Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1966, p. 1

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mmwmc Owl il mm mum WI WM Inllwl ml ma 1mm In lwncar mm nur Ml nun anlly lmvn today Hm ddrhy Warmnllnn mm lhq mm ma lm mt mlrlml mum In mm mu hm um um ll mum mo luvan lmn Mu WM huh Reported Killed Near Ottawa LONDON Mum SH MN Dom InaHomo lormer Connor vnllvc prim mlnlnlm will lamn Ior Unllrd sum Monday wll mm film Semlnry Dem Husk In Vnhlnulon Ind ll nmnl UN mutinygran In an Yuk lk wlll Aka bu v5 Ipuku Al dlnncr at tho Pkwmlo Club 01 NW mk In mm In mu Am mum CALEDONIA nL lCll lrlnl Mme mxlw mm In Gum mm brhlgq hm om youth AM hunting lwn alhm arrva ICII Iullh Minlmr Mndinthen lnlomwl pmvln rlnl urllm mlnmm May that lhn Men loumrmnl imar med ln mflflnl MOW mu Ihc pmlnm homily Allow Am marm 0WwfiouIIutobolopnomcmolmofloobaoulm Crashed Inlo Bridge Youth Killed MacEachan Seeks Proposals DouglasHome To Visit US Ough Rlnk Wlnn valln ElmlmllomP anll Synm Produun Elmvnlo Trndoln VAIuI HID Dy Cu HuhP Ann Landon6 Fl CH1 Nam1 Tmmbl CllumodJi IJ WomenOJ CommI WnllmS TV GuidoID cm nIquJ Edlluvlnld In THE EXAMINER Today 101ml Yur No The Holvnetpwn Dally Newspaper For Barrie and District LATE NEWS today iman nr Hu lnkm In II dun ll runmullun ll ulnh llnhhu In mIunrc luml ha Inld ml Tundn al the II of the mm ul llw Huh we Ilnub lurlwu will pl nllnwnnm mt Mmlwl inuhm kl ll 37 rhII WVllimfll nnwnnl wk IMII In Ihl firmly Mr mum did Ml wan Tm mnu luy Imhm In lhq mm mlon 14 hr Ilmr jun II Monlru lint will hm pommlnnn or IH mamlwu In Ihu pm mu Hr llmflyQ The tuvpmnum III Inllnwm Ilhmlnu donly MI unly In ANIMII Iml AM In If Hull mu Mum mm Hun to lurh nu unh MONTREAL ILJHII xw he nrpmllon Cuba Ic rurhm hnI liwn Iu M117er In momer an Ilrlhr luymnml Lllibnle rueIdem nllllnlormod nurte Id Hull lluvlh acllvn menlnllon by Sam Prunlur Maul Knmlm nut 19o brim TASIIKENT USSJL MP Irlmu Mlnlmr Slum In dll and Pruldcnl Ayub mm Iklllln me today or the hut lime In lwa dnyl lhl deadlocked Tuhknk Iummll conlmncu Shnul AM Ayuh lllkld or Go minum Ind mude mmlv plnnu In men nuln tonight Que Teachers Strike To Have Repercussions Prospects Are Not Bright In Locked Kashmir Dispute Rm ludlru In VIII IIIHIIHWIRHKII Inl ml ol Mnnlmal vulal Mu Wednudn mm In on Ilvlko Jun In lho lnplnuu mlrm In ML nnnlmr luchrn my plvlkr Mnmlnv Elwwhn In rmllmh II muihHNy If barth flu mu ler In the minih TRAINS Mll htplnl Ind nl mm In um uhm lurhm Mo alrmly mum ml Ilv mum ullnn II Alm Inkhinl mu mm uhm Ilvm up plan In mm ML Lulllmll MM In IA Innleur Inmo Mm whova rhndum IHICINL In In nun anlry lhe number in MM rhllrlnn nlung wlm l00 mluha wlm auuulrd urn lnu Inn glwn Ivy Aim m1 of flu lurhm Allrmmru or loader In mm Vllluy mm Hm Kim their 1th Wrdnmlly TlfllMN AFIIZLIEII Kwalnl dlmrult Mk la Ind Inmu Inpmnrh nrcrplnblc lo Mlh IMM or handllnx thr dispulp over he Nlmnlnynn MIA uhmir lho IUIMMIHI blnrk the ronlmncr Knuyuln pmnlly wu In or more of IL lama Ho mu nchrduhd to mm Shnnrl an1 In 1h nflrmocn Ind prnbnhly would can with Mul Innr day nhumlnu between Shawl And Ayuh The lwo Allin ud tommunlculed wllh nth Mher ucluflvely lhmugh Mm ny Ihnt dim uu poulaunn may erI have pamd flu no mm mnrk The Daminlon Bureau ol Sll Ilnlca will conduct cum lhln year lakan count of he populallon June llul ll wlll be couple ol monllu he lom ha figures am collcclcd cullalml labulnled nnrl addcd But even when lha avnnl doc occur lhcra wnnl be any del lnne my knowing ha happcnrd The best 5mm they can make me mnmcnlnnd It It Maxed by neural lmpondor rabiesl that the figure will click nvcr Iraund lhe int August OTTAWA CF Canadnl popullllnn will 11mm czrlalnly pm the 20000000mark lame llmeJn 1966 but mum officill