Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1966, p. 4

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fifl MIN mlvmlly Mo anmflm Falhrall Hml Mameh 501 In Well Punk luluM unmuvrr ML Mum on imam Dill anpum Sulunllllon In dilly lvy III we wally mm ymly sln roplu loo Ely mlll ln hulalln mm wt Al mlhl mo Hum mmle ll so month Molar lhwrnll man your tam All mqnlhsv nulnldo Onlnrlo mm your mum Canada mmm unlonl man you and rmlgnfll Iglr 1m wurldx LEAVE PHONE SERVICE ALONI London Free Press Canadian Invmm in Brazilian mlct Ion Might and Power Company may Jolm 1m thx uHIIUcn vimm has ngmd In 5011 ll lolophtmo bualnm to Hm Ihnxlllan Govmnmonl or 306000 000 Tim may nlno wam lo congrnlu lam Hmuwhm that hry dont live In Illn dc Janrlm Wino naturally i1 ho basis of tho concoction and cheap wine auiiim No one in his right mind would use expon nivo vinin wine for tho purposei The wine hoaiod to simmer with nwecicninii con and herbs added The English to youmii kit umu com plete wiih ihcaogihvr ingrodionu Pnrhnrs datum 11 one ofuicso handy LL mud take to he mulfln ol wine But we hesitate to rocommen not knowing ho Ludo of he Ilullor its cum Yet is Christmas dell In Eng land So much no that oilyour self kit was put on the market during ho past few weeks and has had mady sale It son 01 lmtan mullcr Windsor Start Thnm ms mu Chrian custom prevalent in certain mm but Almost unknown in othm Iho mullln of Wino is an example How many nn vo Cana dlans hnvo mulled wine or oven tasted the mm Barrie Examiner Jan 1946 Office opened in Town Hall headquarters for 25surveyors who will be working south from Benie on proposed fourlane high way to Toronto Barrie Community House Association has already received applications from 18 local organizations wishing to join in addition to Kiwanis and Liam clubs Sheriff Drury announced appointment Alvin For kins oiMirl and as governor Simeon County jail Firstborn babies of 1046 in Royal Victoria Hospital were twins son and daughter of Mr and Mrs Cecil Harris of Utopia RES reported on plans of Dept of Highways as they affected Innistil and West Gwiliimbury in construction of No 400 For first time Vasaga Beach will be on Slm coo County council as improvement district Herbert Brokenshlro will be councillor for new municipality Town Engineer Otto Rawson re rted 1045 buildin permits greatest his tory of Ba with Canadian General Electric making hall total Essa Town ship harl acciamation returning Reeva Mcltlaster Deputy Howard Bani ing Councillors Wood Wesley 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN So much for public relations The mayor specifically mentioned tho im finrtanco of drawing attention of the mil ons who pass our door each year going north or south on Highway 400 We would like to suggest that serious con sideration be given to the erection of large easily read electric slgn which each of us fiuisflforth that creates and sustains an atmosphere of goodwill and feeling of community on the move The various new media that serve Bar rio and district can help promote and project good imagerhut In the final anglysi it theinqvigual effort may Public relations as such is anjlntang ible and is created more by deeds than words We must work at improving our public relations 365 days year As cltlzemllndustrialists and marchanis we must do more than pay lip service in our relations with the public not only vis itors to this city but in our everyday contact with the residents of Barrie Onalof the lmemlant subjects dlscuss ed by Mayor coke in hls lnaugunl speech was that of the Importance of publlc relallons and publiclty in other words creating good image and atmo sphire for Bank place