn Tmy Hrnumlrln Winnlm and Ernie Hunt wnx Ilonlnn lmxmmo dnm Ila Ibo Mylo and play hy llc lanz low nmrlnz hnrd hilflnz my gm of Scmlhh rink lrmn lmh urn lhu Me with lhn qulrt drnw um ylny Um won them the IBM bmllnnd rlmxmulnnnllnm xNrnn Dyllan nu Donn Cameron rlnk Ulnrlmlrlnwn In Hmyom In nrlmlrlm Hmyam why each mm he Am annuly can upon In win every draw Ind Much al will lulu to man ray lha malth pm mu In rnrh Mp than In nuru um upymiuun bu um Imnlanr why In rurnu gnzflrml or rndl MI nny nlURITI 0N Mrnulal lavnrllo II flu dnvlly lllrllnnhm xlnk our llmn Innudlun IIIII wnlrl dmnmlnm So In in ludmnl Inun Hlullvum ramr IM lmmnuwnl ha only IM who that Im dwlwl lem an rluzir upon rlnlwl Iraw out ervnh Rangers Trade McKenzie To Bruins For Fleming TOURNAMENT 0F CHAMPS Nolh Amulun Llll Allurlnu Company KI Hulan Fl lull PM Eight Top Rinks Open Play Today iaoi LACHANCE cw nuna mm mm Mmin rum lnlllvlvlual Tu Exunpl ImInn Nani Why no pmnrvn wlm you luvs trailed by good Emlo Plannlng nmhw Aml lnmlul Lllq lnlur Stan Miklla ol Chicago who has ganevelghl gamearwiuuut goal and has only ilx points In his last 11 games slipped to fourth place with 40 points HOWE IS FIFTH uni pines wllh 52 going uplecle Gordie Howe Detroit In Huh wllh 38 palms olluwed by linemalcyMu Delvecchio with 35 palm unsseau lead tha league asshls with 26 mm more than mlman Jeran rellveau Mantra lowering centre who missed our ganws last week due to groin Injury holds down seventh place with 34 points The inycawld chacklnl apo clnlm had nur goal and II In Um opening nmu Sour rrmlo math llayn lwraumn In 11 mwnl the world hunk llny Mirand 15 skip In Hu flrnl mum km ur cm Romenine mmNrml accuraln hmlnu nml drawing In win Hu mnml mulch rndinx nurnnmcnl winner and lamm mum dmmplou An olher urong cunundcr In nrnumlcin mm rhnmllltm nnd runnerup In the world finals Rmnmlimx ml Hue alumwarn entry IL nm rink skipped by Jack Polrbnnk cl Klrktnnd Luke mu llunrnkip jn 1M mm nomminn Inn nndJim Shawns Tommo Curling Am clallon winner Miller HIMAL 11m openlnx dnw pit Camp mm axnlml 6mm in mulch 11m yura Iiml Cam mm Ihn Mlnnlic provincwl vnly rntry Ml hehlml In 1hr mul Inn and mm urn In In rcxum nwtlmdlrnl victory Hul finkl ylny our MN dma hm lhr nrlinn viclu nu with llerJ lumen ndmlulnl m1 WMnmlny Md awn Thur thy Who In 1er mum why In In mul llnnl Friday nflr mun nml llve wlnnm mm In MI Frldny nigh slnh run lumnrhnlll MAI vlhml mum than mm 1w Hmllluh and US nu wIH nmwt only luluu mm In pyr Ima Imnlmr rnlin Mllrlnh haw IrvI mu REG FLEMING BOBBY BULL Bub Nevln ol NewYork Ranl ers is in eighth spot with as polnls allowed by Bob Puflord Toronla wlln 821mm and Murray Ollver of Boston Brulns and Henri Rlchard Montreal llh 30 palnls each The Montreal nelmlndlnz cam binnllon lame GumplWow lay and Charllu Hodge regained the lead in the gunllcndera bu ytle wlfll goalsagainst Averngc ol 2A5 wruparedlo the 25 av craze of Glenn Hall and mkio Dave Dryden Chlcaga Ullman Dc Romaall Ml Mikka Chi vae Del Delvecchlo Del Eclivcau Mu Nevin NY Pullnrd Tar Oliver Bo Richard Md Balhgale Del Mohns Ch Marshall NY Provosb Julg Smllhi Dot Roger érozler Dclrén had the league inmhutwu ling Dercnccman Ted Grmi of Boston lead individual players In penalty minutes with 91 while New York has he most minute among the six teamkm Espashohchl Hay 0h Gilbert NY md phi Lapemere ml assists this season or lilo lul piace Bmln but had fallen out of avor willl coach Mill Schmidt Schmidt recenll gava the leyear veteran lonxue laihing or lethargic play and Fleman claimed in playinguongh as In lhe ype forward we need Ranger pilot Emil Franck um Hcx aggressive He has Ian brawn and make good use it Weve gem met him or hug me The Rangers nlsu recalled Ilod swungsz year old or ward defenccman mm Ihcir Minnnsnla Iann loam and re turned cum Jlm Johnson to the Ccnlrnl League club McKenzie 18 New York ram 1965 trade has in assists Ill RICHARD RELEASED MONTREAL CWMIMIC iiicilnrd Jri Inn oi Lhe illustri oul Racket has been reiuled irnm the University Moni uai Carabins oi the Senior inieruoiiexinln iiocirey hung in lha iivn mu pilyed or in Canbim thin leaon the non of lhe iomr mum Canadians Ilnr mud hm zanll OPERATE 0N CATCIIER DETROIT AP Detroit 11 Karl ulcher nlll Freehln un derwml un Ippendcclomy ll Dclroil hnxnllnl Monday Doc lon lnld lhu surgery would not Mount him lrnm Iluflnl Iprlng lralnlnl on Ichedull ncxl monlh 3mm 11 COVINGTON CHICAGO AP CMtIla Cubs Icqulml uu Cavlnllm Mnndny lrnm Philadelphi Million In nthnu lor Doul Cleman In mum lrldl bl NuUnnnl Imam oullltldm FOIIMER GIANT DIE TUIHIK MI MN Am dnw Inrkxum Mr nha played prufmlnnal huthull lnur yum wllh um nld an Vulk Glnnll Hod Mnndly Inl lnulng nhnrl lllnm Inn mm Ihlnl hnmnnnmIUMIIrI Mlh he rilnnln mm mm nllo HILI rar ruminnll In Ham with law emfan mnlely hmle tn llm gunL TEan an Illnvuvl lu Hank one Fm Mme lwv In mu Iru PnHlllN nu Ian Hui nrxl rnd SCISSORED SPORT The leaders OCchK RELAXER who came In Chlcagn six goal and season nlsu recalled year old 10 ma Mm

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