THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1917 Page 5 grand trunk railway. Mail and Express, Daily........10.16 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday... 4.39 P.M. Passenger, Except Sunday... 8.30 P.M. Mail, Daily..........................11.22 P.M. west bound. Mail, Daily.......................... 3.03 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday ... 8.36 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday... 12.05 P.M. Mail and Express Daily......... 5.42 P.M. Business Cards. THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Reyes. Subscription f 1.25 per annum in advance. Transient advertisements 10 cents per line first insertion and 6 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $5 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. Dental. W. G. ROBERTSON, D. D. S., L. D. S., Dentist. Office over Scougale Bros' dry ^goods store, Colborne. Medical. __ W. A. SARGENT, M. D. C. M„ F. T. M. C, M. C. P. S. 0., Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence, King St., Colborne. J. ARCHER-BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Scotland. Offu* and residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for the United Counties of Northumberland and Dur- Legal. W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Conveyancer. Otli first door east of Registry Office, Colborne. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Offices, King St., Colhorne, Ont. Company and private funds to loan on the most favorable terms. Vernonville Mr. Stanley Deviney is thrabbing his clover this week. Don't forget the Y.P.M.A. meeting on Tuesday evening, Jan. 39. Mr. Sawn Cool is working as assistant clerk at the corner grocery. Mr. R. D. Wait intends remodelling his store in the near future. Mr. Ronald Bates has applied to cruise with the Imperial Navy. Mr. Joseph Calnan and Mr. Ray Wait were to Trenton or. Monday. Mr. H. S. Cool was at Cbourg and Port Hope for a few days 1 a=t wee k. Mr. D. J. Coulter of T.,r..nto University lias-been visiting friend* in this locality. The L. 0. L. intend holding their annual box social on Thursday evening, Jan. 25th. A load of the young people of this town attended the Carnival in Colborne on Wednesday last. Mr. All Deviney entertained a number of his friends at an oyster supper on Thursday evening last. The Sunday Sehool and bible class held a soeial evening at the home of Mr. Jas. Kerr on Friday last. Miss Thelma Wait, Miss Edna Mc-Murray, Miss Marie Gillespie, and Mr. Wm. Harnden are all on the sick list. Miss Myrtle Gordon, who had the mis-I'ortune of breaking her leg while sleigh-i tiling, some days ago, is slowly improv- Mr. Thos. Johnston has just purchased new snow plow from the Vernonville Carriage and Pump Work, Ltd., and has taken a contract from the Mayor, Mr. C. II. Winter, to keop the streets and walks free from snow in Damascus. Mr. John Kellie was appointed overseer for Stockdale Dundonaid has been suffering * of Red Cloud spent Mrs. W. W. Mi: with la grippe. Mr. Frank Hayi Tuesday here. Mr. Ross Wright has been s:ck again with sore throat, etc. Miss Ida Gaffield has had another severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dingman of Cramahe Hill were recent guests of relatives here. Miss Ada Cochrane of Sharon is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett. No great events in Dundonaid at present, the people being glad to remain by their comfortable firesides. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Winter of Wick-low spent a few days last week visiting Mr. am! Mrs. J. P. Dunnett. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dale of Newcastle passed through, our neighborhood on Saturday to attend the "Shower" at Shiloli. Notwithstanding the heavy state of the roads on Sunday evening last, Rev. J. Batstone filled the pulpit as usual in Lie], Lurch. Although, the congregat- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy, and Mr. Garnet Mutton attended the "Miscellaneous Shower'given by Miss Elsie Mutton of Shiloh in honor of the bride-elect, Miss Alice .Mutton, on Saturday evening last. Hilton Percy I.angdon was down from Uow-many)He on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldsmith of Mich,, are visiting at her brother's, Mr. ii. Smith's, Presqu'ile'. A letter has been received from Milton Metcalf, who i< in France, stating that his brother Wellington was slightly wounded and is now a prisoner in Ger- vhoste last . W- FRANK M. FIELD, K. C, Barriste Solicitor, Notary Public. Telephor No. 86, Oobourg, Ont. Auctioneers.