Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1966, p. 3

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For New Schobl Area 141 Inlwvlmrl Hr um Ilruml mm ItIIIImllvl 1h mm rmmrfl amt later munch luwmmml wouhl ml mum 0hr plum Hu My public ulnml Mr Haul reminth lhn rm mm new In mm Im wnnl gradually Ila nlrl ha vnulxl um gmvmlrh lhn rmlnly mull In Ill Ihrm ol MI lrlu lrhml llnanrlnl Mn my mums In Inlnl lelu nln lwlnl he laid Am In nunr lnmnnl an ymlr In mluro IHKMIUH mm or lbw new mml Wl linrlluv II MIrman lhu lranlml tnmmlllu Nu Tll Affirm Ivdnmx in mmmh Nth Mum km on live pullllr had bun wmnl duln Ilrllmlnnrf innnclnl 5an no rlwylum llwnl Ilmml Ir Ilnwal rhni mnn lhr Ilnmm rnmmilirn IIIII lhc nrw puhllr srhuol will urunlly nrml td but he WM dlllurbcd Al hrlnl linanml 5y IBMhurt School Board Trustees Speak OI Challenges Ahead For Them om Mr nun luunhd uhml muld be lanrrd dir ully rum lho Auk Anmll hllh hula Inlrml Th ncw Irlmnlwlll to 00 000 but hrlnu llnunml am 20 Ill llnglly nmwnl In Tn he pnrcnll Mr thiold plrd rd lwmr um 11an la pmv dc Hue but tducnllon lun Ilblc nr lhn communlly nm to 1hr emhm xmKr crnl mon ornllun our In rrxponslhih Hy ll lo mo Arborl ham and the board he laid Mr Tulllrld MM hannl mrellnn wbuld nlwnyl he open In In ralepnym Thlx new rnllra lnnnlhrr lo nrnvhle brl In Mucnllon or our rhfldnn ho 11M Nfl HMMMN Thc first slop Inr the ma gnmntinn was made by the two municipalitles to the consullah gvc committee of Slmcoe Com council byllw wan prop Bred to arm the county xchual arm and passed last June after rrcciving approval mm the Min llter Education SERVED 31 YEARS nu Inauguration mremanie were candurtcd by Rcv Stnhh of Elmrale or 37 W9 mull dimxu lhe prnb 1cm huhIlluch turn to de rlslnn and ML mid Jan Whlb Hold rhnlrmnn 71 ha mnnm mrnl commune ELMVAlJI Shim no we Ichml hoard Imam inaugur ated hm Wtdnrsdny the bunnl he Simme County Mhnul nrcn number one mole of flu and lXlAL ahead or nfiemi Headed by chairman Gard Turner tanner the other members are Jack Whitfield an Elmvale chemist Mel Rowt an Elmvale businessman Rel Archer Alec Findlay and Card Ray Usher all farmers The live man board was coin by thavlocnl ratepayers at last years municipal election it has two member ram Elm ml and Ihrce ram Ihe lawn ship The occaslan why ha Instal Min of truslees on the ubllc schnnl board of Simcoe nunly srhool ma number one compri sing the vlllngc Elmvale and the township 01 Flu This llIelirsl county school and already plan an advanwd build lSmom public school In Elmvalc lo scm lhe dlslrlct ELMVALE SlamNearly 150 persons alluded Inaugural cer emonies here last night mark ing landmark In educallan or Slmcoe county musmss or hb publlc xchoal board at Simone Coun ty xdibol Ire No1 Ire FIRST IN COUNTY mm Kth IuImId lhl manom hm EMINM lllDANINInI Idln ham nearby lrlnulln unlrnml Hmmlay ln Nu mnnllu In Jail wllh lhl Almnr In no In llnu Ill he find lily In pnlnllul nlmlzun lrlwlln pnlirrmnn and jgunuhm mmn am Mr Hui Ilhrr Mnrllu lnr lh mu Merle warn lhc wnmml Inullllni 01 mmmunily rnllen ml and unhmlly Al IIHII llnw rmIM ml lwl He nlvl he ho MW yul llc Irhml wmmma Imlll on ma olhrr min hlzlany Tl la Ill hill uhnnl Thll would allow tar clam Ilnlum Mum lha Ina nrhooln and nlhvw um hmhtn Muullan Ilwlmll Given Months For Pointing Gun m1th haw lho hand had Mllllonul lhn Iowrnmrnl lhl nrnl lur Ihr mum to the high xchml uhlrh WM Icrv In Irowlnj nru IHIIHHCIJQDI IIUNIHM llny pr ml III llllllvnlr hllh Ichml Ipnkrql Ihu mnmlnnul filuClUnn lull Hlu In the only lvrmul cuunly Achool ml Mr nilthla mld hue mu no leglllnuon uhcm lho vrovlnrlnl vmnmenl rouid rlm