THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1928 $2.00 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. MR. JOHN T. RUTHERFORD DEAD AT EDINBURG, SCOTLAND The family and community \ deeply shocked on Tuesday morn July 3rd ,1928, when a cable message announced the death at Edinburg, Scotland, of a well known farmer of Haldimand Township, Mr. John T. Rutherford. »With his brother, Mr. Alex Rutherford and Mr. John McCarl, he left Colborne on June 2nd last for a to the British Isles and Prance. They were booked to start for home on July 14th. Deceased was born in Haldimand, a son of the late Andrew Rutherford, and lived here all his life. He was a successful farmer and dairyman. Besides his wife he leaves four sons, Wallace A„ Charles S., V.C., and J. Arthur of Haldimand, and Alexander of Colborne; also three brothers and a sister, Alexander of Haldimand, Robert H. of Colborne, and James F. Rutherford, and Mrs. Lillian Leigh of Martin's 6iding, Ontario. A cable message received Wednesday states that Messrs Alex Rutherford and John MicCarl will bring the body home, here, sailing from there on July 14th, for Montreal. Colborne Public School Promotions, June, 1928 Pupils who have passed can obtain their certificates at the home of the Principal, A. G. Craeknell. Sr. Room A THE LATE MRS. J. WILLIAMS Mrs. Josephine Williams, widow of the late Bidwell Williams of Rawdon, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. B. Grills. Castleton, in her eighty-eighth year. Mrs. Williams was born on Big Island, Prince Edward County, and was a daughter of the late Daniel and Miahala Moran and was one of a family of twelve daughers, there being no sons in the family. She resided the greater part of her life in ] the township of Rawdon. Her husband ; predeceased her fifteen years ago. | The late Mrs. Williams was always i active in the work of the Church and a member of the United Church. She was highly esteemed in the com-1 1 which she resided. Alberta Kemp Harold Turney Sr. Ill to Jr. IV-- Total 750 Honours 562 Pass 450 Fred Post.........680 Eleanor Henderson .. .. 634 Jessie Mutton........578 James Coyle........573 Rose Gagnon........529 Alex Grant..,........529 Alice Robinson......526 Harold Carter........504 Violet Branigan......480 Beryl Martin........479 Claud Taylor (pec.).. .. 352 Edward Belson......329 Cora Youngs........ 38(a8) Arthur G. Cracknell, Principal. Room 3 Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill-Total 750 Honours 563 Pass 450 Jessie Mlaskell........653 Margaret Peebles......647 Douglas Sheldrick......640 Jean Gohc-en........638 Nicholas Aziz........622 George Maskell......614 Jimmie Robinson......579 Elmer Seapy........551 Florence MaTtin.......530 Henry Kemp........527 Cecil Kemip........518 Doris Matthews......474 Elizabeth Montgomery .. 457 Viola Peterson........455 Francis Kemp........347 Evelin Peters (rec.).. .. 168(a8) Keith Branigan .. .. absent Sr. II to Jr. Ill-- ,/Thei two daughtet . D. Grills of Castleton and Mrs. McCurdy of Warkworth, and two sons Wi. A. Williams of Belleville, and Wellington A. Williams of Junction City, Oregon. The funeral took place from her late residence to Hubbell Hill Church and Cemetery Mrs. ! Iota! 750 Honours 668 Pass 460 COL. S. S. LAZIER DIES SUDDENLY ^ Oajonel Samuel Shaw L>azler, vet eran of the Fenian Raid. Civil Master-in-Chancery and prominent member j of the Hastings Bar, Deputy Registrar and Deputy Judge for many years and I prominent member of the Masonic | and other orders died very suddenly ' Wednesday, July 4th, 1928, at his resi- j dence Kirklawn, Victoria Avenue, Belleville. He was 88 years of age ! and a native son of Hastings County, born in Tyendinago in 1840. July "Canadian Stories" is now on 1 the stands with a of good flic- • tion by Frank Miell. "Sirhindi," Ram-j eay Lake, Victor .UcQuitkin and The ' , Kaid, and verse by Jean McMiohael. Canada's only popular all-fiction magazine is published monthly by The' Post, Deseronto, Ont. Mary Cochrane......697 Douglas Farrell......689 Lome Arkles........680 June Fowler.....'. ..661 iMau Snelgrove......618 Hazel Cowey........607 Jim Matthews........556 Bessie Moore........554 Be mice Buchanan......543 Neil Black.. . .,......528 Bernetus Ooyle . I Peter , 519 irch Sunday School, eir annual picnic at )ri Wednesday after- Greta Cowey........ 502 Alex Mackie........ 498 Mildred Taylor...... 496 Tommy Branigan... .. .. 479 Robert Black........ 479 John Davis........ 478 Marjorie Miuskett...... 473 Raymond Whitney .. .. 467 Edith Montgomery .. . . 42t Ross Teal.......... 395 Mamie Branigan...... 244 Jack Griffis........ 