Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1966, p. 3

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seteks canal Librart runes Countys new cater librarian Mackenzie who gassurncdv duties today hopesb amusith tiles In the county will 53 to cenioal iayaiem Mr lilaclremle who comes to Simon Cotmty irom Sydney new srucoe ccuurv LIBRARIAN MACKENZIE AN assrsrnur MR5 wecaaooAu parcoUNcILlviarnuG HSurpriSes Are Expected From Striking Cbmmfitée City Councils striking commit tee charged with the task of selecting men and women to sit on boards commissions and com rnlttees of council will bring in its recommendations tonight and the report is expected to contain several surprises The striking committee includ ing Aldermen Roberts Fred Smith Emma and Jack Garner met last week alter Ita appointment by Mayor LL Cooke at the inaugural meeting Also on the agenda Iar to nights regular council meeting is consideration oI bylaw imple menting the controversial inter im tax billing lbe proposed new tax lYSlcm approved in principle by last years council is expected to get rough ride tonight with several new alder men on record as opposed as opposed The new ayrlem would involve tour payments year instead at two as at present The imple menting bylaw is up or three readings tonight Deiora the councillors meet tor the regular business session they are to be guests at the Bar rle Kiwanis Club at the organ isatlona annual civic night lion Earl Bone HeatGov oi Ontario will be guest speaker In other business tonight coun clt will consider abylaw that would authorize construction at watermaina on Anne St Irom lctitla Si in Cundles Road West on Anne iromcundies to Sun ntdale and on Cundles Irom Anna to Sunnidale The protest la to be under taken under the local Improve meat Act Parliamentary Secretaries Announced In Major Shuffle OTTAWA tCP major rhuiiiu oi parliamentary secre tarlcs was announced Sunday by Prime lilinlster Pearson Eight new laces ineludinga woman were brought in tour parliamentary secretaries in the last Parliament were dropped and eight others switched rnlnlstcra In statement issued altcr his departure tor Nigeria Itir Pearson also announced that Parliament will be asked to authorlzo appointment ot six more secretaries bringing the total to 21 The list lncludcs one Iresh nmnn 1th law protessor Pierre Elllott Trudeau 45 elected In lilontrcnl Mount Royal Nov lie and John Mathcson rs lill tor Leeds bccama parliamen tsry secretaries to Iir Pear son Retiring Liberal lhi James Walker 5t III or York Ccntre becomes secretary to Iievenue hllnlstcr Benson The new whip will be named shortly hir Pearson leit Ottawa Sat urday tor Lagos Nigeria and lana LLroturn hers Thursday srilamenr convenes Jan in Parliamentary sccrc lsrios help ministers wth noes lions and allies worlr receiving 000 annually on top ol their H000 lndcmnltlca as hlls horns wicid influence on llcy making within Ihclr spart mcnln Appointments to this mail rini Junior mlnlstry irntlltlon ally have been used to test cab Inoi prorperlr in the hurly burly at Commons debates and MIT CLUB HOLDS PUBLIC EXHIBITION MITIIIKIIR if the Donia Art llull display their works at an exhibition Estonia Ceeiiano to pacify rival actionsre gional or Ideologicalin the government caucus Since Mr Pearson took air Ilcc roar six parliamentary secretaries have been promoted to the cabinet surprise appointment want to attractive lllargaret Itldeout 42 MP tor Weatmorland who will second Health Minister hlaeEachca Albert Bechard 45 MP Ior llonaventure will aid State Sen retary Lahlorsh Charles II Granger 53 MP for Grand FallsMhlta DayLabrador will assist Fisheries hlinister Itobl chaud Ilrucs lleer 35 MP or Pool and Iormer parliamentary sor retary in Agriculture hilnirler iiays dcieated Nov becomes secretary to tbs new agricul turo mlnlstcr Grcone Jean Cirrciltn SI hll tor St hlaurlceiratiechc becomes sec retary to Finance Minister Sharp Only last July Itir Chro ltcn had been named secretary to the prime minister Joining Jack Davis ti hil tor Coast hir Davis becomes secretary to Mines hilnlrtcr Iepln chair man of the committee at par liamentary sccreiarica and co ordinator oi legislative study rommlttrca oi the government csucur Jsmcs Dyrrw 54 Itil tor Kootensy Isrt shttis tram Ia bor to transport JeanCharIts Cnnlln MP lor Quebec South shttla Irom justice to trade Slanlcy Ittilll 41 MP tor the library ilail Artists iwlr lna um id the wish toll in mm lbs Flank Vail it Toronto Parkdaie ahiits to northern altatrs irom external sitairs Donald Macdonald 35 MP tor Toronto Rosedale moves Irom Iinance to external ai ia rp so Iliackasey it ltIP tor Alarmcal Verdun moves to la bor alter serving briefly in the health department John Munro at HP Ior liam litan East moves irom trade to immigration And John Stewart ti hll tor Antlgonlsh Guyaborough mover irom stais secretary to public works Seek To llverl Split Between Russia China HAVANA tllcutrrat Dole