Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 31 May 1917, p. 8

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Page 8 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 31st, 1917 To Buyers of Summer Goods The season is approaching when cooler wearing apparel is needed. We are well provided with a big stock from which to choose your warm weather garments. New Summer Footwear "Empress Quality" Shoes The woman who wears them knows all thi "Empress Quality" suggests, of daintines beauty, grace, and, above all, quality. The styles for- summer comprise models f< every occasion. Ask to see our white footwear. New Millinery and Novelty Trimmings Summer Middies Young Ladies' : Duck. Short ( Middy Blouses, made from White Pique or Button trimmed. Very smart garments. Store Open Wednesday Evenings We Will Pay Highest Prices for Eggs. SCOUGALE BROS.™' est Prices for Eggs HENS AND POULTRY All Kinds Wanted Will Pay the Highest Prices Scrap Iron Rags Waste Paper, etc. B. COHEN iaker, Frankfort], Letters from Soldiers little n A.SAYER Just received big stock of New Dry Goods Fancy Goods, &c. which are being offered at the lowest prices. These are all the very latest styles of goods, being Travellers' Samples and having bought at a big discount I will therefore sell at real bargain prices. PTE. FRANK A. GILL, France, May 2nd, 1917--Writes to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Gill--1 am writing this in the trenches, and it is a beautiful day. Have had dandy weather for nearly two weeks. The little birds are singing while our artillery is continually talking. Old Fritz is putting over quite a few, but he gets four times as many back. We get lots to eat and have a good canteen where we can buy most anything. Get the Colborne papers regularly and so am right in lino for new;-. Am still with the 10th Canadian Machine Gun Co., and like it fine. Have such a nice lot of officers. Got lots of letters this week, so am lucky for mail. Can assure you I appreciate this mail. Hard for me to ; jntt_____ j answer all of tiie letters as news is rather j for me|' a scarce with me. Have not seen any Col- i ward duty borne boys just lately, but saw some anci i S00I-! about three weeks ago. They were all so'diorwit looking line. We had a great" old chat. ' onica is al | Regards to all. PTE. WALTER MORGAN--France May 20th, lul7-l>ear Wile and Children Thankful to have the opportunity t< write to you once more, but I will mis: your parcels and mother's, as I was sho through tl.e shoulder, about half past si> to-night. Low down in t'le shoulder an was some great show. Never heard such artillery lire since I have been out here. It "was one terrible roar all the time. Gee, it was fierce. Well, we are continuing the good work. The weather is simply grand and we fellows just glory in it, and it puts new life into us after the hard winter. It was one of the hardest here in many years. Oh what a change it will be if we are spared to get back and feel free once more. There are very few of the old familiar laces in our battery here. Many have done their duty nobly and have died for theii try. Good boys, all of them. Hope everything is going well-in Colborne. EARL IVES--Greece, April 13th, 191' It was with pleasure we received a mail again to-day, after five weeks. Have three letters from you and four from home. I think your letters are models for cheeriness, newsiness, sensihleness, and everything that is attractive, and the dy wonder to me is that you are able to _______,;ly attract-as time goes oy. I hope you v ' off correspondence with me becai don't write oftener. 1 will tell y ;ws if I can, but must not For about six weeks I have work, which is very interesting the patients and 1 am assisting in the X-ray department and I now handle all the photographic part of it. There is a great demand for our work out here, and we are usually ;ant change the woull liave11 a real grouse. ! 01 feet ( A.SAYER Agency for Sharpies Cream Separator here Ont i the muscle, bullett. Wen options which 1 can relate beauty of this part of the . country is the clear atmosphere. We thought Valcartier Camp was extensive, but I don't suppose there is another military base anywhere which presents such an extensive view from the ground level. With a single turn of the head, from our nassed military • through a disti t here, but , All photography is stopped ...... heart and I have done my bit along that line, anu lie was a single have hopes of a lew more snaps yet. The ! though I being weather here is like May at home, and married, and with you and live children, we are on guard for the mosquito. By killed hil; God spared my life this time. • I