Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1966, p. 2

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11 Man In lwmlly mun do tMm Mmlm mud rmk no mum munlmt In lhe unmpt Iahl m1 WIT 0w WNlm I11 11m mix Imiilr mm Im Mm nu unhmu nbwlnl ham luv mldmnm toll III Mr lwnllifi him Mr mental or mnfltml thrlm mm Mnnhl lmmu ran in whom Mr Jndmll NM ml his IM mm Inlnz Um rhlkl In mm MUM In 1m ul up pmmum Ivy Hm nrHy nm llml me mm It mm an muqhmiu in mm Uvu um unnL pcrlod L1 In the mm CAS niflxr with mmcnl nl 0m guar dLm or by rink in mm The dulldrm nm Mam In el um 05hr homes Niall ham or 1mm uman Intim kl The Inner rule Includ Um 01mm mph 56 Ontario Training School Md tmntlmu film or damnn wmwm or mljmmt nw mm muqu Ilumllm Um MH lurk llw Wrihlrv II llmlimz wldu dultlrm who ml mmm mu Mm 110 mum hm mel mu Imhlu ln nw with umnllgnr palm mum mun mm my lay mm km the mom mwy Inan Hm mm In pm or mam fllkh miuma Writm Au 11m am no dlildrm nuw bo lnx looked Mm by the County 0151mm nnd he Ci Durrle brawl he CA5 society malts in our maln was un der Uh 01 lam Art in nw mm mm hmllni Ivy we CA5 that hiklrm hum out 71 unllmk The Inlnm nm zlv mluntnnly la the CA5 by urtr mum In am Im nr nmnlm Ihnt MM to 1mm than FINANCIAL HTATIVK Hm JainI 10ml dimhr 01 CAS wk Uni Int mm flfll mm In NH Wnllnn Act deal primarily Mm the lin Amdnl mmxhlmles 11 no rm her and lluo Inflnv caro program nxk dmls Md Waugh lb yr long 511951 In spine be tragic circum strum munioned nbow tho uhfld under not left wan der aimlessly mkinu hclp 11m Dildmns Md Soclety exists nssifl be mllorlmnlu daild ha hmugh no null 01 his mm has bpm placed in mkxu situa urikés inking mud nn mph Adflld L1 barn mot vmflodi in mm doeml wish to km 11 mm are unaqu lo pmvldo food and clothing or um all Tring him is beaten Immer cfully by its gun CH5 DIRECTOR By GERALD GRINGORTKN Examiner Stall Wrikr CASV Exists To Give Help To Unfortunate Children or llwy hunnrlnlly nhle In numb hamr Family um Hy kmt Inn In In umth In In um dilltl III IV haw In lmkq mm In mum In hum will be Mnku mm un lb plr nun Mr Jun1 MM ha 11 pawn in Mifliulb 119 mm mug Im mm pava in MM um1mm m1 rjvlulwyllaf PM not rib 11m UK lnmlml can In up In ll mllhx and mam than lmullm NUT um yum Um dllhlwfl Imam prnnnnmt wnnll ll the Hun 1110 CAM my Mkn hr mum wank Mp lhc HM mqmmnw In It war Mann plmwl In mum Mr Jackm um um Hwy hm many nc Mhm 1mm pnmfln him will tn uh dihlnvl ml Hwy Inhnummwm 227 éiizf at 553 $5 Iy M1 Inwhm mud ml mm lrr lmUl uin hm lmml MANY APPLICATION ONE WARNING In may instance hm um CA8 mm tn mkr no childs homo lile ho lamin is 1m 1m Imml um We make awry clfnd poa zbtn in maku the parent nro Um Hwy luwn um unlly lg flrgmflm out their Km nml chair Him bdom come HM MI Jmksm Mld 11m all 9151 in lnllnd nnd flu CA5 given 15me lhe child Um Hwy try In place the child In an mtnmmnl Mdrh wIH I34 Mpdpdfip lo Muffll mm and Ihwlmnmt nm in um mm MM inklinx mu Nl In In 1le Wellnnl Ad Them lull lnln lvm Me orlu omwmry or mmmmu mm um lml ml Ixn duo dIIHMI um Khan mo untidy nr mm mm 111 mlm mm Mun Um parmu haw hm lnlxrml In midrm mu mu uunhln Iur time In Ink after Mir IMMHII or II ink nncr their mlldml or II NM may he mmldul by MA panda uhn find dilliuut mlvu their mm miflm Airw um at their dmdmu Our real dcslro Is to 1mm amines wgdhcr and in make the