Page 4 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS,fTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1917 I QUIT! I Tell You, I Quit! GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! $12,000 Will Be Sold at Slaughter Prices. ■yHE Stock of.Diamonds. is large. But they all must go. This sale affords the opportunity of a lifetime to buy cheap. Stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy Goods, Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Store Fixtures, etc. It must be done during the next Thirty Days-™! am Through Dec. 31st, 1917 Everything Must be Sold--No Reserve. •Now's the Time to buy Xmas Presents. ^ No goods let out on approval or exchange. Cash only counts. /n,/r^lV/[I7 Even if you have ^WIVIIL---fifty j„iles it will have to travel pay you. GEORGE THORNE BRIGHTON - ONTARIO All my Spectacles and Eyeglasses for Men and Women must be cleared out. Autographic KODAK Keep a permanent record of the places you visit. of ColDorne is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mutton. Inspector Goodrich of Cobourg recently visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. S. McDonald. Mrs. W. L. Dunnett returned home on Friday from a two weeks' visit to Toronto and Bowmanville. Mrs. E. H. Clarke of Toronto is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dunnett. Mr. D. C. McDonald, who fell and serious', y injured his hip, last week, is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. M. J. Doyle, formerly of Cobourg, who has lately returned from Sask., spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mutton. Pte. Frank Chesterfield, in a letter to his parents recently, says lie is well and engaged in helping bandaging wounded soldier? in Belgium. was taken suddenly ya! at Eden church Sunday after a short time proceeded visited evening oOselold Furniture and Furnishings PARTIES requiring furni ture, a and beddin Mrs. Lamb entertained the Club, Monday evening. Mrs. Henry Kirk and Annie friends in Toronto last week. Mr. B. Kernaghan of Smithfield spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mrs. Hoy Matthews and family h moved to Cobourg for the winter. Miss Blanche Peebles and Mr. llaynes of Cascleton spent Sunday ' Mrs. Moore of Colborne spent the-, week cutl with her friend, Mils Jennie ware, crockeiT, cutlery. N«*oL , call at Spence & Cowie's old A number of our citizens attended the , D\., ,t.L™.q oil Sunday School Convention at Yornonville Stand. Fillip block, WhOie all on .Monday last. ! the furnishings recently in atttndTbMls°fir/' U ' tlu Prunsvv k House will be party, Monday evening, Nov. 2d. After [ offered at bargain prices Oil partaking of a delicious tea, the jest of j am| a|ter Tuesday Oct. 9th. swic* Colborne Will .be conducted under new management from October 1st, 1917. Re-furnished throughout. Special attention given to guests. Rates moderate. Wild, pay highest price for any quantity of good | merchantable potatoes, delivered at the G. T. R. Station, . Colborne. Loading ear this week. j. e. Mcdonald a received n present!. . whose husband i >d with her infant dat Recipe for Trench Candles Call and get a bargain. Also 1£ h. p. Gilson gasoline engine and pump jack, all in good working order. E. E. PHI LP Warkworth Richards, of Toronto, worth friends. Scranton - F. P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service I are two good reasons for contracting for Scranton Coal. "Nature Made It Best." Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. ! PEA COAL. SOFT COAL. SHINGLES NUT COAL. CONNEL COAL. B.C. Red Cedar. ; STOVE COAL. EGG COAL Quebec. Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal Man FIVE FUNERALS IN THREE YEARS Family Almost Wiped Oof By Consumption. i hovel in the rear of is buildings ci>mes a gr. that in this fair Provin is almost incredible; y< -snail children buried ome during the past r only remain; n;: ceil: 1 a tuberculous hip skoka Free Hospital for Consump-efi- is appealing for help to carry this fight against the Great_ White igue. The money you give will help m seek ou'; these unfortunate fami-s and give them a fighting chance ■ their lives. Bicycle Accessories Constantly on hand Bicycles Repaired B.J. WALLER 1 st door East P.O. Colborne