Kaies to tha lcit wing lricon tlncnial Solidarin Conierrnca today sought to avcrt split between lluLssla Iand Orbit with comprpmss pan on tpa momma as be czaflirhcd by tho meeting The organisation issue which has already led in hitter Itiill ment among the delegates ren tres on whether to maintain the Airiran and Asian Peoples Sou ilnrit Or anirotion wtroso next moving scheduled to take an in Peking or wirciher to two single trimntinentnl body at revolutionary torcrs irom Asia Atrlcn and Latin America which will hoirl Iir nut meeting tn Cairo TNI tns truthr tinvs ltui hits thwthy Tvmlartl it amines liwnul Nova Scotla said the new sys tem would Increase provincial grants and improve service lhe move was remm by Dntariosdlrector oi library services last year when he aspire in tlrcocunly The Simooe County library new server or outlets scattered throughout the arcs reach gov erned by its own municipal lib Oad in boardshd vans no Ialchool rooms withits bookmo ram Charles pointy who no Simooa County library last ltlsy Since Ulatrtlme Mrlt head lbrariaa New head or the library spa mended tern we born at Wench Out and rat ended Carletonand Me Glil universities Mr Macken zie gained experience in the Toronto libraryrsystem aadiater acted as head at the bookmoblls department with Ca Bretoa regional library at Sy NS win Install Shanty than President LOi Crop tlssociation Ivan Clark Shanty Baywlli be lrstailed tomorrow as pres ident oi the North Simcoa Soil improvement Associa tl Succeeding Donald his Harvie Orlliia Mr Clark will assume his new positions during the directors annual protect ITaliting at mthrIa Community Plans are expected to be made for wide range oI crop and land use projects tor 1966 in cooperation with the member ship lecture oi the meeting will be the viewing oi the iirrt oi the TV series on 1th ilusl ness oi Farming On this program Growing Feed or Livestock will be ieaturcd showing the most soo cesatul methods oi growing and harvesting iced crops Three diiterent pasture systems sirlp grazing rotational grazing and am grazing will be drown and dlscussed Other crops teaturcd on this that TV show will be corn birdsioot trefoil and barley Itlc thods oi seeding Iertliiziug and harvesting will also be stressed The program or the second day will ieature the Feeding Club To Discuss llspecls 0t llri lhreo mcmbers oi Barrica Art Club will conduct special program Jan lit to discuss the elementary aspects oi art Speakers will be Walter Stras rer program chairman Gordon More and blew Beaver The meeting will commence at pm at the Barrie Public Library Wilt Discuss llrea College Rcv Lloyd Schaus ct Water loo Unltcralty will discuss the academic conespt ot simch County coilcgoat meeting at Guthrie llall tonight rponsored by Shanty Day Home and School Association Waterloo University is expect Cd to open an atiiilate college In Orllila In the near iuture At the same meeting there will be an addnra on tho ilnnn clot problems oi the proposed 191 Following the guest speakers remarks sanction and harm period will held All horns and school mcmbcrs as well as any Interested persons om invi ted to attend OPP Constable oi Livestock Com silagE hay haylaga and various grain cunts will be discussed Various Vra ons and methods ottoading dairyibeelFond swino hcrdr will be spoken about by prac tical Iarmers The third day oi the TV iarm show Ieatures filianaging the Farm Business Variouscom blnations oi enterprises will be discussed as will be costs oi production and modemlrJng tarm buildings Farm records planning and volume at business also have an Important place In iho last program Iurthcr meeting an am Mr cards will be held in Orlllla to night and Thursday evening at the Elmvale Community Hall naponr onus FROZEN IN MY First casualties oi the long overrlue weekend cold snap werc seagulls unable to take oil from Kcmpentcit Bay as its termed number of the birds were reported tronen in the ice as subzero temperatures chilled the water to the ireezlng mark The calls were spotted in the bay oil Centennial Park at tempting to irtc themselves Ice an the bay is only about halt an inch thick and delin lter unsals to walkoa Road Crash Damage $450 collision on liishway in north oi Plnlpslon Sunday alter noon resulted in about 50 da mage but Ontario Provincial Po ilto reported no In urtra Carr driven by illlam Duct man at it Norm at Barrie and Jerome ltIarchlidon oi Per kinslicld collided near the For gusonvale Sldcroad hlarchlldon was charged with improper passing ioiiowlng the mishap which ocnrrmd about 130 pm Sunday whats life like in the Given tiward MON itt provin cial police Mutable who cap tumi an armed holdin suspect alter being shot our times in the lens is to rrcclw the areas higher award Itimrtsy Conltllrio John Frederick Htrgoraid 21 hi the thathnrn detachman II to bs presented with the commissioners award Lilli valor by Commissioner Eric dlhsdrvrtsltatnia waxinf as its tea some mm beam in illorlin