childs awn home more my place to ve Mr Jnngsfxx said 1110 CAS take the child away from in natural mm mly when it puma In mun that the childl best inlmsu mid best he servxd by pmvm mg ml mvlmnmml Danr than the one he was In When in court the CA5 always ask um mu suggest an alternative solution to having the mutt give cuswdy of thn child to the CA5 Mr Jacks said the mm pnmdn what scam to be workable ulter nuuvc the CA5 vnu xiv than awry mannin to retain their mm dnld lwne Ila um 11w CA3 nlm hmim lurll with bnd mum Wm prnim mlvma mthUm liv rry mlnptlm In Ontrdn roqulm Xena 121 lnlhp pm per nuumuafmymlim mm Mm Um mm 111le to Um mun crulmnlly In Afl will do yawn on Mull Fam Mr 3am mm mu muy AIme at tho 91me 01 km 0m min mmlll ran brhlx In an mu my mun mu mm m6 Mlm Um ml km mm In kl Minna hmn yan at my one mm mm mm 25 when firm at lunar Imm The ham MM dva In mum Um same way the ndnptiw EMERGENCY HOMES 1110 um lmrr masonry harm when duldrIn can by plm lummmly my limo day or main CA3 uni mm mfim mull lo MR lln1u lhtlr mi 1mm Imph Mil oflm Iblht nlo Ulrmwhm wbm 11w AS 13 Ind inn and uwlmuuklinu Mr Jmktall MIII Hy Mr Prior to ndoplinn he parmud lmmlgaunn lakrs about our mouth and thou lhbn five Inth mailing mrial Mm ud qflm there L1 alumni pmb nLim in Men the CA5 super vlm um mloptinn to mum Um even1M all rim balm um papers are oomphqu jnm CA um nboul 95 npplku In Marin nlh their min In 31 In mm mam 11m hwu mongol5 In Mungmud Maufmumy Mam pble Adjust lo new siunl Mr Jackson shied hat ho older the child um um dini cull it 15 lo place Ammximalcly 75 per mm nl 01c leons are dam uhul the child is only to gays od 1m ha hm possiblcr BIRD HA5 APPEITIE The rare wand ibis of Florida North Americas only native Hark eat more hm third of Ila own Walsh every day FEW STAY FOR WINTER us resenrch stations In An larclica have about 1300 per wane in the annmerand 300 in the winter mnnUIsr name lhcir own reformer HasV my 01 345 is 190mg for euguraflon ceremonies It city hall night talks with hubmen menbera ol counu d1 luck Gamer centre and thn Maud lollowing meellngu ion Greer mEyiibzTZuTiérpIam of office on Mayur Cooke Fob lowing Inauguration mamm le Mayor Cooke ouflined ob mum at the next few yeam mucking wide range of mun ldpn pmde including um lmpmement conscvrvation and flood control mnmnnial plans public My planning and nmmsdn lop rlght who presented gavel to TRACTOR MI my 11 nml 1mm hr Th llul In rum erhlmu ll PARTRIDGE PARTRIDGE TRACTOR SERVICE ITS EXPLAINS OPERATION Mm Vm Cnmp wu pm Inn ha Vomml Luv Am rlnllnn tnr Mule 11 19M Ind I951 nmrnl In nddnlnn In Mr lnw pruclke die In pm drnl Ih Mtlmmlilln Tor onlu Young anenl Chrllllln Annrlnllnn NIGHT FOUND LAST TM worldl lnrml Hunll Uw lolool Knmadn drum wrru Ilunuvrml ml In ml on Knmndu mm In mull Onn Ion Ielcr Klmbcr Elli McWilIlamx nlm wu mmed QC In his lixl II In the Hnl ncmlon on Ihlch molher And no hlvn balh ructlved Ipyalnlmtnl Qurcnl Luunul the mu mcnl Mrs Mcwminml flldullld In law In 1912 She in the mother two Ionv bolh Inw ym Hm ncllnx munr IoHcl lnr ha Junlar Inrmm Inln brunch In the dcpnrlment of IKrcunum All hnvu done ouulnndlnz wnrk as member Ike legal profusion Mr Wlshm lMd In Ilnlcmnnl thnl named Lama Mnrknm MchlJaml Jann me Mind Ind Mum nrnl Vnn Camp onto women lawyers wm man no hurrmm Ind 501ch lm namtd Quern