51 Publisher or the hdorill mum of Summe Cmnly munly mnluminl projed hm hm chmn lhr tourixl nnd Industrial mmmillm Idd Cmmr 0y annual manuru In Barrie DENIAL 111 Innrm rmnimn or ramva ml lnmrlmrp up mmin mm rmmnillw MINmu wrun yngu MM rmmul 11x lmvï¬ mm In 51 mm cnlul In mm Iy mnnl lry Hus mm mm lnlN Hwy ummwmlml lhll lhn vnhmwn an bulMinT whyd lu mmly Innvlm Wyawl by 20 mi High School Teachers Tour Barrie Sheltered Workshop 11 nmmml In mm hr munly will In lhl RUM If Mm1 nlm TM or Mlvnnro IIIIk and than III mllluhml 11101 mm In outlay am In mm HNJMIi HIJIIIIT MAI mmlnlnfl mlflny hr 01 rrmnninl mokd wxll about 111000 mmhnnl nl Ihc mlnwm and nublllhlnl ml and flu In nwlnl In NH hilth limit than Nu Inll II In nlwul um Your comme wldm In miva Hm hu paid 000 ml Amount In Mu with Mr Airmien In ray 04 um nu red la than 11w ml at work mm In prr mvl £700 04 Hull rlwmï¬lun will by mwmlfl he MN MAI rrlmlnlnfl mlflny Irvr Under Um lrnm harm mnl helmet simm County and Mn Advan IpiIdL alr Mr Hm Maury hook of 110 II In mid In Mr or her mark and tunnel 2m mllnn III In prrpnqufm Thu Mal bill or lntml and puhl hnu would mum £21500 Mu MMuiey uan VIN rgmlnlmn loll mmcll nemmuum 1mm the Km Inn Im Tvronln lar lha 5000 lmh rnch mslml 50 mu lound summary Synopm The weather plc lure nver Ontnrjn contlmlex to be stagnant one wllh the re main or last weekends ltorm lingering over exlreme north eastern Ontario near James Bay causing cloudy weather and occaslunnl perlnds nl very light snow and driule over large area Temperature re maln well above normal over gmnst tho provlnce although It 15 colder and nearer normal nvcr northwestern Ontario th tle change In weather is are mn for lodny and Frlday cd our by IIupvnisor Mm miter Ham kin lhe old home which hzu bun mnwrlcd No cheerful lunctlunal mining and working mm many polnls oi inmost worn dimmed And he Idvm ages the workshop were hlkhlighlcd most apparent um um employees um happy and proud hrir work Ind um Four leathers of Bammx Mcmnria High SchonlI Allision Orcupmional Departmenl viSE led Ibo Sholiemd Workshop for adyjl In pnrrie asl ka Only light new or anmï¬lur ties are forecast or the ma today and into he weekend so than is little chance of skiing skirting the distrch Northern Lake Humn Geor Klan Buy Algamn Saul 5w Marie Tlmagaml Cachranc North Bay Sudhury Cloudy with occasional perlnds of light Law at The Examiner last night was 30 degrees The tem perature at am was 32 de grncs COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT WEATHER For History Book Sery Skiers Only Light Snow THE MINI TRACTOR RESULT OF SIX YEARS OF RESEATICH mum muf Héwlu uth In an lomlaurx Ion 1hrr Iy mu lnptrlrd Ivy rnm lamb 5an Un Tm M1 In nlllm Immu nlu luzlnlnlhm for mallet pav crlu luv to up Manned nut do umnwnl mm mllnlvlp lur ngurumw 1haVunnm mmillM le taker HIM lhn mm lnlrn Hum Inlmy mklnx mm or re nluHou mmmlnl ll Minn mont Him and Ike 0w lurk llmpilul Rurvlru ommls nlnn la main Mapllnl mmuo or hmlrenn All Socky null mum Immvvllmly on rrglv MUM mlwmd Litmm Thhflwmn Iwmmmkd mnmUm 1mm llmm nunly Wm Hm Ilvc mlnlslu WI flnd lhl Ilcy In ordrr and monume l5 yrnrly pay mm of be paid uld Mr mum mm Ibo Alliuton Iloqilal Donn ollcrlnu lo lum ovrr he old hnquilnl lnAlllIlM lo cmmly in lo Mona In In yoarl mumII or mn Ildornllun llnnnro wmmluu 11m pomd Ihry hurl unmlmd lhI munlyl mmwuhrnllw duho wy dlnanwnrnm and dealmc lhm mllcy my proï¬t mmze nl usmo an munly mnlaym with mammal mono NI UK lnluurer Ind rm he rullrnr crénud would he nmxï¬naltly 50 than hmldnx man in the am had Immtd by about 70 per ml The wuan hmldmu mJnmred an rmlncrmw v1 uallmu and It would llnuelore mm good hunlnm lo lnmm lhr vnIullml noconhwly um Mr 51mm Aner lmullnlion he lin nnco mmmiuu 11M lqun Md me those wha are not rem dy or cnnlmrl work than is minimV prnflram where hey learn the skill rcqulnd and 1chle produclivc mem bus socicly Many pains laking jobs requiring pnlicnce and manual skills were being done by those who otherwise would be mnble to earn liv ing Several mulrncts mm 10 cal businm Irma clubx and Indivldualx were being compM ed and the income from this wrk helps to mnlnlain lhe workshop nnd pay those work im on those projecu Forum Tempertun Low Imlghl hllh Frldly Windsor London Kitchener Mount Fares Hamilton St Calharinc Kingston Truman Killaloe Musknka