THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1917 Beware of the Cold Storage Egg! In his work on food and dietetics Doctor Robert Hutchison says, "the absence of carbohydrates prevents eggs from being in any sense a complete food." This refers to the fresh egg--the egg with a clean bill of health. What would Doctor Hutchison say of the modern cold storage egg? At present prices two eggs cost ten cents--and the egg is not a complete food! Something must be eaten with it to supply the needed carbohydrates. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits, with cream or milk, make a complete, perfect meal at a cost of four or five cents. Made in Canada. GERMANY'S PEACE PROPOSAL. By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. The peace proposal emanating through Germany's Chancellor, Hoi-wegg, has not the true ring, and will never be the basis, much less the terms upon which hosi ies shall cease. Great Britain's repiy thereto was admirably presented by the new prime minister, Lloyd George, and which seems to have the consensus of the allies opinion of the situation. In the first place, the proposal for peace is based on the falsehood that Germany is victorious so far in the war, when as a fact, she has lost nearly all of her colonial possessions, has been beaten on the most important front--the western, and has only possession of a couple of small states end a small part of France which she occupied almost without resistance at the start. Since that time, she has gained nothing important, but has lost strategic ground, and has about exhausted her resources of both means and men. Under these circumstances her peace proposal have been rightly denounced by the allies as insincere and put forth for the sole purpose of gaining time to recuperate her almost depleted re- The world waited for the word of David Lloyd George, as from ular divinity of Delphi, backed by the dignity and authority of an enipb came forth with no uncertain sound, and characterized the German tender of peace as an offensive act, a play to the neutral galleries, and an effort to _ deceive the_ German people and to holster their cause in the Teuti We are all thankful that the nations fighting with Great Britain also rej< ed the German proposal with equal emphasis as dishonest, and not ever fit to form the basis for a settlemen: for further negotiations. Mr. George quoted the memorable utterances of Abraham Lincoln fine effect, and cited the attitude of that great patriot who stood so firmly and grandly against compromise the great essentials of the conflict. We must never forget that there are three first-class powers along with Britain in this supreme struggh that any concession from one would be extremely dangerous at this from its aptitude of playing directly into the hands of the enemy. The allies are joined by a i compact respecting proposals terms of peace, and it is suspected that they regard this agreement ing something more than a mere "scrap of paper." Naturally it is not the so-called "humanity" of the war that appeals to them first, as it would to neutral na- They must stand together or go down to disaster. This they have agreed to do, so the epochal struggle will go on, until militarism is crushed and wiped from the face of the earth. Blouses and Skirts SHORTAGE 6F FEED. Farmers Sell Off Stock Rather Than Carry Them Through Winter. Unless the present tendency of farmers to sell off their breeding stock rather than carry them through the Winter is not checked there is likely Basque blouses, though they are be-to be a serious shortage of cattle and ing favored more and more day by particularly hogs in the coming Spring day> have no(. succeeded in ousting and Summer. From all parts of the . the blouse tha(. jg WQrn ingide thg gkjrt province reports are reaching the De- The model wJth & fri]1 of fine laee jn partment of Agriculture that > the; front Qr o£ the goft material of the shortage and high cost of feed is cans-. blouse still holds its own. Some very ing farmers to get rid of their ... ok. attractive new blouses are of tan or The situation has become so disturb- sand-colored Georgette decorated with ing that special steps are being taken shadow embroidery in fine wool. Motifs to counteract the prevailing tendency. worked in 0]d blue, old rose and tan As a result of negotiations between enhance the artistic beauty of these the department here and the Dominion. waists. Bright yellow and deep rose Live Stock branch at Ottawa, a spec-1 are among the newest colors that have ial lecturer on stock raisingis to be been seen in separate blouses. Some have collars of the same material, while others are trimmed with a white No matter what rumors may be circulated to the contrary from time to time, the separate waist and skirt are always with us. Separate skirts Don't Rub It On Bruises or Sore Muscles QUoan's Liniment quickly pencil trates and soothes 'without rubbing. