Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 24 May 1917, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1917 Page 5 Mail and Express, Daily........10.1 Passenger, Except Sunday ... 4.3 Passenger. Except Sunday ... 8.3 Mail, Daily..........................11.2 Mail, Daily........S................ Passenger, Except Sunday... 'U-H-nger, Except Sunday . Mail <md Express Daily........ 3.03 A.M. 8.30 A.M. 2.07 P.M. 5.3S P.M. Business Cards. THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Reyes. Subscription $1.25 per annum in advance. Transient advertisements 10 cents per line first insertion and 5 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $5 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. Dental. W. G. ROBERTSON, D. D. S., L. D. 8., Dentist. Office over Scougale Bros' dry goods store, Colborne. Medical. \V. A. SARGENT, M. D. C. M„ F. T. M. C, M. C. P. S. 0., Physician and Surgeon, Office and residence, King St., Colborne. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Scotland. Office and residence, Division Street. Colborne, Ont. Coroner for the United Counties of Northumberland and Dmv CONSCRIPTION IN CANADAAT ONCE To Raise 60,000 To 100,000 Men To Reinforce Divisions Overseas SIR ROBERT BORDEN ACTS Announces Selective Draft Ur.:!er Militia Act--Canada Will Do Her Duty to the Very End That Canada Iw to have (inscription was the message which Sir Robert Borden last Friday delivered to the parliament and people of Canada. It was made, he said, in ai...wer to the appeal of Canadian soldiers. The government will, as quickly as possible, lay before the house proposals for the compulsory enlistment by selective draft of from 50,000 to 100,000 men. Sir Robert reviewed at length his trip to England, and the proceedings of the imperial war cabinet. He discussed the various recommendations Blade at the recent conference, which '"s Lereafter to he an annual affair, and emphatically declared himself against In imperial parliament with power of taxation over the dSniinioiis. Praise for Canadian Troops Prime Minister spoke in glow- A. SAYER eulogy the a Just received.big stock of New Dry Goods Fancy Goods, &c. which are Toeing offered at the lowest prices. These are all the very latest styles of goods, being Travellers' Samples big disc fore sell llth ict- Dundonald Mr. E. Samons is not well the Mr. W. E. Snider is in poor h ely- Mi-> Mabel Dudley is recovering from Mr. W. Thompson is adding a new kitchen to his dwelling. A number of fanners here are sending their cream to Cobourg. The cream is called for and conveyed by motor truck to Cobourg. Mrs. M. Broomfiekl, and the Misses Nellie Wright, Grace McDonald, and Opal Vanwieklin were guests at the Jones Tuck wedding on the 10th. At the last meeting of the Diindonald I '. I., Mrs. Clarence G...«!ricli and the! isses Opal Vanuieklin and Nellie! "right were appointed Delegates to the j i.-triri Meetiii. ;i the \V. I. to be held Wooler. Willie Hammond, a young hoy in the nploy of Mr. Harry McDonald, was j verely injured on Sunday evening ' Edel Legal. W. L.PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, NotarvPublic, and Conveyancer. Olli.-e first door east of Registry Office, Colborne. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notarv, etc. Offices, King St., Colborne,'Ont. Company and private funds to loan on the mast favorable terms. FRANK M. FIELD, K. C, Solicitor, Notarv Public. No. 86, Cobourg, Ont. Auctioneers. NORMAN MONT' lOMERY, Auctioneer. Pure bred stock a specialty. Real Estate Broker. Several grain and fruit farms for sale. Box 180, Brighton. Phone No. 101. Farm Herman staff officer he read: "Thi Canadians are good fighters and then are no deserters among them." Inci of the Canadian Forestry and RailWa; Construction Battalions. Genera Stewart, with two ba'talions. had bull engineers had said it would take a least six weeks to build. As to the progress of the war, h< could only say that it certainly woult not end in 1017. The big drive on th< Western front up to date had only re covered from the Germans an instg nificant portion of territory. A greai struggle still lay before them. The Germans entered the campaign this spring on the Western front A. SAYER Agency for Sharpies Cream Separator lidin had S. E. ROBINSON, Auctionee Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. I '*n\ -ales conducted anywhere. Sati.