Caunnl Saturday by AllomcyGznernl Vilhnrl low it In gtvw up healthy and Mel mm person 111m any mumms mung kvm its ralher shaky beginning Ex mayor iLE Greer 1m tented Mayor Cooke with his chain at oiiice while William Maicomson pummel the and Farudpafing were exrnayar James Hart Her Honnr Judge Hamlnnn Innllfll township Reeve Joseph Coch rune Slmcoo County Warden Herbert Hughes Rev Wfldan Bull and Father Arbour There II no question in my mind that each you has Ic cepled ymu elecdon to alike as mnndale mm the eltclou In glva yourselves In alncerfly and dedicannto the tank pm vlding progressKve and respon sible government Mayan Cooke Iald the alderman Women Lawyers Named In Ontario Honors Lists Mayor Cooke and the dozgn aldermendmrfld with msponsibllky 1m xuldln devel opment In Banlo for lenaxfi two yearn look otflca olflcllliy last night during mommies AI guy hall Wllhtormafion of striking commluee city council unhar ledan prouim which outlined by Mayor Cooke will inyolve new look Almost wary area at local government Named lo um llflflnl com mlueeto dadde who will quanta 311 Ignporhntlggm milled men Aldermen including rlx new member ofcounnil took their place alter wearing In ctr emonles to hear dediukory address prayer greetings tram ImmumyanJndndshborlns munldpnlllluum the mlyorl Innugunl address choke CEBEMONIES THE HAle XAMINEII TUESDAY JANUARYJ 1m CITY NEWS TORONTO CPIThree Tor Hold Ceremonies For New Council 1115 day or Chrintman 1m pickup or lho My Dania in be luwlny January 4th and Wednesday Jammy or that pan of lho dly Mat naynohl sum and Thumlny Jnnulry DUI and Friday January 7th 1000 for Hint pad of the city WM Hayfield of council wm Alder Emmi Fred Smith BabelIL Ind Iurpmc fmhman Jack Garner EWkLEId CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP and Oqu bewme as wished Ins us an early date and will have At our fingertips pro mm or the year coming cum to help you arrange your own ncl iu flarrle Ith Commerce now operaung listing at coming events with View to the prevention overlapping dale granniuunns planning annual matings In nights etc may pick call the lumber office and see that data has almdy been seleded by some olhcr group this happens anothnr dale can be er rangcd so that maximum allow danm assured Gumbm mercury neg Wncl um stated We hope ha mm car ye heprac mu Ho to member or Councll a1 scrim at centennial Mme hwld stir war lmaglnafian and ihre youllng 11 delennlrm nn mawr equatg or drauem wrepramec Am confident lhal the clly Banla will be llm focal vain nl Cenual Ontarlo he said The ninyar called the Alder men and people at Burrla to vlew the Important role not wllll Imggqcrsswgr elllgljmoss bul wi neal sense at rcspnn alblllly lo nnlghbars wllhln and even beyond me county Sim me with whom our deslinlcs are enlwinc lie pmmlscd aldermcn to sue that the democratic process is nvallubla so that they may have an apportunity lully express their views and promised the people Harris that members at councll will combine encrgles abilities and dedication so that mic will continue to prosper Will llddress Kiwanis Club rll nnd rhiv anclnh Tllll ho nnnunl CIVIC Ninhl hrld by Ilnrrle KlwnnlA Club In Iho pull 11 mm win Illa be lhe llm mman at which lho new club prcnmenh Tuny Drum will nmkla Ilncn bl nfllml InducUnn lml nllhl Mayor Cooke