Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 31 May 1917, p. 1

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51st Year. No. 22 COLBORNE, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 31st, 1917 $1.25 a Year in Advance f Cannot be Punctual Without a Good Watch to Depend Upon And you cannot be business-like without being punctual. You may already have a good watch, and if so keep it good and workmanlike by proper repair and regular cleaning. We give very particular attention to our repair department, and we invite your confidence. Our big watch repairing Jw.-inc.-.- is the outcome of years of honest work, which keeps friends and through them makes new ones. Whatever you may have in the wa also bring here, and it will be well done In our very complete Optical Department specialty of supplying or replaci and also of repairing generally. repai is make a j lenses and broken parts. Bring us your glass troubles. H. J. MAYHEW WATCHMAKER Sales by J. R. Battisby sharp--Valuable household furiiif effects of Mrs. Robt. Lapp, on the ises, Division Street, Colborne. as usual. J. R. Battisby, Auctior Card of Thanks L. T. GODWIN and ;sire to thank their many hbors for kindness .'hown their sad bereavement. To Let PERSONAL ! Mrs. W. C. Griflis has returned borne. J Mr. W. L. Bailey is spending the week ! in Toronto on business. ! Miss Alice Turney spent the week end ; with friends in Belleville. Mr. J. Davern of Brighton is relieving (■Mr. C. Chase, at G. T. R. | Rev. Dr. Brvee of Winnipeg i» visiting | his brother, Mr. Alex Bryce. i .Miss Gertie Jackson of Toronto spent ! the 24th with her aunt, Mrs. R. N. Tin IT Apply, ExpfiEbS Phtn For Sale Summer Resort TO USE FOR RENT for seas. hathi: Bicycle for Sale BICYCLE for sale cheap. For Sale ON" KING ST., COLBORNE, 8 room frame house, with bath room, wood shed and large dry cellar; heated by furnace. Large garden. All in first-class order. Will sell at a sacrifice if sold soon. Apply at Express Office. Court of Revision Village of Colborne the Village of Colborne will be held ii Council Chamber in said Village on Monday, June 11th, 1917, at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of hearing and determining all complaints against the Assessment for the current year. All parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. H. S. KEYES, Clerk. May 22nd, 1917. 21-3 the Mark Cowey farm. .pply to ...... COWEY, ROBT. COWEY, Lakeport. For Sale THE W. J. Hammond Estate offer for sale the valuable property, house, barn, and lot situated on King Street in the Village of Colborne. For particulars apply to Mr. A. A. Gould, Colborne, Ont., or N. M. Squire, Executor 33 Front St. East, Toronto. 7-tf. c Mr. and Mi the week end ; i Post. ! Miss Bessie Lott of Toronto spent: *G". E. R. WILSON ! days at the home of Mr. and Mr.-, Eddy. Rev. Dr. Geo. C. Workman of Toronto was a guest at Mrs. J. C. Clarke's on Tuesday. . Miss Maud McDonald of Toronto is visiting her parent-. M r. and Mr* < '• -.i.A. ■^illll .1 McDonald. i Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dudley of Whitby I epent a few davs with his mother, Mrs. Colborne. f John Dudley. Particulai-J Mra_ James Dougherty has returned ' home from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. f McKian, Toronto. T "~ " ~~ ( Mr. Win. Henderson of the Standard Seed Potatoes for Sale £Bank staff -pent the week end with j friends in Ottawa. B Miss Lola Snelgroove of Toronto spent For Rent BRUNSWICK HOUSE, Possession Oct. 1st. apply to 22-tf MISS-A. E. SIMMON HOICESeed Potatoes, "Delaware, LAKEBOURNE FARMS, Colborne. Farm For Sale 1 A A Acres> n°rth half lot 33, con. 7, 1UU Crainabe. On the premises there is a good frame house, kitchen attached, with furnace, hard and soft water, good frame barn on stone foundation, 8-acre orchard. Close to Castleton village. School, church ami post office within five minutes walk. Apply t<> G. E. R. WILSON, Real Estate and Insurance 20-4 Colborne, Ont. For Sale BRICK HOUSE, i acres of land; Apple house, barn, shed, pear orcharc ' grape arbour, spring water. Apply to 22-tf MISS A E. SIMMON: Wire Fence for Sale 2Zf\ rods heavy galvanized No. 0\/ woven wire fence. 40 rods line w iies, f-0 roil.- - line w ires, 160 roc lo line wires M ins high. AW. 12") cedi posts. This fence borders my farm alor the road and will be taken down as pu: chased. GORDON MacGREGOR, Colbornr I listed -nts, Mr. the week end with her Mrs. Geo. Sneleroove. Miss A. E. Simmons and Mrs. Bon-bright arrived home last week, from England. ? Mr. A, M. VanDeusen is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Dafoe, at Madoc. He ' has rented his property in Colborne to Chief Jamieson. Miss Harriett Clune of Rochester, N. Y., has returned to her home accompanied by Miss Gladys McGlennon, who is ytspending a week with her. 71 Mr. Orloff Mallory of Parry Sound was S in town on Monday, on his way to his r I home in Castleton to see his father, Mr. r. Foss Mallory, who Us seriously ill. 5 Mr. Lome Redfearn of the Bank of Nova Scotia staff, Toronto, who h 4 lis i the 8th draft of Heavy Battery, Don't be a garden slacker. I Cobourg, spent 24th at home here. "M Mrs. Storey and son, Mr. Charles Stor-iey, and Dr. and Mrs. Floyd and babe, of spent the week end with the . brother and sister, Mr. Charles .