Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1966, p. 1

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30 Feared Lost ii In French Blast LYONS me AWAn rs Iimnlrd 30 wmrns were 1er dead or missing today Mr in yhix Imlnne Kn qu rxplndcd at rrfinnry and slnrnze arm mm mum Lyoxu So what else dn you expect or weather 1n Canada this lime year except mow cold snow winds and more snuw Il wln ler Lyonx plmlnxruphrr um Im Ile lxvn nm 1m yunl lunu the hm mk hm it ex vhnlrd Iln wx rnly Munrd MM the lam and lmmh Ha Mul that numlur or hrrmrn and mm plan had lwnn nlwm lum llln In plmion muted TM mmNry mm Ilml was npxlmrmly unvkr mn Snow wind or cold Is what youve been gelling recently The same is in stare loflay dcpcnds an whom you live In the country Vancouver residuum prom DIEM respite mm storms that Hull Bus Strike Sollled The weatherman said he ex pected abou six innhrs bum the slum lapnml all hula Hur glcs early lwday Pope Hopes For Talks Agreement fioznd Y3 No pH 5mm muc Va we feel gendunng he weekend ere hit by altcrunn Southcr nrmsn Colum bia bundled up Monday night Al lea 75 person With burn Mm admiumi Mon hosnl ms dah evawnlcd midan of he nun caring hm hm nnmr nearby 5lnrflie lunkn fitmhl be hy lho rearing ML miuixlry of lhr Interim In Inns uld Mn nnuincrrs nml Iw Imnm um apart Id missinc KB THE CANADIAN PRESS LOOKlNG LIKE an Igloo uilh an Address 15 this mow bmmd automubile in Van New Storm HitsB4C Prairies Bundle Up ATHAN IV lflmlrm Pope lnul 51w lwlay he lmxw mm and Pa Inn ran mm azvrrmcnl Uvdr nlmiu Ibo Tmhkrnl Inlh In Iluua IMTIMM Lnuliwl 1II le lullllallur an lml In IN urn nvhMrnl Innuthnal Iuhnalmu Mini hull lnr Ilv mwllnn nmy n1 Ilu Huamnm mixInuit mm May or lallal Nu mun datr M1 Inmmcrv mt In 11 mm In lun ur um um HULL QIFVI Nu Hin ml Aulvvlluhhfl Quadq wmummlwn um lmk rm mar lmlav nthmux pulv mrm an May mm Dmru Mr IIMI my Hull lrhuwyhlan laluywll muman um mm mum 74 um an ler and In haul mynwnl FALISHUIM lllnlhul The Jdtlnmilulg Sunday Timu lrrn lmurml lunnuhwl Imam lur Ihp Mrmd le mum lwrauu mm yirlnlh ulmul lirvlulnl 1m ml Malian In mzhmhhu lNhImmhuvI unmu unl hm lmhy Ojibwa Submarine Sails For Halifax Rhodesia Bans Johannesburg Paper nr The Hdmetown Dally Newspgper For Barrie andDislrlct him 5mm RIunday LATE NEWS or the coldest night the winter Predicted low or Van couvcr was 20 wilh reeling lcmpcralurcs expected loduy Abbolsford 40 miles east Vancouver he overnight low was expected Io be 10 wilh high of 28 or loday 0n Vancouver Islandhcavy snow was blamed for wry hnur power allure that dark ened Nanaimn cily 14000 It the height Monday ave ning rush hour The arm has had 45 inches of snow in the last nim gays lml hul llfllclals suld lhxlt lho romaininu lhm alnrane Iankl wero andnngtrcd by heat and underground pipes The lim hmkn out In um Fey zln Refinery early lodny nnd avgad qukde Horn an Traffic reporls shuwcd no minus mm in spite of slip pmry rnadx Buses were jammrd and same school remained rlusad In BC 0n the Prairies allcmuon AVE MCKOUT Fire Imus wIro 11mm nn he bumlrm tank but suddme mm lanx caught in And cxplndNL nnpurrmly due to hrnt mm Hm Inst mrro Mhbr nnlu lemled couver ciy which like do men Playgroun ba known as CanadasEver photo TASHKHNT US Hll Mlb Tlm Itnlfll Imlln and Ill Huan allrml rnrh ntlm un wnr pm today lml lhm up pram to be nu prmmt rmwr nllor wnulll bu nrcrpml Indian Pakistani Leaders Oiier Each Other NoWar Pact an The wealhnr office said Man day night Ihem is no sign break In nu cold or several days Soulhcrn Albcrln can pent xnnw May and nvuninhl Monday lumpcralurc were to drop 10 and 4D bclnw temperatures Munday ranged ram 19 to 15 below mm In cen tral and snulhcm Saskatchewan and 10 lo 30 below in Alberta High Winds