190 Mae Weatherill, Teache: Room 2 tal 600 Honours 45 Norman Arkles .. Russell Gagnon . Revnard Redcliffe. . Norman Sheldrick May Cowie . . Clarence Farrell .. John Coyle..... Isabel Tumey . . . Room 1 (Names in order of merit) Sr. Primer to Jr. I-- Dora Davis Muriel Arkles Mac Pettibone Mao Chapin Marguerite Matthews Ruth Youngs George Aziz Helen Farrell IMary Redcliffe Doris Vanblaricum Milton Waller Jr. Primer to Sr. Primer-- Melville Andrus Kay Coffey Betty Rowisome Ruth Sheldrick Ernest Reid Victor Davis Bernard Fox Mary Delaney Dorothy Teal George Peter3 Glenn Chatterson Harold Farrell Ford Cowie Vance Sutton Jack W^orth Teddy Farrell A to Jr. Primer-- Norma Bell Grace Peterson Betty Fowler Bobbie Kemp Jack Montgomery Jean Gagnon Claude Turney Douglas Whitney Marion Kemp Jack Muskett Mabel Redcliffe Ross Backus Elwood Samons Clayton Hunt Eva Farrell Jimmie Keating Douglas McMurray Ruth Carter Irene Nelson, Teacher. Mrs. Georgina Peebles of Toronto spent the holiday with Colborne friends. B^r. Harold Lemon of Oshawa sp thej holiday with his mother, Mrs. A. Lemon. Mir. and Mrs. W. H. Peterson and faintly spent the weekend with friends in Oshawa. flfr. and Mrs. Harry Evans of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr. W. J. PERSONAL Miss Kathleen Snelgrove of Toronto sppent the holiday at home. Miss Charlotte Bates of Brantford U visiting Miss Willena Keys. Mr. J. W. Prater of Toronto spent the weekend with friends here. Mr. F. S. Spence of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr. C. T. Head's. Mr. and Mrs. Lome J. Redfearn of COMING EVENTS The Niagara Limestone Co. will show their moving pictures of growing crops, and also give a talk on Agricultural Lime and its beneficial effects on the growing crops, in the Town Hall, Colborne, on Tuesday, July 10th, 1928, at 7.30 p.m. No admission charge. 27-1 Madeline Page Ontario, is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. W. Hawkins. and Mrs. Whitoomb of Webster calling on Mr. and Mrs. is this week, s Hazel Ives is spending days this week in Toronto, visiting ;r cousin, Mrs. John Reeve. Miss Marion McLean of Toronto spent the holiday with her grandpar-its, Mr. and Mrs. R. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Keys and family Seaforth spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keys. IMir. Harry S. Fowler was in Toronto yesterday, attending the ceremonials and banquet of Rameses Temlple, M. S. daughter Muriel, and son Lyal, of To- MJtVPew tneQwtekTd Wlth Mr- Some one hundred members of the nd Mrs. Harry S. Fowler. , ^egt Northurnll)erland W. I. met in and Mrs. C. R. Coyle accom- Trinity Hall, Cobourg, on Wednesday ,nd Mrs. Albert Smith,' afternoon, June 20th, 1928, in their trip to Scotia | annual convention. Encouraging re- 9th, 1928. A splendid program, including the famous Male Quartette from Peterboro, will be heard. Come and have a good time. Berries served from 6 to 8. Adults 25c, children 15c. The school trustees of the County of Northumberland have been called to meet at Warkworth, to-day, Thursday, July 5th, 1928, at 2 p.m., to form a County Association, and to discuss the Township School Boards' Bill. Mr. Morris, Secretary of the Ontario Trustees' Association, will deliver an address. Other questions of interest regarding education and school management will also be discussed. vacation with 1 REV. AND MRS. BARRETT PRESENTED WITH $200 Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Barrett and family of Stirling, left for Kingston, ' where Mr. Barrett will assume his duties as pastor of Princess Street United Church. Rev. Mr. Barrett has just closed a very colorful ministry of five years in the Stirling charge which includes the United Church of Stirling and Carmel. A presentation of a $200 purse was made them on their depar- Vaccination Notice; ELGIE JOBLIN ENTERS MINISTRY Mt. Elgie Joblin, son of Rev. and Mtrs. F. G. Joblin, Rawdon Circuit, is following his father's footsteps and has entered the ministry. Elgie, as he is known by his many friends, has been given the Cordova Mines charge in the Belleville Presbytery, and assumed his pastoral duties on Sunday, .Inly 1st. 1928. Cut the weeds, prevented from rr year the task wii: If weeds can be ituring seed for one be lighter the next. ing the herj parents. W|m. Rogers arrived 'rom De-and is spending a week with her _ lew, Mr. D. W. Church, on her way home to Ottawa. (Mrs. W. V. Robson, Miss Marion Robson, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Lacey Amy are away on a ftlbto? trip through the Adirondacks. Mrs. G. I. Merriman and granddaughter. Miss Agnes Harte of Hamilton have opened Mrs. Merriman's summed home at "Loughbreeze." IMp. Howard