Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1966, p. 3

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Ono fact atrlkcs as We study mm and moro closely Hm runctlnns ho prcxs and polllidans In En 1th Canada Almost all lhu pollllclan slaluro and almnnl all nmvaparcra of lmporlancn ngrco ntrnnx ccnlra governman would he maintained In all ustlco tt must no mid that when an ltnutrCnnndlnn lpokcsmnn defend the thrnry at 51mm crntral govern ment ho tn not ncccssnrlly rtnlnu agnlust Qunbec llo most ottcn wants to tnnkn It understood that It tho prtnctplo ot treodom of opportunity for the my vtncu were carried to Its tlmltx there vnultl not be any really Important rnlc loft for tho tctlcral anvqrnmcnl to may Vlvnvrirlrl rainp VVnV anllnlm In nallnnnl unlly wth demanding gronlcr iionircai Lo Dcvoir Premiers Hobaris of Ontario and Thai cim vi Saskaiciwwan have taken up arm of the themes that best ox rcsscx the present sinlo oi mind and so pcrhnrs the deep asplrationa oi English Cnnnm Both talked one in London the slim in Montreal of tho im cralivu need ni keeping strong ccnlrn government at Ottawa This coincidence bchvccn stalcmcnis of two men 15 different as Mr ltohnrts and Mr Thatcher is no doubt orluilous and looting iiut wu wouldnt be sur prised hat it cxprcssvs in Inch one ihu rum poinia about which English Can mia has reached lnm unnnlmily Mlurrlmm ulu Ilally lay mm Inc mu um ymly filnlln nmlu lov fly null mum moo mu so II mm on so mnnlhn 0150 nmnlh Mulor mum um nar MM Ml mmth Duluth lnrlo mm year nulnlrlq Canada mmm pmunlom mm your ll nnxl Fm mm ygnr mm Im ym 1nmnlm no lalhml Iml Monhrnl rm I201 Wu Imrkr Hvrvl anmum 1H Mamba It Unadnm DIN Mumr Mr Owens comments have raisedn number of questions notithe least of whithjszihmcarezof senile patienisgin rhos itals Hospitals today are highcost institutions for intensive care 011119111 but they are not necessarily places for treatment of thechmnicaIIyill or peo pic who are bedridden simply because they are elderly DNA World War One including Red ewman Pat Rafferty and Ross Hamilton Marj orie plus eight shapely dancing girls from Toronto Municipal Board an groved Town of Banla financing $48000 debentures far new sewage disposal plant Mayor Robertson announced First contribution to BarrieCanada and Ba Wales Buy Spitfire fund made by rrle Citizens Band conducted by Joe Clark on proceeds from Sunda evenlng concert at Roxy Theatre dona ed by Manager Tony Saso Clerk Val ter Gill estimated more than 12 tons fowl sold at Barrles two Christmas markets Cyrus Allison after absence 14 years mtumcd from llleaford as CNll agent for Barrie and Allandale stations succeeding Buchanan transferred to Collingwood Searching for lost filer two aircraft from Camp Borden collided and crashed in Luke lliuskoka Barrie Examiner Dec 30 1940 with 3000 troops as audience Lee Theatre at Cam Borden was officially opened named honor of Colonel Garry Lee MC former area commander Brig adier Eric McCuaig CMG D50 new commandant declared building ready gngert givgn by dungr Pugnlgclls 0t iii patients in district hospitals especial iy Barrie to determine how many of them could be Tiaced in private nursing homes or county institutions An in vestigation into Mr Owens assertion as to the need for an institution to handle senile patient wquid 3150 he in order Acturaily tile sntuatloH i157 hot as bad as it might appear on the surface More and more government licensed private WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO yAId Bruce Owen has mmlsed to bring the subject of homes or the aged before the Ban1e City Council Mr Owen helleves there is great need for an institution to accommodate senlle patlents and he fears that Barrie and StmcoeCounty go thelr separate ways the