The 78hour new year holiday officially ended at mldnlghl Monday night local umc loav lng In its wake 50 nccidcnlal deaths across Canada muslly on Ontarlo and Quebec high ABDMN Incubus The army has taken over in Unptr Volta nfler weekend clashes and general mike Mnnday was learned 1mm diplommic 1lmirm In his Ivory Coast cap calmed dcmonalmlors in Ouag adnuunu lho capllnl at Upper Volta Rlnndny Iolllng lhrm Arcurtllmz tn the will In ï¬le he army will nmlme ls rcspnnslhlllty Earllcr reports mm the or anla capllal salrl hon wrre rlaï¬ms III lhu slrcm llrlkrrs lrllul Ilu nvommcnl olulrtsidcnl llurirc Yumago Ynmrngo drclnml ulntcuol national rmrmrnby Sun night and hm hnnncd he cn Fire commas the Illyear oId Cathedral at the Russlan Orthodox Church in sitka Maska yaflcrday as the Holiday ACcidents Claim At Least 50 Army Takes Over In Upper Volta IIl III na II lm win of mu lblmhm numml NVHMMHIVN Iuumy wulm in Inlay oulhnk Imml mm ulur hmva My hrhrn lam my lwu Nwrwlmll nun mnl umml Mum HFCIWIJIHWI LLCoL Sangnupa Lamizunn 595 COLD WEATHER COMING Including INFERNO LEVELS CATHEDRAL Canadian Highway Safety Council had predicted so mm dealhs during the holi day which slamd pm lrom rallic accidenls was Ihe highest since 1961 when 51 per snns died during he lhreMay haliday era mike called hr Myndgy One source said here Monday nll adminlslralive ovum 1n the capilal were amply and Iroops In banlc dress ringed lb pres ldrnllul palm All rummunlcauun wilh lhe mnslde world Mn cut all up for one lclbgmph link be luun Ouggadoygou and Paris Upper ana is landlocked lormcr French West Mncnn lenilury borderan lhe Ivory Cum Ghana and Dnhomcy ll hm mmlnllon 00000 In Dahomey linkd Upper Volta In he cntlnh tmlncll munan of Freud speakan Mum Gcn CIrlslbph Saxln wind power Insl mnnlh in hl Ihlrd coup In lilllo our Iwn years biaze destroyed about half of downtown business district at Sllku Damage udmale is $35 million least 21 busi mm hum mum Illimh uluuvhil In Nmmm MIMI Imipinlkm mum rn In Mm ol Imlm mm 1th um me In mnuux m1 HMM aml Hung mun ul hrnmarl IN may Friday Last years New Year holiday all was 45 includan 30 In Iraflir Canadian Press survey listed in AddiUon lo flu mmc dcalhl lwa drownlnns our lire deaths and eight from other causes Ontario and Quebec contrib ulcd 35 or flu overall death toll Ontariu had 20 Irach deahs one drowning and one death by in Quebec had Io hlghway dcalhs one drowning one ire drum and lwo asphyxi nlinnx Ioundland and Prince Edward Island wtre alnlity tree but Nma Scotin and New Hrunswlck each had one mine death In the West Albma recorded lhrce highway dculhs Saskal chcwan had one traffic dealh two ohcrs by ï¬lt and one am exposure Mnniloha had nne dealh by exp rec pcrsuns died in plane crash in nrilish Columhia and another wns accldcnlally shnl death CHICAGO AP maul New Yonrl hulklny utfklnd loll 561 cirrird l0 nrnrly 1300 Monday lhc number Amtmun klllnd ln heavy mn Inr lrullc avrr two long luc coulva erhmlxv Th Chrlxlmnx nrrkrnrl lull 710 was he worn far my lhmr Iny holiday cckbrnllnn nn rec 0m The depth III 1me drmnml 1hr ncllvo rnnmn mry Amuknn vhnlmr hl Mum um uan rm prtsillrnl his US Nalinnnl Snlcly CmmriL Thu homr we nll IN Al the niln lhll nmllm IInlh mull um IIIIrud lxrjlvlrss emnllnnf Thn rnunrll Mllmnlrtl