to llva and wot Walll Publish 3on Public rBeldfiOns Are Important For CityOf Barrie Eh mm Emmy MULLEDHWINE IN ENGLAND anon summ mm one of Hm longml telephone Moo walt HT OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Auflmnm mm mm mll lml Mllcv Wivllwnh Ollnwn m1 vur paymml mm In run Dilly 50nd MANN Holldl QlliPPd Publlsfiodv by Canadlnnv NewspafiarrLimlteii 16 Hayfield Strut Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE 1112 marrir Examinvr MoPhorgon Minnazlnz Edltar MONDAY JANuAnY 1019 mm IImm Fur Iznmmu Wanl Mm Wham 2m Thu lrlwlmno mxmlwr in all hi mm mumm 94er II an cmmm Devuml whom mun Thu nnad an Im In urllululy pankvl la lhe vrpumlnuan all mu nilwalchu In Ihl II If 6le In or 1M nncinltd Im nr Am and nLIn IM In mu pub 1m 1mm lulyxlth AlandHm ll Mhlim lheJuvM numu nl Clrruhnom mnunlnn climber said he climbed mounlnIm became they were than and recently nclcnllxl uld he WAIan In no to the menu became It In there In wnnrlorrd ll nnybod for llm 5am rea mn plans in no llmlu lrnln at 1m nnn nlmulmlnl ynu nhnuld pllv Ihn athulmc lluna an Mn Illa dull lrlp from nnlhlug In where Ono ol tho most fightonlng Mpcd Quebecs Qulol flevolqun the repeal od throat separatist take over tho Bell Tulcplone Cornpnnyl mvim In HIM pmvlncc If they real mm to ho cut of mm the mt of Marin thats ho way accomplth Oversea tourists unlucky enough to have tried clophonln in France for in stance return with rihtmnrish tales of broken connections nlerruptcd calLs endless mom numbers and simultane ous convorsal on Among three or more strangers Things arent mueh better in Gross Britain ing lists but only an incurabio optimist can beliove that government nwnmzhip wiiiehorlen the queue nu mm uuul umnu unwl um but mnnlng telephone company not usually among their shlnlng nchicvc mcnls When the prom motive vanishes so does scrvlce Them nro manivmthln that inan dq bgllcf vale cnlc Martin and Louis Truax Jack Dyte is playing defence for St Louis Flyers in American Hockey League Albert Shewchuk is with Philadelphia Falcons of Eastern League At Maple Leaf Gardens Young Rangers beat Barrie Fiyers 20 in Junior hockey Hap Emma who succeded lied Farrell as coach recently is using five home brews now goalie Jim Strachan de iencemen Cecil Cook and Donald Clark forwards Gordon Needham and Murray Richardson Rookie Ray Garlepy from iimmins is improving rapidly as defence partner for Joe Lund from Port Arthur Oro council got acclamation in per sons of Reeve Mowat iudhope Deputy John Woodrow Councillors Smith Campbell ll Shelswell and Norman Stoddan Kiwanis New Years Eve dance at 1001 Hall attracted bl crowd including many young people an retum ed soldiers sailors and Airmen from Bar rie Club committee in charge consist ed Fred Kelly Bert Allen Archie Wensley and Harry Smith Joseph Hlpkin retired after 38 years as night des atelier at Barrio Post Office 0r gan at Burton Ave gnitedChurch for ihrco yénrs7Edwérd Edwards rcsigfiéd to return to Windsor Paragraphically Speaking It is conceivable that one of our ma jor industries or group of them in conjunction with the Chamber of Com merce might be willing to underwrite the costs of such sign when you haveg good thing to sell dont be afraid to tell Wllh all his evidence of growth why should not sell and tell the travelling public by means of such an attractive sign that they are approaching or leav lng BARRIE the most progressive city ln Ontario The traveller cannot help butbeim pressed by the number of new and ex pandlng industries adjacent toHighway 400 andythe growing subdivisions which agielgpreadlng the city limits funher as the eyes can see The vlew ls Equally fine in daytime with Kempenfelt Bay