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, does not (Stain the skin. ■ Have a bottle handy for emergency, rheumatic achet and pains, neuralgia, lumbago, gout, strains, sprains and lame back, yitld to Sloan's Liniment. * At all druggists, 25c. 60c. and $1.00. Sloans Liniment rf/LLS P/UH attached to the "Better Far special, touring the province during the next two months. The department is also enlisting the assistance of its district representatives in order to carry on an educational campaign. It is felt that the farmers will serve their own interests best by keeping their stock even carrving them over the Winter costly. _ _ A TALK ON RHEUMATISM Telling How to Actually Cure This Painful Malady. This article is for the man man who suffers from rheumatism who wants to be cured, not merely relieved--but actually cured. The most the rheumatic sufferer can hope rubbing something on the tender, aching joint, is a little relief. No lotion or liniment make a cure. The rheumatic poison is rooted in the blood. Therefore rheumatism can only be cured when poisonous acid is driven out of blood. Any doctor will tell you this is true. If you want something that will go right to the root of the blood take Dr. Williams Pink Pills. They make new, rich blood which drives out the poisonous acid and rheumatism to stay cured. The truth of these statements has been proved in thousands of cases throughout Canada, and the following cure is triking instance. Mrs. F. M. Simp-i, R.R. No. 1, Blenheim, Ont., says: or a long time I was confined to my bed, and actually crippled with rheumatism. The trouble first located in my ankle--which was much swollen. I thought it might be a sprain, but the doctor said it was rheumatism and advised me to go to bed so that the trouble would not be aggravated. I did as directed, but instead of getting better it spread first to my right knee, thbn to my left knee, and then to my arms. The limbs were much swollen, and if I moved them caused me considerable pain. I seemed to get weak in other respects and fell off in weight from 156 to 110 pounds. I had no appetite and seemed to lose interest in everything. One day while reading a paper I came across the case of a rheumatic sufferer cured by using Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I decided to try them and sent for three boxes. By the time these were gone I had certainly begun to improve, and with help was able to get up. Continuing the use of the pills I was first able to go about with the use of a crutch, which later I discarded for a cane, and then through the use of the pills I was able to throw aside the cane as well, and go about as briskly as I had ever done. I feel that Dr. Williams Pink Pills have been a blessing to me, and I strongly recommend them to other similar suf- You can procure these pills through \ know that is disrespectful?" any dealer in medicine or get them by ! "What's wrong with it ? mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes what you tell Ma your boss for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 7529-7531 Jabot Blouse and Pocketed Skirt offered in plain and pleated models, some with pockets and yokes and some without. A yoke which extends in points over the hips is exceptionally smart. Over the points are placed little pockets with flaps that are buttoned down. Scotch plaids and checked materials in two colors are used for the serviceable tailored skirts, as well as the other popular woolen fabrics of the sea- These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from the McCall Company, 70 Bond street, Toronto, Ontario. "Dept. W." C*AWA Granulated Eyelids, Ct» 1 B m SiT Byes inflamed by expo-w sure to Sun. Dust and Wind -- _ quickly relieved by Murine ■ . W §5 5% Eye Remedy. NoSmarting. 4/ w^just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye SalveinTubes25c.ForBookolfbeEyeFreeaak Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Like Father, Like Son. "Willie, do you like your teacher?" "Naw! she's an old crab." "Willie, how dare you speak about your teacher that way? Don't you t't that COMBING OUT ELIGIBLES. Unskilled Munition Workers Called to Colors. It was officially announced that the Admiralty, the Ministry of Munitions, and the Army Council have agreed to release for military service, at ai early date, all semi-skilled and un skilled men of military age in muni tion factories who can be spared without prejudicially affecting the output of munitions, says London Mail. For the time being the military .._ thorities propose to call to the colors ;uch of these men up to 31 years of tge as may be fit for general service. To avoid dislocation they will be called up in consultation and agreement with representatives of the Government Departments concerned. These proposals do not involve the calling up of skilled men, and in order further to^ secure the retention of skilled men'on work of national importance the Army Council will is-trade cards through a number of trade unions to their members who were registered as journeymen and apprenticed before August 15, 1915. This big comb-out follows upon the Order under the Defence of the Realm Act giving power to call on any exempted man to undergo a Medical Board examination. It is to be followed by a comb-out of Government Departments, beginning with the Board of Trade and the Foreign Office. The application of the combing-out order to all controlled factories will release tens of thousands of men for the army, it is said. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Profiting by Experience. A well-known naval dignitary has 1. beautiful daughter. A young ensign, Guard Your Baby's Health Cheerful, Chubby Children Make the Home Happy rite Weak, puny babies are a care to tired mothers and an to many diseases that do n healthy children. Keep your children in good health. See that their bowels move regularly -especially during the teething period. This is a distressing time in the life of every child and the utmost precaution should be taken to keep them well and strong. By the , Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ills : It is a corrective for diarrhoea, colic and other infantile ailments. It soothes the fretting baby and permits the child to sleep well and grow healthy. It brings comfort and relief to both hild and mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Makes Cheerful, Chubby Children Is absolutely non-narcotic. It con-ains no opium, morphine nor any of their derivatives. It is soothing, pleasant and harmless. For generations mothers in all parts of the world have used it and millions of babies have been benefited by it. tier, and Protect Your Children $<fy hi all druggistt in Canada and > throughout the ivor/d "IDIOTIC DISTINCTIONS." tVar Great Leveller of Class and - Democracy Promoter. FROM OLD SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. What Is Going On in the Highland* and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. i The price of the 4 lb. loaf in Crieff ! has been raised from 20 cents to ] twenty-one cents. I The military authorities are hoping j to obtain from 250 to 300 farm ser- 1 vants in Berwickshire. I Col. C. W. Scott, of Dumfries, has assumed the post of Assistant Director of Artillery in France. Rothesay streets have become so dangerous owing to the darkness that many accidents have occurred. In two years the valuation of the Duke of Atholl's property in the Highland district has fallen $19,075. An outbreak of anthrax is reported from West Lothian, and a large number of bullocks have had to be cremated. The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce urges the necessity on the University of establishing a degree in Commerce. Dr. A. R. Turnbull, formerly medical superintendent of the Fife and Kinross Asylum, has just died in Edinburgh. Summons warnings on lampposts, etc., are being experimented with in Kincardineshire, and promise to be successful. A suggestion was made for utilizing German prisoners on a mid-Scotland ship canal at a meeting of the Edinburgh Town Council. Criticism of War Office methods in calling up farm workers was made at the annual meeting of the Scottish Chamber of Agriculture. ~ avid Lawson, stationmaster at j Shettleston, has retired, after nearly 52 years' service with the North British Railway Company. At a meeting in Edinburgh attended by Lord Rosebery a civil advisory committe was formed to deal with war allowance difficulties. The valuation of Perthshire during the past two years show a decrease of $83,596.40, chiefly due to the lessened demand for the shootings. Second Lieut. John Steel Ralston, Cameronians, youngest son of Col. T. B. Ralston, Haxtoun, Bothwell, has been awarded the Military Cross. The death has occurred at Burntisland of Mr. William C. Arnott, formerly district superintendent of the North British Railway at Burntisland. Lord Salvesen protested at the annual meeting of the Association of Lowland Scots against the treatment of Lowland regiments by the War Office. The Quarrelsome Man. "I think it's a mistake, old man, to quarrel with everybody in town." "What do I-care?" "You may care if you ever want a jury trial for anything.' 1 Minard's liniment Cures Distemper. When a child dies in Greenland the natives bury a living dog with it, the idea being that the do;- should be used by the child as a guide to the other MECHANICS WANTED. When baying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO H!GiL" PIANO ACTION WINTER WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Our Canadian winters are extreme-In the proclamation issued by the ly hard on tte health of little ones. German Government the other day,'The weather is often so severe that half appealing and half commanding the mother cannot take the little one the German women of every rank to out fol. an airing_ xhe conSequence that baby is confined to overheated, actual!