senile will be forgotten He further asserts thatthe county home at Beetonj and Penetnng are not equlpped to pro vide adequate carevfor the senile w1 Walla At AdCommOddtion FofAged DEEP ASPIRATIONS OF ENGLISH CANADA un Publisher OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Publishuydby canaqlgn Ngwnpipovlelmlted 16anyIied Shut Burrig thnrlg Aulhmiml mum rhu nmL Im Ollin Downturn 01 In and tar rumrnl mun In mh fully man and Holman xugxlnl 119 marriv Exztmilwr McPhahnn Mgiylzlngidlfor TUESDAY 1va 19w man TIIJTIIUNYS FM lflmlflmr anl MuInna 1m 1m mm mme tn mu Inr lhu Illlunlu nr nlxminl Iu mnwnl II 71 sm rurulnuon Ikpulnwnl phm 1mm There only one posslblu exlt 1mm thls lmhragllo lt cqnslsk nxamlnlng wllhout uselesst concealing onus face the two fundamental demands which confllcllhal of English Canada whlch honestly dcslrcs atron central gov ernment and that Que no whlch ln tcnscly dcslrcs strong prnvlnclnl gov crnmont Quebec already han delegation in Paris house In New York and mm in London and has just opened In econ umlc hurcnu In Mllln Ilnlg Those com mmlnl nurnclu oulaldot counlry nlm allmulnllng our nxporla to th0 coun um and attractlnu cnpllnl Quebec needs or Ms rconomlc developman nut nur conuncriml nml lmlunrial re lnllom will lhm counlrlm donl nml wnnl havu the lm orlanco of those which we have will no tanamlm ll In eruorn the maxi clcmcnlary lo lc 11 llmu vllm Quohcn necks l0 exp all European mnrkola that who nlm aim al rxplnfllng the mark whirh rnr Iur he mnal lmpnrlnnl nml cluml lho amtllan market autonomy one one hand and central slate capable of resisting pressure for autonomy on tho other Quebec Do 80110 The Quebec department mic and commerco plans In mnko laudable ges lurc 11m province wll soon name com mercial rcprcsentnllvu to 110513 In tho mnln Canmllnn emu lulvlhheu Amrinlinn Ihn nnahm Im anvl Huihum numu nl Clellong The lnnndlnn Im II mlmmly min In lh mg umbllullan III um llllplllhu In his pa mdllnl In It or IumIlul Pm or euleu um tho lml mu lldwl llwwln elecied Warren Vilgar president and Grant Mayor secretary Barrie Colts beat Aurora Tigers in junior hockey Chuck Spearn starred in goal coach John Dobsons best forward line was Bill Bird Raymond Hayes and Ross Saunders Barrie Collegiate Christmas dance was big success convened by Geraldine Norman Emerson Creed and Betty liai lon won lucky spot prize Bniee 111c Cauley and Edith Bird were judged best dancers also won jittcrbug contest taking lives of two pilots and two ob servers Charles Percy Piaxton native of Barrie appointed judge at Ontario Supreme Court Lions Club meeting at Queens Hotel heard Cpl Richard Cum mings formerly of 7th Royal Tank Reg iment tell of survival at Dunkirk He is now instructor at Camp Borden Dr Norman Rogers 58 Medical 0i Iicer of Health died in Royal Victoria Hospital Da before receiving his wings student lot on solo flight from Camp Borden crashed and was killed near Everett Copaco plant set new record last week by handling 1000 head livestock plus 40000 pounds eggs and poultry General Manager ill iiior rison reported Farmorowners were paid $000 Barrio Life Undenvntero oniKt However inthe llght of Mr Owens remarks further look at institutional eare of the elderly would seem to be in order While this has been acounty function in the past it is possible that Barrie may have to get into the picture with Ontario government assistance This could mean thoerectlon of home for the aged in or near Barrie to relieve the pressure on Royal Victoria Hospital In the past there have been sugges 1011540 erect purely Barrie Old Folks homa butprovinclal authorities say such home would not be econnmlcally sound for city of this slze Conse 315 hadrtaken nursinghomes argbelngostabllshed and they afpearvlo