forming the stage and hills of Barrie the backdrop One of the most exciting sights for the motorist heading north is coming over the hill south of the Essa Road cutoff and suddenl being confronted with the lights of city sttjtchlhggtpr as 13 Would proudly proclaim that the motor 185 resently passing the finest city in nroumaqy things Ithat Igovclm Wilson General Manager mm and Mus Htlinre Ivy mm Klmm Ada nnd Hon cl lha Un Ivmlu llllnnXI Ihouhl of Irma Warn mm breeder filmrm County whm mm Ill Irylnl In lab IV um rlllrlonl Ilwp hord munmuwnl lelnl mlfllih nwnl munqu lmrlbul In Ill mm rnuld nil annlnd In 1an mm Enrh hmrl In In nllwl In dflnll lnllnwnd by nr Klnlullun an Vllllllllmlnl nhuu enlurrlu Anlml Mun Huh uHurI ur aIIKrvl Mm 541mm ml II nnlmnl dlluln In anm Amnln rml lwn MlHnn Ihllm war mm It man In qucle an lhe nmmnn Ilvm Mort dlmm ml mum vnnnnun Molhul rut lan In no vmvlnmnnl mllnn dumbing pumm lhnl nlluk Mm nnlmlll and tan llvll Mr Ilmlu In who In hlhll nl unrlnumhd mull lllhy IIIHI mllhll 1th Hum Ivy Umu hlmber nnlry Culllu mam Ind Mu uemrnl Ixy dnlry husbandry pronmm IIO lrnvlmnn and Paul Heaven luu nno mllnn Ilevnlrd lo dnlry had nllmenu and mum that ruhmnl mu pravmlion All dnlrymcn uppmlh Ihln or htlp In Inmulnx mdncllon Ind durlnu hm anlmnll lnn dlu n1 lhq mum mm ry ml Indium lhA ho luumo Mom Includinl clo ror an mm mou pm Ircl Nd for Ihhy can nee Clllle 5h Edlllon by Ntwmun nnd be In Unlvcrllty of Illinolll llh wcnlm pravcn Incl finding and suxmuam eq nlly Bl valunblo the mall npmlor la lho nub llshcd rancher Tmud are Iho lnlnl nml most widen mem 0d In lecdlnz summer nnd wln Gr Mllurlnn ulczllnn ol hm dlnx flock Ind lmd Improve men And munInn The most modern book or in kind Veterinary Guide tor Fu mm cdiicd by Dallas Burch formally al the Bureau Animal industry Us Do nrimenl oi Agriculiun is puer ed wilhpucilcal howin lnlor mailnn indispcnuhle to amni on who take pride in lha health produciiviiymd welln ihclr animals It covers diag nnm irrnimrni and prevcnllnn ni li lrnpurinni ilmiock lil mulls Animal Sckncc and lndnllry by Dunc Ackcr oi the ninfl cl Iowa Sills Unlvmliy preunll the latest and mail useful lnior mailon on liveliock and animal research wilh npecini emth in on ilmstock manazemcnilo¢d inn hmdlnz produciion of dairy producil mania Ind wool ll ixiltd with hlnil uniui in xlzwrirn lil clum live DC By DON onwm TORONmOno mnnl Imoh i1 moth mlna lire The government la belnl burned bit And unfairly ivy ils own iobaceo Many retailer In the pm lnm as you know luvo pui up no mice of cinmiu line the in of the year 1111 la larly tndlied to the Act immincal new Iv bum in wen inio operation an Jun But iho avcmmml up the in mould make no difference The lnhncm tax is npllca the mm per uni nie iu on clnreiiu and ulhu lob Icco produm mm ii LI eoilecicd on dlflmnt base no only known Inxum whm iii in LI no For farmers who looklng or thn most elllclcnl and mod ern farmlng practice posslble In this difficult perlnd oi hlgll costs and relatively low mum number of excellent new book stocked by Enrrlu Puhllcub rary cover every malor phase at modern agrlculture accordlng to leading aulhorlllu In the res pecllvo llcldsl Ideal or wlnler reading by annor and Lhasa In allied lleldsl these book are elm and lateralan to read and cm save or make dlmlly or Indirectly ha render hund ml at dallm anmar might find worlhwhlle la in down ln notebook usdul Information and ideas imian bin yar uculnr pro mu AT THE LIBRARY New Books Offer Advice For Profitable Farming In tum fur the moat pm will ha paid by wholmlm 117 II no Vonly vlhn nlalkn hat Am mpomlhla Some whnlmleu 11w hlro lncmud witty But no mallet III dan 11 Inc ovnmmenl min