said the young must be glvenevery encourage mom to prqzareflnmselves or their Me in We and individual citizens and amine must have the fullest apponunity lo obuln useful employmt llu Nnnur Earl Rowe Lieutenant omnur for Hm Provlnu Olllnrlm will he gum honor and Ipcnkrr nm woekl dinner mman Klunnls Cluh nl Hunk ll wlll he hrlxl Cumumnfly cur lulnnlnu ms pm Special nutm will Wur Ihlp Mnynr Cooke mfmbtrl mm 7in len lives are Invellud Ill15 city hi said People who have mafia lhlx Snvextmcnl hav char zed And me with the mspmr Ilblanl providing an orderly local government and lo encour Ile the atmosphm where they can realize their ambitions 5111 IMAGINATION Chamber Plans New Service Clly Mlnngu HON EARL ROWE The we check warn conclud ed in various locations dumlgh out he mldeminl area ma lly with concenlmlion given to main thorouxhlares Th hr muons were changed uvcrll limes dnily Botwccnuvcn and 10 locann Wm covered over unweighyhopr pbrlod Allhmmh an maximal cam plain wnl melved by driven who hnd mlllakenly been IlDP pcd mm mm mm mm res dcnu wclrnmd the check The main purpose 01 1pc checks in larger cities luck 11 Toronto ma mullku charl es laid Carperl Bury explain cd meIr way ma be bed but feel we can uded tho check lho best way possible over the InIUal period he mid nmovdnour cm AI lax charm which re aulted Barrie poll reported at least 300 drims could have been charged Why werent they Because thin was no the purpose of tho Apol check said Corporal Berry SUCCESS it was real luc judging mainly lrom the lack of charge that had to be laid Inld Cor poral Berryl Chief Mirhafl said he would like be in the position in have Lutflclmt ome ers to conduct yearmind Ipot checks lt obviously had great effect nmang partygoers slid llle chm lie said he hnd lpok en to several people all if whom informed him lile cityl spot checks We the topic ol con versation in other wardl got people thinklng ha added The purpose of the checlu Ic canfing to Corporal Berry was to continue the cltyl lalcty pm gram in deter from accldcnts People became awara we were out and if they were tempted in let their halr down In on 01 dnlcn ways they altered their plans accordingly he said New Years Eve nveflm amed the temptation at bo Mud lhevwheel utter ce elm lnz the year end actordlnx to Barfleanlice Chlet Ed Tldnlr Eart nd Sner Olllcer Rain cm were alvenl time period lq correct sully vdflclu To dale about so luvs not reported Both the chic and the safety officerwore elated over we re sully of the spot checks which ttime held In Burris or the 1th me The reason rim or mhll de sirable Ilm 011er wu the enforcement of pollen mat check which be local depart meMconducledmroumoul the city or 12 am leadlnzvup gn New Yurl Day Over cm were checked Of his Vtotalhm driven war Issued wnminzIA lew chains have been lnld Ind Vera more are expected 1911021 uld Cor poral Berry 1m ygmed drjv Several mm mm lnln lhu SPOT CHECKS Pledséd With ResffIIltS Enmlner sun mud 11 GARY EEIDLER Join the canadian Forcesi be in oper According to he conslmcllon schedule The harmed produc tion by Fahralloy will mail ln about 50 new Jobs Immediately The 90000 squm om Iacilily tn dwslrznalcd Plant ML will be located on 62 acres of IBM cuss ol WeerlrceL on the loulh side of the Orillia bypau The new plan raise Fabul Xoys Mal produdlon