Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 18 Jan 1917, p. 2

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1917 PRISONERS TWO THE TALE OF A LOCKED DOOR :-jj Out of the blazing summer sunshine "We shall be delighted," says into the cool room comes Krin, with Rhoda, prettily. "I have often long-her waving masses of chestnut hair ed to see the Hall, and now my wish as untidy as usual, her lips warm and will be gratified." parted. Her muslin dress of pale "I have been all through it," de-azure is slightly crumpled, while two clares Corinna, speaking almost for dark stains, that shine conspicuous- j the first time, "over and over again." ly upon it, betray her visit to the 'Have you really?" exclaims Saxon, sweetly. "By keeping quiet, I suppose. If, in stead of going for this long stupid walk, you would come and sit here in this shady room, you would oon learn the secret." But Saxon will not see the pretty in- itation. "I am too restless a being for such GERMAN TRENCH HOUSES. Officers Quarters in Dugout Contain Mirrors, Easy Chairs and Pictures. The German front in the West, the London Times tells us, is like a huge village that is strung out along a charming repose," he says] "I must:road three hundred miles long. ui be always up and doing, and conscience; T ™ *"mdergI0™± tells me I should look more closely Still they are houses of one or two after my affairs. Good-by, Rhoda: floors, built according to certain 01-keep me in your memory while I am *lclal deslfns- fc ,The, mal" entl,ance absent from you." I f'0n? *h° trench lev? 18 throUgh * -- - - I steel door, of a pattern apparently standardized, so that hundreds "I will try," murmurs Rhoda, tend- erly, and with a friendly nod my lord ™ ^ ^ one order> and toiissing parts can be easily replaced. , firight and He has not been gone five minutes' ^Mi?« P.arts ™" befaSlly repla when Krin enters the room, firirfit and The. heavil7 . tmibered doorway lated. n the peaches "Mamma, have lately?" "No, dear." "Theii I can tell you they are really splendid. I have just been examining them, and they are such a size! I think MacDonald is the best gardener we have ever had; don't you?" "Yes, dear,"--sleepily. "And the grapes,--they will soon be ready for table. I could hardly i t keep my hands off them to-day; such'j corrido', a sweet delicate perfume, too, as they' have spread all over the house!" "How you do run on!" says Rhoda, pettishly, "and the day so warm too! Do you never tire, I wonder?---do you never feel used-up, or languid?" "Never," answers Krin, with a gay 'Then I think it would be made to their measure. Inside, flight of from twelve to thirty-six stairs leads down at an easy angle. The treads of the stairs and the descending roof of the staircase are formed of mining frames of stout timber, with double top sills; the walls are of thick planks notched at the top and bottom to fit the frames, and strengthen with iron tie-rods that run 1 Butter Maker's Chance. from top to bottom of the stairs andj It - ,___ with thick wooden struts at *H d^^^** ™ ^r^o?rti» a tunneled! factory manner * "SA1ADA" Every Leaf is of Virgin. Quality Sealed Packets Only. Never in, Bulk. Black, Mixed or Green. E217 and i ___jgards quan- ■a f«r i tlty and texture of the butter pro- „?.P, m szt u! z&zv: r a: anas id staircase leads to a lower presence of undesirabIe^flavors in floor which may be as much as thirty dai butter forty feet below the trench level | months_ ,n tegting ^ & ^ djf_ passages ana ferent pounds of butter recently with ?Siyd„^out the inte»tion of purchasing the most Kll^*?. the -^was sussed These rooms are usually with planks. closely. If we have the exact date of service and add to it 112 days, we may be almost sure of having the new arrivals on that date, as a sow seldom varies 12 hours, which cannot be said of any other of our live stock, so far as I am aware. So when that time arrives, it is well to clean the pen out thoroughly and put in a small bedding of cut straw or chaff, as whole straw sometimes hinders the little pigs from crawling around and getting back to the mother. In case of farrowing in very cold weather, it is a good plan to partly Simon and I a strawberry-bed. "Corinna, my dear!" protests her mother, perfectly aghast at her appearance. "Yes, darling?" says Krin, interrogatively, and glances suspiciously up and down her attire until she too descries the fatal marks, when she blushes the daintiest crimson. "Where have you been?" Mrs. Crof-ton goes on, when she has recovered* breath, "and what have you been do- her cousin, thinking lr Your hair is all over you head, j what a charming picti manner you affect. There so unpleasant as too great an exhibition of health in a woman." "You will exhaust yourself if you with awakened interest, turning to-1 say much more," says Miss Krin, de-ward the window where she sits half: mureiy. "Mamma, will you come hidden. "Do you mean to tell me you , out with me?» ever cared to enter the dull old place?" «No> my dear, it is too wa and * - not dull to me. I love it. Old) now Saxon is safely out of the way> fast friends, and t think I shall enjoy a little doze.'" would* be SeSle t J^hoySi I ?