Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1928 The Reward I8r of Years of Toil IF YOU contemplate an auction sale, the closing out of your years of effort in building up a complete farm equipment, The Canadian Bank of Commerce is spledidly equipped to cater to your financial needs. Our local manager and his staff will gladly make all arrangements for the collection and discounting of allsale notes and for furnishing an extension of credit where necessary. A successful sale is entirely dependent upon sound financial arrangements, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ( THE STANDARD'BANK"OF CANADA ) ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal • Name-- Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all sizes. ORDER NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Also Pocohontas Soft Coals for Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son C.P.R. Telegraph Office. Issuers of Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets. McCracken & Me Arthur Funeral Directors ROOMS IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK COLBORNE, ONTARIO Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended Telephone Connection Motor Equipment Ter.ns Moderate ALL KINDS FARM MACHINERY AND REPAIRS JOHN REIVE King Street COLBORNE Warning Notice re CORN BORER ACT EVERY PERSON, WHETHER HE RECEIVES NOTICE OR NOT, IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE ACT The Inspector has been instructed «; to enforce the Act without fear or favor. Nothing but thorough work will control the borer. Issued by the ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE L. CAEZAR, Provincial Entomologist. FENCE WIRE CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED to be sold at PRICES BELOW ANY IN THE COUNTY "Down in Hah-wah-ya, Where the lovin' is free, i A red-headed girl I Made a wreck out of me. And there never was a wreck i Like the wreck she m | The voice that gave I this thrilling sentiment full. And the man fi ! Folwell Beatrice ' with som relied with pride, utterance to "That ' ras deep and Beatrice i n whom the | "Watch came looked about as much i wreck as a dreadnaught just off rays. He was somewhat over six j three, in height, had a Jack Dempsey j g00(] , a tanned face, blue eyes and en- j sue(] • g smile. { witho i name was Howard Folwell. He ! [t we singing as he strode back and in the basement of the River-Country club waiting for his com-ms to array themselves in golf and sally forth with him to the ball around the course for ' exclaimed s he p I But though he sang and though he I seemed carefree and happy, there j really was n cloud on Folwell's life. [ The cloud was the fact that Bea-| trice Jackson, holder of the women's j championship at the Riverside club, scorned his advances and smiled ! sweetly upon Lem Wheeling, rival of Folwell in love, in business and in ! golf. Just the- evening before Beatrice I had told Folwell in no uncertain I terms that she never, never, never | could care for a man who sliced his drives and was a dub with a putter, i Which was pretty hard on Folwell i since he was all that and a little bit ■ [ made a wreck of his career, put a depth of feeling into the ditty, that called forth groans and yelps from, i the assembled listeners. Folwell's friend-;, "if you put as much j time and effort into trying to cut out ! jour slice on you'd be a whirlwind." "As a singer you're a wonderful golf player and as a golfist you're a knock-I out as a singer!" exclaimed another of ! the men. , \ Whereupon Folwell turned toward ; the lockers with the intention of 1 messing up things a bit with the playful maulings of his two-ton ! av when through a window in the bast" j ment he saw Beatrice pass by witJj I hated Lem Wheeling close beside her. I At this sight wrath rose in Fol well's heart. He saw red. He had an iri-! tense desire to seize Lem by the neck j of his fancy silk shirt and rend him asunder. And with this feel'ing governing tils actions. Folwell hurried I By this time Beatrice and Lem wire ! at the first tee prepared to drive oft. Beatrice, turning back toward the : clubhouse, saw Folwell scowling at j her. | "Hello, Hod," she cried. "Watch ! this!" | Gracefully, efficiently, Beatrice addressed the ball and then socked It I down the course fOr a good 200 yards. Folwell watched her sullenly. It had been many a long1 day since he had made a 200-yard drive. "Now if I could only do as well as that, or better," sighed Folwell to himself, "there'd be nothing to it; she'd be mine before the week's over. But it can't be done--a dub like me can never get good. I wish something would happen, dawgone it!" Perhaps Folwell's wish was