stayed by my comrades two hours and then those of us who could walk went back to a dressing station. There I fainted and when I came to they had me nearlv done. We will go to the base in the morning. uch big I a ! quit. all yo Lost my kit bag and all my shirts, shaving outfit, and for now. Will write agai 814900 Pte. Walter Morgan, London England. To Miss E. J. Padgintort; ind isider HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER Your Future is in the West advantage of Low Rat*> and travel via Canadian Pacific W. B. HOWARD Toronto JAMES 1*EDFEARN & SON, Colborn Agents for Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets. LIEUT. DEAN M A LI.ORY--France, May, 5th, 1917,--Been in France two weeks and very well. PTE. WALTER SL'TTON-Soniewhere in France, April 29th, 1917--Still alive and well. Have been with Alfred two or three times since the first attack, and he asked me to let you know that he was still all right. Have not much to say this time, but when we get where I can " letter you shall be the i all a rell. DUDLEY, S05302, 1.5th perienced in a long time. Major Snider besllikcd ..nicer.-. W,,:. Marks and myself are the only two of the l;J9th in the 15th Canadians. It is a Western Canada Battalion which sends reinforcements to two other Battalions in France. In two more weeks I will have my training finished and then be ready to take my place with the boys in the trenches, to help defeat the great foe, Germany. Hoping von and all my Colborne friends are well. Yours sincerely._ GUNNER HARRY SCOTT--France, April 3oth, 1917:--Stiil well and safe. You can see by papers that we are doing good work and everything is going as it should go. But I guess if it had only been better weather we should have gone ever so much farther. But still we got, what we went after, and, thank goodness, with very little loss, thanks to the ar illery which is doing splendid work.. the way, I hope _ by the time you get this, although one can never say. I may still be here. As the sun sets here, at about 0.30 p. in., the glory of the hills and green fields around Olympus, is brought out in one of the most beautiful landscapes that one could wish to see. It holds one in awe at the grandeur. And knowing that at the very time the sun is giving home its brightest-light of the day, there is little inspiration to be drawn from Milton's sonnet, ' 'Breathes there a man with soul so dead, etc." I fancy the poet must hav such surroundings at the time he that sonnet. I don't know which side exactly you would favour in the debate, "Resolved: That intemperance is a greater curse than war." If I were making a choice, I would put up argume t£ for negative. That is, taking this war as an example. If ever a war was righteous this one must be; and anything t' ' righteous cannot be a curse. A s. fid tiling it always is, but civili being the work of God, it must be the victor and the results are all we can judge from, consequently the curse thai would be must be wiped out by war. Il you saw our lads with full kit start for the attack, with the calm, determined look on their faces, and compared them with the disgusting, vicious features ol the Bulgar and German prisoners, yot would only conclude Unit the curse wonlc be on us if we did not take the only available method of halting such "Kultures" before "civilization of God" is overruled. There is almost mockery in any country that allowed all the atrocities of the early stages of the war go by unchallenged, and who finally decided to throw in theii lot with the winning team, in statins that they are fighting freedom of small nations. Every Briton can hold his head high and be more than proud that "England is old England still." Remember me to all your class and friends I knew and negiet to write to. Wicklow Women's Institute Letters from Soldiers L. CORP. (REV.) J. R. ROUTLEDGE SI4931, No. 3 Co., 1st Canadian L. Battalion, B. E. F., (On active service.) writes: One of our Colborne boys, Pte. D. Orrock, whose home is in Lake-port, has been very seriously ill of pneu-umonia. He was in the same battalion as myself and when removed to base hospital 1 visited him.' From there he was removed to Scotland. I have received the enclosed three letters from him, which perhaps you will publish, as it places beyond dispute the very excellent care our boys receive on the field and in the hospitals of our dear home land. The letters may be of comfort to other dear ones at home, who may have loved ones wounded or sick. Pleased to saj that the health, of our battalion is excellent. I myself never felt better. I would like to thank some unknown donor for the tin box of cake, etc. The was quite destroyed