be doing an adequatejob The ty of Barriohas an arrangement whereby elderly hedfiddenpatlents may be sent to theconnty inshtuflonsatBee ton on Penetang onto privatenurslng homes Such referrals are invariably elderly people on old age finsionhut who have no other means paflonts pay portion of their old age pensions usually $60 month andtha balance 01 costof care is assessed against thomun lclpalltles in which they claim residence similar arrangemenlwill undo seal mayinnesficizcofiainew to greetedZInhhoQolllngyvood are LAUDABLE GESTURE HWfllofi diheral Muhigar We could not hm bean more Iurprlsrd nor mom ramnlzlzly dumbfounded had the Orderin Council slated um Ibo nrlglnnl ruling shall Alnnd and mu tho cliecllva dnie ii application Hull he rciraarllvc Io Jlnulry HM The 4195 mm in have been made will limo thought lil conanucnm and in upmlicnllom inking In improperly lnbrllrri box of choc nlalcs mm nnu child an Chrlll mu morninl and giving it Io nlller ll in umlnlsceni ol the divom mlil ui Oiilwl wim min llu vm lflll many Amwkm alum dimme lint lhm WM lrMhn Canada ml an 1101me mm wu vlurlnwd In hm urnt on lmw On January the th uhme mm In tho Mum1 llornlal For Sam mm Ilnva In 3mm Alt gum and hmlmy hm lull mum ml la Mule 11 mm MIM In Mm nr out nl lam 11 um will may my on uwa mdx ur mw link Mm In pawrml Fm uuh Lu pulpllflm Unn hula le mum um hunt alum lm lnrufly Mm In limtmll 5mm in WM shim1K Mm In Uan Elwin InyMlfln ml hmum mm with HIV and my um nlllrwwl la kw Umn Rumn lawman Imnw mwhlnl Ind rhhlm ll nlnvm umhl In ml Mm Ury WM mn vl 31w leln pmwlmt hr Um MM 0mm palm Ilmw Ume1 and flu Mlmllmu IMl n11 Mu lrzhlalh Mnl mm um um Int mum nl lnw Mum 11 mm nm Um HEM of mania nm ILHH mm In NH duhhm flu log MM ulnmy ma IL um In WWI ml the Hummus In Mum filmM hm will 1mm Hm llnlw but he will umld m1 41mph 11 alum 217 Mm on battle In Lamb HI liulll Jun ll lmlJlmry Ill InnMul Mnmuu VII la who Urnm ul th ol the Executh CouncII that the Municipal Board did not nnl Improperly In any wuy thch nhsnlmely unnupporIath In View Ihc Incl mmch by uII In every member of the Ex eculive CounciI 10 whom lheIr dtpullcs acknowledged chpI In my Iubmlstnns Io lhcm dated November 20 1961 xhnII hereln mlrIcI mych to cemmcnlInx brIoIIy on In last whereas namely And where as the dchsion the Bonn pm idcd lhal the cIIecIIre ane the annexallcn wns January I965 thch Is no new passibIo and II lhcrclnre desirable In vary the dtclnlnn by chanzlng UI neIIeclIvu IIIu In January sum1mm Imaaltum m1de JIM Whilu HUN Ilml Wh Unlnnl llui III Hmnll lTlmw IMM llighlmhn Hr1m Sydmy NR 414 gm um Maud from mum Inmlal wish hereby acknawlcdgn receipt or your Inner of Dre together with copy or the omrinoouncil 461965 datcd Dec 16 Reserving lhe right In answer mum data he con=nUon vul MWqu ng nm HUM and mm Mlnml nl MM Jnhn IRiLlim mvrml than rink In nnrll mm Hmhu In ng lllmalmm1uwl mm ManUm mm Tum INlfmwla and SA par la ILM Mummi CANADAS STORY VASAGA ANNEXATlDN Russell Pogue Wasaga Beach haxwrilcn lb allow ing lcilcrlo mgmbcrs of Im executive cuuncil and chair man of lhe Municipal Buard Queens Park Toronto Dnnr Sits 11c Village Wasnge Beach Anncxallon lhcrclo 01 pan of Ibo Townshiu of Sunni dnlu Notice of Objection Section 15 The Munici pnl Act As the one respnnslhlc or prescnllng on May 22 1864 the nullce objection nnlcd above Canada Sheltered Slaves From US LETTERS TO THEEDITOR lunl FEW RESOLUTIONS COULD SUGGEST non IOWMAN it is hoped that the dale Dec 16 1953 ol the 0rdcrinCouncil and its clientive dale Jan 1966 was ml in spin of having all Ih appearances oi il de lihcrale and premoditalmi act in deprive Illa properly owners Oakview Beach who will com prise well over threeiith ol lhe cieclnrala oi the proposed Hench Iior period two years namely until