drifted snow Across Prairie railway Irackl and causad Mays Passengers shlvcrml in lhc cnachcs nor the cold cut all heat ted by llcum lines In Manitoba lhe Mather of Iirc reported snow and winds Is to 20 miles an hour Tem perature or cxpnclcd In range mm mo avernlghl lo 10 below loday The cold also ms the cause of at least Iwa deamx lram ex posure one In Manitoba and lhe mhcr in Saskatchewan Mr Canada officials said nighls Mn huLk on schedule in Regina and Edmanlon HIT BY SNOW 0n the East Coast snow raln and aim marlu rlr candl ttnns treacherous in Nuvn Sco lta Monday ltain packed thm Inches of lnaw mm In earltcr and more prcripltnltun ex vetted today Frfllvrlclnn and Saint Jnhn NII airports were clam mm Tho nlumlylmx Muck WM lho nullmm billtr maml mcr poumlnn at Knnhmlr lhu Ill mnlnyrn mm nMrh lm hurl lhe two nl uur lulu Mn um Thu alarm lhal hrnughl me now moved to IYinct Edward Island nml Nnuluundlaml ml hn province are preparing or lixlfllIInkh full llrpinlrm Mull Khan Pa llllnn nllrmi ll unwnr pad 1an Hm lmlc mqunu no In an rrnolml Thnl IM NI wny myan Kashmlr mull ho gym qt Illnw Mlnlslrr hl Im vimw unwmuwm In nlnlly rrlmnl In tnunlmlnu Anymlnl but Indlnu rmnml Knnhlnlr muler Id nllrr war pm In lmlirnvn lhu lnlnlily Ilflinm Mm In khlnn Ila math nu xrlmnre Kaslmulr Ayub and filmIII mel Inr Iha In llmvl 1an ho lnrlln Im In In Murme at will on Io uuerlw ll Huml trnlrnl Alum rily HAVANA vlmmm 1V1 Llnurhml Iupul mm Ihunl lmvl llvvmlnnln Ihn nu lib wvnllnrulnl Inlmauily umlurmn nnll Imxwflalnl 1mm Ile oh uimnl mp Inth may an ln pm ulml Ilrlivlrnl Uwhhln Dm llcm ul uliylnl unfl Anwllrnu llwnve llxe 1an mu In an Inmmmnl WHh anle MEM In Ihhh mumwl 1h II Um mm rnvmy peue Iml numut US Denounced As Poaco Enemy memonm court judge told Michael Quill head of the suiking tran sit workers to getrlhe cflya buses and subways running again Mayoral tn 3311 The Transit Authority has ol cred momma Increase in wages and bencliisln year contract The 34400 work ers on the city owned subway and bus lines would receive In creases averaging $831 each spread over the life of the con tract How muuh the pro posed increase would be effect We Irom Jan last war not announced The Transit Workers Man has sharply reduced It origi nal demand II lalest ls Dr $216000000 over lwtryear contract nu average of $6279 per worker Trnflic Commissioner Henry Barnes said at 730 am EST that traffic gctllng muc worse than Monday He warned that if the situa tion does no case soon pollen would slop automahfle tram me the city Barnes said were reported an lhc mlfic In early In the day Suprcme Court Jusline Abra hnm Geller lound Quill and eight other union officials guilty of clvll cnnlcmpl Man dny ln nrdcrlnfl lhe 14400 Iran employees all lho job New chrl Day In dcllunce noun lnluncllon Quill has sald he would mt In Jail before llu would end Um ulnpllng bus and subway Ilnkc Unlon lnwym snld lhey would appeal lhu contempt ver dicl WASHINGTON AP Iml dcnl Johnson wn expound l0 day In rnnllnuu hls Viclnnmcsc prnfl olrcnum ncludln mo mum In Immhln he Nunh long enough to all Nnfih Vial Nnm hal anclnlx hm cnll Impr lime to docido or or AKHIHM ruining peace ncxolin lion Ic denunrlmlonn me mm mm dmumn nnd lypogrlljlvnl hlch camyrl Bumpomrio CanadA 17dxd9iauiry4 39 Lima Monday nm no regarded Iny he UK policy Innktrn kriuvr 1M US mu Awaiting sumo mom nlll ulnl klnll worm which pmnumhly umhl mm mm he llnml murmur err In wulfllc tlmlnmllpn ur llmmnh momma chnmwh LB Expected To Continue PeaceOHensive NEW YORK AP stale Adding flu lmcl burden nl Inn mm nlhlally lmk om 11mm lnmuumloo ur Getf Subqus Rolling COOKEPROPOSES BARRIEPROJECTS lMllllHH llfiIWI mum major delays around the tip began bull today will lie the lac um lhe citys