hlnh Ichonl bul ll wn Ion mail It rnuld mm llnnnrlnl nld lnr Iddlllom Chairman of lhe Elmvnle Dil mu lllzh Schoul hoard Hugh Ritchie Iald lho pmcnl main lrallan the Ichool um 00 Itudenls Ind luau nddiflun wu bring cnmplclcd will bé Dams he mld Iuggutcd haul the chlldrcn In each cuuld he cullcmd by on bus whclhcr lhcy were at publlc cpurnle or nl hlgh uh My all he cyn The trustee Ind nlepayer Ihe new counly area were old by secondary achual Inspec lnr Irvlnz llnrrl from Now mnrkcl Hut they had untied an mlucaflon movement which make hl hry air he county Mrfllms lflld Ihal lhe 0n lMIa Dcpaflmcm Edutallons philo phy was hm every child zgpcmoN mvzmm Srne people may say we had lolofgood sludonlsouiol Illa old schuals but this new nyv lcm provide holler chance fur lhase pupils who may not have done so well he uld Chll drop mus have holler educa on Plan we had Mr Cfll van added lllr all last year was the llrsltlme the county had used compulsory legislnuon arm puhllc school am lhls was ln the amnion at area number Iwa wlm he Joinlnz of Chuildwnlcr and llalcllcdnsh tuwn Albert Calvert me Port McNicoll and chairman of the caunly cdncallon Commillce sald flu amalgamation he schoo arm made the first cnunky pubjlc aqhool ma wars cmta treasurer he ormer vi age public achnnl board era were many speakers at the meeting last night who said they were honored to be at such an historic ogcasion or he cnunlyi nandmflmm leflTRay 113 Me Rawal Jack thlhcld and Alec Findlay sated mm lelt Ellis impec Véuvcrca nd II for tho lax anlh Inlmvl lnrmonu mmml Lulu lalr Lal Em anthm Mk Numn Ah 0n lutl Illlllmllam KlHnloe Mlndwr IL Illmilinn Turnnln hulaM rlvmll Mn and mm lmfllhl NV lmvln lnrh lmuullnl In nmmnly 20 um allot1mm 1th wulmly ulmln on hqu will hvlu wily lumly Iklrl In mull IHHIVM hf lhl rruvlnu nml nnnullnulu flu In at UM Inm Sunw AMEd Ihln Ilmm hu vrmhml nnulhweIem uc Ilvmu mvlnr vorlul Ia mum utlvtml plclly 5mm Inmnnlu Ihnulrl MI mm mu Um Imhu In Amllhrm Inmln ullh Illmunll In the mun ml Urnrllnn IIny Ille TM uwll at mlltl waner Anon muhorn 0n IMIn hu wry mung mer In em Calul Ill whlr hnl cuv nmghmnmlonl lb Inn mulbwml II mum hrlul glued by null slotm rcnlre nur Lula erhlfiln at The Ilelmlntr lMl nlrhl 20 drum and he rmprrnlllm ul l1 Am WM lho lame ll wan lIan loo good In lnxl Snnw hwqu only luM MN In Inla ht INA from norlhcrn Onlnrlo Tumxmlum uIH hr law bu ll pmml lhtm II nn oncut lnr heavy Innw tunable lar um nklm th Mdrnd The pmpcrlyr commute Lu lrusku Unhcr Ind fluwul ml rampan cammluw Inu lm Findlay and Uxhrr The trustee nso Ionmed hair commflleu Inn night with the chairman on each one Trus Whlumd Ind Flndlay no the mnnnzcmcnl column so while lrualcu llowal Ind Whlt Hrld Ira Um llnnntc cummlllee Mr McAuley nald Ihe village council had enjnyed he coopcr nmm with the township But dun lo the school he Mild to laugh In more than ever Elmvala he mpllal oIlal DISTRICT WEATHER Frank Coughlln rem Flo mm me new board had urge task ahead them but he be llevtd the members or cap Iblc the job am wry hay py wflh he Halo we have Named he laid but it only In the next year that will my be drum school or boys And girls Max Auleyv Have Elmvnle old the meeting It wlll be muth bel ler man In the pasL CAPITAL 0F 05 lions ulur my Although lfiefimwuuld be d11 ficulllu and crilicism Warden Hughes Iald the trustee and the ralcpaybra would ensure that link county school are wan Iuccess spokesman for Heber Smith MP for Slmme North unable lo be mam at the ceremonlct urged the meeting lo read Tucs dnyu mm by the Canada EC onnmlc Council an the Impor tance of educallon In he na Secondly that he yen had to