• enter the public serv workers, there was one curious and; significant phrase, says the New York Time?. As translated, it char-1 o'wn^Tabh acterized as "idiotic class distinc-' tions" those lines which, more rigidly in Germany than in any other European country, except perhaps badly ventilated rooms; takes colds ided t he population ] c*ntg and becomes cross and. peevish. Baby's should be given to keep the little one healthy. They regulate the stomach and bowels and prevent or cure colds. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at Medic . box from The Dr. Williams ■ Co., Brockville, Ont. Austria, have di' into little less than separate species. If these distinctions have come to seem "idiotic" to the' rulers of Ger-j many, then it would be impossible to] exaggerate the influence toward! democracy which the war has exert- ] ed, for certainly, before the war, the j dividing line between class and i class were held to be natural, able and commendable--in short,] necessary for the existence of society ] as in Germany it ought to be.. There a man or woman was "born" Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, or was not, and that ended the mat-! Gentlemen,--Theodore Dorais, a ter for him or her, and it also de- customer of mine, was completely An Old Quotation. Mabel--Did that painter who stain- • ] ed your front door to look likt !! mahogany do a good job ? I] Edith--He shall never darken my • i door again. resources but his salary, fell i cided the things he or she could and cured-of rheumatism after five years in love with her, and asked the old ' could not do. All that is ended if 01 suffering, by the judicious use of gentleman for her hand. ] eiass distinctions really were called MINARD'S LINIMENT. The father at once taxed him with! idiotic in an official proclamation of j The above facts can i>e verified by drops RAW FURS EDWARD P0LLAK& CO. D. S White, Pre.. 3. W. Mott, Mar. di SELDOM SEE ABSORBINE *^ TffADt MASK WG.U.S CAT OFF 1 big knee like this, but your horse may have a bunch or bruise on hii ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat. the fact that he had only his salary ] high provenience, --hardly enough to keep him in white! The change would be gloves and to burnish his brass but- ] however, that one is almost forced to "Well, admiral, what you say true. But when you married were only a midshipman, with ev< smaller salary than mine. How did you get along?" asked the ensign, who believed he had made the most diploi atic of defences. But not so. The crafty old sea-dog thundered forth: "I lived on my father-in-law for the first ten years, but I'll be hanged if you are going to do it!" doubt the accuracy of the translation. The Athletic Girl. "So she's gone in for athletics." "I should say so. I found that out when I tried to kiss her." "But she hollered for help, didn't she?" "No, that was me you heard hollering for help." Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. Very Fine. A country gentleman in Ireland, having a small sporting estate to sell, advertised it, and soon afterward a gentleman called to see about it. "Well, sir," said he, "I have been over that estate you advertised, and find it all right except that fine trout stream you mentioned." "It runs through the wood in the lower part of the meadow," said the land owner. 'Whatl That little brook? doesn't hold much more than a spoonful. I am sure if you were to empty a pail of water into it it would overflow. You don't call that a fine stream, do you?" "Faith," said the owner, blandly, "if it were much finer you couldn't see it all all!" writing to him, to the Parish Priest ] %] or any of his neighbors. i «ptic liniment i< A. COTE, Merchant. ] jSJj'Ej St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, '98. will clean it off without laying up the horse. No blister, no half gone. Concentrated--only a feW :quired at an applici aSsorbinE.'jr!™*' In The Years To Come. "Father, what did you do in the Great War?" "I nursed you while your mother was selling flags." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. And There He stops. "Bluffem poses as a hustler, doesn't he?" "Well, yes; he's always energetic in reaching a conclusion that something ought to be done." PILES You will find relief In ZamBukl It cases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings easeii Perseverance, with Zant-Buk, means cure. Why not prove thil ? M Druggist, and Storu.- tell how you can increase your farm profits and build up your farm through more profitable farming methods, including the use of fertilizers. Crops, soils, seeds, lime, cultural methods, harvesting, marketing, drainage, cover crops, farm manures, rotations, etc., are among subjects discussed. Yon Cannot Afford to Ignore Fertility Subjects Present high prices for farm products make larger yields doubly profitable. Our soil books are free. You should have a set to study before planting season opens. Inform yourself by writing for them. SoU Improve _ vftheNaHonalFwUlker Chioairo - - "SSiuoTs. Sept. 113 -