tho Hnmn Mildly tho prinrkml mum lnr ho new In LI or hum antdlon 11m cld lulu in on 26 pack Wu can We 0mm ML lhh quarier at Mn 710 Uh Huh And many remlm have put ho prim dun up mm cent two nu lhrnhdrhllh cumdrill MI dual ll lo rm lh IM TM n1 Imin mllm In on lap Ind pm ll dun the luv In In thu mun prln ml dnpln Innw In Han MI 13 Wlufiwm an Jan But the gunmen up the Ix mould make no dlflercnce The lnhncm tax is npllca the mm per unl nla lu on clnrellu and ulhu lob Icco produm noun LI ealledrcdron dlflmnt base ho my known Inxum whm tha no ally uraniu on pucknn 25 dglrellel Many relallm In the pm nm as you know luvo puk up mo mice of clxmnu ulna mo in of the year er Professor animal hur bondry New York Slalo College of Agriculture l5 profusely illus lmled wlllr comparallvo photo graphs backed by page of ex pert ndvlce Then an nlmed not only at osslrllog lnrmerl ln curled ln ahowlnl dalry um and Judge who mm cvoluala HORNETS NEST QUEENS PARK Govt Being Burned By Its Tobacco de Tho nne pull Actor would mm Iw lhnl lhlnu nm rigo NIL lull llmru will nlwnyl be mus um 1907 Is an InnIll year And dulnlvll Um or an tlmlon normfind 37m rmrflly cnnli €64 vision Illhm ho can hold of ungll m7 Ai How ll IMml In he IIer on whlm In withhold avflllnnl when 11 Mr noburu wen ln lending have In decllnn he would finrquany IOIIWW Ginw lulu lummcr Ind ll everything Mn right he any In mud to lhmw the Anci in mm drclc mu Man as Mhla that were won burn 17 pm ME lhn hufmu min he halnt qug up his mlnd The oman Mason given or the change in that like load oil lha shoulder of the mall merchanll who haw had hamum mlkdlnx flag You can any nn unomual Mason la um ll le mean more gums35 flamm tgn mom on pay than Imall rimchin In It lnlervizw Yramler Hobart dhmdlted ha pessim My 9n alccfionvlhfs ygnIr ol shotchino nefihinu who sell chumand whn coilecud he lulu nearly is sure as that at All 1th than by Merlhouanfia mm aw nx The Na that preoccule with lha presence of he Savlour will havanu place or man Greater Is He Ural Is In yml Ihan he that In rho world daIry cattle but also It helplu farmers Interested In upgradan lhclr herds by snlecllnn or cul ling How Important 1he udder Indicated by the lac lhal warrant one lhlrd the 111 polnls HI member le1 en joy on book her in pllce III III de Iphgllug lllhingl 13m mm BIBLE THOUGHT SUNSHINE WHAT Govenmr Eat Brown who will probably opyuso Reagan In the all Iecuon cun ceded ml even had Iclor can outdo sand pulnlclan on the 5m When Hwy not here crnrkllngmhl Iwonllxm Mrht vnmm making any nolxo lhry put Icnlinz lmhkra nznlm Ibo wall Ind dmppod like can Inlu lhl blockade When ymmlnl um All lha Inmate hm IN Hand And he Norm Wm Com wwflummnnmlmmmmrmm Ia Ixnc Irene wu lllmed In union nprmnfln Icmy mum den Ind Reagan played ma HnHywopd friends med be helium no wuho um fundhlmr Walt Disney Ind mzen pound114 James Cagney unwed Mazu wm this viewer my mm at EarWayne Gloria Swanson humor Roma woplng Wendell Corey and Hum Zim ound lull ranch whh hh hnnd bllmvruinlnedln mm muy mg clam hot Reagan lurnedhlmsel over them all rldlnz on together vroleulnnll pollch mauso lxang may mu no In men lrm whxch undertook to he unsee butinto the dawnwhack 431m lines and imprm brlghler day lot gamma palxucal mchnlque For ear orrosmon nmhrflfrfiufliilyflfid 93 On Jan In Sqlklril mm mapmrod er For Douala ed lllvor Led by Mlle mime Ind CI aln DOrmnncnl om ol Ihv momnukl hey hid Jen An In lulu nnlny Lalo In October and mud lheLr my lo lled lUver 1n wlnlrr weather Reagan ha hernia iiim car eer behind him Ind his old mo vies are still making the late rhow Governor llrown noted that Reagan in his prime mnde 4a relly good western sheriil ie is minus