Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1966, p. 6

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in manlag by her faiher tho bride wore an Em plra gown oi imporlcd French pcnu de sole designed with lull length Iillne skirt nccenicd wiih chnpcl Imin The brides cathedral veil cl silk llluxlon was held by tiara Iced pearls liar cascade bouquet wax inshioncd oi while orchids sur denins and stnphnnolls in bride Is the Klan hm of Mr and Mrs Gordan Wor den ol Mltchcll Ont bride groom armor resident at Bar fie In the son 01 ML and Mrs Robert Wheeler of Blake 5L Barrie EMPIRE com mlAWA 131 wumnn may lvuy um mnmm IIHM In mm pan Inn and niza glmm and um All qu hl mt mwmlwd by mmmm 15eran lmutlrlfl INVVILllflzuY Miss Gayle Alwell gang Mnrla and Perch Love companicd by the organist Maclnnis lw Nun Nam mfiflééiichl lmul ml Um pvmn than at uvguwnn fitdlmvi Vows were exchangtd 1n Lon don Ontario between Barbara Ann Worden and Robert James Wheeler both 01 Lbnt city Rev Father Lever afliclalnd at he marplngril PM owlnl um llmmllru the 3M mrrhulnl that mm In Inm umhlmm In um nl drum Mr Ivy miewul manninth Hm Im Ia may wt Imiy MM ullwm may In an INK nr hm mm or up mm WWI Mf Mid Prlllny In nlmflnm ow mm 31in 1mm In nllnr In mm WIN IWMIQ My were bet Sizes Vary In Ladies Clothes London Wedding Of Local Interest afEmoon when offlcm of Squadron Grey and Sim mm ot tau 61w MIL AND MRS ROBERT JAMES WHKHLEH OFFICERS ENTERTAINAT ANNUAL TEA The brldegraoma bromér Bern Wheeler 01 Toronto was hes mun Ken Warden of Michfll the brides bmlbcr and Edward Hall of London amended as ush The brldel allendnnu Inclu ded Mlss Sharon Callrill of Lon don the maid of huxwr Miss Faye McKenzie of MontreaL the bfidnsmald and junior bridesmaid MLss Diane Banan me 01 Atwood Carrying through the bridal theme the Allen ants wars ld enlical floor Icnth gown 01 ten que peau de sol lashionod an Empire lines 11w wore matching peau de soie headdres sc and carried cascade bouqu at of WhHI gnrdenla and sle phanons Gulls mendnd from the sum Californla Toronto Kim ardlne Windsor Kllchuner Oshawa nan1c Niagara Falls and Inndm HONEYMOON tr mt Graver drrml mmnd duiuml or lhn tren ll mum lnrnun Imt dam um manly loo high or flu mnlun ml Iludy mink rlallm haul nklnw ham and mum hum nhml hry ml up when human In NH Tull MI and nlclor wnnwn Ill mmm Ivy mamumur ITUDINTI WIN TORONTO ltl Tun Ilu drnll rum he Unhmny nl erhunn at Ann Arbor won lhn uwnl ml Iomrn mm In anndlun Invlmr lllvlnl rlmm lumMpl hm Nahum mu anlmlwy and mm KIM Mm Vulmw qu mm Mm illnl nut commla under mm nlml hermit nl muizllom hy Ihn Uan sum Amnlur Am Ich Union mm In uxy vlr mm In the hmmm umn sulunluy In mm In nun who llu boll nnn Friday nuhl eoo Neda named New You Tea In lhe photo alum Mm Hams Steele wife the Dffiom Command Imam hr MI barAnn rs as Instructed Ihe group on he swpbyste mefli od conslructlng qealhnr backed loose Ian album at ficmonslrauan wax mos Merck The Barrie Branch of the Cam udian 50cm Creative Lem thercralt had 1L1 first meellng of me an Wednesday evening at the Highland Avenue home alerSw Clarence Colbeg The buslness session was cork vened by the pmsidcnl M153 Helen Anderson Mrs Ken Cav nnngh reported on the Christ mas sale held In Nnvemher at he Handicran Guild Blom 6L Toranla Members were urged to get busy on heir luafllcr ar ticles or dlsplay at he anmul CSCrL meeting be held Ap r1l aLHamAlllon not ymlll of men that all but dominate the lprlng ashlompnlcuo ol lcred this week In ourday uromm style prtvlews nown as Hm Ammcnn ne slam Suits The Ahndcs range from pale lovebird mun through arm to what used be culled poison green 111m nro Inlnl run toslumcs green luluer ax lrnvnxnnlly in print nlonx wllh