nsnr Chub ham inst kt it The man that tour shots Inln lununitio Fitraersiris lasts irom time range The bnrrth shot burned the lttlflfllki down and be dropped Ila plrtnl iitlh shot mlami itcttlnf In his trot Crmrtntiin rmmui overlook the ltleNt and tool him in linmluuis by the limo other constables caught up tlnnhtl Jamcs hiriiilIlmm Ilnialgh Township In soutonrcil imi Thursday to in years In prison inr ntlomptml armed robbery at hotel In Tillnu amt to yam unusu mu or atlnnplrvl muuinr lilT IIIUYEIT UAII tiAltllAM tlcnmln tAiI Illnt 1miva suppressed item nurtrnlinn by lnrnl youths agalnrl the lultIh guvrtn monta Iailurr tn and tho white Itlimlnllnn talwlllun They Ilvuivi Down bllh Iarnllh plnrnvrl had it tin Home rtuawl out on rrvrrrn atria ttlii rouom YES ronnauom no cooonm YES oromuvroor no trluscuruz YES career in ii Itoyrt Canadian Mounlvrt Folios Is no plenla itslthrr II It cum You like ltor yauriontJhr rnuInbsiwun ihuinms young msnwho ma uptolls stsniisnlsosml III styledemu they proud to punus you litcth oulotlbs militiamilyofl hm hula talnact tor law and outer it you Ilia people it you Mr wmunq Willi othsrmcn tormJiyuu satiataitlnt Ityou like Iurnlnq new things it you love Canada nml all our country lilltttl tulwyoll my mute the previewturns III tWtycct qul cull Ask at ynur nmut llin tit will lu he CommieIon tloyal Cs Mounted Police Ottawa Ontario an hasbeea filling lnss ma can driven by Robert Walker BR Stayocr alild ded into shydro pole on Edge aiternocn body shop esti hlllDrlve causing three hour powertallura Sabsrdar mated damaces at $1000 totha car Mr Walker was unlaiun ed mariner Photo westernsnackan IsngusedBy cpqgh West end residents were plung ed into darkness at 530 pm Saturday when their electric Power ceased to inaction The power iaiiure was caused by vehicle striking and up rooting hydro pole on Edge hltl Drive Although the failure attested large number at customers at Barrie Plaza Wellington St West and Anne Street West Edgohili Drive residents suit ered longest inconvenience be ing in darkness lor three hours Temperatures In the aiieeted homes dropped to 50 degrees while the outside temperatqu was below rem Accordingto Stan Bobbette PUC electrical superintendent this was the ttrst allure at It kind in that area the city Poles are oittn knocked down in builtup areas but the immedi ate area is seldom aliected be cause them are enough conduc torrtoru rtthspolainsn upright pa iion he explained Mr Bobbetto raid the PUC seldom got tnio position when no provisions can be made Alter receiving the call Edgehlll Drive was isolated while the other sitcciad srcas wer cor rected MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES Sim slumb momma We Ityoowtnawith ur comma baelas because Just dont know sla uuu and medication that my help you You les 11 aidnsrs bacon niursuh urinary irritation and dis discollnrt arts In TI Itll Thl ban can our being list DadT you dont our but imam IIIL Ask or Dodda Kidney lllla It In in oouakr Hall will DI Illllou to 10 art In case like this our tabled lva is to inconvenience as aw people as possible Other than Edgehlll Drive residents power returned within so minutes so cording to Mr Eobbette The accident which caused the lettuce naulted in Robert Walker ml Staynor being charged by Barrie City Police with careless driving Walker was proceeding were bound on Ddgehili Drive just west at Anne Street and at tempted to pass another vehi etc when his car skidded and smashed Into the pole uproot ing it Investigating otItcer Constable Stan Ilunoer said ex tensive damage resulted irom the mishap llilnutca alter the Walker colli sion car travellingeast on Edgehill Drive bumped into the Iallen pole which was lying across the road The ycliiclc operand by lielgs Vsndervei den RR Barrie sustained little damage city police reported many ici Ephone calls received on behali ot the PUG irom people enquir ing when the power would be restored One woman wasanxlour to know just when she could no pect the electricity returned as she had cake baking la the oven Another was concerned lalbout her tropical iisb coUec on IIAS GIVEN GALLON HALIFAX CplWalter libi der at has given more than 13 Kallons blood to the Canadian Red Cross and says hell keep on giving as long as be can Mr Iiolder gave his ttrst plat to 1939 ieit pretty good sita warda and lust got in the habit ltke you get bio the habit of smaklnE Tuesday Only Lean Loin Pork Grade Large Eggs Ontario Fancy McIntosh Apples LB DAG FOR 29° BUEIILEBS he SIN SING W199 anaanru anvsfif rrozno suitMnrrqatwwo uncums by SINGER Docs algrag stitches ltiiAtitl till littil UN Droptn front bobbin Maker buttonhollng my Limited time untthodti 337 St NGE CENTERS bums Isss hwy ct In its mm mm llaalsp St 7mm cs maniacs rruuorrvm II llllVlt MIA URI to um 7h mm set or nurs as F3 rm so we amr he Ii lmtstu Iavsowtclv sstgat 01 Itll CltZIlli TAtllJIlFZl AT Milli INTI

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