hill In mlxllllnn In ho Ilenlhv nmm Ihnn 0000 prunru Mu lwn dlmlrlul many wrnumenlly In lhr rlnlhrl nu ma uu Mek and ncssbs the cathedral and the Lulhexan Church were de4 stayed in the infemo AP Virepholn Ynlk ll lrmull Ilrihn II lravinn Uummmlx mm llnl urrullvu nlnnr at lhrlr Ilrlkx am In unxrr mull nub Mly nlnnu Ily unrurnllnl pert mm ml clnlu uhn ulnwl IDIN Mayor lnhu leluy wl Imlnlrvl Muller In umkm In my nul nl Ilw rin Mm lhry Wu rnrnllnL Iml lw lhlnl luv who mu mnullal In Inmw num Mum Wang lerllnr 11w Iwu nxwum Mu mm ml IHn mm WWII mung mm HI Iwu mm Hull lrulnlby gnu ml with IIHIIVUIIVIfl lllw uumlhvxm Mr rmuum Ilny hmnr ml In mmlmny amalul Ixtulan mmml mr In nmu rum lhnn ï¬nk Executives Outnumber Clerks As Strike Hits NY Firms 1lll llw will MIN Im MIMI Murh my vnnl Hrllml pupulnllnn hm In mm Rum and ï¬lm Nm urlmmlrnl 5H lwu lulmnyx Death Toll Hits 526 In US NIZW YORK AP Nrw 11m Mm willy mm WASHINGTON CF Cann dians on Ihe llsrday of 1965 recelved Ipeclal demonstra tlon of III unique stylePrexl den Johnsonnowhax made permanent feature of his job Iter whtch ks must grandiose mid and Imcmlahla Iu sent presidential pa and emissatie from capltal In cant tulle Explain that the Unlled States sincerely wants10 cnd Io war in Viet Nam and aim cerely wank North Vie Nam animal message It an apparent map déclslonlast FrL day mm the presidents Texas ranch home lo clear hisdesk revised CanadlnanS civil alr agreement behn 1966 be gan may hnva had sqmelhlng lo do wilh Johnson conversa tion the preview day with Prime Minister Pearson about Vie Nun at St mllhl not DIPLOMATIC scRAMnm nï¬Ã©tflnglllfcnrislni holiday lull Nevertheless wnrd came from Tens Frlday mom lnz that an president wanted Io have Joint Texasvonawa announcement belnre noon on lthalr ngycement lengthy dvil negotiation begun In April 1964 had NMth Agreement In princiyle and that still lhecnse Last Fï¬day twai federal LS hullday and the Canadian 9massylmr5 wasonl shogt malt Diplomatic scrambling linaliy managed in produce mutual pm EST liming Canadian and other diplumnls under Johnson regime have grown uscd in such hurried prepara linns which conlrasi wilh more leisurely schedules oi lhe push Speed in Ihe Johnson regime lend be of he ssnncer OTIAWA CPI Indications are that develnning Canadian pollcy of selective hnmlgrnlinn will canlinue under Jean Mar chand Incnse sludics ol the labor market have suggested Ihm many 1ijch Immigrants are needed as if the economy is to Iqu kg hlgh my VThe lmmlgralonfl Act ilsnl has bccn lhc suchcl minma scruliny In the iasl year by TTA CP Wllliam Kay president the 110 member Canadian Union of Pnslal Worker cw said Monday the union ls qulle dis lmbcd by he dismlssal wllh nul appeal of Vancouver pnslul employee Vlclor Spencer ML Sptmcr 57 lmpllcalcd Xasl yrnr in nu cspinnnxo case which lwo flusslnns expelled rum Canada was Hm In Friday wlUmu pen ainn nppcal PnstmnsluGencrnl Cm Inhl In Ilnllmtnl lhnl or muons cl crurlz 31 75ptzccr was helm dhmlwd under SnLlinn 50 of 1h Civil Servirr Ad Thls mount lhem cnuM be 1m ampan Tn my knnwlmlxn weve ncvrr been ranlmnlml wilh lhl Mme mld Mr Ray In an Interview think evrryone xhould hnvo lhc Hth nmwnl In llrui out try Berlin 50 wnl ml Ho Mrmnally hmlnl mn hard of lh clnuw Mlnru llm Spinm 1qu Tho