___ NORMAN MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer. Pure bred stock a specialty. Real Estate Broker. Several gram and fruit farms for sale. Box 180, Brighton. Phone No. 101. "Id: user* of that fuel. A. Fox and Hazel spent Mr. Wiley's, ninth line. S. R. Ostcrhout spent a i Alan sed to 1 nd f and a nil.)' i her •8. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm ■Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address: R.M.D.-5, Colborne. Phone oorll Colborne. 1 J. R. BATTISBY, real estate broker and experienced auctioneer, lock box 3, Castleton, Ontario. Sales conducted in any part of the Province. Satisfaction guaranteed or positively no pay. I pay for clerk and advertising. Phone at residence. _ after a month or more being in Belleville Hospital. The W. M. Society have charge of the services on the Stockdale- circuit on Sabbath next. Mr. W. McGowan, who was injured a few weeks ago by ha\ing his foot crushed at Mott's Mills, is yet unable to work. On account of the blustery weather hist Sunday the attendance at Sabbath School and preaching service was rather small. having Insurance. G. E. R. WILSON, general Insurance - -and Real Estate Agent. Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ont. A. O. U. W. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM $500, $1,000, $1,500, 2,000. FAITH LODGE, No. 123, Colborne, Ont., meets in (he A.O.U.W. Hall every second and f>i:rth Thursday of each month at s o'clock. G. M. PEEBLES, M.W. 0. E. REDFEARN, Fin. H. S. KEYES, Rec. the obj-Miss L. is home again a called 'Cha ■ church mfcbs Her mother has been ,-ory ill of blood-poisoning. Harry Crowe, west of town, met with a -eriotts accident a few days ago attending a clover thresher, having an arm crushed and broken. He •- suffering much as yet. ' The remains of the late Robert Casement of Preston i!ill were laid to rest in the cemetery here on Friday, last week. G. M. PEEBLES. Undertaker and Funeral Director First Door East Post Office, Colborne. Skates and Scissors Sharpened B. J. Waller Colborne Norham Sergt. Lawler spent the week end his family here. Miss Fraser of Winnipeg is visiti: the home of Mr. Pred Laver. Miss Carrie Dingman is spending days with friends in Smithfield. Mr. and Mis. Lue McDonald spent the week end at his lather',- in Colborne. We aretksorry to say that Mrs. W. McClelland is not improving at the time of writing. Mr. Herman Carr and and Mr. Will Robinson have taken contract cutting wood down at Mr. Ed. Mitchell's swamp. Our council met last week at their hall. All members were present, but no business done; members couldn't agree. Possibly an old jug of cider was Council was adjourned till nex The Mayor is still on his job ko. road clear. Dunnett's until the containing their stock and household effects arrive. Their eldest son is in blue uniform, having recently joined the navv. Mr. W. McColl of lYes,|ti'ile had an experience on the Lake on Nomination Day which he would not care to repeat. He shot a duck a little way from the shore and went out to get it in a boat, but was unable to return on account of the high wind and waves. Mrs. McColl seeing the danger phoned tiie neighbours, who hurriedly procured a boat, but the courage of ail failed except that of Mr. Hugh Smith, who ventured out alone. He returned with both boats', but Mr. McColl was helpless from cold, and the clothes of both were Iroateii on them. Mrs. Chas. Taylor has ret' from Port Hope." Mr. Henry Bilcox has ret: from Orangeville. Mr. John Benedict and son the week end at home. Mrs. Matthew H. Winter 1 to her home in Renfrew. Mr. Will Thompson, a ioi maker here, is a guest at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rnlaj TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR NION OF CANADA DEBENTURE IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF f DOkil Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st. April and 1st October by cheque (.free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. PURITY FLOUR MORE/ BREAD AND BCTTEa BREAD ^^||fei^We make itgood-our customers