Page 8 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1917 SUMMER MILLINERY AN EXHIBITION of all that is smartest and best in New Summer Millinery, including Leghorns and Panamas. An unique showing of handsome shapes and trimmings, something worth while. This is an opportunity for the woman who has yet to choose her new hat. Come and see. New Cotton Fabrics, Dainty, and Prices Tempting Cotton weaves of rare beauty and a charm of pattern that will make you want many of these cool fabrics, fashioned into waists, dresses, and other garments. New Silks We have a splendid range of silks i Taffeta, Messoline and an extra eavy weight of Habutai especially uited for Wash Blouses. Underwear and Hosiery Come in and see our stock of Underwear, Hosiery, and Gloves. Buy them and you will enjoy wearing them. Our prices will urge you to buy. Store Open Wednesday Evenings We Will Pay High est Prices rHigh- CPOTIPAT 17 DDf\Q We Will Pay High-forEggs. O W \J Vj/AL^IL Df\WJ. est Prices for Eggs HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th tuesday "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes". (Season Navigation) Your Future is in the West War Notes .nce-Corp. W. J. '. Tin: United States, with a view to raise revenue tor war purposes, lias levied a tax of ten per cent, on all goods heretofore on the free list. The enormous increase in the work of e Militia Department, Ottawa, is illus-tited by a recent return. The number ei iployees is now 2,078. Before the ar started the regular staff was 103. Pte. Robert Ferris Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Campbellford, died of wounds on April 12th, 1971. Before enlisting, Pte. Stewart was on the staff of the Cainiibellford branch of the Standard Bank," of which his father is manager. He was in the twenty-first year of his age. The Eighth Draft of the Cobourg Heavy Battery requires a few more men to complete "the number. This Draft should move Overseas very shortly and anyone desiring a quick passage front should make application a. . Any information in connection with this Unit can be had by writing direct to the Officer Commanding, Cobourg. I. O. D. E. National Executive Resolution In the present crisis of our Umpire, when we are assured by those most competent to know, that world hunger stares us in the face, and that it is absolutely • necessary that we help those who are ioi.uT H.xeeutive. at a meeting held* on i make the lol-f the Or-r influen- 1 the e that we deem tally e the We ask that members pledge thein-s.'ives to obseive two meatless days, and t.vo potatoless days a week, the meatless days to be Wednesday and Friday, and also to abstain from the use of veal and young lamb. We realize for herseli the terrible gravi the imperative n< iate eo-operatioi with the various ml i': lernbei othe f loyal and immed- A large number of married men who in former elections have enjoyed the right ot voting on money by-laws on their wives' property will not be able to do so in future. Lii'less the wife gives her hus-)and permission in writing to vote for hen <in the More than two million dollars in actual cash has been brought into Canada by American immigrants during the first four months of 1017. According to figures issued at Winnipeg, a total ol 15,145 immigrants, including settlers and farm laborers, entered the country during the four months. Records show that they carried Si',:;44,4:;:i in cash. .During the same period 2,12<> homestead en' have been made by immigrants. r advantage of Vow Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific JAMES REDFEARN & SON, Colborne \ Agents for Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets. Chevrolet A Real Automobile Fully Equipped 28 Horse PowerValve-in-head Motor Three Speeds Forward and Reverse Electric Starting and Lighting Stewart Speedometer Non-Skid Tires on Hoar Wheels Cantilever Springs THE CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. OFLI^DDA Sales Office: TORONTO Factory: OSHAWA D. W. CHURCH, Agent, Colborne FRED WRIGHT, Agent, Brighton Garage $695 F. O. B. Oshawa BOYS FROM 14 TO 18 YEARS of age With High School or Collegiate Education Excellent business opportunity for bright boys in office of large Toronto Packing House engaged in producing food for Canadians at home and overseas. Good Wages and Permanent Position Fare paid to Toronto and Comfortable Lodgings secured if engaged. When applying state age, school training and name of school principal Drawer Eleven, Colborne Letters from Soldiers L. CORP. (REV.) J. R. ROUTLEDGE .rites from France and encloses three letters he. has received from Pte. I Orrock. The latter is having his "heave on earth" in the convalescent homes i Scotland and says he is pretty well Ol of danger as far as pneumonia is conce ned, but running a great risk of being killed with kindness. All will als< ' glad to know that Mr. Routledge "i: felt better." The letters will appear next week. ?E. GEO. A. BROWN--Writes to ?r, Mr. S. .). Brown, from a Dug-ranee, April 20th, 1917--Here I „ n, still counted among the living and enjoying the best of health. 1 am sitting down in a German dug-out that we cap-1 a few days ago. It is about 30 feel down. Well, father, you have read about our fighting on Vimy Ridge, have come through all. It was s wonderful how we pushed through. The dead were as thick on the ground could lie. Our dead were few, but go througfcanything with God's help, n all right. I never got scratched time. It was as big a battle ai SGT. CAMERON O. PHILP--Field Service Card, April 29th, 1917--Quite well, etc. CORP. W. NOBBS--Y. M. C. A. Headquarters, Canadian Corps, France, April L'Sth, 1917--We are having a very busy time. Have been made a full Corporal and I am now in full charge of a canteen and have quite a bit of work to do. mid HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS LOW RETURN FARES TO WESTERN CANADA mm ONCE A WEEK - - Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to G. MERKLEY, STATION AGENT, Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A., 68 King St. E., Toronto. CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY (ill. ,1 AMI'S IIOUGHTON-April 27th, 191,--Very pleased to receive papers. Well, here ! am in 14 General Hospital, B. E. F., France, and wishing to be out soon as 1 think I will. They are still going ahead, and I wish it were over, Don't know what people think in Canada, but I know what I niink. Remember me to the class. PTE. ALFRED SUTTON. France, April 8th, 1917--You should see son the pr'iMiner* that go along. It cert makes one feel sorry for them; and then you begin to think of the brutal way they have used our men and ruined the big places and yon are as hard as stone towards them. If I don't write every week from now on, don't worry, for wf very busy and expect to be all sun A shoulder strap with a figure 3 worked on it is enclosed. It was cut from a German officers' coat and was picked up around the t;uns. PTE. WALTER SUTTON--France--I am still alive and well and hope to tinue so. I suppose by now you have all heard about the advance. We are all into it. Have seen Sgt. Ray Ives two oi thro' times -Uwk the push started. Oui first meeting wa.