North Bay Earlmn Saul Sle Mane Knpuskasing Whfle Rive Munsuncc Timmius Inawor anownhrries today to nighL and Friday Light winds and not much change in lem White River Variable cloudi ness with few light snuwnur ties today Ind FtldnyA lehk winds and not much change In temperatures maim him by lnm the nu mumi lhl leh Slmm mm lnln he MVIVKIAI Mm flnnll In Nmm mumlnl nulnnl glib lu mark or erlmd mun Th Innk he lenan Ivy llw Mm wlvv mu wadlrl nr uwnth mil um Mrh lnr lulu wnl PAL Ar llnynlil rlnd al at Pim ul mum Illh ml HI damn Int nl nodit luv Inlnlinl Um lum Ilonl uhl Mm Mal mm rumma Inlm hr Non 51mm WM work Hwy da lwlnl mm Irom rllln hm 0me lhe annual VIM Inn mull In loo null null nMc to Um Onlarln lnnm nw lam In FA Human mm mm Juan ml Gm Amirrm mum and Wnyna lhuuH Mldhunl Dun ML mudrnl ha Nnnh ï¬lmm uulm lmmm in mm nrlnnlm Nth slmcoo Junlnr Furner drbnlnl lum mm mm Int mum munch man llllll In Wilbur My The will 1w mad al lerl lor hm Wu And rmmnwm Hunt the pmpmlu purchased they In no cmlgd so And mo um rvmctlvrly are In Tiny Mnmlp Ind ma Iwacre lot In In Smnnhlu Talmhip The mom by these hm mmmmm er51 ml lndur Mn linnm Ind Mutation Wm Ippmed by null Simcoe Team Win First Round Debating Contest The swarm Warbhup Iupported by he Unilod Appeal and ther ornnlzallons and crim mmr Kovernmenl aubsl dy Those altendixg mus pro vide lhclr own lrnmpanallan every day Teacher who visited wen Mrs Mabel Wilson lnn Kay Wilma Clayton Frank Anlhnny Arrangements wm made by ohm Humar bead the uidmce department when hey are ready they are moved Into the pmdudlon am Handcruns an an important mm of be pmxram Ind mlm delighqu and quul items are available or talc present his centre is running at cunt cit lpiny aï¬u L5 conxldercd to be wry Isle type of traderns ll is easy 10 mount Emple to control nnd highly manmvemhlo in conlmed spam An ususually low mm gravity combines with excel lent gmund clearance under ml and rear axles Called the BMC Mini tractor tile Imll calms Ihe smallest Resel amine ln volume produc lan lnlhe United Kingdom whld has practically as much pulling skength as Its bigger lymLhem This is the result ol six years of engineering meardi ach ieve lithi engine with balan zed pawer instead heavy engine with power at nil my Claiming the Mini radar to be the ï¬rst new concept in tractor design Inlihe his 20 years can airy ofluiiclis predict ii cwill aqu acceptancein an adjnn and other world markets far use in iurmlng oresity and horticulture industries The new tractor has nine spced gear box arranged In three vrward ratios 10w medium and high plus three in reverse The amalkfl ï¬nder in he waxId its under our feel high nndweigha lesl than 2000 poundswill be lnhoduced in Canada early in 1966 by The British Mom Corporation Ca nada Limited MinivIractor To Be Introduced Here Next Year BEST BUY SAVE 30d ASSORTED Fig Burs nurmwwmu on mommn lupus MVP IM flï¬ll WHITE Jelly Powders WWII1MP IIIMND MVH 1c AYIMER GOLDEN IIOUll NUIREMH WHITMAN LII HAWK Cake 49 ALLENS Fruit DRINK VELVET LFLIIIIR MAXWELL HflllSE 7Ilirrlirvrlrylriiririig1l11l CHRISTIE Merry Makers Sweet Gherkins CHASE SRNBOBN NIBLETS shim CORN TflMflTfl JUICE Popping Com BEST BUYI SAVE 9cl ROBIN HOOD ninuï¬innhnnï¬ununnnhnunInmnnnunnuimnnnnnn BEST BUY SAVE 7c LIBBYS FANCY QUALITY 1501 TINSI FRUIT CHEETAH BEST BUY SAVE 31d He OFF INSTANT COFFEE BEST BUY SAVE 20 10 OFF PACK DELICIOUS COFFEE BEST BUYI SAVE 2k FANCY OUALI TY BEST BUYI SAVE 5d BEST BUY SAVE 13 LIBBVS FANCY QUALITY swan MIXED PICKLES 10M $1 4rolls 49c IIIItIiIllItutufllwulliflliliutfluu1 ORANGES mmvm FINA NO CABBAGE TURNIPS Mill AND IVAN N0 POTATOES EIHNUMICM MmlITIULB NO SUNSHI CAIJFOVINIA IINMT NA 97 $193 In lIII Ila LII MM FOl PKG 1501 MR 39c 35c 37c 35c 35c MEDIUM Ill HZ White Swan Toilet Tissue rolls 49c Beehive Corn Syrup SPECIALS ma 29° 07 02 TINS s100 4901 TINS 1401 TINS 7LB BAG 6OZ JAR IOHL IM 602 JAR LB BAG mutual of 87 77 59° WWN WITH THE PURCHASE GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS AT REGULAR PRICE mm Illll um wnrm In DINNERS HAVE MORTON QUALITY BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY PEANUTS SAVE ROBIN HOOD to OFF PACK DELICIOUS HONEY DEW SERVIETTES whom mm mthm mm HAVE PLANTERS COCKTAIL Vic fln PIE CRUST MIX 539m FOODS FEATUREL MW 491 mm 25c 31 SUGAR bl annuhled an 496 29c 89c 45c 29c 3h 39c m5 ï¬dmï¬