-iae- j "P ^p mm L-uavaii'e.M.1. Address: R.M.D. 5, | hatl sen Colborne. Phone .">5rll Colborne. 1 j the spring of 1916. Canada had ; present, the Prime Minister said, I an divisions at the front. •ould t lada ma 320,000 mei i Broke Down R. BATTISBY, real estate brote^^J^ J* ^rM^..f,!!;U<'n^',.:?^..,"lX1 j!: I evidently broken down. A grave res-|)o:;,n'mlity therefore confronted the | governments. Every man was bound in duty to fight in defence of his ' country, and the life and liberty of Canada was just as truly at stake in | France and Flandesa^ as thcugh the | war was being fought on the soil of j Ontario or Quebec. I He concluded by saying: "I bring j back to the people of Canada an appeal lor more men. I have promised our soldiers in the trenches, and I have promised the government of the empire, that so far as I am concerned this help will be given." Sir Wilfrid Laurier followed brief-y and did not commit himself or his party upon the subject of conscription. He said they were united with the government in the determination that Canada should stay in the war to the ! end. He deferred judgment upon the ■ proposals of the government until they were submitted to the house. Castleton, Ontario. Sales conducted i; any part of the Province. Satisfactioi guaranteed or positively no pay. I pa, for clerk and advertising. Phone a residence.___ Insurance.___ G. E. R. WILSON, general Insurant: and Real Estate Agent. Money to Loai at 5.to 6 per cent. Office: Rrunswu-1 Block, Colborne, Ont. Scissors Sharpened By B. J. Waller Colborne G. M. PEEBLES, Undertaker and Fui Director | MAY BREAK WITH HUN Designs J Spaim j A report on Monday from Madrid says.: The Spanish Government's i Germany concerning the attack by a German submarine on the Spanish steamer Patricio recalls that a number of notes of protest previously addressed to the German Govern-t still remained unanswered. It declares that the transaction of all diplomatic business with Germany will be suspended untill replies are to these, according to the newspapers. It also demands the fulfillment of conditions agreed upon by the German Government to prevent unwarned attacks by submarines on Spanish ships in the safety asks for an indemnity for the Pa'ri- Lakeport Master John Orrock of Toronto is home for the summer. How will Kaiser Wilhelni celebrate his grandmother's birthday. Mrs. Carrttthers of Bowmanville visited friends in town last week. The Khaki Club was held at the home of Mrs. Webb last Monday evening. Miss Jessie McDougall of Cobourg is -pending a few 'lavs with her brother, Mr. W. N. McDougall. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and children of Grafton spent <n:idav at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark. Lieut. F, O. II. MaeDonald, who has been recruiting in the district of Midland for No. 7 Forestry Draft, spent the week end at home. Mr. A. Odell, Inspector of Public Schools, visited our school last Monday ith the progress f the c o prescribed, and the boy e his home. On Mondaj nounced no hones broken", We welcome t D our eoinnum and Mrs. Grant a id family, who cupying the farm of the late Win. At the last Qua Mr. Batstone to r another Conferenc eyear. a good appearand . A. Dfw'ad! if the p Two t p.ls. . Paul's church, Ma; arth; the t ; the 1 ry s Our s ipl dayi, and teachers and two tants. It is encojiragi seems to be an increas work, as evidenced by tendance. No one is nth i any those who were fortunr their Fall ploughing ( spring of 1010, the dry w in putting in the crop, large an area as possible planted, as both I Newest Spring Styles IN Coats Suits Skirts, Blouses FOR THE Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department The Cornwell Special Clothing Stores Phone 56 Snetsinger and Coyle Blocks Colborne I the sin , and the heard in our land. We cannot pass *Ue 24U out recalling the life of < who for more than half a at the helm of the Britisl through exemplary indusi ion she won for herself tin "Queen Victoria, the goot Conscription " ' We fully upo rEmp : fight lilt, force in the history sian domination must be crushed be-. we can look for universal peace, and that crushing connot be done without great sacrifices on the part of our country len, materials, and money. We are ote from the field of action but still Dominion is in the penumbra of the terrible conflict, and !