and the ti in cotton, but the address of sender quite obliterated. I believe it came from Colborne, so take this opportunity of returning thanks. Needless to say, the contents were appreciated greatly and thoroughly enjoyed. May God very richly bless the dear home folks who so unselfishly are helping and cheering the boys in their temporary absence from loved ones and home, who are "doing theii bit" in the great defence of freedom, justice and right. With loving remembrances for my dear people and friends. Sincerely yours. Edinburgh, -Mar. L. Corp. (Rev.) Routledge: Dear Friend,--Just a few lines to let you know I have arrived at what will be my home for a while, and such a home-The Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. I cs hardly reaii/e the happy fortune that landed me in the city of -- birth. The kindness itself, wait foot, niirht ami day, witn a smile. I .had a very pk across the channel on the hospital ship La France. 1 am pretty well out of danger now as far as pneumonia is concerned, but am running a great risk of being killed with kindness. I shall never get your kindness to me, nor Mr. I icks"'( Cobourg)." Kindly remember to him and the rest of the boys. I write Mr. Killick as soon as I get a stronger. You will see by my writing that I am quite weak yet and my hand shakes quite a lot. However, with the care I am getting here 1 hope quite strong, i don't want to make you feel bad or I might tell you I had chicken and some nice corn starch pudding for dinner to-day. The eating starts here at 5 in the morning, when you get a cup of good hot tea and bread and butter, breakrast at 7.30, lunch at 10, dinner 1.30. I have just had dinner and i hoping to finish this before any mi lunches arrive. The war news is looking good these days. I hope ' that the war will soon be over ..ill all be home again. Well, I ting a bit tired and will close wishing you and the best of health. I renn' your sincere friend. D. Orrock Edinburgh, April 6, 1917, Dear friend,--! wrote you a letter t ■eeks ago to-day, but thinking possible and instructive to me as welf as bentjjc-1 ^ J; ^^r^ei veTton 'account" of the medical olhceP, :uV*T. tainty ol the in. '" mails, I am writing x weeks since I have had any mail from home. I wrote to Bob Franklin also. Y'ou might ask him write. I hope you are keeping well, un feeling fine. This is a grand place be. 1 expect to leave here in a day or o. All the boys who came here have gone. I think I am favored being here so long. I go o vo ho n the i. There is a good m visit. 1 was down t the other day. One at this place looking things that are to be Mary (Jieen ot Scot': room and sleeping the o day, for loon and afternoon, places ol imere.-l to . Holy wood Palace 'oiild .-pond a week at the old historic ceil here. There is bedroom, dressing .in, the latter bein; Then there is Lord Darnley'; and the Duchess of Hamilt room. This is a beautiful room some 80ft long and 3u ft wide and the wails are covered with life sized paintings of Kings, and Queens, Lords and Dukes that flourished some hundreds of years ago. Then there is the Chapel, which is a ruin now, where a good many of these mentioned above are buried. I have been at the castle and the museum but will not try to tell you what there is to be seen there. Will only say, that there is everything from all over the world. One mummy in the Museum, I can't think of the name, but is figured out to be 3000 years old. About as interesting a place as I visited was the old Greyfriars' Church yard. One of the tombs I noticed there being soul so dead, /feted 1531. The monuments to the Mar-ist have had Ftyrs are here and the Covenenters' Prison and the stone on which the Covenent was signed. There ate places I would like to visit, but am afraid will not have time. Remember me to all the boys, especially to .Mr. Killick. Wishing you the best of luck, I remain, your friend, David Orrock. The regular ma-ting of Wicklow Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, June 7th, at 2 p. m.. at the home of .Mrs. J. Kellogg, Shelter Valley. The programme will include papers on "Our Opportunities" by Mrs. J. G. Fin-lay, and "The Three R's" by Mrs. W. Winter. : All interested are cordially invited to I attend. Florenck E. II.w.i, Sec. Bushy Park, April 11th, 1917. Dear Sir,--Arrived here last night about ten. after 12 hours run from Edinburgh. I can't tell you anything about the place here, as I have not been out. It has been a very disagreeable day, snowing nearly all forenoon and turning to rain in the afternoon. It has cleared up this evening, however. Everything seems to be quite nice here but I do nol like it neatly as well as the