blue and yrllowl Ind mum even vurdnnt run In mule nd lmlher lull and HI Oddly for INN1 II top conlcndrr NThémecung was well atten dcgfl wllth I15 memer present mum thande Mn Tuck ur her conslrudlve dem onstrnlian In mlnu vaxua mllly flaw drill Mm ales mulch Them In vtrllnxlo Inllllfll low dulunm nlm lncluda IOMH vlolanl calm Malcolm film urn rung Ind rlnk prlnltd chlllon but mm nl lnlo enrh oer ner IIIn lunhly clnnhlnx In Dlhrr namnn ITIIESS HOFT GRACE Nnck cum nnvy lprlnl Invarlto nlnchm hllu prlnh and black wllh whHa In lwm tom cmlumu an lmporlnnl 5mm am Mon tdflnrl him cnmmcd upran NHICUMI ml lnvhlon ulmlnlolhomr dnyl Lhawlnul nrmnml by lnuhlnn rnmullnnl Elennur anbrrl Certainly em or handlul wnyAnul drunrrl lhn Amrrlrnn lrrml nu nu Alxmlnx In mm zcnlln Ill llnl In Iny damn Ind yard 1an yard nl lunnnl hlllon Winn Barrie CSCL Plan To Tour Barrie Tannery Hklrll mmdn 1Man 01 hlxhrr Th Inmni mock Ihu lul wuplo 01 Ilnlnnl In romp mull tumMaura Er mme Ihnvl hlIIlllnrl mm mm mm ml only lur rmualn and rlnulrl Iml mu lnr me mnnyInymd whllnl rlllunn rrwllnll Illuru Hull Mllflr vavlmu lath lrnnhu The lnngnt In lunlc lrnnnru nflvn lam hw plnrnd ploalwl mu will MOI uvnlum lluu hullnn Many Moods Of Green Cast An Irish Spell On Fashions inz Mil tea or NH Ihm Vaxpoy gm Ala Joab Ex Sincé there was no meellnx NEW YORK CHIrish or camna or ELECTROLYSIS UNWANII wn IrIHZI PUNSULTATIOH Fur Appclnlmm Cull Mll flylvln mbtll Thu MeLARNfiY fill0180 in yml mm llMI um HM ll omormw yourblrlhduy youroullookv Vtor the40mm year is extremely lnleresllnz According to In 12m bolh your pemnul Illa Ind your financial lnlcmu should pm par and In Jabs there also indlcsllnn advancement and some unusual recugnlllon or put cums rCuncntly you are In an excellent mind on all these count one whlch wlll last unlll about Fob 2L Just one admanlllen however Do not speculate next week or you coulq offset mnnetayy gains Other good periods or career interest will occur during the first three week of March but you may be given some additionnl rusponsihiiitiea at that time also dunng the last wcck Sepiembcr the int three weeks oi October all of November and next January Next good period for finances The entira month oi April or pccially or long range pro ccts tho first three week September all October and next Jnnuary Creative workers amid have generally year with outstanding mm accomplishment indicated in May and Sepiqmimr In December the second Jan uary meeting will be visit lo he name Tannlng And mn dumd lnur Rclroshménll were served by Mu Dnvld Dnrbythlra and Mn Caldwell chlld born on ths day WI be enduwed with the mind and capahla of deep concener tlon will be the soul of con sclenUnnsncss and lnlegrlly plum the open mm mm While 1ch skim are In they are mobile The ware can with It let1n slccm Is In the max mum xflhaucuc Sam lull barks are ptnphcllp The lwa and chromium cos lumL lho coalanddrcs en sembln M0 natured In all rollccllons Daytime dresses cams he figure Many wit and dml skim are ranl pnn cllcxl ollcn wldcnlnz lo ha hemllnc with pockct luckrd undcr the folds mail than In my ntws Handsome warn the MINI hy Genflrey menu in curry nndMhlla chctk and by mu CHECKS NE NEWS CLAIM SLACKS LOWER MORALE FAIRBANKS Alnlu AP lllo mnuy srhunl board he mm In lnirhnnkl hasor hmIn rule nunlnu high Ichonl KM Minx Ilnch In the rlnuroam Girl In Alnrh he armml moral In lhc Mull HIM an ndmlnli rntlon Ipojmman lIul mnrnll or mnrnle uhrn Um merrury hnvtud hdwnn 15 ml 13 drfirru below urn or new mkl Hm MI and lhclr mm mm wu Jlul loo All In an Ir Mhflfl In My mull Hm lmmd hnl onlrml lhv rllool mlmlnh lvnunn ulluw am will In wrnr lmmer Ilnrh by MM Is and Mnrrh ls Dycks Food Market BEEF FRONT QUARTERS BEEF HIND QUARTERS BEEF SIDES ISO Culllor 11m 51mm wmr nm wrmnm mom mwum comma IIZIJIIIIUNF 7mm AND lcrzqumr ABOUT mm CUMIIJ 1001 PLAN 7285119 Mrlr William Orrer conducted the worship senm Mrs Brute Nerbm read the scripture and Mrs Rentnerspokeionrme them Keep the Power of CM Mm Lloyd Cook rang Unto the Illa SPEAKER Mrs Gordon Sarjunc of Oril 11a the speaker outlined new ideas furrprogram or the WW Mn lflenlner thanked th WEVE Refréshments were served in lhe hunge to plnknndchocnlale brawn Dannld Brooks designed Allm cnnl In redhlncknndwhlle lal lemll chtckl with the wed nll than skew he advocalu for spring Chlllnn complelely dnmlnnlu lhe cvcnlnz scene in most cnl lecllons and mu aklmpy ovmhealh or cack all to floor length flunllng yardage Greek horn Slnvrop oulns ran lho gum in name of llw mosl beaulllul 0an ever urnmnny slrnplcu Ir Med laycn lutll omnn mi ruby Cal Gunman nu dumb or Miss Winston analth who used chlflon or mnxlmum MINI Her Ihort wispy lateday and cllnuy long chlllonl nmfly In pmcll or nomth nhndlnul PALACE TEATIME GAME TIESUP SEVEN SERVANTS And when waul hmvnda of the 1m low ma Ionn ml hub count The Iklnny tom the lull luff the mic dml my all wry young And name of the mock lroop dnlxnm mu nhow In mml maul Joung clollm llul Um mull mm look In overwhrlmlnxly prmnl Zlnndiln women Ihould he hnmxy Won onmvnllv In our lulu Weva nom Ilhn In ulreme ynunx kirk So Hm wrlnzl relurn la rum unphnlll ll vud nm or avcrynnc ovrr la ilo aum the Queen pm human than the wit uoted machinery of royal 1le in roll 1110 impeccable Hum ana phone complxailer cl supply then ask look Pruen man 01 1mm CI nullan onllnnnl lushlnn nlllnu yel 11ch he dum lnxn lmm Innlprz Brandon Nan Tnmnln llnmmon NI FAIII DnL Kllrhenrr AMI MMUMI LONDON AmIt take telephone call and MVHI serv ant tn prepare ea or the Queen The Daily Mirror said ijgay Thi Minor called it the Ducklngham Palace tellime game To play you need Queen seven pawns and board the size of buck house thgncwgp1qpcr sald lha Queen rlrigs or bar nag And ell hlm the wan cup Icn and lanqwlgh 11W EXAMINER WANT AM Ill CHMM The paper laid the opera llnngoellke mi Dmlo Onh lb lb lb 32c 49° 39° 11M The Wamep Association First Baptist Church hold Ill Thankaflerln mean in me church hall with women mm the Penman Mission Circle Ind other womens mum of the church pram Mln Mu Sinclair honorary preslglénl presided devallonnl period win New Year ms nu wu led by Mn Ev an m1 MuE Wntlavnng solo in close mm of the mgum lengvmuche of humor drawn rém her experienm WM chu dren the Mlulun Bind and other youth nglp with whom she worn ML Amen lave In lnleresllnx thnughUul md lnlqr mnflve plchlrc the am which she and other dedicatrd legders are me llshln in Gods ser vlter The urchin one in which Czechoslovakian and English masking Canadian work and worship together The speaker Introduced by Mn Walker was Mill Ethel Alhen Canadian Home Missionary lowing In Gm Chgrgh Wlnflsnrh pntarlo Her theme based on be life of the mad old lesument lead er Moses was of ID Joy and as suranco which 04mm presence In individual vex can ve in these dm uncerlnlny and doubt The speaker wu thanked by Mrs fioblmmk Ro msonan hexcom ed rglmhmeul the c1959 ththenlng Ind hasepmen wen able to meet the misslnnary guest and chat with her Mormally about her work Miealdhqry Guest Outlines Hér Work With Youth Groups The Canndlan Federation ol Unlvmlly Women 01 Harris will mm on Jun 12 at 315 in the Staff Room of the Dame Ccnlrnl Colleglnle Guest speaker or dis mn Ing will be Lhm ollicen 1n tralnlnz In Canada or month period who up now II Camp Burden Tho olflrcrcmku Mr 110 ram MalayIn Mn Nuulubu ram Zamhln Ind Mr Kelsi from Tnnunla They will dllcuu lholr hum land and lrainlnz