_ other countries i whereby the influx and serf ism can he held beh Rhine.______ Vernonville Master Allen Johnston i after a severe attack of p Miss Olive B. Ventres! id at her home in Salei Mr. A, R. Deviney ha< ! the only solutio: Oak Heights . Sweet and family at I he home of her palvnls1 here VaUdy^" Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. Armstrong and Master George, of Codrington. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Black lately. Mr. and Mrs. II. Brisbin of Fenella \ iMteu their son-m-law on the 13th, Mr. Jesse Mitchell, who is ill with Mr. Stewart Alger of Tweed h For Your Baking WE have everything ready to your hand of the best quality, and at prices as low as the lowest, Raisins, Currants, Dates, Tigs, Peel, Spices, Extracts, Confections, Granulated Sugar, Brown Sugar, Icing Sugar, Syrup, Butter, Lard, Mince Moat, Apples--everything you can ask for, in short. Be sure to use our Flour, brands for all purposes. You know our pl-101 Full range- best Executors' Executors' Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hamilton and Mrs. Jones am little daugter of Port Arthur, motored to Belleville last Thursday, and spent the day with relatives in that city. Monday's daily papers gave the name of Carman Merriam of Warkworth, among the ,ist of wounded. Carman enlisted in Western Canada, and no doubt official worti of the casualty was sent to his father in Western Canada.--Journal, Pox't eat potatoes; plant them, Made Strong By Delicious Vinol Lakeport, X. H.--"Our little girl 8 years of age was in a debilitated, run- j down condition and had a stubborn | • t i cough so she was weak and ailing all ihe bee keepers ol this vicinity, the time. Nothing helped her until quite a loss in their colonies. | we tried Vinol bThen' j.or appetite ' . „ , I increased and she is strong and well, and j i.iM.woop Enterprise :-Son,e <.l our. I wish otUer parent3 of bWKak, delicate ipal lathers suggest that toe poll chiidren woufc trv Vinol "--GEO. A. P'y to women also, carrying out Collins. pie of equal responsibilities. | This is ,,e(,ause Vinol contains b(,ef j -'J- just...,I*..the and cod liver peptones, iron and1 | manganese peptonates and glycero- j . j phosphates which she needed. " 1 rag up Christian homes, to ml the posit- ions formerly occupied by men, there is W. F. GRIFF!S, Due: mr-, Cou < »SE. why they should not bear an 1 ; Also at the Best Druggi d in ail Oi tario - - Jeorge Hardinge lays with Morganstnn ' The Ladies' Aid -Jiurch on Thursday al Mr. and Mrs. D. Ste with their daughter, M Mrs. C. W. This a Meet 1 Mr, . Moc Colbor ' Von will smilei jual si of U : bundle ol old claims i of James Dougherty. Int.-of i;,., _____ Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, Master Mariner, deceased, who died on or about the Eleventh day of January, A.D. 1017. in the Village- of Colborne, in said County, are requested on or before the Twenty-sixth day of May, A.D. ]<H7, to send by ).,.,vi prepaid or to deliver to Robert Snct.-inger or G.E.R. Wilson, Colborne, Ont., the Executor-" of the said Estate and the Effects of tin-late James Dougherty, their christian -lUrnaines, and description, nt of their re.-pective claim-. .•urity (if i liable Dougherty, ributed t Bi-tikk-makehs who wish to give satis-•tion with their butter are advised not use the new and cheaper [taper tailed rchnientine. Get the. pure, vegetable rebment at Express Office. heldly tlv.'in in y verified n 1 i> herein- given that after such last >ned date the Executor* will pro-distribute the assets of the said ed among the persons entitled and particulars liietcuf v< and the nature of the se held by them. that tifter'riie said 26th d 1). 1017, the said Execute •1. liie'y'shalTil'en' ha\ "notice.' '"' d at Colborne this 7th day of May, FRANK L. WEBB. Solicitor for the Estate. to distribute the said list .lames Dougherty among titled thereto, having regr of which the said Execit notice, and shall not be assets of the said James any part thereof, so dist m. Dih-ve in men's suits this person or persons of who have not notice at the tin between" Toronto 0and°Vin%ton Dated at Colborne, th you ,;'m"get'guanuiteed dyes." In- April, A.D. 1017. te 815.00 suits, made to order and BoBEKT

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