*? ionf °f a plat°°n ^ 1 to find ^ko^o^dsZ^d^ ■ All « feed basket with chaff, set'down manner vo^S" Th£ i !?tted *laCf for „me88,n* ^t^f' \ Each pound was dairy butter and each *" the chaff a jug of warm water, and many hours have he and I passed together in the picture-gallery. 1 think I could tell you now the histories of every one of your ancestors." Tou are fond of pictures?" asks she herself place for parade in a pas-, of a different brand; j£ c ~£ put the little fellows into this basket sage and its own emergency exit to; this varjet of flavorg ^ likel as fast, as they arrive, the trench In another, used as a due to ^ rf ventilation in the| They will in this way be out of the dressing station, there were beds tor p]ace whepe ^ churni had been mothe:'s way while she is in pain, thirty-two patieiKo and a fair-sized done and ^ want of ventilation wag and they will soon dry one another operating room. A third, near probably due to an endeavor to main- and keep, warm aronud the jug of and your dress-- But let me introduce ! is making at the present moment, you to your cousin, Lord Rowden, j with her ruffled hair and large short-who has come to spend a few days with , seeing eyes, and muslin dress and us." strawberry stains, and all. Phoebus Apollo has been making j "Very,--especially of old portraits, free with Krin's adorable eyes to! They seem to speak to me. Of all such an extent that up to this the in your gallery I like little sad-eyed drawing-room has appeared to her Milicent Rowden the best." immersed in semi-darkness and she; "I never knew of these expeditions has remained totally unaware of the ' of yours, Corinna," says Mrs. Crofton. stranger's presence. Npw, indeed, j "I don't know that you had any right with a faint start, she turns, and, peer- j to go there, my dear. The house ing through the imaginary mist, sees j was not open to any one. I fear, Sax-him standing on the hearthrug regard- j on, she has been taking rather a lib-ing her with amused scruVn>%J^j^erty with you in your absence.' ---iffSlf young mail, d< looking, with but a very slight'tinge warmly; "nay, rather she has done me of the fashionable boredom about his an honor. I shall like the old ph face and figure. He has large indol- better now I can imagine her form ent gray eyes, a steady mouth and flitting through it. How like a ghost chin, and an irreproachable brown you must have looked, Corinna, mustache. He has been watching ing through the closely shuttered Krin's entrance and general deport- rooms, with only here and there ment with languid interest up to the fleck of light to guide the way, and present moment, but now comes for- with so old a servitor behind! Were ward with something like eagerness in you not afraid some ghosts more real his manner to recieve the hand she j would rise to challenge your ap-shyly offers him. jproach?" He is about to speak to her, when! "I am not nervous," says Corinna, Rhoda's voice, sweet and rippling rings ! with a slight shake of her head, and in between them; their hands part, ja shadowy gleaming smile. > and Corinna falls back a step or two. j A week, a fortnight, three weeks "Corinna," says Rhoda, mild won- j Pass away, and still the sMght repairs derment in her tone, "where have you | going on at the' Hall do not been, dear ? Your hair is utterly plete themselves, or else Lord Rowden wild, and untidy hair is so unbecoming feels no disposition to quit his aunt' Krin blushes,--such a sudden sweet transition of color as it is,--and puts both hands to her head in a vain endeavor to subdue the refractory locks. With her arms so raised, and the startled, half-ashamed expression her face, it occurs forcibly to Saxon how more than pretty she is. "I often think," he says, in his slow quiet way, "how much more comfortable and--and natural a woman must feel when her hair defies fashion and falls into disgrace. I have rather a fancy for rebellous hair myself." Corinna, sinking into a chair, smiles involuntarily, and Jooks pleased. Rhoda smiles too, but does not look "Where has Saxon gone "To the Hall, to see how the work there is progressing." "Oh! I shall take a book and sit in the veranda, then, it will be cooler ther *' So saying, she once more seizes the hat she has discarded, and, arming herself with a volume, retires from the room. Running down the .tairs with* her usual impetuosity, she almost precipitates herself into Saxon' who, to her surprise, she finds standing on the lowest step. "You here?" she cries. "Why