are hesitant About predicting when Inlclligence agents the na unnalpnllce seized st error isl 26 mile nnrlh of Saigon they were bringing 265 pnundrplaslicbomb In large water tank Into the city Two of the Ierrorisu were armed wilh flcalibra nulomalics Olliciak had already warned lhe capital Io expect new an laught of terrorism In the next two weeks helm Ihe Vietna mese new yearTelon Jan 11 Thursday night lhcy ar rested live Vietnamese aged l6 ln 7n an investigallnn two Th populallnn Imam SAIGON AM Police smashed Vie Cong plot day 10 blow up U5 hillct in downtown Saigon with 1119 big gest plastic bomb ever used In the capital Report Canadian Population May Exceed 20000000In 65 IN SHIGON Plot Smashed5354 To Bomb Billet sum camp Cnnidl Friday Jnnury In Opposition Blocks Probe Thompson TORONTO Andmv WinnIn Onlulo Mural pm Indr uk nmd nlm mum III Hun mm In Hole mm rmlrm lnlo purhllv Mhln In lrogmh mmvntln Inwmmonll unlo on Win delv mm Ind pm cam In an tumem JunMarla mm INIMIHI In erlrrull Malnan Tllchrn Union uld Iller II menu with mun lwrl cl rnncllllllon baud lo an In derlda wlwflw la bold lmlher nunuulnnn All an learhu Invnhwl Fnnrh making and Romn llhnlk Gnrdnflodoy Inld maonrr he Wu not mman down didnt own Ink halo mm ha 80mm lnlcrAAnurlcnn puma fnm llo emphnslud Ml hll dndnlnn Thursday to npluu 0w Icndernlm of the Armed mm lml Inan mm My Mum rm vmh Ildu mm Dominch cnnmd wu Ir lmncnhlej mll wn the known pkmn urly lmhy 11W hurl nmmlod the NA It wm not clear Muer the military pinned In omnhm ha Yrofisloml mernmenl 1n Il lcd with Iuch dimwlly trough the allot of flu Or uuhnllon Amricnn Slam or wu Just trying lo am he presldlnl lo back down MN DOMINGO AWThe Dominican mm mm mm Thundny In to block Prul dent Hector GarciaGodayl 12mm to wnd cunlmvenlnl Ili 11 the AMI Mum out MIhl made by he hurcnu five lime yearan band an the up figures the bureaunnw when everylive yam adjullnd or birth and drum Izmirlion lmmlgrallcll what limited inlarmallon hero nvailnbla on emigrallon of light can suaiuu he allies claimed Vic Cong killed 51 cnplmd 624 suspocls detained and lilo capiure oi ll individual wenp on and crewsize gum US military cnmmanderl an nounced meanwhile that he 17m Allhorn Brigade would cnnllnue operation In the marshy Plain Reed want of Salgan where alIed troop have been slugging through mud and wulcr after my Viet Cong orlhe last week NOT suppmc DOWN iosiom an hour apart at the mlilary entrance in the Saigon airpan and across Ian at police substation The blasts killed one Vietna mese and injured 10 persons including our American serv icemono hour any the Domingo Forces Block President mllzvmnn In am My dim mm on Al mm rile mind findrimmqu 0m not mum Mn Iherel rlmnm for Mullan pnwrnl mm from heml lnz lha munm Will no In nue umlzd form who at the San Isidro mum waldo cnpllnl Manama commu nique yan lha mdilaxy dIIell would not Mflpl rhannu In tho mmtnry Mzh cummlud nr mustar lrbroad Ono runner Invnlrcd Col Manuel Rnnmn Monlu Artthe omend lo 01 lnwu mflflnry nunvllc aucmmmuid In An In ljaw My Inday AuUmnzcd armed force mums upwind mdxlury ms Inu In snma umpoclnod cilia by rollmenu Imam lrlxx with the msldcntl ded alnhn tonal Palm ml the mem mnnl radio Malibu and had unlcd of flu major hlzhwayl Into Lha cnpllnl 11w Sovlet new agencylaid the mettng bohmn the Soviet leader and Ho qu maxde by warm and cordlhl utmos phcre Shclepin up Kremlin lrmmlcshomer Ind In group ar rived cayller In Ihe day in Noth Vie Nams capital niler brie stopover 1n Poking MOSCOW AP President Ho Chi Minh North Vlel Nam received the Soviet chexMinn led by Alexander Slickpin in Hanoi today Tau reported Ho Chi Minh GreetsBed Delegation CH1 MINI ROME poucmm macaw ems