public nndparochin1 ele mcnlary Schools and some col leges will be open The schonls closed M9n lmr cg nun of hearing and deliberation Justice Geller said he would scnd the labor leaders to in until they ln slruct in good Iailhf all mem ber their unims to return work He slayed execution the mic ungil 11 ML EST Max ixlcr Wflmn planning pet 5mm eppenl to soviet Prcmiu Alexei Kmygin fur joint ini finiive award peace in Viet glam political mucus said ay The appeals precise nature and timing wornmount km But the mucus stressed at Wflsan Inmain convinced that mnfercnca similar the 1951 Geneva mmtlnz which ended the French war in Ind china is 1110 but way to act llLmcnfl 0r Vic yam main and he 50 of Union were Mamman uhat con ference The Unilcd 3mm France and Glinn were among Um other participants Meanwhne Eonlract negoih ations which marked Urns OTTAWA CWNorm can Iradlccntrfl Prme Mlnmcr Pearson lnlormed pm run lmnce Monday with brand Na quuud lhu Lalln phrm hlrh mum wflhnm dimnb lmz vme he reported lha Mbcrnl MP nan unnlon hnd adapted mnllon nl cunndcnca In his ltmlmhlp The van mum shortly Inner the Liberal mucus begun My day naming lo mlcw lhu Nov eltrnnn mm plan urnuxy fur Iho new lmlinrmnl openan Jan 15 mvernmrnl pollcltl on In dlmuml lmlay Ind 1M mum lnllucm lhe mnltnll ha mrnna armch la be null by GovernorZrnml Vnnirr nah Mr lmrmn Inld II way In prevalent lnr hll pally In huld rnunu truly lwlme ainn but mulan had been Report Liberal MP5 Senators Give PM Vote Confidence Wilson Planning Viet Nam Appeal yowa APrhwe Vladxilén Vascv Savlel pmnnlu ul My hlll mm mu mm Hamming uuui au Monday during the canlnmpl hegingresume today port Walkers Union headed by Quill and the Amalgamated Transit Un Inn both Ml Clo are do mending more pay shortnr huur and other benefits Al though trimmed by what Quill said was 00 per cent the Tran sit Aulhnrity estimatu the twoA yearpackage still would cost VIEWJXXD charge daflalm in Inndon given udvnnw mike ul the message Kosygm in minute meeting with the prime ndxliisler Monday the source Ian The iransi Authority on Um eve the strike oIfered 35 000000 settlement Thcy added that was likely Wilson used he meeting to ma BxiLIins total suppml or Pmident Johnsms peace of enslve and the hope that ha SovieLq can persuAadcr their jam in oomenm an nhrmiiale mfurm He was believed SovieLq can persuade their law Commumsu in the east to Poliiléalicommcnmwrs thought it unlikely that VIIJOII would call on the using to ma llchlytro £00k discussion of terms on which conference muld ho inflangéd requested by Inma Quebec Ml nnd mambo he nullonnl executive Tho clmd mcollnx cnllcd nunpalmnydafi by an Penman lured cancrllnuun Qurbcc caucul or Mnnb ran Mnndny Thom hnvn horn report Ilml mmu Qurbec MP wnnl Irlvy Cmmril lmidcul Guy lavrcml replnwl lll Qurbcc hadcr Some Invnr ho newlymamcd lmmlzrnlinn mlnlllu lrnn Murchnnd Olhm Invor Far nlry Bllnlmr Mnunm Rnuve IM IIFSITATHR Axkrd nbmll lhll lnlk Hm prim mlnlmr lmllnml llwn Inlll hm lhnunhl Quthtc 1114 vnlnl thrir tanninnu In Mr Pamnu Mm xrnlgnrd nl luulm lulnlllnr hut Junr nthr lhn lanan purl rrllllhrd III juzlumrul In lhv lmltn Illrnrd hMI nmllr nu Mn 700b In glelmun ml Milk unflhrhfl HI Mayor Cooke last nlght called for council action in areas of local governmqnlranging servatlon to roommunlty collegesm Idpomrsam objectives contdinedin his inaugural address The mayor spoke to alderman and guests during cerémonies at city hail setting forth projects he hair to sea undertaken over the next two years andas aldermen to bring sincerity and dedication to the task of government IRONSus Lionyon the next stage of cm Jle called or necth liuknamstmcdomn Mhélal legislation pa ngavlnghotfiadrgrdsh Maya noka also monk mamfed early completion of the lakeshom mad or an alternate mum during wmk in other sec tions or the cky He said he will ask the public works oom mum to submit mmcndar SAIGON CP Largo Vic Cong ogcclslrutk but 10mph at South Korean marines and Vietnamese paralrmm on search 191d dcstroy mlsslon mar lhe rnaslnl tily oi luy Hun 20 milu northeast ol Sal OIL ILS apokcsman sald Lhu nl 1ch me aunmncd by UL lnry killed eight guerrillas and captured clghl while taking Ham casualties This raised lhc nlfmiir of VnFCAFm mum my in Ihe qpcralipp nllm Tho nulhrmk of Ilghllnx nhiflrd nllrnllon mm the biz us pnralmp push Mo lho Mekong Dclln of Saigon Mnunwhrle anvrrnmcnt mul msl 80 miles mnlh Um nnrlh em gmrisnn tlly NnnK wm mmrlnl null haldlnx out lhls mornlng nllrr lwo 5mm 5qu 111th nmull Ivy Vld Conn Izucrrlllnm The smmmiun 113 Ilr with on Nonh Vch NAxn canA llmml Mr the III Ilny wilh nn lndirnunn Mum aner would rnmv lrnll Wndunglnn ln ro lumo lhc nllmks planes lml nlhuzknl lhn Toulmunhl nurlh gun ho mm Jn him Lhmlmn commo tr Allied Force Strikes Back At Viet Cong Em mu meI am Acqukman of land In pro vide open mu when nood Inx cauld 9mg Renewed rum to estabv sh tonscrvfllun mlhmfly in coapcnfltm wlul Innlsfll and 0m lownshlps Adapllon of lnterhn lax bflflnl However Ihzre mm or Amendment the early penalty dunno he 51mm qunly 00m to done r9011 Sigma really said Engagement of minus men consultant before hiring nddlumml plannlnl or main eering help omen mm in urxlnl Founding cémxinfmb mm arr Maman Inrk flu nrr Jui MLmu Mm and mum own Damn Jraesz+sfim9¥$¢1199 Conservation Authority No Moro Thin 10c Par Copy 12 ngu Maxims uéw mm 35 mfaisnw 07 15 To mes For complete we um mmmanr tum to Pagetwo Repavlng Bradford Street lrom Essa Road to Dunlap St was Included in last years bui gct but work way not bemmr uul wont mm um wguuh The mayor said that Lhecanlng mm the city shoul give all math in In engineering and bmmwinu powers to temple sewage pm Lrealmcnt plant at local $11de trial when they are needed In the am of centennial piano nlng Mayor Cooke IIIzed can dllodoallinltspamrtaen courage mm of all ages to take part In pmpnmtlans at um celebralkms He said that there is every evidenm that th bayfmnt park anaemia pro ecz will be completed an tin PUIILIC RELATIONS He also ur all councll to adopt publle am program to drawllmle to he Milan the maple Mm pass Dania on lllglmay 400 and those who visit as umvcnllon delegates Hm will be lllcrally mllipllml mil lions lmvelllng Waugh an area centennial year appmachel and all at these an candldalu ripe and ready Io be educated lo the reasons whyl you And ham damn to liv anBn ri he sald touched on mun tion program in Barrie and In dicattd that he will be making or the Immion Mixth hmd commiuccs la help Ut citys recreation committee mm duct the program Any um that can encourage the Jr volwmwmt 01 families nnd Mlgfv bars in Ibo allair the cum munily behave is very hugthy su ho mi Mayor Cooke mm mm studies lho ma law rental Imusan in the light at mw legislallon that platu capitnl lmrdnn on Um Mural and provincial gmcmmcnu mksan mallet tbs gum wmulbbmflt Sn tho hnfidih mnala Inkmk nd long he public Mom bra sened Ulmugh MI mum am omwa In any lxy lcrvrnunn on the pan gov lancM hr 51M ur Couko emum1 pleay um Jn lcnrnin at nDWld cl lam lhn Ilnynl Cnnxdmn union In providing housing or mulnr cmch mu nlnns nl Um mm Church Chris lo ma much home permanle nmuainkd with wwml hmnu and lodge um um oxrrpml on lhh huh my Mrnnnly mm the man Mrsmp mmyx Mm aka lefrlnl lnlm he id nynr min nund lull mm lorrluprrx hau rlalmtd Will lnxnms la pnwwh law rmlnl homan or law mum Inmmu thl ll WiHIms In Join and mm ml Imlm Photon my WWW

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