thought you were at Rowden by thi| "I got as far as your entrance g~lej j when I repented myself and came bac| for something: guess what it was? "Your pipe?" ith you in your absence." . "No; you. It is,! ibet'LJ1,"" lepras Vrre-yrrtmg rrian,i,m,i *-h„-- tiv.r-rr ---ttr near j MametzTwas designed to house three tain sufficientIy high" temperature"by warm water. As soon as the so;. _ hundred men, with the needful kit- excluding outside air or rather by aone farrowing, they can be carefully chens, provision and munition store- keeping indoor air which was warm emptied out beside their mother, who rooms, a well, a forge, an engine room from escapi {±om the churning will usually stretch out and let them and a motor room. Mirny of the cap-; room j nurse. In the case of a young sow, tured dugouts were thus lighted by. A difference of 11 cents a pound in it »s a good plan to gently rub and electricity. | p,jce 0f dairy and cream,,ry butter as handle her at times a few days before In the officers' quarters there have: was experienced on the occasion farrowing time. She will thereby been found full-length mirrors, com-; above mentioned( is suffir;ent to make get used to your appearing in her pen, fortable bedsteads, cushioned arm-1 any consumer enquire for the lower- and at the same time be gentle with chairs and some pictures. One room prjced product, and if he can find her young. The sow should not only is lined with glazed "sanitary wall good-flavored dairy butter he is will- be fed upon laxative food for several paper, and the present EngHsh oc- ing to overiook many shortcomings days before farrowing, but should be cupant is convinced by circumstantial in texture which is a point that many fed upon laxative foods and fed very evidence that his predecessor lived j dairy butter makers find hard to com- i lightly for several days after farrow- there with his wife ly there was no 1 child, xpectation Clear-of i THE LATEST BATCH OF V.C.'s Heroes Whose Brave Deeds Make Their Country Proud. tisfactorily. j ing, gradually increasing the quantity The farmer's wife or daughter who of food as the size of the litter re-finds she thinks it worth her while to quires. With the above precautions make butter during the Winter should taken, we are now on a fair way to demand a room or building that is successfully raise the litter. It is a shut off entirely from the living quar-! good plan, however, to let the sow and pigs out of the pen for exercise whenever the weather is suitable. If it is not convenient to let the sow out, it is a good plan to make a small "Have you?" she says, mildly. "I think eventually you would tire of it. It may be becoming to some styles, ters and that can be artificially heated to such an extent that a free pas-! sage of fresh air can be allowed with---jl^^i^ried to1Ci°ree office^ i Xy^™™* the temper,at„u.r„e jf°w ihd-ffirsuiTis 'gomgTown." /W^M^yo privates i'n English regi-4 \n*£ fda'iry'^'SS wS^E' rSnTnlnFout at wiir'V-~ go almost the entire way through; menCs and a sergeant of an Irish regi- to ensure well-flavored butter; a good1 >y lessen the dangers of (thumps) which causes many fatalities among winter litters. If they cannot the woods; so put on your hat and!ment. All distinguished themselves j cream's starter, cleanliness and good come: | not only for indifference to danger, | ventilation in the stables are of course, Krin puts down her book without a; but for quick thinking. In every case \ other helps that must be provided if a had rallied and led troops; satisfactory article is to be expected. The present is no doubt the time at word, adjusts her hat, and cheerfully: the prepare to follow him. So, together,■ under fire, had snatched victory from. they pass out into the glowing golden! defeat. For instance, Private Robert whjch the home dairy has the best sunshine, and taking the side avenue, j Rider, of the Middlesex, assumed com- 1 chance to make a name for itself, and escape the drawing-room windows, mand of his regiment when all the the rapidity with which a good brand and are soon out of slight,--and alone; officers had been killed or wounded,! becomes popular with dealers at any Through the hot parched grass, i led a remnant of men forward, and ! certain store in the city, is surprising across a flowery lane, over a stile, I with the aid of a Lewis gun cleared and warrants an extra outlay by the they go, into the deep green woods, j the trench in front of him and carried 1 maker as the grocer likes to move his Their words are very few, but they. the enemy's position. In commenting! goods as quickly as possible and is saunter on contentedly, side by side, upon the latest awards and reviewing willing to pay a premium for a quick and when the stile has been crossed, \ some earlier ones, the New York Sun; seller. Saxon retins her hand in his, so