make the decisions He believed um Ontario was much maredecentralized than other provinces Inlhls respect To night we have seen lhe luncuon Inn of demacrn It will be constant lnspirnion lo pcnp responslble for sell govern said should have an equal opportun Ry lo rgelvg an pduqnllan Light Snow Much Colder Iar Sumac area Gard nxrnen board chair and flex Archer KCNLJUEBS mgr 31an mom KIIIIIM min Nunh Illy Rummy mm Hmudnrm Mn liar Mmmme Tlmmlnl PM All Trmponluvn In In mt Iln Mlunlnn Windmr 5L mm mum Kllrhemr mm Fm Wnflum Hnmlllnn If SI IMhnunu Twmln Illflhnfilulfi Tnnhxn mm In Ilm mm 10 Whllc fllvrr Cochin Tlma null Vnrlnblv rlnmllnrn day MIInIy rim And mhl tn nlahl and thmlny Vlnnh nnrlhnly It Nnrlhml mmn My AI aml mun Sle Mule Nnrlh my Smllnuy VIIInMI dnmll mu lodny Mainly rlur mm Ionllhl Ami Snluvflay WIndI mfllmly an Nlanu norlhrrn Luke Im wn louern Geoulnn Ilny Mnlnly cloudy Iml rnld wllh oc rnInnnl Inowflurrlu mum and Human Wind lmomlnl nurlhuly In Ilunmnn Wu Gnodln lemury ma Onllrm Fnod caunrfl who mid ho mapla nyrup Industry In 0n gnrln batten lhcdlin rrrtnlyem are behind lhu Hm when computed to em wu jointly Ipomarcd by the provinan dr rmmmu axrlcullure and nndl Ind omlu la promola the producllnn ol maple Iyrup lhcoughuut lye prqvipcta the anduon of he dny hay owned woman mm mlllee but would be the first ttvp 10 lollow up hedlsyl mo orgmcndallons Dunn he conference the dc bill from Slmcoe Dumrin York and Feel counties heard um uw Iilmx Ind held panel discuuiom an all den In Industry ELMVALE sum Over no Damn tram our counllu met in lhu Anglican Pariah Hill here yulcrdny to dlscuu way 01 increaylnx mnpla Iyruy produc tlan In the nu Commanw corv Invulurl nammmn Dually mum an Dirnpun Gram me mad Me Growth rem rd nm on Ind amped lnemnl Growth Equity Gumflm Growth luv 11 Growth Inn hind Linn him Mull Amm Mum1 Bond Minuni llKomI vawo nnvldm Savlnu Ind lnvm 11mm Invutmenl Trim Clnldl United Amm PFEPFPshvdr ea =sgu assiséhxazhaéixbsxz ai1=s= Area Maple Syrup Produceré Attend Conference In Elmvale 11in next mulinx cfiuhcli in Feb SHARES 40 lo =29s° 1M II 1an mrmnuun mm lha In lawl mmu mmmlllu Mon nmxvln nynm prmlucru with Hun Huw ul nuhum rhnlnunn Manly In nlllln Jlmu humble Wyullr John lrlflunc and Id Mmylrr Mm lmellnl Tm nnal nuilnm mul lqz un lo arm nn Mmfllluflfl panel vrmlucerl mnrlud mm the Itlum mm per ullun lur maple lynm ml at law In prnlunhlo And llul nrlm nonnu wu mmmry Dimminn cnxll Ind mm llllllll nllhrly debcm Tm ml and rrgulnllonn maple mup nrmlmllun Mr lnm by llerl Ilumll ul Ibo ml ornl dwmlmcnl uglculhue mu mu me nopulnlinn and lho vlnnnlnx Aurchu nnKnr hush mu wal lolrl by llnh slnlcy arm or um with Ihe deparlmrnl Land and Fomu PANEL DISIZUHHION Mnny Ive liken pInn In rmnl ycm In lhe on ornlhm Iv the maple run In dlulry One of lhe nch Mld Mr slrcle mu In Iho unitary om Inn of lhe mp drnarlmcnl land nnd lab on ofllclnL 5cclc uld Onlnrla palcnllully on the best prndurcr maple Iyrup Olhcr urea Inch Quebcc were ahead they had their own cmnmnllvcs Mr 5qu natal um lhnlr rmdsvctmmm mum law qunllly Mo urged 1m Onlarlo honld produco hlxh qunhly lyr up sell mull prim Amos Baker Maple has bncn produclng maple war since rhiidhvodm he was 3le In tell the meeting his method collection hauling and pro rcgalpl be My or me human Ihc area ha anld Among those to welcome HM delcgmcs was Neville Keefe he Gcnmhm nay ncxlonnl De vclopmcnl Assuclallun who url ed that me producer dcvclny lhe Idea of tomnllon It will 1113555 cqopznmon sudl arm upsfale New York Vermont and Quebec he mid Itflremams or lhmewlnter wed In Hue development ha maple Industry to work bolh ln for