J. Anderson from Prince Kdwanl Island visited her three sisters, Mrs. M. S. Gould, Mrs. Geo. F. 7eal and Mrs. Wim, Morgan recent- Miss Ruth Mayhew ol Xapanee spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 11 J. May hew. Mr. Frank L. Mallory of Windsor is visiting his parents, Mr. and B. K. Mallory. Mir. Arnold Seed of Toronto spent the' weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrst W. A. Seed. Miss Mabel Taylor of Toronto spent the wekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor. iKJErs. J. B. Connell of Chicago, Ills., is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. I. Merriman, at "Loughbreeze." iM!r. Jay Post of Toronto spent the hoh'day at home here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Post. VJjr. Monroe Merriman of Toronto visiting his grandmother. Mrs. G. I. Merriman. at "Loughbreeze." Mrs. Blackball of Toronto is staying with her mother. Mrs. S. H. Scripture, who has been ill. Mr. Blackhall spent I panied ~Mr. the holiday here. « Toronto, oi Miss Grace Griffis, R.N., of New | Junction, over the weekend. 'ports, showing that a vast York City is home to spend two j Mr. Wilber Sherry of Port Vermil-! work had been accomplished during months' holidays with her mother,; ion> peace River District, spent a few che year, were read from the Branches \, W. C. Griffis. Aa.ys at the home of his cousin. Mrs. in Cobourg. Elmview, Roseneath, Har- Isobel Rose, accompanied by | H. B. Wilson, at "Maplehurst." ' wood, Grafton Baltimore Wicklow Nellie Houston of Toronto, is ! Mr Harold Jamieson of Vancouver and Vernonville. Each Branch furnish-C, is visiting his parents. Chief ed a Part of tne program, which prov-and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson. Chief; fd. to be Jamieson continues to regain strength, and on Monday was able to take a short-automobile drive. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Trussell and two children of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., are at "Loughbreeze" for the summer, with her mother, Mrs. C. Larke. The Misses Trussell have gone to Calgary, Alberta, to visit their aunt, Mrs. J. H. Menzies. Nearly eighty members of the United Church, Oshawa, visited the home of Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Whattam, the occasion of their celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on June 20th, 1928. Friends all over the province extended greetings. They were presented with addresses from out-of-town friends and members of his congregation, a silver tea service and mumerous other presents. Rev. Mr. Whattam was a former pastor on Colborne circuit old Methodist Church. iBefore leaving Millbroofe for his new field of labour, Warkworth, the Rev. Fred H. Howard was presented with a purse of $100 in gold; Mrs. Howard was the recipient of a handsome sewing cabinet from her bible class; their daughter, Miss Margaret Howard, was given a clock by the girls of the C.G.I.T.. and their an eversharp pencil and book by his classmates in Sunday School Public School. Mr. Howard has been Pastor at Millbrook for four y< and now goes to the United Church at Warkworth. His fathi late Rev. E. E. Howard, at one time pastor of Salem Methodist Church. and Mrs. Geo. Hubbs and niece, Vera Leavens.Wellington, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Leavens of Hillier spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilson, at "Maplehurst." Mr. Geo. Keyes of Rochester. N.Y., spent Monday with his cousin, Mr. H. S. Keyes, while on his way to Warkworth to spend a week at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Wood. Stirling News-Argus: Mrs. S. E. Dixon, of Cobourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dixon, of Oshawa, were Sun-. visitors of the former's sister, Mrs. George Boulton. River Valley. Stirling News Argus: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robson and daughters, Jean and Helen, of Bindloss, Alberta, and Mr. and Mrs. W> Robson of Vernonville, Ontario, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wi Lindenfield on Saturday last. and Mrs. V. E. Ives, daughter Helen, and sons Hubert and Garruth, of Pembroke mjotored to Colborne and spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ives. Mrs. Ives and children remaining for a few days. ING to odd cases of smalls red lii several localities, 3red as a precautionary m ; all persons who have not filiated for smallpox withi five years shall be vaccina | Total 600 Honours 450 1 Ruth Branigai 584 VERNONVILLE GARAGE USED PARTS FOR SALE Jack Cowey jr. Vernonville, Ont. SQUARE and ROUND DANCING little lake pavilion Every Friday Pat Ingli* and his Orchestra C. W. TRENEAR & SON Read the condensed ads c Dorothy Armstrong . Elsie Rutledge......547 Dorothy Reed........524 Eric Cowie......., .. 