candidate Present signs are ihni he will go he Republican nomination although he will probably be beaten by Brown He slaried out an ultra liberal Democrat and was in valved wilh lellwinx nrganiu Ions in Hollywood in eh mo in 1948 he turned righlwing conservative Indcnnaded az nimt alleged Communiti no hard lhl hil ilm wilt Jlne Wymnndi reed him The Eur r1 mm hi Inch Hi1 lailmnru wrro min 1954 by 5queran nmnriu who had bun mom lhc do Mom Regiment The mm 60ml on lho MW Com pany hendquarlm Fan Wlfliun and look wppliel and pr Ila pawn Some In most Imam of he North West mm are lhm AI lhe time Including Slmn chr auxr uhom 0w Prmr film Illcd Ananr wn Alcxnndcr Richmic whn wu Imwn Iu mm dilllngubh Mm lmm moth am am company olllclll Alexander Month nm mm mm th mnunenl by land Selkirk laltr hid guy our or MI IcHan Ihmuxh court Inwdom lhnuxh ha wu mum back only nflor hnvinz hem mm non BOWMAN In June me the Selkirk Muamnt nod mm hnd been deshvyed by Rank Well Company amt And hum of mm Gwernor SempIo Ind umber at hLl men hld becn klllod in ma bulls ol Seven om and the remllnder or calmlsh had been lent printm lo Nodh Wu Complny hcadqumeu WHLInm um chcvhlun pmh broad tasl on tha eve the 196 pm Ildenllnl alccllon was the high light Sentar Barry Goldm They laugh Hémnre Sennlor Murphy now fired hearing or hlrnxell dunribed song gnd dance man but admits his old movlel mrun on late mm lelevtslon helped him victory For Inn was alwayl the Men guy an the screen HEM CAREER As politic takeon more the rapping ol shvwblz Holly wood is moving lnlo polilipx Pralesslonals lauzhud 62011 Murphy onetime mt hoo dancer ran or the US Senale agaian 0mm Whit House Press Secretary Plerra Salinger ln1964 WASHINGION ll Film flu Ronlld MES pllyad mnqumryreek Vbiaplny L444 in boyish dIum mlture window mixed commmemo burnan Idnulm rldehumll 127 folhlnm pa nlhm you mm It he deemed Mme Republican clndldm for the governorIMpol Calllvrnln WASHINGTON CALLING ny GORDON nonunion FilmzActdr Reagan TrieS For Governor CANADAS STORY Moonlight Raid On Port Douglas Omr um are moving from the stage to be political mm kdpflce Marlonmandm Ben Lancaster and Charlton Heston hava been active in civil fights work Wendell Comy clly Icauncll member in Santa Mon Cl WM 711 um lywood campaign manuxnr Saljnger or Saflnxer he Ian pam km Ha Md bit part In new Darla Dly movie but lhh wu edited out the final venian Ha challenged Americal lend 1he rizhlwlnz debater William Buckley In an exchange letters which he hns now pub lixhed hl ninth book en lilled boner To Canscn vnuvc nglllwlng Reagan In balanced ln Hollywnod by leflwlnler Slevl Allen who in dabbling genlly In politics In 1962 he turned down suggestinn that ha run or lho US Sennle as progreulvo Democrat but he admits ha In still lnmpled Ho make in lpeeches dimming education ecumench and condemning cap llal punishment and the escal lllgn no war ln Vlgt Na Hu manager are now telling him to one down same his mm extrema Viewl BALANCED Rugan lurnedhlmsel our yroleulnnll pond manage ment firm which undertook to rleachhlm lines and lmprovo palilkal technique For yea or more haranly had on speech and when 12 lhll text ha would lumbla Mk Gold wn gr He opposed most the 1964 Clvfl Rights Hill refused to re Jcctlha paranoIdHJohn BilCher whraiflaurish like nuts nnlhe Calflomlan trees Ind he made some dnubflul statements aboufi Inflal scantily tern campun As prdeuiw Il actor And TV commerclll wick Genet1 Elamla 110 could exphln Goldwterlm luv bane HEM fioladmlen cost mm 1m mm H211 mum mm the mun Bung Thaaclor could com mand Altmflanand Almpb rad Iatagjncerlly Mum mm m2 And Robu Vnughn TVI

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