Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1966, p. 7

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Leafs HGbS Phil Elwin Chico Mail saves on bullet drlvu in Red Hg Indrmldq Ken Hodge um three minutes of the lax By CANADIAN PRESS v4 MQIVTEEAL nmprr wm Tho olhcr Ranker 2031 were dislributtd nmnnx Earl Ingnr licld Jenn Hatelie rnnkie Jimmy Johnson And drltnce man Wnyna lllllmnn Mch ionlrcnl Dflmfl Tnmnm 15 11 New York an nmlnn Chicagn went to the Garden or Sam afternoon Na Iinnal Hockey ague game xld Ing an ugnme unbeaten slreak on Eangers home Ice that dnled back to March 196 The Canadian visited Dnlrol Sunday night looking or their first victory In 12 gums agalnst the Red Wings at the Olympla but were flopped by nel minder Roger szicr and the rest or the Red Wings Mofiircnls winles slroak Dclrail dale back lo Fab BS Munlxcal linked the luwly Eu lon Bruins and Dclralt luwntd anunlo Mapln Mall Sunday other lame law Boston edge the Ranger 31 and Chicago but Tomnlo Vic Ilndfidd stand two goal to Icad he Runner lhclr vic nry over the Blnck Hawk urflny Rummy unlll Boslhn Monk Dolmil lnrumlu Guam New mk Runduyl null Mnnlrrul bdrm Tnnmm Chlmm mum New York Howawr Chimgo got Iurprlse the Ranger played Inspiring hockey and boat the Black Hawa 64 before 3102 persons who managcho gel to the rink despite the New York lransll strike The vnclury also mapped New Yorks losing streak at HEB gages 11mm Gum Tomnin Munlrml Cnitnm at nnstnn Amrvirgm lnxnn 0mm rrshry gmqqirm New York Rangers broke Chlcago Black Hawks domina llon in Madison Square Garden while Momma Canndlen re tained 1211 1an at Detroit Olympia Pan Mumm flndmrr lnulmrxh Jrvrlnnd Mlnlo mumy Mull Ilnuhry HnHmuu 1mm Nuflnlu lulsmuh lunltlmru llnwlmu minUrn lrvwdenca Am at km llllllnlnfll Im Irvrlnnd 11 Mlnlo IO Illrdfll null win 1mm nunwur mm MIN INlnhulm Dnfllmnm Hpriynfirbl Virnm lmdnnd Vnnn uur San Fran with 37 III III In an AnKvN II 77 mu In It Mlludlyl nrmll Amvtnrr lmflnnd Aumn uuum Fan Fvancwu IN Angola Vlduvln lmllnnd Turulnln omu IIanIIEH mum lmannr nl KIWI YUM Iuudnva Hum lmiluml nl Wrrm By TIE CANADIAN FREE NnUonll hum Lulun Iflylilnn 15 710 Md ISM II II Hr ID l1 firm DIMhm Inn lulu 10 10 ID 15 HOCKEY RECORD L1 AH 71 In lo ll 11 mi Q7 ID II llu 01 IV CH Inc IM Id nflnw mmnm mmmmm JilJn 1101mm can HG ll El 02 91 Ranger we unable to put two vlclorlu together makle calla Bemle Pam sparked the lastplace Brulnl over the filth place mum Sugday ylghl Pit Mnrlln Murray Oliver and Dean PrcnUce scored fur the Bruins John BILHonda wns lav13pr Yogk mafisman Mumphh 17 411 IN Oklahoma ll 9632 51 Lou 11H an 943 mm new Illa 101 Mums 1114 9119 Sllwdul Hun Oklnhnmn Guy mlnnmu ImLI lth thpth 01mm pd Thrdperlod goal by Full Henderson and Nam Ullmnn curried lhu Red Wings to their vlslory over Mnnlrcqlfiunday Ronhffiffihy and dolenccrfin Doug Barkley corcd the olhtr Demll goals while 611ch how my and Dick Dull mom or MonlreaL mqu Oklahoma 51 Louis mum Phil Elwin Chico Mail Red Hay and rookie Ken Hodge twera Chlcaxol goalgene Cesare Manlazo pinylng his first game In the New ank nu since coming up mm Baltimore of the American League 1m Leek ldckod out 33 Chlcam 015 by Hull Chicngo league eadlng mom came out of the game will gash ever the left eya ram 19 slick Ranger delenceman Jim Neilson Six stitch were needed lo close the cm The vnctury ended inflame Emlun losing streak and was may he xccond in 15 mm or me Bruinsbath agalnst Ihe Rangers Crozler