willow fl Ibo Huh May of mph mm had than Ma lg llm And rthr wrath mm Iho norm gradually bmn mnvinl duy Ma Ilvc lhm Wmle wnrmrr lrmpcrnlum Ind rnln um mluclnx pile aw ln lhlh Culumhll Thun 111 THE CANADIAN FRI355 Snaw Am 11ch In tho Mim Uc Province comlmllnu OH on Iho Ilnirlu and drcnrhlnl rain on Vul Inn was Is wcmhcr ncmu Canndl day TORONTO CPlSnnw Ind cold wave warntng or nonm em Ontnrio tmed at 930 am today Conttnued lntcnslflcnflnn norm nvnr southwestern Ontnrln thl mnrntngrwill In mowlnlla currently esti mated at bclwrtn three and five tnchus Strung north to north east wlndl wtll cnnso conxldnr Able drifting lhlx nttemnon Feb lowan In storm tuntzhl tem prralum will drop xhnmly In near zero In mast localttlct The ENE aPnnnraml éarry In 120 persons was pillan down brlweon hm Aerie ll llldu about no mil can VIncauvar work train hrnka spokesman laid the CPfla easlbnund Canadian due to leave Vanctmver Thursday Ian Illa west coast at am today and wulod It finer Valley aiding mm the wmbwnd train passed balm canllnulnx It My toward Torama MOVES LATE CPR ouch laid lbe Cana dian wesfibound was thduled lo arrive In Vulcouver It 945 ba 21 1mm lale Canadian yl crack passenger train the Cana dian broke on its overnight Iran 11 Lhe Fraser Canyon mar here It 415 am to conllnue lu wehstlgnund flip to VIIIEOIIVCL But another passenger train Canadian National Rallwayz Panorama also westbound malned halted by the nude CPR spokmfian iaid Ihera were no passenger aboard hr Cangdlan CF One two crosstnuntry pas senger train trapped by snow slldcs In British Columbia got undpr way early an mornlng alter mark train cleared nwny snow mud and rock and that In ave 500 feet of track Cold Wave Snow To Hit Ontario Snow Gales Hit Atlantic Cold Continues 0n Prairies Wlndpficiod am me ha Mnrlllmrl depositing IO lnrbu ol nrw lnnw SécdndTréinStill Trapped In Ijraser Canybn Slides Not Mori Than 10 E5 Copy Plan min ijlrx 2ur mm mma pk mnkomv Mrnnwh hum lrm And can wrru Ilrnndcd In lha clu yon bclwml mmuum Ind Hupa and um TrimCan min lllkhwny In that In Ill rm In All hon Tempcrnlum man Ioulh om Ontario dropxmd Inla In high 31 unly may ncmm nlcd by ah Inowlnll ch ll weatherman Mld would Md nbaul mllldny Mlh mumd mnwnuniu lhrnughnul ll nrl1 durqu nllunonn Into Ioulhnm Onllrla and Quo bec when relnumy balmy mn dillons hnvu ulmd or In uukl There were India pm cipilntion in Wmdwr during an maxAhv our inden Londnn Ihrca inches at Simone 15 lnrhcs nk Tornnlo mi 17 lndm Hamillon Snowfall rnnxcd mm 10 lo Inches In tho with live to 10 Inches above normal with nu largest nmnunu al nmmlnl and Earllon The mum raglan rr wired an abundance of precip Halion mosz mm and most arm wen free mow mg bristan anowslorm T0110 CWOntario in 1965 End in 0166 Year Ilnco mo it warmest December rm several years the Toronto weather mica laId nwrmy Record highs in the Soxwm 1rucorvded Dec wllh It degrees In unmflwn orn peraluru In the rut of tha month mixed mm 43 to degrees on narmal No region annexed ram hat mnlslura during Iha mouth and Inuwfnll In the north above Moran Thursdayn lurlmu Milan was followed by fleet and free In rain 11 ha canyan are to day The CM prepared lo fly ungurL between Vancnuvu and Ike Albert cilIu nl C11 nry and Edmonton There wax so much mm on hoh alga of the rain lhnl equipment wpernlor had no where to push IL They broh paths through to overhaul and began dumplnx lnw mm the Fraser nlvcr One plow wurlknz Vup the can yon In ten the Pmonmn br came ensnarled Illelf Tnniuxn fthrhrra Thursday but IMW came dqwn ta block the HM axaIn Cdldest Year warmest Dec In 0ntario mush colder law dameel high For oomplela Wu 17 ma flv m5 mi

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