Jame Voilal4 and Paul Tripp village maluwnzlnoo mcn wcxc iniumd When the sidewalk caved Ln while they my lnslnlllng saw pipeline Ink ncw home on Amelia Slrcct Boll wrrc la lwn on renewing General 054 pita by ambulance FREEYTEMAN VJLS TM WALS of Elmalc Pros bywrlmï¬qd met at he gins 6va am Icrnc has Wayne Arc or son of Mn and Mrs Ivm Archcr Ion Sun day to commlnca studies at Ry 9mm Polymdmical Institute in Taranto upr pimmm annan and Dianne Tomnlo miss Linda Manning ad 1mm Mark ham spent iho weekend with Mr any Mrs Ianninz Mrfand in has Heacock Toronto spout the weekend with their pnrcns Mr and Mrs Hrwarrl Heacuck and Mrs Char lotte Shaw Ilcsirlcnls ol EImvaIe were shunted In hear Sunday moran of he passing of IrsChcster Baktr the armor mu Graham mommy climaxes Gunrgc mick Phelpsmn pur Lhascrl the properly on Yonge Smut or the Isle Mrs bcrt Spring and has taken pos xcssion Wally Robcnsan has urchd the residence of he ate rs Em Thompson on QiiOlI SI rf and Mrs Lynn Williams ar suns Quunn Street mnvcd at Han and of lhu week to Was IFI Snnrh James flcardsall Ian on at the end of the week to spend the winter monlhs in Clcurwmer Flarida Taxorig spehl thc hufldays wnLh his parenu Mr and Keg McAIgley and Mrs Reg Spring and children Highland PL ML and Mrs Earl Spring Chalham were guests over lhc hoflday with Mr aniflrg Upward 11755 Baryle Hucklldï¬e Onlhn retumcd alter spending the week wilh her grandparents Mr and Mrs Alvin Mrhand Mrs McCormnuk Sheila and Paul Toronw spent the week wilh the lailcrs pap nls Mr and Mrs Vasey Beani aalla 111 relatives liners at gmn all Wed nesday night were Mrs Hall Mrs McCormack Clarence Richie and Mrs Bertram ho played mans card There were seven tables in play Jack Whmim won the door prize Mr and Mrs 11 Mouldcn and family Georgetown visilcd the lam13 mother Mrs Herb RI chc and other relaxlvcs By MRS TERRY LEGibN Eucmm SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS NEWS OF ELMVALE BEETQN INSURANCE IIJA DUNLOP ST Inmh 0mm Vlncwm dmonlum thwg nmlnn Hmong Iomlo mlm Muulml Munclnn mum Avoid the penalty of TOOLITTLE INSURANCE Your Insurance Protection is innduqunlu it has not kept pncu wilh todays hazards which you read abonl every day In your newspaper Risirn coals nnw purchnsns and Irmnn Irnnmvc rnnnls nlnn require lhal you urolucryour lrnnn chrl smme wrlh advqunlo insurance covcmga Cornull your Econurnrcnl Annnl 1nr Tailor nmdn Inbumnu prugrnrn lo hl yunr ncmls STEVENSON Mud Olhu Nahum onum CANADMN All WE WAY ny ms wnmss Visitors New Ycars day with Mr and Mrs Jim Milligan included the inter thLX Mrs Jane Gilchrist Bnrrie Mr and Mrs James Graham and son Tnmnlo and John McGill Phelp slon Mr and Mrs John Vincy Susan and Sharon Barrie with Mr and Mrs Fred Vincy Mr and Mrs Lloyd New and sons Thornlon guesis of Mrs Clay rcnce Atkinson Mr and Mrsl Vandcrzaag and family Allislnn with Mr and Mrs John Decor ter with Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and Inmin were ML and Mrs James Geddcs Aumrn Mr and Mrs Gordon Clark Barrie Mrs Walker Caldwell and Andy Earholomcw Guth rie Mr and Mrs Bill Chanpell Tomino wilh the lallcrs narcnls ir and Mrs Alex ï¬nlay Mr and Mrs Raymond Ward and snns and Mrs Vxllinm Vmd Edcnvnlc lhe home or Mr nnd ir5 Archie Vnnless Mr and Mrs John Wilson and Sharon Schombcrg vis ilcd Monday wiih Mr and Mrs Store Rnnn it wns Mr llnwns hrilhda Mnslcr Mar Janda smut four days of Um Christmas halidays in Tmunio with his mth The Jun nth meeting or the WI is In be hrld at Mrs Dc Harkurs less Mrs McAulry pres ident presided The Christmas theme and message were em phasized in ï¬re warship and dec orations in the hememe pm gram was arranged by Mrs Rllehlc She was nksisled by Mrs Held Mrs Morley Blackand Mrs McClung carol was sung as duel by Mrs borne Drysdale and Mrs MMcGulre Annual reports were summed by secrewrles and the financial report shmred the allocation nssuggeshd by Lhu Presbyterlal had been met and exceeded in thls auxiliary Rev Mr Perrle conducted the elecllon and installationql hccrs for 1966 Mrs Ferric as slsted by Mrs Reid and Mr Ferric served tea and Christ mas cake during the social hour 01mm or 1966 hm pres Mrs Jr McGuire pr McAuley vicc Mrs McClung secy Rllchie trans Mrs lllcQulre supply Mrs El dt Glad Tidings Mrs Cum Home Helpers Miss Elrick welcome and welfare Mrs Bl lilcralure Mrs Villlam Re rcss Mrs Tho mas keeper piankl Mrs McGuire NEW FLOS 7160 Mill 233 BRADFORD 5T By GENEVAJunnANsm BOWLING SCORES Dec 29 Bali Collins 565 Saw evn Urbanski 628 Jean 571 Rutledge 5m ohn MIMIlard 585 Allan Wesuake 5513 Games over 200 Geneva Urbanski 751207 Barb Cnllln mzmw Dot lluthcrmd 23H Bob Rutledge ELM Earl Collins2m Allan Wesllake us me Pele Urbanski 216 33 Lens 212 Don hells 209201 John Rutherford 207 Jean mm 207 Lloyd Nichol Frances Dor sey m1 mam Waller Stewart passed away suddenly Deed at Ihe home ol Mrs Dormhy Simpson where he nmmu unmu VAN QANEERFIELD MOTORS lIMIIED year hadibeen atlhe upundl lhe lime or his deathanrl hadn jayed Chrlsmas with his mnily He survived by sister Mm Annie Bradley Bond Head The funeral service was mm Anderson hmeral Home Tot wnham Dechzs Mrs Parkhill pm ï¬me resident of Man passed away at the home of her daughg in in Toronlo Dec 23 Mm Melissa Butler and ML andMrs Budd Butler spent Christmas In Ottawa wilh Ihe Iormera daughter and family Mr and Mrs Men Smj Mr and Mrs Gary Burton and daughters uf Kingston spent the Chmths holidays with Mrs Burtons pamnls Mraand Mrs Gordon McClain during the ho idayaeasan Mrs Marion Waist horhe tram Toronto General Hnspflal wherevshe wasa patient and Be sure in Bonanza on ma CDCJV notwovk each Sunday Check your local llnung manna and me Mrs Cora Hm returned mm Slmnsonmmmlal Hospi tal AHislan Devan Mist Diane Haak spent he Christmas weekend with Mr and Mrs Pet Urbanskiand Lemmy Don King And mower Mm King spent Christmas in Moose Jaw SaskV with the la er sun Mr nd Mm Alla Smart and lamlly BARBER Mn Parsons an Engllsh bah her now living in Tornnln is go ing to set up shggjln Beaten Mr Parsing is In ng Iorward to liie in thls community and will bring his wile and Iamlly out as soon as 215 find suitable accom modations Wayne Carletonfson Mr and Mrs Kzn Carletan playcdfl hockey with flla Tomnto Maple New YearsEverlance spon mrcd by the AmlcticSociety was well amendedM oqNGmmnoxs Aulhorhud Oldlmobllo Donlor In Barrio The back of lhe seal seems io do all Ihe work You put your looi down and ihe back of your seal gives you poliie but irresistible urge lorword Ease ihe pressure and the seal does likewise All wilhoul jumps or ierks or awkward pauses We could gel Iechnical bul do you care Whar goes on down lhere in iron ol Ihe gas pedal is mechanics Who you leel is exhilaralion Thai you will care lor Exhiluroiion Thats what Oldsmobile is all about Try it ThkiOFdfSmofh engine toroddwith irigppviéThats WhofOldsmobiles TUrbo HydraMatic means um uu Waynh had nnfasaisl in he Sat urday night game H1 Beem all v1qu Milled to gee him M5 and 13m Earl 52352 Mr and Mm Bob Patch And wally Brooklin were hame with Mr Doris Coleman and Dgrythy qr hmas ilrand min Dav am and lamily have unwed Into mgr new ongentre Street Reevé and Mrserwn cnler ginoder dag Mas Beam on an ss ary Iillsonburg and Bill Nixon 01 Wandsloek during the Christmas season Don and Clark Parsons sludu ean 1th University Toronto spent the hallday season th their mm and Mrs Fred Parsohs and sister Dam AMBROSE mm Ambrosa Flynn died Sunday Oldsmobile or nineteen sixrysix evening Jan 2at2mcoe Mano TREES ARE CUT sooNEfl ML Flynn hqd been pal Norlh American walnut lrecs 19m in hnspltai for some once commanly 150 le 311 mm nnw seldom reach 100 ML 14min mum Emmamun imvmi lass BARBIE SEA FOODS V5 10 pmL 1966 Filh Chlps 10 has In Iowh Call 9M magic fakeout numb 109 Bladfovd Sf OPEN SUNDAY RESTAURANT 7261811 72640502