-■ Jessie Marshall, Lakeport. Births Give Your Wife One | HOUSANDS of wives and daughters run their own Ford cars. They use them for shopping, calling, attending the theatre, taking the children for a run in the country or to school. The Ford is as easy to operate as a kitchen range, no knowledge of mechanical details being necessary. Inexpensive to operate. A woman can call around town all afternoon, or take a 25-mile spin in the country, at the minimum of cost for gasoline, 'oil, wear on tires, etc. mor effec You couldn't give "her" a present she would appreciate i than this beautiful, modern car, with its stream-line t. tapered hood and crown fenders. Runabout - $475 Town Car - $780 Touring - - - $495 Sedan - - - - $890 Coupelet - . $695 F.O.B. FORD, ONT. Colborne Garage COLBORNE, ONTARIO Over 700 Ford Service Stations i Ford Dealer Car.ada. Cowev--In Colborne on Thursday, May 24th, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cowey jr., a daughter. Deaths Johnston--In Percy, on Sunday May 20th, 1717, David Johnston, aged 59 yrs. Wamsley--In Cramahe, on Thursday, May 24th, 1917, Thomas Wamsley, aged 67 years. Coffee--In Cramahe. on Wednesday, May 30th, 1917, Samuel Coffee, aged 92 year.-, li months, .'! days. ALGONQUIN PARK The Highway to Health and Happiness No better place could be devised for a real holiday for red-blooded men and women than Algonquin Park, situated about two hundred miles north of the city of Toronto. It is an unspoiled territory of nearly two million acres, starred with beautiful lakes and intersected by winding streams. No reserve in Canada can aii]'roach it in the wealth of attractions it offers to the lover of out-of-doors. Away up in the Highlands of Ontario, two thousand feet above the level of the sea, the Park is a wonderful spot in which to renew the energies of a tired body or refresh a wearied spirit. Its tonic air filters through hundreds cf square miles of pine, balsam and spruce; the days are unusually long with bright sunshine, while the cool evenings are a time of enchantment. The Park is a paradise for the fisherman and canoeist; the excellence of its sport draws _ anglers from every part of the Dominion and every state in the Union, while the canoeist ean travel ior hundreds of miles in his light craft and be in a veritable kingdom of his own. The accomodation in the park is such that the most varied tastes can be pleased. There are hotels for those who want to be in the wilderness--yet enjoy all the comforts that good service and social companionship can bring; there are groups of log cabin camps, comfortably furnished and ideal for family part-ies, with central lodges containing recreation and dining rooms where you may dine and find everything ready for you on your return from the tramp; or if you have planned to camp under your own canvas you may step into a canoe at one of the little railway stations, and after a short paddle find a site unmarred by the hand of man yet within easy reach of the Park outfitting stores. Many families now go into the Park expressly for the earn ping, making their headquarters at the hotels long enough to get supplies and camping outfit ready for the trip. Then in canoes, aud with guides or without liiem, they launch out into the deep wootls, camping where fancy prompts. A handsome illustrated publication leiilii* you ah about this famous park is issued by the Grand Trunk Railway and a copy can be had free on application to C. K. Horning. I'nion Station, Toronto. Ont. Pte. Earl C. Moore Wounded Saturday's casualty lists contain th< name of 814206 Pte. Earl C. Moon amongst the wounded. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore, Dundon-ald, and enlisted with the Colborne platoon of a Northumberland Battalion, going overseas last autumn. All hope liis injuries are not serious. Memorial Service for Late Pte. Raymond J. Brown A Memorial Service for the late Pte. Raymond James Brown, second son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Brown, who died of wounds on Ma; 18th, 191,, at Infirmary Pavilion, Southport, England, will be held at Edville Methodist CTm.vh on Sunday afternoon, June 3rd, 1917, at 2:30 o'clock. Pte. Ernest Vickery Wounded Mrs. F. Hodges received word on Monday that her brother, Pte. Ernest Vickery has been severely wounded in right thigh and sent to hospital in Kngland. Another brother, Pte. Arthur Vickery iiehin, Wit • Can Bot a Northumberland Battalio Death of Geo. A. Purdy SEEDS Fresh Stock of Garden and Field Seeds of all kinds in package and bulk. W. F. GRIFF IS ord has been received at Colborne of the death of a former