January I963 oi lhc right to havu any part in el ecling those lhcy wish lo guide their municipal nlinirs and lhux lo surrendcrus voicclcs lo the lcndcr mercies oi the present Nov and council ol the Villa of may Beach whole on claim lo distinction If such can properly bo nilrlbulcd In such dubious and devious lrniti it their peculiar abllily lo wlcld an unduo inllucnca in Toronto nnd at Quetnl Park rnlhcr thon the nbilily run dimivriy and properly their own nllairs which are the qualifications expccled oi lhoso in municipal govern mcnl ll thin is no deliberate tempt to deny demucrallc right In Iuch an important pm ihl propascd enlarged munlclpalily which would not be lurprlsinz since the Extcullve Councll and lhe Municipal Board vnnlanly than to ixnun Illa ncumman dullon oi the mond lnlerlm IV Part oi ha Select Commlllee an the Municipal and Minted Aci um no npplicnllon ior nnncx Allan or amalgamation be pu mlllad unlll the mailer in It red Io Volga an by he hxmdred of me were at ha Ian moment just waved on Ihgqul shnbmh Tflhuh Canadl guns to war agnlml vovmy Thnl noble crundt The hub Ia wlll be Inn And nnlhlnl Indium will Mumph 5plVlnrtha mfihlrlvilllyippiy nr 010 Annnxaflnn or Amul QUEBEC OPINIONS One could wish that the Exec uilvo Council could claim mem ly iypograyhical error in it OrderinCauncii that the alien Uve date was to be January 1967 instead WW It would relieve so many doubt in Ihe mind of Intelligent citizen re garding the ability at those that reach the luv in the political and administrative field Whllo we mlxm tunes that Inmelmw those responsible tor Illa 0rdzrlnCouncil mlm clnlm merely lypoznplllul error And recllly lean to name men glaring unmpln ol lack nl thought and thus are lhls would hardly be ham and after all expect honesty ln our ngmgmlgllvfi ll up qtulgn pm wllhnu cummenl Ill amrnd men In the 0rdtrln410uncu or whalever In lhe accepted method at mnklnz an essential chanxt ma lha ellucllvn dm dull ba Jimmy 1967 rypuc rum ca Execullva Cnun 11 lb Dcparlmcnt of Munlclpnl Allalrs and lhc Munlclpal Board all to sense Ihat ln spite Shakespeares plea for mercy that all the fury at an Mormed public will descend upon all them juslly and lnevllahly wllh all thn ccrlalnly although decld cdly not Lhe tonnes lbs gem llu rain 1mm heaven We AN undrr on mom 1km that by wounnnl unlttd mm no not con durllnl lho but which 11 Nqulmi Illlon nl mum menl JurIM lcllnn HI com now xllwonl In lho null Julhdlcllnnnl ummmu will Inn mmlo Iflhnpl Lick IncHm II ant nl mlnclpnl mm rmm Ind maintain chmnle mmty 0M unly bcmrml Wm IN by mwlnlnl 0m lul Ihnl In Cnnmln mm llmn Limrm Mum run nrllhvr all Mr um Mnulh 00 um IMIIIICWY Ilvlnl Thpy my lnr unnnplnymrnl In ma clly Mllu In lhn rnunlry gamalian and also the people in tho munlclpalily which pro posed to be annexed or am gamated than it revel pollucal naivcnuss and ineptllnde mat is simply unbfllevable and lncxpficaMe Vllhnul dchginl tha uh enco paverly 1n CanIdL wt uk oumlm ha tommll Ice din on hn mm 1th lo lnqulrn lnln mln rennomlcnlly lubla lmupl at Monlrcnl Tomnln Vancouvtr and Balm John Nfl ua no unmnla hula 0n Iha puuly human level hope And hnlnl IoM IM round In lhll way will will we ho uh In lhnl mlly pmuul 71 Ixhllnl pawHM Awl 1le mi Inquiry nml Iml an In eduuuunal PM youth pull 9m MK pump My hnl all mm pmvinml VIlhnul drlwlinl mlmlvu tlnnt helluva wlll rm day In In mnkn mmly Illurmv lmm 1M Imllc the lohs not sun In lim mh ur In QudlnNfi wlll My nuncw In tovucllnl In lizhvmiu WIme by Ivulnl lwlnu My unlilra mm In tnluulq our punk IJF am cum 314 lhl wnrld Your truly Hum anuc CUT 101 IMAM LEOPOLDVILLE MPDCnn dauwmullry pmldlnl Jo uph Mobum hu hllnd lur 121 In lhn pulilmenllry and prnvlndnl xuvernmnu 0n he new unedqu nvrrnarl wm gel Ibmfl 0000 