was brilliant In the nelx making bum during the game lncludinz 17 in the 1131 permit Ullmnn and leer ruxlrnlod Toronln aimost every turn Saturday night nu the Red Wian edged ha Maple LcnfL Crazler mndn lhm gun Sandy nuum Mnmphh 5L Inuit ndsn 1an guy Wrdnmhyl um Memphis ll Minimal Mm Imi Ilmlslm nl Oklahnmn My CRflZIEfl BRILLIANT lrlcflmmunfl Hmmlnm Mulllrml Tumult Klldrnnr Kl LMharlnu lxmdnn mm ununm llrlull Mllmnn lewn Nundlyl null lmllmxmum Mmsz Ruther fill alhnrnfl anunlu nl Muum Full mhnua Al lnmhm nmm llUnEIlnn all HULL CUT lerll Pmlmlnl 01M Junlnr HIM Mnlnr mm L1 Ill AM OH 10011 INDWITI llll MM 145 all 9131 711911171 11 ll IN MM N0 WMTINU EXPan WURKMAN mll lawnmu loll Tynan IIHYINU II lmnllm II mm Hum In llulwn mum Im Win In lflllluI IL IM IN bnl unlrn mum Tomlin In Huth lmn nnbm NOIICE II 92 1m Mn Bob Puflord Red Kelly mud milk Mnhavndl mind or the M3 Th Canadians led by gun lender Charlie Hodga wifll his first ibulnul of tha uason fly fly overwhelmed he Bruin Suk urday night quqE sxmnr ge wa making his nlli appearance in the Montreal net while Lorne Sump Worxley has played In the other Kama Hodge made 28 um Including tavern laugh nnu 111 lb earIy mlnucx the first period Three norm picked up their 11th nah he mason Henri nlchnrd Yvan Cournoyar and Gilles Tremblay other Mammal marksmcn wera dclcnccman Jacque Lupcrrler Red Bcrcnson and John Fergu Ion ull mlght hava required nix sliichu Saturday but it didnt stop him lrom scoring hi 32nd gnu In 30 games Sundny night against ha um Olhcr Chicano marksman Sunday were Hay Len Lunde Dan Mohnl and Eric Nmeh enko Hack Hawks now have 45 points Kn Du langua Ilandlngx film more than Munlrul Ind Detroit who are ch far sccnnd place Tarnnln In lourlh ml with 35 poinls allowed by lhe Runners wilh 13 mum is In Iixlh place wilh I7 mlnlt Henderson and Murphy wen he other Delmit scorers while Hon Elli nefled 1h lone Tor nnlo marker wmunrk duh Iiundny hull Gmlxrh man Oakvillo FrMuI Gum Oakvllle Guelph Wmdsuxk n1 Gnl SUNDAY Zulun Inna Clinton NM won New Jany Mn Mum Mumlown Greensboro thrlllr flunrlmu Jnckxmvlllo Kmxleh lnwrnlllmul lulu Toledo liayhm Nan Im HIM saves on bullet drIvu in Ihc Int three minutes of the lame while Ullrnnn scored one gut and harrassed Taronlu defend ers III night with crecheck Inz xdayl burpain 4mm cm ngalrm Onlmlle Ellunllyl er lffih Smllhl Talk Huh bury Mmlnislmrl Muvllln mm ny mum Mnrmlmn Full Wlimu Mmlldm lmnr Srnnk Fka Stlhlrk Dmlrn Wmmnll Vulun Kaila Calgary IllKim MW Mnhr My Dnlmhrller lrnllll Jun Emil Full lluukrdmry 011mm alelh llmchlllq mum Funu NOIM Junhr Nunh Ilfiy Smlll Ht Mam HIMMII Emm Falmw mm Mum mm Mnnavrht mm my WMIIMI luvnu uenlu end But Don dasbom iruci or two quick Midland goals to narrow ihe margin in be fore Al Smith scored for Barrie yIiLh Just over minute mmnlm Dmillna acrobnllu were the box pm the show lnr 50 dlscnchanlcd am who wnlched the Crash nallonnl um dam Canada Sunday It wu dcchlve reversal the muting belwun he name two clubs in Kitchener nlghl whlch lha Canadllnl Mn night alt In KHchcner and was vclernn Vlndlmlr Nadrchnl who bore brunt of lhu Cn mullans sharpshooung In one hair Ines perlormnncu 1n yam But he Cuchs were full value or ht1r victory Sunday lhelr first In our meetings wllh Canada on lhclr currcnl Nnrl Amvrlcnn nun nzuiuu whn wunl he lull Ibln nr Any oxolcssionll oflm um um ha HIM Wflllbl mynv IH wu healtn only mm whrn Georxa Fnulknrr finished all Hrntpcriod power phy Io Dzunlln mo Czech