nnllonul rxtculiw Ibo union would mm Jan II in mlnwn and wnuld rnlnlnly Illmul lhn rmr We will likely be npprnnrhn Ihn nmmncnl Speed Is Ihe Essence In Johnson Regime Selective Immigration Policy May Continue Under Marchand nmurnl ern llvr In lhn unh uxln hum uhlrh lmln aml 1mm wcn runulnm rlu Hwy llvr In fuhlnnlblq lnsl Iill MnnhMlnn MM ullhln wnflllni lelnmn III lhr ullll Nrw urk Illu lnmrnnu ln Nrw mk Illu lnnurnnu Un prr cm of IN Um Mlllktll urvo lull In llu lmInru 1an lhr Ilvlkrulml mlflrrl Ihnl Ihn veal nulqu ll ruruihrw ml mnnnmlnl pm plu Wm Mr llflk Postal Union Is Disturbed Over Dismissal sunuimnh innml 1m Mnuy mm Hwy uni hrhlwl In pmmlnn mum hmlrml lnurI mlnrvl by rimIver mm mm wnrlr Mm QINUHV Inlvlnl nln New hlk nwlr luhl dw lmu In vhk up mnlmiu 11min hulri mum mp mnhll Iw ma Inn run uurhnn umM lrly III mm almuu lmrlml In wum ml pummL lmhullun 1mm nmnmg IlMInL um In hll mu Irll hr minm xlor mm Ind nwwnml 1m mi sun It thvyv llhh up Inullm day nyway Mafia gout when Arthur Goldberg unh am rlu lnsl Or even when the president by port hm triedand lulled 4o hive Washington jewelry store reopen during Chrhtmll because he had lorzotten some Iorelgn dignitarlga APPROVE or mom Johnson so far tending to get nnA far eUurt or his Vietnamese operation with 221t ented reservation Ibout the way he cqnductl mega allialn 15 ambassador louse Unlled Nonns ls reported In lmva cu short West lndlu holldsy by pulling pants over swim trunks to launch hlJVlelnanme Peace rounds 0r When Prime Mlnlster Wil son of Britain who presumably gut yretty thorough Viet Nam briefing here two wzeks ago rum the presldent had Io cIII short hlsqwn Christmas buliday la receive Johnsnn envoy ny Ing the president want peace nya cblumMArlhulTï¬ok of the New York Times WASHINGNN AmUnder notice that the Us govern ment wont do business with the priceboosters the bulk at the steelmaker showed wari net today about joining the Bethlehem Steel Corp In IL tructurnl steel price increase $41 on unease by Inland Sleeerorp took effect lvday our days after Bethlehem announcement small producer Colorado Fuel and Iron Cox1 posted 38 In crease Hut lhls was hardly prim parade Other companflcs said nMiciaII working on policy Ilnlemenl The whlle paper In It in stages when Mr Murchand be came Immlgralmn mlnlster last month would be presumed in Parliament as prelude sweeping chaï¬ges In the act He sald In recent interview he present 13 ycnr old an aim dnnxcrous discretlon In an immlxmllon minisler and need to be redrannd The department is selling un $500000 European aervlce and opening umm In the Far Bush has been carryan out lnhnr mnrkcl nudins In co npcrallnn wim provincial labnr dcparlmnnu The not has been horn In ï¬le shit xumulve nunlsun Ince It came lnlu mm In Junev 1951 Inlllally it gave widu power In dqmlmcnl ofï¬cer In mm lmmlgrnnu for varinu reasons cullurfll backmund em nnmlc Inclnn nhilily to adjust Emphash was liven lo selec live Immigration under former mlnlsler John Nicholsnn In the last year But he Supreme Cour Canada ruled In 1956 that he cnhlncl urwlcd ll lcunl nu lhurity In dclcunllna Mlth WW to civil serum The alu llun was In xlolina In ntw regu Iulluns he chum pcmni who could be ndmiucd 11m prnvhlrd lnr ndmlaslvn of lmmlamnll an lhoir own merit nnd