Improvement and zxpanflnn In markellnz mapla syrup and Inger Mr Gnodln lald over 50 pruduccrs ram Slmcoe Duner InLPul and York counlfes MHIHIM TIMES 11 10 The situation dangerous and demands the aflenlian ol the industry Goddln um lary of he Ontarlu Food Caulk cll old maple syrup producer mgcllng here yesterday ELMVALE sum Ontario was warned yeslerdny wmnd lnse valuable nasal If the maple lyrup Industry was allowed to decline further MAPLE smug produch hmJoépcqunfluulténdad 12PmoteMapletSvmn Area IhduStry Urged ELMVALE CONFERENCE IOU PW IMEAW nullel nr dlml nl madnlda uwu Mur lam la Inrrme produc Uan In he pmvlrm wllh In ulnblllhmml of rental lvlpnl lllnn plnnll Inrlmlnl lhI mu Inl IVIIpIO ml KM Am produrllnn or renlrll plum bu mun In prnl llnhlo fur nrmm when he rumd nul hla mm mm manu tlurtnl Mr Gnodln numl VDIIIIM laulhnr lllh ronllr Ian qualfly Imlc In nod mnkflln wozrnm Other In In IM Im Mlll Ill Mr Gmxlln Inflated um ecnlnl lvnpomhm plnnu nth lowed IN um hnlc In war In the rulnro mrhcunx nl mnpln Iyrull Thu urnc could be IkUUlltd hy mh llclnrl Innt rlflclency hour and TM mu Ilmplc nd mm plclu form of mlrkellu II when lunmllom mldc dlreclly beluttn productn Ind consum be nld Ind urpd um um Indium Ibould be expand Ed The pmzut producer rnnlln urd mnlnly becnuu ha llk the Job luld Mr Goodln hi prm wen nnl In pm parunn In the Inn Inmuu In lnhor Ind cqulpmcnl whlch pro du An nmmpln mum UPSSTAHLE MARKET nestrch 1951 hnd hawtd lhnl many armor mid pral 1mm bullnu mm maple lyr up but had flopped due lo we lncrtlllnl wall purllcullrly or llbor Today and Sunniy would mm here In many opparlunillex or Improw men and expansion In the nur kellng of manu lyrup and up Ar he anld According In Mr Goodin 11mph mm has never been In Iur plm Iupply In Onlnrlo Lam quanuuu Ire brought In tram 11mm mas much of It wIlh uliIItIn Inbsll II Any ear nvcrpmducllon otood quilY nun ma 1e xympnnlll nundtd he 114 In Onlann our dlllicully ha been lxck nl volume In eslabIInh new mlrkell ind malntnln those already with In our own mm Producilan in lhu province in varied tom 507000 gallons In 1932 to 155000 gallons In mm It in eullmaled um 1th ions million run In upped In Onlnrio yel Him In nearly 17 million on prlvala llnds and 50 million maple 001 In In prov lnce 0ntarial maple lyrup Indul Iry has been on he dulan or xoma years uid Mr Goodln Chum In Ihe pravlnc luv not been taking vlnce in other mu Inc his mum New York Vermanl Ind Quebec ML Goodln IBM law producLs ofler such atlracflve mum Jng possibllltiles IS ml ple lyrup In Ontario we we In an Isolated are at inuplo trees Ind the world an mlrkel Aravwa me nduslry being promoted hylhe depart mlnls of Agriculture and land and forest who Julnlly xponsor ed yestegdayl megtinz dividually mummy wardlm objecfives gestone dullman land 79 DUNLOP ST THE BMHUE EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY Fer Inbulou Hmo dlnco Club 79 ovary Frlday and Salurdny to lop blndl Fvldny Jan Mr Gnndln nolcd lhat 13 year lhe Elmlra Maple Syrup Fesllval had been parllwlarly popular ln Onlnrlo we prlda ourselves maple country beside Eula contracgmwilhv 10991 bxjukara Iglpily popyiar with tourists CLUB 19 CLUB 19 THE LUCERNES DISTRICT NEWS UATUMMY CONTINUOUS H10 pm KUNDAY MATIN AT 00 Mn THE SHTINS Ind ared luvwlng Nlly Fowler Surfing pm This Weekend Sunday Jan SECOND FEATURE Iormurly Daylu call or lighter cnnlmh on he quality maple syrup pafllcularly lame the subs tutu belng used In the provincl was calledvlnr by Mr Goodln but unfortunately our hip in RddIEn raglan Mater Maple Examiner Photo 7289123 91

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