goallbnder whom Toronto Ma le Leafs have on their negolln on 1m wont be playing In the Nannnl Hockey League unlll It leul IBM But hell lake 10nd men orlzs of Maple Leah Garden bank in Cxcchoalovnkln Chum llodn who ulnrd MI lral shutout of lho non Munlrenl Cnnndhnl whlmml Hallon nmInI 60 Snlurdny THE BAREIE EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY II 19 Norm UllnllL who land 1001 And mlmd on Mner DNmIl MI Vlnu llnwnnl Tor oulo Manly lull JI Salunhy Vln mum whu lroml two mm nml nnhIM nmflhrr New ank In avrr whclmrd Clxlrnzn mm Hnwku finlunln Ilalvr mlrr whn Her out Ihnll l1 Mm In llnll Mind Um Mum MountAl 41 Sunday lloml llfill Mm 13ml Iholl lnrludlnl mch mm lnHvlnnk mm In Ilnslnn wll Nrw York II Mutiny mu who mm mud and mum on leu InI lhlruo vlrlury Turnntn Sunday THE CANADIAN HIE CANADIRNS BOOED TORONTO CF Vladimlr Czechs Defeat Nationals 51 NHL STARS 429 Niko 51mm Bmlo 7290254 Cuh and Carry Punhml Sublet to Dluounl of ma DELIVERY ON necumonnms Iho Plan Wlma Pvlco Quallly Ind Sorvlco Mu BUILDING MATERIAlS M7511qu pamdfllhe Bame 66 lmoe Garner fired two xoaII holkhen one 01 the clubs out stapging playeri Dzurilla ha plenty of help mm loam mm The Cm autlhted and am rhnrked Ihclr npponcnu And their dclnncemm blocked many than me gopltepézr 11y contrast Caman dalm alve In were rcspomible or all Ive Czech nan Three tame on breaknwnyx two lhcm while Um vhilnrl were lhurlhnndtd give the Canadlam tomponry 11 HES FLAWLESS nil performance lha rut al the way wu flawless He wu particularly ndcpl making Ilirk aam that pinyed the puck afcly out reach or an Ca nndlnn Mlnckerl Jnroalav Hnlik Jnsd Cvach Vaclav Nedomnnsky Sunlsllv Pry Ind Jlrl Honk Mr Ihu Czcrh marhmcn Nulomamky bl renlra whn II on New ank nnxm mouallnn 1m Icond one me mml Amlnculnr mm mm Jumhv 11on an or Xmerrer me he infirm pmKva Intro In own and and crulud In unmnluud lu bell Canndlnn goalle Knn Broderick clon ranze CANADIAN 00770 Thu crowd booed ha Cunn dlnm who nppcnrul xlhorlm Iud mall Hue way Mul mlmd numb nl Icaran ownrlum lllu lhrmxgh poor nhooun Infill 10er Ihflr Ihul Wore mm In Kitchener Sal urdny Hm lnnndlnru mum play uu mm punM mum nrwunlinl or Uer 0er ml Th Lurrhl lnnk club um pcnnlllu hul klllul my of them wimnul nlfllrully Miner and Mn ml nlhcr lnllirl Mme mm llul Conlln hry DIM Urk Mr 7Mm lmy DMnlley aml le lul nurh Jnrklr Mnclml Jnnl nolnnkn JMI Klnmm Jill llollk lfpllul lug Um TH um iwnumu 5le mnly lrrlurm lhl lwn 1mm nnmln umlml lnln In lurl lwlnra lmlnnkn pul zrclmlo nil an ha rnm Ihm an llmvmlml mun pm Elf mm Icnml mco In Hm mom wxlml lwnn Innmn puIINI fly in Iho lhlsd Ll Emu Fab Gamer Ind 10 Weeks opened tho scoring be first period when hls quick backhander slid into the tar corner Terry Vale tied the More 554 kneeth drive from the left side wen beth Couth pads and Al play with Garner and Robert son ll 1057 Garner titled high Sim into the abort side at 05 alter taking 3pm from Smilh and at 1209 Ad ams Weeks and Howie Inrbes combined wlth Adam tho rig Kenyan and replaced mgular ML minder Chuck Jewell wllll Har vey Benoit In the second period It was Benoltn first appearance with Midland ln the three sen Ionl he has been auzAuoalknd OPENS SCORING mdwny through the period Barrie Ilmck for thaw E0315 within two mum and 12 sec up six eight penaltlu called in the first hall at the period but mauled keep Flym of he scoreboard thanks to the mat ellon of Jim Couch But It 15 with the Iunu at lull strength Cosbam popped