- rather comical, happening in a dugout at the end of the day the boys started Fritz on his journey back to his own country. Ray's battery had just moved up and he was looking for quarters. Saw my brother Alfred and he was all right; also Glen Chatterson. Alfred .mentioned having seen Lt. Dean Mallory, ►TOliie Mason and Jim Houghton and ali were in good health. I received and enjoyed your parcel very much and thank you for same; also the Young Ladies' Patriotic Club for socks. SGR. C. W. NUNN--Witley Camp, Surrey, England, May 1st, 1917--We were released from quarantine April 8th, and since then all have been released and don't expect anv new cases to develop! Was out for a wuik Sunday throng (ioduimiuu jt.;.I ewiytbing looks ju.-grand. What a beautiful country i be in the summer. We have wire rough the camp, similiar to those : frent, so have our different olhces to go to each day and the work is much re interesting than before. It is said may leave about middle of May, bul nothing official. John Craeknell is here . the 2tt'nd Bn. Lots of good news oui the front these days. Allies ■erywhere. Many thanks for papers. PTE. MATTHEW KING--France, April 23rd, 1917--Got your letter and parcel with sox from Young Ladies' Patriotic Club all right and was very thankful for they came to me in the trench after the big advance. Suppose yon haw read about the big scrap. It is still going right now, too. Think the Canadians have done pretty good. On our immed-'ate front we advanced 5 miles and took '00 prisoners, our battalion alone. Sc ,-ou see we are right in the thick of it. 1 ;ame through all right. You should have seen our boys go over the top. Il a fine sight, and not seen every day. And, too, you should have seen Frit2 sending up his distress signals. It was like a big display of pretty fireworks. It was fine to watch them. But that's all the good it did them, as our boys simply Iked right through them. Talking to some of the prisoners, they said that they thought it was only a raiding party coming off. But they soon found out it was something rise, because we advanced 5 miles in less than one day. What do you think of the boys at Vimy Ridge. I know what that place is like. We have had some. I was there for two months. We are not very far from there now. Can pretty near see it. We can see Lens from where we are. Just as soon as the Germans leave a village they start shelling it all the time. We are having a spell of fine weather back of the lines now and it feels awful good. Regards to all. Mas. W. A. A. Kip, Jr., of South Orange. N". J., offers her services to the Military Hospitals Commission and the offer includes one of the loveliest of the tsand Islands, a half dozen delightful buildings suitable for a convalescent ae, and the personal staff to conduct institution. Mrs. Kip has the posit-of chief of the commissariat depart-lt picked out for herself and, as her proffered terms of enlistment include the paying of the bills, it is reasonable to suppose that her services will be accepted. Sixty soldiers will be accomodated. Leek Island is two miles from Gananoque and the Canadian side of the St. Lawrence River. _ - e might safely judge from the speed by which some motorists * n the corners that the man behind the wheel is not fully conversant with the regulations respecting ped>. jtrains. It would be well to remember that the man on foot has a legal right to stop every motor car that is til he h i passed in safety. Stores Open Wednesday Evenings New Spring Goods We have received our new Spring stocks of SUITS and COATS in pinch-hack models--blues, greys, and mixed cloths. The very newest styles for young men and boys, | Our stocks of BOOTS and SHOES were never a- large. , Prices below the market prices of to-day. Ladies' New Sweater Coats Silk and wool. Newest shades and styles. Agents for Hobberlin's and Progress Made-to-Measure Clothing Guaranteed to lit. Ranging in prices from $15 to $50. Fenton & Smith Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs W/iMoreBreadt BetterBreadj THRIFT rpHE THRIFT HABIT is at the root of business success. Get a start by X saving your money. A Bank of Toronto Savings Acconnt will help you. Add economy and oersistei ce and your success is assured. Savings Accounts for small or large sums invited at all branches of this Bank. Paid-up Capital...........$5,000,000 Assets..................$73,000,000.00 Reserved Funds............$6,439,382 Deposits.................$44,924,980.00 Tr he FARMERS' SALE NOTES DISCOUNTED INCORPORATED 1855 BANKofTORONTO A. C. HUDSPETH, Manager, Colborne. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. 234 COLBORNE BRANCH c LARKE,_ _ Manager. JUST ARRRIVED--A CAR OF FLOUR and FEED Ogilvie's Royal Household--Canada's Best Flour SATURDAY......... $8.00.........$5.00.........$7.50 Feed Oats.....................................perbu... .90 Linseed Meal...............................per lb... .08 Seed Corn Crompton's Early..........................per bu...$3.50 North Dakota................................ " ... 3.50 Learning....................................... " ... 3.25 Wisconsin................................... " ... 3.25 Bran and Shorts always on hand. Sell your milk and raise your calves on --RYDE'S CREAM CALF MEAL-- Also start your pigs on Ryde's Cream Calf Meal Call and see our Fancy Cakes. We cany a Full Line of Groceries. C. O. BOUGHNER Phone 48 Bailey's Old Stand Colborne Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs