Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1966, p. 4

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Vllwn drlnycd ht nnununw uncut llml he would allcnu he cantonMe unlll Tlulmlny long may In Aliplmnullc lmm 41mm hr Mllml Irmnld firgrxlurc lnr lhu use one by ler 71mm lnrlmlr um nnly lmh ms lml MM mun ml Mum run whim uud In mmmmul baking hv An nmual vi poultry llv hum lmmnmml mellurcs mnrmln bmmh uur rnnkumpunn rum Irlwull In 215 Mm rm varlln dullnn mm Inn 19 an rhmm mum Amlp AM mm runqu ihzml ulnamllmu Wlm lallning phal mlmfll OTTAWA Sprrlall Th Thr nnlullnn hullll xklx NM burHm In Imm nl um 01 rullrr null rlfinlfll rul Un Inln nnavlnl rnnlulmvllun II can Tum more muplcd wxm polls Whitehall is cnnhdcnlly 10an ahead wllh prcpnruliunx Ior dealing with the sxlualinn allcr the expected luppling Ll Inn Spilhsllh0dc Smne lnlurmnnu my WIon mi mmnumv mu lrmk wlmrkn nxulnnl Illuwkun mkin An mm mnmnn Mnllh llnr her rmmlrll wuhl he uhnl In numeral In hr Iflllll My In hu wmllnn lull MIHWYM lnlnlcmlmruu ml mm ninl uumh In Britain mm nnl urn he mew much DELI IZR SUSIE CHANGING Nam as me qurcc mlq he hrllcm Mlm nmnluuwmlm munlrlu nnrlicr dnuMlul about the tlfrcllvrntw sunclinnu rhnnzlnz lhvlr nuiuulc nml 11 will he nut or Mm In dc mm Xlw mum mum In undrrsmad mm dis closures appearan In prno tlany may nrumxmr VINE mndc drlibormcly In an for In tnnnnrc the Mark Mrlcnn countries Smith run he bruunm Ilom wllhnul re British newspaper Friday rc Wrtcd Wilson is prepared to in tensin sanctions Mains Rho desia lhcm in nu roiurn to constilulionni gnumixan By JOSEPH MMSWEEN Candlln Im Stall ercr Prim Minislcr lesan np parcnfly believe he will be able lo keep the nhndcsian silumiun ln Briliah hunds the confer ence cl Commonuoalih prime minislm In Lagos Nigeria mgsdpy Egg Consumption Shows Decline reporter suggested that thu provinces request In assume rcspansihixiiy nr family allow ances along with other wallare programs could mean son scparalu slnlchnad Appearing belarc rcpurler to discuss his hardhull brie la the lederal provincia confer ence on welfare Mr Levesque was soon tackling lhe broader Issue Canadian uniy Wilson Prépared To Indrease Sanctions Against Rhodesia Ther peppery Quebec minister told press conference that nu lhing shurt of force can stop the economic cvnlutinn or his prov ince and it is time ta stop dreaming that the FrenchCa nndlan is sort or tempnmry nulnance that would ads OTTAWA CPI Wciiare Minister Rene Levesque oi Que bec said Friday were moving inward new Canada at no Canada Scnlnr NCO acted pall Bénrers mm during kcrvlces or Stuart Taylor Wood or LevesqugSpeaks Ofit Own WEHQIé mum he ulnlln M1 mlm In lhm hlxhul IHIIJ llue rm nu Mm Eug um nlnx NI nul lhl Ml um III Inimi mm In an nm 1m mm mm In llrlllll high Inumy lvrraklml llrm lml llw lHlIxINr 1v uunlllnnl uh 41m hucnn ml on Innuk all In rlulnrlIrl In mvnt Mrl And he heavy rnmnlhm my maml rrvrn wlnihfl In vhllnhlnnrll mm Mm rul lnln lho use In rzum OTTAWA ltlIlxlnm Hin lmr Irnrmn Anld Frlxlny he nul rnrrflnu any particular pInu us any parlimlnr Man In Ihc ummnnmnllh rnnlrrrnro nn llllmlrxla nrxl Mk llo Inn lny nir lmlny We alumI lry In he Ilrlp Mr llarum old pm runlnrnra and wn hmc hm minmun nl Mn In nwny mu Um Irma Ihr tnnllul unlml hminl nn lmnmflmc mlnlrnl Inmr rah ndhrnlm and llummph nl stanl numrd minim 00l uurk may need lo 5m Ml rm Huh luuo on Irnumcnl hrth Inno In urll ax mndlnm llmuld be um Wilson has rcqucnlly said Mr while Rhodesian runmnm Hon ml liw ullcrnnlivc It indcccndcnx hu mia mnjnrfly nIIen mm command bcyund he cu abu ily of lhe divided black Hde suuu ll pman rl many African load an hkrly drlnn nomnglm nulml bmIHI Emu Ihc Anqu lradm nl 11m amp ansvna Inv muIa Iur ending Smllha regime they will llkcly have out qurs Hum about unlaina plans or Madam In the lulnrc Yet even um slop would have psychological value nnd something tansidcrnhly mare tangible would be ndhicvcd by Closan of llnmin exports Rhndnxia Olliclals my