that i observes that among the winners was | -. palm to palm they continue their way.1 an elderly man who left a wife Yet it cannot be said that he is making; nine children at home in order turned out, sods or earth from the root cellar should be thrown into them. Hogs are like some people in this regard, they want the earth. Salt Poisoning. FRESH GREENS IN WINTER. A Kitchen Garden Grown in a Window Box. I find much pleasure in having a kitchen garden on a sunny window sill during the Winter, and the bits of fresh greens that can be gathered in it give flavor and character to many soups, salads, that in the si faintest leadi usite blu< (To be continued) streak dims the deep comfortable quart< Day after day he lingers, as though unwilling to tear himself away; and into the heart of the Honorable Alicia Crofton has entered the delicious thought that time alone is required to see her handsome Rhoda installed mistress of Rowden Hall. This ar-ranger..ent woul be in every way desirable, as, though the income attached to Moorlands is sufficient to enable the family to keep up a showy establishment and every outward appearance of wealth, still it barely covers the yearly expenses, and leaves nothing wherewith to carry on a London campaign, or even a visit to those fashionable watering-places j ba"£s "J"* thTfirst"lesson in the art which eligible* are supposed to haunt. | o£ natation. "What have you got to love to her, as he does not so much as; serve his country, and "that glorious Samples of salt are occasionally j flower pots and wooden boxes, press the hand he holds, only keeping boy," John Travers Cornwall, who, I sent to experimental stations by far-; fine puiverized rich earth, reliable it always in the same firm clasp; while mortally wounded, remained at his! mers for analysis, with the statement seedS( and SOme patience are all that Krin is conscious of nothing but that post in the Jutland battle because, as that animals, usually cattle or sheep, and j he'explained shortly before he died, 'he thought he might be needed." We The Only Thing To Do. The navy's newest iccruit was hauled before the commandant of the naval barracks on a charge of insubordination. The petty officer explained that the man had resisted when they took him to the swimming may be sure that when the roll heroism for the war is completed no name will shine more radiantly than that of this lad. Nor shall the first to win the cross this war ever be" forgotte ! poisoned after eating it i siderable quantities In r 1! you need to succeed. With ; first thing to plant is parsley. It i: any foreign substance that would count for the poisoning been found. Since salt is necessary to life and is in universal use it is difficult to realize that in large amounts it is pois-Many cases of poisoning case has exceuent for flavoring and makes us war ever ue luigutveii. auid , . , " , - the famous Captain Francis O. I chickens have been reported and * Grenfell, who was wounded in both | casionally in larger animals. In o and a hand at Andregnies, Bel-, August 24th, 1914, while stead of suSar I cake saving the guns of the 119th Battery. i given to the chickens and say: The girls, therefore have nothing; for yourself?» asked" the but their faces to depend on, and such mandant. "Well, sir, it's like this chances as the neighborhood may af-: >ere_ Fve only been in the navy three ford; and certainly their cousin Row-| d The first day the doctor draw- I think it is becoming to Corinna," den is by far the richest parti that has \ ed six of me teeth out, the second day ^ s Lord Rowden, still slowly, and in | as yet come among them. Mrs. j I was >0culated, and this mornin' the tone that but for its calmness might j Crofton, seeing m this with Painful; petty officer comes along to me and he ' says--"Come be obstinate. j distinctness, yet like the wise mother "Well, perhaps so," returns Rhoda, | that she is, contents herself with critically; "it certainly softens her i watching the battle from afar, and face, and--ah--how do you think the 1 shows no inclination to interfere or Hall looks, Saxon?" ' j assist matters in any way, beyond en- "I can hardly judge as yet. I got J couraging Saxon to make his stay but a bare glimpse at it this morning: i with them last as long as possible, still, it struck me as being consider-! Meantime, July is drawing to a ably out of repair--that is, great parts ! cl°se. such a warm, oppressively sultry of it. It should have been more close- | July as has not been felt for many a ly looked after, but my uncle was al- | year; and as the clock strikes four on ways careless. It appeared to me one memorable afternoon Saxon strolls gloomy, too, and dark, almost un- j into the drawing-room at Moorlands, wholesome. Now, this place, Mrs. | "I think I will go up and see how Crofton, is so infinitely