WlfflHI 'have made it famous. Gilson Goods The undersignet opportunity c the public that Ik takes this informing! s still sell-1 nsisting of j ill but at time of writing is somewhat im- | Mr. Nelson Usher went to Kingston I last week and returned resp! ndant in a j new uniform. He is home for a few days before joining his class in Toronto. He : intends taking up Motor Transport Train-| ing. We all look forward to Nelson to j put the name of Wicklow on the map big. Codrington Miss Aggie Smith has returned to her wine in Colborne. and Mrs. W. .Vinsworth spent mg( Gas Engines.' Pipe Blowers. Pumps, of all descriptions. H\m'^h\ Piping, for water. Belting. Compressed Air Water Systems. Hylo Silos, etc, etc. Xna- their ■ around. By Mr. and Mrs spent Nmas at his brother's, C. p:. Pc Lake Shore. Mrs. E. Vanderwater, Lake Shore gone across the Lake to remain spring with friends. Miss Mabel MeAuley and Miss W aret Moran. who are attending Lo Abbey retu.-ned to Toronto on Mond Ella Williams, a shut-in. knit 31 ) of socks for the soldiers during Nov. Miss Williams is a datif =1] The Dominion Canners Limited Will Pay Highest Price for White Beans Delivered at Their Factories At Lakeport and Brighton gm~SEE US BEFORE SELLING =0 Also agent for the famous Regal Motor Car Manufactured at Berlin, Ont. See this car before placing your order. WILBERT EDDY COLBORNE. ONT. ' the Dr. Wil Business Change... Th" undersigned has purchased the Manufacturers' A geney'Of Frank Ventre---. Colborne, and will carry on the business in the Ireland Block, Colborne, representing the following reliable firms: Deering Machinery Co. Renfrew Machinery Co. Beatty Bros. Lines, Brockville, McLaughlin, and Gray Bros. Rigs. D. W. CHURCH BUTTER WRAPPERS Neatly Printed at a Moderate Cost PHONE ORDERS Receive Prompt and Careful Attention a THE EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE aunt from Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Maybee visited her sister Morganston at Bethel on Sunday. I The lagrippe still 1 angs around j Many from this neighbourhood are are having real winter | working at the munition works at Tren- jthese i [ We ire sorry to s-a that Mrs. T ! Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ireland have is not o well: the winter. ited hi r sister here It -t week. Bon : To Mr. an 1 Mrs. Jhuxi 10th, 1917, a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray spent Sun- The Ladies' Aid will meet May will, his brother. David Murray of I Bethel, it being lib- 7-Uh birthday. Con- the 1Mb. cent"' on Thursday mission 10 TENDERS FOR PULPW00D and PINE LIMIT WA N T E D Highest Prices Paid for All Kinds of GRAIN RYE WHEAT OATS PEASE AND BUCKWHEAT delivered at THE FARMERS' FEED MILL G. T. R. Station, Colborne Be Sure you get ONTARIO BRAN AND SHORTS Kept Constantly on Hand ALL KINDS OF FLOUR In Lots to Suit Purchaser W. W. Phone No. 97 PURDY Colborne, ®nt. MRS. SUCK'S LETTER I To Mothers of Delicate Children ; Palmyra, Pa.--"My little girl had a j chronic cough and was so thin you could \ count her ribs, and she had no* appetite. ! Nothing we gave her seemed to help her, until one day Mrs. Neihert asked me to try Vinol, and now she is hungry all the time, her cough is gone, she is stouter | and has a more healthy color. I wish Si every mother who has *a delicate child | u" would try Vinol."--Mrs. Alfred Slack. | s,j We guarantee Vinol, our non-secret j1,1 tonic, to make delicate children ; »i healthy and strong. .Mr. Seal, Pastor bed for some tit speedy recovery. The members of wards" after ifliey' sending them to m distributed f W. E. 1RIFFIS, Dkcggki the Best Druggist ii Com: Codrington nd Mrs. .las. Ross h baby girl. Arthur Morgan Butter-5-: \ kicks who wish to give satisfaction with their butter are advised not to use the new and cheaper paper called parchiuentine. Got the pure vegetable parchment at Express Othce. For Your Baking WE have ever) best-quality, lowest. j ready to your hand of the at prices as low-as the Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Peel, Spices, Extracts, Confections Granulated Sugar, Brown Sugar, Icing Sugar. Syrup, Butter, Lard, Mince Moat, Apples--everything you can ask for, in short. Be sure to use our Flour, brands for all purposes. You know our phone uiun Full range best W. H. Fish and Oysters. EDWARDS Phone 2, Colborne