laden lexhlnlnn 600 Ind Allow Inc and provlnrlnl Illnlm About 11000 Ollldlll Id pean Itcounll wlll b1 watched Xmly of bllllon dollm one influx tor Vwonder Nut lomklnl 0m Mumblan nunelm lnulhu the man name in bul uhap other Ind In much the fly up punching Heban The person expecllnl lo oc upy one ol Godl mamhms had baller Iva lbma urlnul though In attending lho Imdn houu an earth Go In church on Sundny lul beller all wuk WASHINGTON Special you human to hm commllled pardculnly aryvmurder wllh mm added flmmlckjhat mu nationwide attention or mm You dont Ila to be 1171 tn I991 to describe your experlen e3 lamp ghostly hack will it or Thu 11 pm th memen prlue Journalistic mum we know It And mnh noapologiesr oflnyflxing I131 Igll FOR 1500000 henAlhgszginal sgveadlar tuxy astronauts wen selected in 1959 ula magazinl boughl up their pzrnonal norm or $500000 over fouryear period Th1 was far man than lha US gnvummnnl pald the astranaut servica ram rnnglng from Army Captain la LieutenantCub onelln he Madgengng an Yet when he hollldhllmn business In taken uvrby the Illll and Muldle to he lune The latest contract which rum Ihrough 1961 give Lila and Mar shall Flcld exclusiva Item ha astronaut Ind their famil Ies Th one rnqon why you an hump lnln In ulmnaut by he lwlmmlnx pool In Cocoa Beach but wont get much out or him beyond the Hm day LACKE anon And why Islmnaul talk broadcast ll public through an NASA chic pm Igent Julius Scheer argue that its llma all tho people lot ha WASHINGTON CALIiiNG Later the Marshall Fleld pub lishing empire with Lite ticd upthe qsgrnlgauls until 1963 The original seven bought lnlo motel at Cocoa Beach Fla nur Cape Kennedy wilh their literary gains and eyebrows raised amunz nmcm ol aqua rank who dld not have such glamnraus assignmgnl me time the mllonal spam lgency NASA declded limo should be no man echuslva magnllne cunlmcla Thu astral maul were risking lhelr live but lha government was rlsklng loo much money lmldexrnrv kennedy overruled this The Stale government isTwasuléfleéiéFwHéfifér mimetic keepfinnhc In It spacé heme by allowing lhem to calm vut wealth from excluxlve magazine cnn lracln BIBLE THOUGHT WE SELL WE PRINT 16 Blyflold 50 HistoryIleouIs But For Price RUBBER STAMPS WEDDING STATIONERY MIMEO PAPER LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES INVOICES CHEQUES CLUB NOTICES THE BARRIE EXAMINER PRINTING SERVICE FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS America has alleradv toms llranuo deal to prominent notmlous people In lha yank ycar or 90 Marin Oswuld yiléow ol ynanva kinetith minga whom Presldent Jnhngair sent back to sort things out so My zloty to 11112 Martin was prufmlqnnl mul nzine writer and apparanflf Johnson forgot 10 pay hlm In his gulllevel diplomatic uslm men Thl bsldlzed prIoi many which just happened to be disastrous diplomacy raked me question or haw far commerv cial new wallets should no In purchasing pwckaged lumbl olvlgisto lympachy nuE EXCLUSIVE Nonetheless he did well out of He refused lo all the hey papcrmen ih Santa Dorfiingo lhe lime Including myijeln the details of his negotlaflon wllh Hm mulled rebellorm But he told the whale lhlnx to Uh law on or lee ht be batten lo ya pcuple like Marlin Ike gaiu rm or lhelrmlfle gestures In rop ical climates and the nlmn harol Wile tar heros dny mm work runner than relylnt upm Ti Life 341 plck up the Inb the 18 gomnment cant pay or in own projects it shuuld have the sum to pass Illa but around nth than my um to paid commerclnls The mulor US debacle ma Aha Marine occupation of lhq Dominican Republlcrwnn turn ed Into maglaxinn exclusivl Hummump nuu gammyunnatu DHMMflh Man lo flow Inle you at auxan your mm Plum 7266537 IZIASJ €155

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