rebound Into the nd and less than mlnnte later he Upped ln zaalmoulll pm to narrow the margin in one Zeal Al Smith came back fur the THE CANADIAN PRES Hubby Hull wred one goal Ind plrkcd up mm mist ln luv wnrkend National llackty Magma games In berm in dividual nearing lead 56 Wlnu ym Alumnick um Ml winger ha leaguelead In 31 goal and 21 mm giv SevenUm af 1552 fimiyfi mi lax£1 an npass mm 51 nyne Thomson an lshLn collided It 1730 oi Ihe por Iod and when the shoving and liming was over cam rmhcd mnor manic or blah slick lnx roughlnz Iva mlnutu COUCH HM PRAGUE CP Henlm Tlu lourlnl Sherhmnka Ilen hmkry lum drlenlul ma Curhollnvnk nnllnnnl Ju nlnr Mm Snmlny mull 0r III mam wln in lhm 11an In chmlovnkln The Hun 1W Allin Cup winners In In Hill In enrh ho llnl an leconll wrlmln Ind llmn In Iho llnnl prrlnd While holding lha Tlrrhnlnvnk um la mm mm In mlvxl Scarlnt or um llcnmx uhn mm 1h Ahrnrno Cup In Black hnlm wlnu Marlan lnur cl IIOVIIHII um loll wlngrr Lnny llnmlu wllh lwn vinyl conch Imm llny IIIM wlnm Mnlviu Ilmlw blu lrllwlnur IlrlvIm llhhrr rapinle IM levln lull unlve mun Tulllr Sherbrooke Gains Second Win Over Czech Juniors Hull Picks Up Four Points To Increase Scoring Lead BAY CITY Fflllll Bob Gamer took lot of Rum out of me Flycrs at 244 at the third period Fiyeu were one man short and SevenUp lwn whemcuner gained pmumlm be puck In own comer stickhandled Lhmugh three Mid land players and beat Hermit wflh low drive to the lar ride Final goal cum period came at 19M when George Wesuall tipped in passout Irom George Vale Flym again held the shoot ng edge fill period 14 and bnéefiakaln 16118 was may tic Second Period MidlandCost Lawson Vala 15M MIdlandCosbom Gibson Fallis 130 BarrieA Smith Garner 1151 Families Garmr Week Cospom mlchie Aflqlgerm Shou on By Harrie By Alldland Ina him 15min lead our numelwp Nnrm Ullman of De lmll ltd Winn Ind nob llmmnu of Montreal Cnna ans who are IN or Iccond place mm mum In low plncc in the Imrinl Min 40 minLL lwo mm than Gnrfiko law Dclvg In sixth place point and Jun lloHvelu Mnnlrcnl round out the biz mm mm polnu Barriew Adams Folhe 131 AfidlandT Vela Vale Hill 354 BarrieA Smith Garner Robertson 1057 Bmikdarnw Smllhfi 1106 BarrieAdams Weekx Forbes 1209 Pmalllu Thmmasau H111 0f Sml Thommnn minors mam misconduct Nichollshen milk nrs majnr mlscondncl Thompson minor major LIL mm unique nu Damn Duhchin Drlrnl Ml Mnnlrrnl 27 DarrinGarner lfl MidlandWcflfafl Vale Pcnalllu Gram Milli lulman Mini lwlumu Mantran 11W EXAMINEII WANT ADS lllONlI TMZM IILTHI Muir WE NIM In Milth Do you run short of cars when business picks up Nn1vwmnmmm um III IVY mmm mmM RENTACAR SYSIEM SllBI lid mm Period SUMMARY Flnl Perlod 19M Gram Gamcr XI all$2 7201Hl Mil 1122 16M Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed Suaranteed Guaranteed replacement Speedy Brown flmlc LN WI Alm adjulldanrmuhanlmw nl wam leaks lnslall and malt lulu luwndmonerl Inductth We have lnahop and Mobil Ssrvlco or Bank and the sur mundlng araa Auto Glass uAad win Qbmwhq mmu man 304 Imv wm 6mm 1m 7m ma mu 1sz PaulSaqu DryChat vaoan and Inluud lav mu oi man an Eqwl II 91 km Ihan alum leymnh riu nu Chou bvm maul om1m mollll Flymvulk Ponlvu WM mH inf Md mlny DIIV 95 CHARM Wm hm JUST ASK YOUR INSURANCE CO IIO DUNLOP STA 7266 mind as Mary se 72379 watertight top quality glass quick inskallaliuu good price correct trim Ht Ch BATTERY IIHI In 695 gm xrmlm hpChu

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