well-known resident, Mr. Geo. A. Purdy, who passed r on Monday, May 21st, 1917, after weeks illness of paralysis, at the home of his only daughter, Mrs. Eugene Clark (nee Gertrude Purdy) Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, where he has been making his home for some years. He was a brother of the late Edward Purdy of Colborne, and an uncle of Mrs. W. Bellamy and Mr. Geo. F. Purdy of Col-Death of Thomas Wamsley A well known farmer, Mr. Thomas Wamsley died at his home in Cramahe township on Thursday, May 24th, 1917, after a very short illness. It was while driving a land roller that he was taker with a chill, from which pneumonia developed. Mr. Wamsley was a quiet, honest, industrious man, and highly respected by neighbours and acquaintances, He was a loyal member of the Orange Order, and in politics an enthusiastic Conservative. The funeral services were held at the home on Saturday, and interment took place in Castleton Cemetery. He leaves three sisters, all at home, for n the sincere sympathy of the eom-mimit; i" jg?t in thi-ji- great loss of an only brotCer: Deeeasi age and a; bachelor. Death of Samuel Coffee At the great age of 92 years, one of the oldest residents of this vicinity passed away early Wednesday morning, May 30th, 1917, when Mr. Samuel Coffee died at the home of his son Mr. Richard Coffee. He was ill only two days, having always enjoyed goud health. Born in the North of Ireland on Nov. -27th, 1824, deceased came iron, then' to Colborne in 1844 and he has lived in this vicinity since. His wife, formerly Mary Ktrna-ghan, died 24 years ago, and one daughter, Mrs. Isaiah Barrett, also predecease.1 him. Surviving are two sons, Richard and Thomas of Colborne, and two dang-tcrs, Mrs. Robt. Thompson of Avon, and Mrs. John JIarndcn of Perry, By mutual agrettfiient the stores of Colborne will be closed on.,. • ■ Thursday Afternoon & Evening of each week during ths months of • .June, July and 'August. SUMMER TERM Opens Tuesday, July 3, in Shaw's Business Schools, Toronto. The work merges into Autumn Term from Sept. 4, without any break. Courses fully described in new catalogue. Write for it. W. H. SHAW, Pres., Yonge & Gerrard Sts. Mrs. Webb, widow of the late Major t A. C. Webb, died at Brighton. RullTJA-illf e soldat 20>/cents' £ n Saturday, May 26th, 1917. There are no vegetables sold whose flavour equals those grown it one's own garden. Ca.mpf.eli.ford town council are preparing to oil the business section of the town this summer. N. Y. Lake].., t, the \ Western Ontario farmer got $112 for one hog. The ultimate consumers will probably pay about $4(0 for it. The Ladies' Aid, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Lakeport, will hold their Annual Strawberry Festival and sale on Thursday, May 31. Instead of saying "shut the door", it is more appropriate now to say "shut up the hens." Gardeners are watching by the bedside of some favorite seed. Cem ery. Cramahe Council Cramahe Council met in Chamber, Castleton, on Friday 25th, 1917, at 11 a. m. Members all present. Mr. Gummer, Peeve, in the chi Minutes of last session read and ed. .•ERTisixG is part of the news these Readers can ahvays tell the widens stores by the adve By-La Communication Roads, returning i authorizing the ( p-ovement of main and leadin. this Township and approxing expenditure of SlfiiK.).(»I. Moved by Mr. Cochrane, Se Mr. McCracken, That the : _ authorize the construction and imp ment of main and leadin this Municipality in th< now read a third time, and numbered 711.--Car A Deputation of some of the Township near Coi upon the Council, asking son be removed from flic " • The Ladies' Aid ef St. Peter's Church are working hard in preparation for the I Garden Social and Sale of work to be r- I held at "The Cedars" the latter part of . . I Accobding to a resolution of the Board lzal'"." I of Education, there will be a fee of one '• '."'dollar charged -a. !• candidate for the 1 . I Kntranee Examination writiiisr at Cnmp-;uif<)t"j bellfrord.--Herald. ] The Odd Fellows held their annual onded by j church parade last Sunday evening, iy-Law to when they attended services in Trinity | Church, Colborne. An appropriate ser-' given by the Rector, Rev. R. be I Tn olbon ,vilI I igement, Mr. Win. G. Morrow having purchased the business of Mr. E. R. Bradley. Mr. Morrow will move into the house occupied by Mr. Bradley, known as the Waiter Burleigh place, j Mr.'Bradley has not decided where he Castleton Women's Institute respective ainouu W. W. Mutton, c W. A. Philp, Trinity Church Notes Trinity Sunday, June 3rd, 1917. is and Holy Communic ;ong and Address--7 r and address. >ut the day. Friday Si "Give to a pig when it child when it cries, and you'll pig and a bad child," is a Hope Guide's philosophy. :;Uin, idat the j^gfn is to be able to supply people who have iot storage facilities and are unable to ret delivery from the local dealers.

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