490 Marguerite MacDonald .. 480 Teddy Bugg........464 Billy Troop........464 Bruce MacDonald......434 John Kemp........424 Beatrice Waller......,410 Cecil Burleigh......403 Archie Reed........368 Dorothy Youngs (rec.) absent Tailored TO YOUR MEASURE FROM FINE WOOLENS One Price Only $2400 Jr. I t Sr. I-- Total 350 Honours 263 Pass 210 11 Rosamond Hubble......341 Fred Griffis........325 Jim Cochrane........320 Audrey Carter .. .. .". .. 311 Edith Arthur........294 Cecil Cowey........292 Mildred Grant......292 Charlie Teal........286 Lawrence Henderson .. 241 Ruth McMurray......i241 Irene Kemp........233 Esther E. McGlennon, Teacher. [ OUT BAIL MONEY AND $20,000 In a recent trial against a former 11 broker from Toronto a woman from | f Western Ontario went on the broker's ball bond for the sum of $5,000, the 11 broker jumping his bail before case was given a hearing. In addit to having to probably put up the t that was declared forfeited, the lady 11 in question had been duped out $20,000 by worthless stock by the same 11 ibroker.--Cobourg Sentinel-Star. i 2,330 bcxes of cheese, WHAT MATERIAL DO YOU WANT YOUR NEW SUIT FROM? Tweed, Worsted, Serge, Cheviot-- you may choose any cloth you like-- in any pattern or shade--at TIP TOP'S one, low price. Every TIP TOP garment is tailored to the customer's individual measure, . in any wanted style, and sold with a positive guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Come in now and see what wonderful value TIP TOP Tailors offer in fine Spring Clothes. Fred Hawkins Shoes, Underwear, Work Clothes COLBORNE Try one and be convinced no clothing firm can give as good value--not one--as do Tip Top Clothes CARP OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. William Robinson wish to express their thanks and appreciation for the kindness and sympathy of friends and neighbours during their bereavement. ENGAGEMENTS '. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton vford of Marmora. Ontario, an-ice the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy McGlennon DeNike, to Mr. Samuel Willard Bridges, Jr., of Boston. Mass.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Willard Bridges of Boston. The marriage to take place at Colborne in September. MARRIAGES HALL--DUSENBURY The marriage took place recently ojf Mildred D. Dusenbury, 30 Carlisle St., Rochester,, N.Y., youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Dusen-bury of Morganston ,and Gerald H. Hall, 352 Flower City Park, Rochest- interesting and entertaining one. Mrs. W. Doigh and Mrs. Geo. Page were in charge of the tea, the tables being very prettily decorat-er for this pleasant social event. The following officers were elected to carry on for another year in the good work for which the Women's Institute stands. President--iMrs. J. A. Deviney, Vernonville. 1st Vice-President -- Mrs. Sully, Baltimore. 2nd Vice-President--Mrs. R. Runci-man, Grafton. ISecretary-Treasurer-- Mrs. R. C. Allan, Cobourg. Auditors--Mrs. Herbert Wicks and Mrs. .A. Barton, Cobourg. The Stirling Skating and Curling Association closed their year, May 31, 1928, with a cash balance of $731.46. Out of this a dividend of 7% was paid the shareholders, still leaving a balance of $200.00 in the bank. A new arena was built last year. ind $24 3 Fine Shoes and Work Shoes t Hawkins Work Sox 4 3 for $1.00 at Haw- WARNING Will the who AUCTION SALES__ Saturday, July 7th, 1928, at 1.30 p.m. --Household furniture and effects of Albert Richardson, will be sold by public auction at the premises Iformerly occupied by Mrs. Bert Bellamy, King Street, Colborne. No reserve. Terms cash. S. E. Robinson, CHURCH NOTES UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Dominion Day, July 2nd, 1928 olborne: ).30 a.m.--Sunday School and Public Worship. 7.00 p.m.--Public Worship. Salem: .30 p.m.--Sunday School. .30 p.m.--Public Worship. The Pastor, the Rev. J. P. Falconer, will be away on his holidays during the month of July. There will be lupplies to conduct the usual services during the month. Don't Accept Substitutes! Be sure to ask for the Bread with the Maple Leaf Wrapper, as we do not use any plain wrappers. We are sole agents in Colborne for the famous Page & Shaw Chocolates; also Metcalf's Smiles 'n Chuckles. Call in and look over our stock--.All strictly fresh. We also carry a full line of Pure Candies for Children SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM--the largest plant in Canada. Try it and be your own judge! E. W. ROWSOME Phone 150 COLBORNE