respon- !" exclaimed ell in return. first hole Folwell made in On his next drive he got a 00 yards. And so, as he pur-s lonely way around the course t waiting for his male "friends, £ with all his drives. He was playing in perfect form. Nothing could stop him. And the best of it was that Beatrice and Lem were behind him and he could see Beatrice's interest in him increase while her interest in Lem slackened. But with all Folwell's uneasy. It w i under false i-ight. he felt, He wouldn't want to get Beatrice that "So it was that at the end of the eighteen holes when Folwell had made a score which was two better than the record for the course that he drew Beatrice aside with an authority and si confidence he had not hitherto disi 1 in h t dealings "I'v ,ith always f I was a good golf player > me in preference, to Lem." it in her eyes at this inside lound tumultuously. But he df well In hand, you more than, anything in " said Folwell. "but I won't nderhanr today ,wa ll sill Of f i sible for it--who knows?--b> ; rate something did happen j | ment or so later, something v a deep and lasting effect on ! future. j As Folwell stood gazim sohitely after Beatrice and became conscious of the fact ] favorite caddy was standing [ him. watching him with ke Contrary to the usual situa ! caddy idolized Folwell in spi ! lath poor Alw f the the I P.taj sadly. Then i But just then as things were getting very interesting there came an interruption. Folwell's caddy suddenly appeared from behind a nearby hazard. "Say, lady," said the caddy briskly, "I just fooled Mr. Folwell here so as to give him confidence. That's all he needs to make a great golf player-confidence. So T told him that dope about the vacuum ball. There ain't such a thing. He used an ordinary ball. Bu had confi i he I Lo Folwell r forth n ball which 1 as the one he had s-caddy cut it open with his knife. Only the regulation center was revealed! Folwell gazed at Beatrice and smiled happily at the light in her ' "We'll be married just as quickly as possible!" he exclaimed with supreme confidence. For just a moment Beatrice de- "My, but you're' high and mighty and--confident!" she exclaimed. "Perhaps I won't say yes. after all." "Oh. yes, you will," exclaimed Fol-to him and kh well, drav her in spite of the grinning And--she did iddy ! Collided With an Alligator. 0 dive into si pool and unexpect- ! ■ strike an alligator with your 1 sounds as if It might be danger-In most cases, doubtless, il would j t that t future for ] Folwell at tlTe ancient game of golf, j provided only he could get the proper j amount of confidence in his own I ability. Now the caddy .came close and whispered to Folwell mysteriously. i precisely what an early cas did, and he escaped take a swim one day, a few steps and made j ve that sent him clear j row bj^you. An alligator j feet long was lying in the opposite side. ; Te: might c i went his 1 the dot My ■other's Mounted Police in Far North. Just watch ! Not Real Estate for Sale VERNONVILLE GARAGE USED PARTS FOR SALE S. E. ROBINSON 11/- Estate Dealer and Auctioneer j JaCK COWCy IF. Phone 78r23, Colborne 131-27tf Vernonville, Ont. Keep an eye on your "Spare" HAT'S the good of a "spare" if it won't take »~ you home when you need it ? Just because it hasn't been on the road much is no guarantee that it is fit for work. The rain may -have run inside and rusted the xim. The dust may have crept in. The tire may have picked up nail ends or flints when you used it last, and a few more miles will force them through ..the casing. It may not be inflated up to its correct running pressure. Drop in for a free inspection of your tires, including the spare. You are never far away from a k DOMINION TIRE DEPOT w. J on yon COLBORNE OUR MOTTO : Good Goods - Close Prices We do not claim to sell the'lowest price goods in town, but we do claim to sell GROCERIES OF BEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES In our long business experience we have learned to know pretty well the requirement* of every housekeeper, and we aim to carry a variety stock to meet your demands. _____ We Purchase in the Very Best Markets We sell the famous BROWN'S BREAD, OF TORONTO None better. Try some to-day. Costs no more. Goods Delivered Promptly FULL WEIGHT FULL MEASURE R. COYLE Quality--Service SIFTED through silk, to an almost incredible fineness and delicacy. That's the secret of the unusual clinging power of Face Powder Jonteel. Its minute particles hold to the skin tenaciously-- and invisibly. Pure--contains no chemical substances. And alluringly scented with the famous Odor Jonteel--the blended odora of 26 fragrant flowers. Ask for Face Powder Jonteel today. W. R Griff.s