is difficult hunk exactly ha this wnuld ammml Ex change wntmk haw nirmdy minced British exmrls lighter It estimated hm bar already imposed an 5p ciflc items such ohacm sugar asbestos meal and arm chrome account Im 93 per cm previous Irndc Hut Quebec is not Isolaling Il sou hesnld sevcral times It was less isolatrd nuw than was under Uniun Nalanale gov ernment And only cxlrcm nincnmpoops suggested um kind China wall be bull around Quebec ll we could only gel 11 through our mlnds that we could enrich each ulhcr as guod nclghbors dn Instead gain back to llllil stale dream that we can meme the FrenchCa nadian ll wont happen Quebec ls human minty wilh cultural oulaok land It wlll remaln lrue long as lhcm in one damn llvi Franch Canadlnn ln Quebec huh rm In Ihr hum You said ml m8 Mr Mgcgqgu rcplipd Hut Quebcv is notnuempling lo cut llsel on from the rest Migranada he gald mer Comqflsslongriol RCMP who died hwsday in 01 awa RI Mv Jack FORMER COMMISSIONER BURIED In Lamblun County Maynr Campbell of Point Edward xald he was not against at It was the Hrsl prnlesl lhe cnmrnillce heard ler Chulham supported drilling which now Is pcxmillcd only in Lake Erie Mayor Henry 1105 of Sarnln told the Ontario select commlb lee on mining Thursday more was no way the government could be assurcd lhe lakes wauld not be pollulnd as re sull nl spillagz from drilling LONDON Onl 1C Lon don MIddlcscx County and communities along the share at Lake Huron Friday joined Sar nlns rates alnst ru ed nilshag oil ruling pinpoint reat Lakes lhotnleu 149 Slnl Lake Huron Communities loin 0fiSh6fé7Drillifi Piétééti son Anglican Bishop of QuAp pelle rlghn cnnducled IIIe Mrvice held at the RCMP chapel Burial was in RCMP CASH CARRY UMBER Yv 1m Io some he Ink owns But we would not want lo have It it man contaminating um esex Counly Warden Ivan an nearbyLucan aald he would oppose allshort drilling In Lake Huron In London which cxpeéls tn draw future water from Lake Huron Elmo Curtis new chnir man of In public ulllillc com mission snld the PUC would Mud to drilling or oil in In suuhcrn half of the lake pm Elgni Mayor Davay sald ha proposal was eggfly nevg lg hlgn hug pddcd share drilling but he was galns mssffile polIIilion LakeHumn as result spill age comet nea Commie oner Woodslaw In tha mnunled police or as years CF Wimphalob 71597 One American some with good grasp of the Canadian scene speculum that It was Quebecn awn My way of lelIA in Ottawa Lnnk ou havent looked afler us Wel look alter ourselves or the His reply ha deIomatln belting waI lhll cusl Inmareranadinn US chan nel will be usedcommerce Io state department In externnl $3111 and thence to Quebec 015553 will cmfimuelo enjoy partial cxempuon ram ha US lax on most borrowing by ur elgnm ln American money maxken guuuuucln The zovammenlai Ottawa has accepied ha stricture im used by 11 United States on the availability 01 Amarican capital valuable to Canadian expanalon and financ ing Canadaa own inienia Holmiyaymggnu deficit ere were won dering haw to reply to letter ram Wham commem depart mgnupokeqmnn rdemd tn boxdim ganmmeglt algae sled Jan wu received by Cammerca Secre tary John WASHINGTON CF The United Stalel commerce de pmmen wu pandering Friday how to nnswqr In mum let er from Eric Kleram acting Quebtc commerce mlnlsicr pmlesllng against the recenl appflcnkionm Canndl ol volun tary curbs on dlxecl US In vegtmentboarld U33 Cbnsidering REPIYTO Létter Sent By Kiercins The Huang Idler contained 40 22M 52 BANK EXAMINER MM JANUARY ma 49 ESSA RD FREE PLANNING SERVICE Mandala EUmberl FUEL K1 CONSTRUCTION CO LTD We always try to be 15er Jul Mr Pearson old press conference and we have the advantage of being far away from he scene the conflict wllhoul havlnz an Immediate political Interest MTMVA CWPrim Mlyr Met Pemnn uld Friday he in not carrying my particular plug OLIWJIINNIXEL to the Commnnyenllh camerence on Rhgdesia nexiweak Mr Pearson leaves by air lo day for Lane where Common wealth held government