area from Iboul 200000 square reel in al most 300000 The Canndinn owed mmpany now has Ibo wuntry largest Milin or hlgh alloy aleel castings In making he announotmcnl 11 llczment president and mnnnzing dirmor painlcd out that steady maria zrowlh lnr Fahrnnoy produm and In 01mm Ont Fahraloy Canada limited today annulme 911 will build 500000 plan an the north side mum at Highway Gmmvhmnkin will begin In Puly sprlnl hyplant will driver or my mum Faulty drlveu were Jssued wnrning ticket which contained all the newme nonlimu Poi ice ducked flu condition of the car auto parts functioning 01 lights smell 01 alcohol on the breaih oi drivers Lime was suspicion of fininqu by police sullon wlth car repair mode Wllbout excepllon those npoka to were mainly Ip prtclatlve ol the checks lald Corporal Berry He uld several parent explalned their or dauzlller had been drlvlng at he 35MJndlbe dleckgade them awareolflia lhlngs Die parean themselvu prevlously warned Lhém abouL CANADIAN FORCES CAREER COUNSELLOR 3II IN ORILLIA Bunl Fodml Bulldlng Thunduy Jammy I966 Noon 600 pm Palmers Barber Shop 18 lnvasllnlu the Ilfo travnl advonturc that await you Soo your New qunt Will Provide 50 Jobs CPL RALPH BERRY tight hm In Corner of Collier Owen Sls JOI Filmer Proprlolor mm Jan 1966 21 Mr Beamenl mld the an wlll be the first phase ln on ranze pmnmm la mlocnle and expand the prmlucfion all hlxh alloy and hell moulded casting In this new arm Ina modem rmducllcn mimics In Ibo exist nx Fahmllny Ylnnu will mm handle addillmn annexe law Dd nlgrnslon mumm Ileol Elie said hehnew pinnl wiil house all of Fnhmlloyl pmduc tian mnlriiuxally cast tubinz and she mould ed casting Tillers will be new mailing lul nnccs pmdndian mauidlng mn chines heal treating urnnm sand reclamation unit dcnning mom and quaiin control equin menL These will may ha Com pany double its producilon gum and shrii mlidtd €359 Ill5 casTink wmk particular the demand or he ll and corfpsgon resist hlgh Iny custxw well as shell mmfided casting ntcesdtalu the immcdlate creallon it creased production capacity Corporal Berry reportcd one driver was charged withppm Ilon of alcohol inMavcar one charged will drunk drlvlnl 01 with carelesa driving And on mnnlnxnmdlmutfl The corporal 331d he had lap on In many lawyers taxl en bus drivers pcdcatrlnnl follow police officers within lastoonph of daysvcmlceml Ih spot checks They1 It ed beh amazmmlnc Ute lgiv mine offences regarding equip mcnl on the road In Ola last bogus corpora Berry cited thum menu of an insurance man ul pedecbexampla the MI lude most durlng the wot check drank lot during he holiday but never once took carEnlimqlnwunco man one occurrenceuu 1m checkaamuscd the polce de 112de2 man receivad warnlng to gel minor mum to his car and report to the pond The man said althe ume ha didnt like the whale Idea And was not going to report Hg Ill crgkrrnzdfifvarihepwcestav don asking to the able con stahle who was busy the lime The man In disgust torn up the ticket in full View or office However the gnawing day the man returned with all main made We wouldnt ha char ed him in tearing up ngel Lu he sure would have got it had the repairs not been made laid the corporal Highway flame Act cars vieEl watched lhornughlyh Ingmar ciimxuzn

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