mlmlsslan hrnntl rnngo nl nlnllvu Ipfll mm by nlhKr Immlzrnnl nul npumurcd lmmlxrnllon be came pmhlcm Une Inrluxuue worker ml miuml nn the hash his mm mm maan mm 1m Hum relnlul nnly hy mar rlnxc nml low or lhcm edu rllcd Monnmllll lrnr lhc luv wunmrd lmmiurnnll ll bulld an up pm at unrmplnynhla pmnul limilallan pan lrmd Immiumnnn whlrh now nmuunu In hnlt the flow In Cmmln uncrlnl In mun nl new Acl Mam nmlrurllnn Md Tvmnln nu Iwrn nwanlnl MIN4W nmharl In Mlllrl new vly hail ml mnnmrnlnl lrmldm hm ll HINT TIM NT TLNIH Hrhlnvum 77 Tvmmhv WM 0W Isl 10M lrnmr lalnlvly lmmlml In Mrhnpnlllun Tur qu Mn thlnvunt murl hy rar lnmluy Enllntun Ammn Wul ht mm mm nml Ilalu am whhlu Inmmwl Imr Tumult Imam Mrlml Hill IHHIC Ith In Hrs Mu Illauwlmn HMIUNTIW lllJJlun Vim mnlr mm xlmmd mlll put Ilulml alnlrn nullllnlml mva um mnnmlrzl lnr Illnl le ll ulwl IIr Mume In AIMIIA sumrmn mm Mvwlxv ln=rvh Irulvnl JL mum mmwr wllrn nmlalvll ml Siavérï¬cï¬affï¬ gughun US WIN CONTRACT MIlNTrmln IIJ WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF The president In conngle disposed to drumaflu Illa ul flags in which his decialolu his or Hula are made publlw In then perlurmancel theta hal also ollen been heavy odor IIIva of hlm Butonly In ï¬weleme clue could ï¬nd ellher an with dispatch lolhne cunllnenu of mluionarlcs charged with re moving mlsundmtandinga ol the adnï¬nlntrallonl aim in Southeast Am Inn in solid lnternationnl assistance in his cum lo Inbatllule negalllflon or waLIn Vial Nam Syndicauduaolumnlst Josey Alsop who usually like in nbauleverythlnz Jnhnmn déea except the way he doe It or Idm what be all flu pred dentl maul style wlflch caulk buausl ha is not laxmight tithtr with country or with his modules cm on pechwllh My mum Ind den 42 In an attempt la dissuade the doubtlul ï¬rms and thus per haps to farce price rollback by Bethlehem and Maudml llary and civilian ofï¬cials sued order calling In enact or government boycott of the higherpriced sled DRIVE INDICATED they were auxdylng the qua tlon Ind um glut Uni Slaves Steel Corp said that it may be some time heron it decides what to do There was every indicaiion concerted drive by the Johrh son adminislrallon and its key suppnriers in Congress This raised emulation whether President Johnson war not risking his remarkabiy duraqu yopularily wilh business lud ers But oh son himscll wax sllcnl And the mos unsldve index of business psthnlogy the Mock market reflected nciLher hysteria nor loss con Iidcncc Dcfenca Secretary Rob McNamara ordered Mon day the military cnnlracll or lulure slruclural steel dcilvary be mum to firms whlch have not boosted prim steel sham declined bllbul this was In market which nlready wn mnvjnz lrrggunrly nown When Inland Steel nnnouncnd 115 price rise Chairman Gard ncr Ackley or the prasldenll council ol economic adviser dcscrihndlhis mnve ax un wamnled and Innnuunary the name mllclsm he had OAKVILLE CPIanhrenk cu should hclp ï¬nance new rourl lncilillts and prospective brldcuroom Khmfld he rLIused martini llrtnm unlm My hlvn in he hnnin Maxi lrnla Kcnncth Lanmlnn Mgmlay Acklcy addc Farclgn steal prnducer Ihe only people who will take much pIcasura In this annnunccmcnl Thu mauihlrnle an vc virw nl lho nmclnl opening nnkvlllel new 100000 lnwn hall nnvl cnurl hullr