more cheerful they are getting on above," he says> in every way." I indicating his own home by a lazy "Moorlands is the prettiest place,! movement of the head. "I have not perhaps," says Mrs. Crofton, com-j been there for some days no placently, "if you can put a very ordin-: they want rousing." aiy house in comparison with a castle; ! "Then ride, my dear Saxon," says but then we have no grounds worth Mrs. Crofton; "the heat is intoler-mentior.ing. Rowden Hall ought to ,able." be the leading place in the county, i "No> 1 shall walk. It Is barely two Saxon. I should think a very little ' miles from this, and wood for the most trouble would set it to rights." (part. Oh for frost and snow!" says "I wish you would try and help Saxon, smiling, and raising both arms nit," S£$ys Saxon, suddenly. "If you 1 indolently until his hands reach the would all come, and look it over, and \ back of his head. "Rhoda, how do Fusgest; a woman hps so much bet- you keep so provokingly cool?" ter taste than a man." "I don't know," answers Rhoda, goin' ter drown yer." -lis is the new decoration for disabled soldiers fighting for Great •itain. Any soldier wounded will ceive this reward. There is noth-% in its monetary value, but it is cherished by the men. invalided home, but returned, ki»ed all of them. Chickens are very He to the front and was killed in action. In his will Captain Grenfell left his decorations to the Ninth Lancers, whom," he wrote, "the honor of my gaining the V.C. was entirely due, thanks to the splendid discipline anc traditions which exist in this magnificent regiment. This was one of the "First Hundred Thousand,' Contemptibles," as they are proud to be called. Some of the regiments that formed this first immortal expeditionary force to France, the Coldstream Guards, for instance, lost almost every officer. This force had been trained to fight to the last ounce of human endurance, and there little of it left when the Battle of the Marne was decided. Making Paper In Japan. Paper making was one of the earliest industries of Japan. When Europeans were writing on the skins of animals and leaves of plants ancestors of modern Japanese were recording their thoughts on paper made from wood or vegetable fibre. Paper making in Japan was probably introduced from Korea about A.D. 610. Good Advertising. That hen's a good cackler," remarked Mr. Wigway. Tes," the mistress agreed; "they're laying a corner-stone across the street, and she's trying to make us believe she did it." susceptible to salt poisoning and, while the amount that it takes to kill a horse or cow is considerable, this sometimes occurs when these animals are especially salt hungry. When animals have not had access to salt for a long time it is safer to give it to them sparingly at first. Farrowing Pen and the Sow. Many a litter of pigs has been destroyed at farrowing time because the fine salad. A few six-inch pots filled with parsley will give a supply for months, as the picklings may be repeated over and over again. The Fine Curler is the most desirable variety for the purpose. Fill the pots full to the top with rich earth, sprinkle the seeds over it, add a little more earth mixed with sand, sprinkle with water, and stand in the sun, Keep the earth slightly moist until the seeds come up. As the seeds germinate very slowly it is a good practice to soak them twenty-four hours in tepid water before sowing. Spread them on a blotter to absorb the superfluous moisture, and then mix them with a little dry sand so that they can be easily handled. Onion seeds can be planted in a rather deep box filled with very rich black earth. These are delicious for cutting when they are no bigger than small radish, to give flavor to s necessary precautions haven't been ads, and the flavorsome ends can be taken. A costly pen is not necessary,; used in the soup pot. but a few things are necessary, viz.,! It is easy to plant a few successions reasonably warm quarters, free from; of mustard in a rather shallow box drafts, and dry and clean. A pen filled with finely pulverized rich earth. 6x8 or 8 x 8 is plenty large enough Sprinkle the seeds, cover them lightly There should then be a railing orj with rich earth mixed withs and, water inches from the floor them and wait. The little mustard plants cut off from their roots, chop- scantling 8 around the wall and set out from the wall about 6 inches. This will remove the possibility of the sow crushing her pigs between herself and the wall, which is a common occourrence, as the pigs have a way of escape by getting under and behind the scantling. The sow's time 'arrowing can be followed very ped and added to salads, give s lightful savor. Peppergrass seed can be grown in the same way, and proves equally interesting.--Farm and Fireside.

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