will dlscuu um Rhodesian crl whit one v5 spokennun News Chief Harry Wake of Ike cammercp departmenl said he underxlood to be lama Ihryata or proposal or retaliation Welse laid the first action would be to acknowledge lhe letter and hen varjnul ques uonsIncludlng how In reply would be pandered Quebec was ha llrsl polen Hal burrawcr Involved when thaUnfled Slate asked Canada lo postpone borrawlnxr or flu Ian lhmmths Vol 1965 an other flap to em plenum on the chronic US balanceolpay menll deficit Quebec band issue In the Uriited Smes was culled of at the last Inninan PM Has No Plans For Lagos Talks Darrln lllllno ml Mn an In In va Raw war Mil rrd hm Influxth mmmlml rlim mm nu MI rhm ma plan but mind an mr bum AM nrkdlmfi hm our upan Madlm II WHEN nu IMI lhm Mai Wu um mm In WIN HI of NIH In Dommullu mm Wm mum Enloy tho omfon Ind onvonlonco of your own RECREATION ROOM You can have ono now undor our Ono Rospomlblllly Plun Wfifl IODlNE STAINS IN SINK There are iodine mm In lhé hand how In balhroom the present me haven strong squHon of ammonia and The Pariland CemenllAl mrauon does not recommend using cuminnn inmphiack fur col oring Concrete inmpblack is used my lira quality German Inwn should be used instead use carbon black or black oxide ofLmanganesem mineraibiad Carbon blflCkAililgtheiKhl quiringVery thomugh mixinz black iron oxide is prelerred suggest gelling copyof Min era 21mm or Use in Caivr ing Concrete from the load of llce the Portland kCement As racinuan or headqunrms 33 Grand Ave Chiclgn 10 Some workmen used 11mp black or dnrkenlnz cannula be tween flagsloncsol walk last all In pineal lhe blnck color nuvered up by what appear to be hmeymalerlal anismpsbe tween done are almost whilt other areas the black ma lerlal has becom tree nnd hem tracked Into our house In there better malerlll than PLASTIC FOR TABLE TOP QW¢ mived buntle Early American table 0th maple with hand mbbedfifln 15h Idleronly My weeks the lop Shaw many lny match which cannot be removed with wax or nbblng other ableslwe have with plummeted ops an sfiullke new alter yam of use there any kind plum we midwlm to coal this cable lop rather mt put gm an MILaminated plastic sheds in Wldl assortment wood colors and fhdshe are vauuhle at building mud dew 1m and lumber 1mm Minu lnctmrs dew Instructions are Vallablé the denim or aflixlng these to furniture lop or wherew degled ud are METEELACK lion CONCRETE Alli To KILING HOME Ontarln iay goéék wmmm libI466 lhprooflng preparatlmu Wldely nvnllable house wares and hardware dealen lol low label lnslrucllons cudully There are Also rug and uphol smy cleaner available contain Ing alllcnne and fluorine at mm housewnm slam whlch clean delay soiling andm moth ro Ilslnnl Painierx canvas il rel tin1y inexpensng mm in applied In Imovlh clean mn Inqe and will cover cracks and Imnll hoies in the plasternTo cover diegrnoves in Wainscot lug he mince should first be covered with dcndeninz oil which resemble suit paper heid nil nver with small acksaboul six inches apart Then put on the painter camns which can be pained or papered dw shed Fnr ihe baihruom rec ommend using lop quailiy ennm eibecause ol it moisture to minnce QLWe have rue aIlwnn handbralded rug that we wauld like In mnlhprenf How can we lb nxqmgnoormaj wooy mm PAINTEWS CANVAS Would It be passlble lo use palnlerl canvas to cover hi seanu on painted papemd wall palnlen canvas expenllvn Can be put over wdnicoflnz want locnvervbafluuom wall Illa arelard lnclcan on laci between bowl linish and strong ammonia solution By lhil Iimehsiain should be eliminated Frequently lodino ltuinl will evaporate in lime wiping win ammonia or phoiogrnphlc hypo or alcohol will hosien iha pro cch weak chlorine bleach sol ulion can be allowed lb um Everlnlghi in discolored wash ow do you recammdvistuhu unsighiiyv 3nd llpoasihlefild mile 11 try eliminating imam Izowly hqplng Jim PAY AS llTTlE AS $1400 PER MONTH $5

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