An ma mnuid be lnckrd nn inns under 75 and $5 In no mhlcd In linM Mr 15 to help provide mw mun Inll Mrs laid The nddlnnnn In llnrs wnuhl prnvlde lum $30000 Mr lnwnrd Im an Ilnwtcllve lvrhle hmlld nwn SIM In Inviruu be xrlllnx mmlnxn new ml Ith um mu Ihnuld hm In uh mum an mlrrlue ho Hunted 81 Inch mum In Hallnn Cnnly hflllfllll 11W EXAMINER WANT ADS Jamu Mchnunll than wuh pnumlon rm worl nl mmllnlrd hill ul lrany Alnhn mm Vnnruuvrr warrhmue early In car Lawbreakers Should Finance Courts Magistrate Mm Tun um In Dunlap kl II III For PRESCRIPTION Pharmacy OPEN FOUR NIONYS and All Drug nudl MucKAYS mmmmmm TUESDAY JANUARY ear ll look more art on um Mm lhmwinx botllex About they stand throwing the ships ntgqul The argument he Irish hm war in whlch Annually ï¬shermen ram Narlhem Ire land and he rcpubilc in lhe south bombard each am with whajuvcr ll at hand usuale Lharn Irtland IXiP pen nailing under lha Union Jack claimed their lrlwkn rammtd Monday by mulhern skippers lo whom he British flag is mnbol ol centuries of lupnmsinn no to mention wanellflon WAERFDRD Like many Irlxh argument i2 mined with goodwill squire Like many anaLher came llght and promlsu still more light to come The engagement ended with lbe mm on mrvme Masha one third of the republican navy liran warnan nlvq urns the how of tho repub Hcl shin 1ch and hauilnx one own when all In suwran allnasan Milli Thu ruse open Friday In Wumlord caurl with lhll rharno against Mlthul omen iipm of the lnwkrl Ildcizl within the ol um nlnle lylnz on Buidun and County Vulord unllwlufly And ml llcloully IUII Him In lrw lrL he Vlclory he mmxly Willlnm McKu with Intent tender It uulm mmmry Io 11$ Mnlidou Dnmnzc Ad The Huh km lulu Imm Imo when the republlun ovum mtnl nximu In lm mm 15 llnnl wilh on non nimud that nnnhrm Irnwkrmrn wuld lhh In npuMIc watcrl do Amie htIr Illrgllnu In tho mum Crnun Madame flut ll wrmlm TM mm ormen 171 ï¬lm In ION Healing Subslnnce Shrinks lilcs umwnul mouth Imlflnln hn Imml IT hulln HIMum nllh lh IlvHIy In am all htmnp IhnlulIrlnlmly PIIIHMIIIMII m1 menu In mlnulu umh up hullu lhn Injumh Influnml um ml pull IMMEUBI iuzl unuolm cl rmulu runmu mulhlhmhlclmpmw mnl mumm om wind 91 mny mnnlhm rmmrlhhwl Illh All 1371 nut Minanulnumllllwhym Ihlrh all My Iml In gnum namuIIn mnhu Nuw DIMan ll almd In MM mrm le nu avmy mm nllui lvvpmnunl Ad In Mm ummow Ind nun Herring War Begins In Ireland OPERA WA HOOK Announce New aims broulhl from the Ioulhern Mr Their mm mnumd when Stokes and the Vilclory sailed Into their home part last week and landed the biggest catch of herring ever put an an Irish shqrc Thosq herring were cauglfl In republican which and herrimnI are scarce Europe shore Ull year Dutch German and Scandinavian wcro walling on he quay with chequd hook ready How Io relieve BACK ACHE PM We hunmm deodnunt pro lrclmnmlhleiNLJhnml rnltd mmlly Immulalnd Inlllmlulal urnl that lam In fltodomhl 19m nu ndor Ind lnkdiuu buluia And loxmmuhlnnnnamzent hmhllnlnu mnl In mks Ihlln Miler tolou In Mu 5mm pmkflrd hilh 10 NE suhesh and mintm ML DA lDNG lvr your wnlrt uI no your mm ha Wm Ma WM my Cleaners 14 HIGH ST 72874 YOUR SHIRTS NuServlce um my ILIIANNKR WE Un nodan mm PHI or yuan nllll mu III ummla an uulhll It Imhehu In nu Mm banr Du mud on Daddl $223M kï¬gxï¬iflï¬x