Royal Infirm ary. I am gaining every day and it will not be long till I am with you again if I keep on improving as I am at pres ' The Canadians have been doing s good work. I wonder if any of our boys were in it. I hope they came out all right if they were. I have not received any mail from France yet, with the exception of your letter. It is going on for seven weeks now since I had a letter from home. I was taken out to tea by a couple of ladies before I left Edinburgh. I had from 2 till 6 and I certainly had a very pleasant time. We visited St. Gilo's Cathedral and saw some very interesting things. The colors of all the old Scotch Regiments past are hung here. Some of them all tattered and torn with age and the fights they have been through. The memorial windows are the most beautiful I have ever seen yet. I must tell you a little about the ladies who took us out to tea. They come every Friday afternoon and take out as many as are able to go, sometimes as uiany as ten. Then on Saturday afternoon they come again and bring something for those who can't get out, and on Sunday call and take as many as can get to church. Twice a week they go to'Waverly Station at 4 a. nd work till 6, in one of the soldiers' Stores Open Wednesday Evenings New Spring Goods We have received our new Spring stocks of SUITS and COATS in pinch-back models--blues, greys,- and mixed cloths. The very newest styles for young men and boys. Our stocks of BOOTS and SHOES were never as large. Prices below the market prices of to-day. Ladies' New Sweater Coats Silk and wool. Newest shades and styles. Agents for Hobberlin's and Progress Made-to-Measure Clothing Guaranteed to tit. Ranging in prices from $15 to $50. Fenton & Smith Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs THRIFT rpHE THRIFT HABIT is at the ro. X saving your money. A Bank of T Add economy and persistence and your Savings Accounts for small or large sun Paid-up Capital...........$5,000,000 Reserved Funds............$6,439,382 vill help ; ■ invited at all branches of this Bank. Assets...................$73,000,000.00 Deposits.................$44,924,980.00 FARMERS' SALE NOTES DISCOUNTED INCORPORATED 1855 The: BANKofTORONTO A. C. HUDSPETH, Manager, Colborne. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. 234 COLBORNE BRANCH CLARKE, _ Manager. 49c SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY ..regula Peas.................................... Salmon ................................ Salmon.............................. Pork and Beans.................... Pork and Beans..................... Tomatoes, 3 lb tin................ Baking Powder, 1 lb tin.......... Granulated Sugar................... Brown Sugar........................ Green Tea............................ Black Tea............................ Sodas.................................. Sodas.................................. Jelly Powder.......................... Pearl Brand Breakfast Jam ...... Holbrook's Egg Powder.......... White Swan Spices, in tins ..... Royal Amonia........................ Lye...................................... Matches.............................. Infants' Delight Soap.............. Comfort, Lennox and Lifebuoy 1 Ogilvie's Royal Household Flou: Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs C. O. BOUGHNER Phone 48 Bailey's Old Stand Colborne .15......4 for .49 .30......2 ' ' .49 .20 3 ' ' .49 .20,,. 3 ' ' .49 .15......4 ' ' .49 .20 3 ' .49 .15......4 ' .49 ' .49 ......6 lbs ' .49 .40.. 1* lb ' .49 .50..1ilb ' .49 .30......2 ' .49 .15......4 ' ' .49 .10......6 ' .49 .25......3 ' ; .49 .30......2 ' ' .49 .10......6 ' .49 .10 6 ' • .49 .15......4 ' ' .49 ' .49 .10. 6 ' ' .49 •' .49 .7.49 --. They have been doing this the first sick and wounded began •ive from France and they are both working girls, one being a school teacher and the other a dress maker. They are sisters. Surely they have acted a noble part in this war. All the boys in the Infirmary simply worship them and truly they are a couple of "Angels on earth." Our prayer is that they may be enabled to carry on this work till the last wounded soldier is gone from the Infirmary. To which we all say, Amen. Dan Wedding. Stationery : BUTTER WRAPPERS Neatly Printed at a Moderate Cost PHONE ORDERS Receive Prompt and Careful Attention a THE EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE When making out your account use a printed billhead. A well executed billhead gives you a standing with your business customers. AVe execute letterheads, billheads and other printed matters with neatness and despatch. Call or phone The Express office when in need of printing.

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