coum In Canada Cler the in pre par sandwich lens conce room maid In make lea Foot man asks yenman ol xilver pantry or silver ray cnvered dlh cruct knllg leman came the hay load mm corridor and inlo elevator to Qupe floor andgim All pig Barrie UCW To Meet Wednesday man to and by Comptroller passgs qrdgrnln plerk Foulman cancel land wich 1mm kitchen pot of lea Cup saucer sponn milk Irom came room spokesman ll Bucking ham Palace asked for cam ment sald These are purer damcsllc delnfll really but they are more or less por mi iLPagc ufieiii lo the Qupen 58 DUNLOP 5T WEST WALKWEL SHOES REG VALUE 698 TO 1995 SALE CONTINUES WALKWEL SHOES SNOW 300T $1699 COCKTAIL BOOTS Hook or FIIII $499 Black or Brown TO Den Ann Linden hope you will consider thin problem worthy of your column because want my Miami to yogr nngvfer or alg years hava been married 10 man wbn duplxea alrdIea He Iayl ha Iaanever yet seen shape that wan im praveg by glrdlc According lo him zirdla does nothing but give woman an unnatural boardedup look He claims it fine not mail lemala appear thinnar It only arranges her bulgu ANN LANDERS As you knqw Ann knitted mittens in vague dont cars hawgood wamanl figure In ll she want to 190k respectable 1n knitted Aklrt Ihe must ww smile My husband uayi am wrnnz Haclalm girdled flguraia mlm and unintch gtlng have bought two zirldel In the last five yam but ha will not allqw me to weir them In hlsrpmence Plano tell him that 1m ht need your WVFlu Den Funny tl not my my part you need the Inpport gumsInd Io does every wamnno matter how thin the Is The gut wha wean no girdla cannnt help but jiggle when she walks And thats not new itl slam Dnr Ann Linden What do you think lather who nIakex Ms sun open andclnse dnor one lhnusand lime because the boy slammed 1h door helm hls lather finished yelllng at him has happonld twice In the last three monlhs and dont know what to make or it PUNISHMENT ynu have any cammenl on Ihl exlraordlnnry attempt discipflne wnnld like In hear Thank you Injured En Drum Bur Injured lhls has hay pcncd with In three mnnm the boy obviously did not learn hll lesson the first lime the kid Alarm the door again before his father inlshel yelling at him would hope Daddio will give up on this type of punishment and Iry some thing else lomelhinl that works In 1954 my husband was at Honcd In Japan ll relumed the allowing year and we were married He confessed that he had been livan will Japanese girl She talked hm hm having child even lhough he told her he would never marry hen She said she wanlnd rnmclhing lo remember hlm by and that fire wan Alwqy wpl 9r lgm near Ann Ludmx Please lay samean Io glva me peace Even my religious lallh has not provided me he cnmtcrl Ind myn hl negd Shaping Upfor Battle Of The Bulge It to the back my mind forgot mm until became pregnantu Then the awlul Ihougill owned me muld oglvinghixdltnmrflrdchfld but not Ms first child Den Sufleflng can think few him more uselul than agonizing over Iragic IlluA Man that cnnna be changed Ind was no your tau lo bath with Small Trlnl Bo II VnunV Aha Vlluflm Gm Coupon IlmlutuudnlhmMmbmdq Mflwmtflymf Endll flaw Mung1 ME mm mm nun mm nun mm 4337 mm min Am in quick my all Wynn nu Jm ma mu Bax ma Vdrubk am BudWI mum 55 Cell SL mm Our ton Is now right year old and Lam expecllng Agni Once more am tortured by theseold lhouzhu Please all me what IoSunni you an unable to rid your Iell lhese ulldaslrucflvn Ihoughu mum child In born Lee piychlalrlsl and get some help in resnlving um problem NAMED FOB MAKER Nu name macklnlosh tumult recallschnrlen Mlc Inmh who patented rubber ined pup 1111823 lohk to KIDNEYS If Your Back Aches DIW 7282391

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