Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 28 Jun 1928, p. 7

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONfT., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1928 The London Hunt and Country Club is widely known for the excellence of its afternoon teas. For several years this progressive club has used no other tea but Red Rose Orange Pekoe •--a blend that t leads all others in flavor and full-bodied richness. Put up only in bright, clean aluminum . packages.__18EW Antiquing Furniture { If one has a hobby for antiques, o [often finds It desirable to freshen 'treasured piece at home rather tin™ to send it out for professional attention. 1 The work should be thoroughly Weaned, the desired color of stain applied and allowed to dry for two or three hours, when an antiquing coat fan be applied. This is prepared by reducing the desired shade of pig-inenfc-in-oil or pigment-in-jepan with equal parts of turpentine and good interior finishing varnish. As the antique effect sought is obtained by contrast, this mixture should jbe darker in color than the original coating. Therefore the shades of jcolor in oil or japan should be selected pwith a view to producing such a contrast. Umbers and siennas are practical for the purpose. , The next step is to apply this coat, brushing it out well, and while still wet, to buff the surface slightly with a dry cloth to remove the antiquing Jeoat from the smooth and flat faces, leaving depressions, corner; Joints coated with a color darker than the stain. Sometimes. "Do you and your wife ever think the same, John?" "When I stay late at the club we do. She keeps thinking of what she'll )Miy when I get home, and so do I." The Frank Maid. Mistress--"Do we want anything 'from the town?" Maid--"Yes, madam, the china wt not last over Sunday." "I bought a book on salesmanship. "Did it make a salesman of you?" "Sure did! I was able to sell that 'hook to another fellow!" HowMuchWater Should Baby Get? ^Famous Authority's "Rule Baby specialists agree nowadays, that during the first six months, babies must have three ounces of fluid per pound of body weight daily. An tight pound baby, for instance, needs twon-ty-four ounces of fluid. Later on the rule is two ounces or fluid per pound of body weight. The amount oi fluid absorbed by a breast fed baby is best determined by weighing him before and after feeding for the whole day; and it is easily calculated for the bottle fed one. Then make up any deficiency with water. Giving baby sufficient water often •relieves his feverish, crying, upset and restless spells. If it doesn't, give him a few drops of Fletcher's Castoria. For these and other ills of babies and children such as colic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stomach and bowels, constipation, sour stomach, loss of sleep, underweight, etc., leading physicians say there's nothing so effective. It is purely vegetable--the recipe is on the wrapper--and millions ©f mothers have depended on it in over thirty years of ever increasing <«se. It regulates baby's bowels, makes him sleep and eat right, enables him to get full nourishment from his food, so he increases in weight as he be should. With eac. package you get a book on Motherhood worth its weight in gold. Just a word of caution. Look for the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher on the package so you'll be sure to get the genuine. The forty cent bottles contain thirty-five doses. Pure Nonsense By Arthur Guiterman "Look!" the Camelopard Cried to the Yellow Pard, "Here is a Big Russian Bear!" Aunt Hippopotamus Grumbled, "Now, what a mhss! Please to remove it from there!' Then said the Elephant Thoughtfully, "Well if Aunt Hippy won't shove it away, Call the Rhinoceros. If he can't boss, a Russ, I should allow it to stay." NEW STRENGTH FOR WEAK STOMACHS Indigestion Disappears When the Blood is Enriched The most urgent need of all who suffer from any form of Indigestion is a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distress after eating is the way the stomach shows that it is too weak to perform the work of digesting the food it takes. New strength is given weak stomachs by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills because they purify and enrich the blood. This accounts for the speedy relief in stomach disorders that follows the use of this medicine. The value of this medicine ln cases of indigestion is shown by the Mrs. George W. Johnson, Lequille, N.S., who says:--"I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was greatly distressed with indigestion. Always after eating I suffered from pains in the itomach and other distressing symp-oms. I tried different remedies, but vithout getting relief. I was advised >y a friend to try Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills, which I readily did, and I am feeling very grateful ever since to the person who gave me the advice. The very first box helped me and before I had taken a half dozen boxes I was restored to my former good health 1 traces of this distressing disappeared. It is now about since I took the pills, and I have not been troubled with indiges-tion since. I have taken every occasion to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to those in need of a medicine and shall continue to do so." A little booklet, "What to Eat and How to Eat", will be sent free one asking for it. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Export of Art Treasures Sir Martin Conway in the London Times (Ind.): The question of the 3s to this country of art treasures different kinds by their export mainly to America is not so simple a matter sms. A great many such sales hjects which have been themselves imported from abroad at no very distant date, and some have been itually imported to be sold. It must also be remembered that while selling, often at highly inflated prices, works of the British School of the 18th and early 19th centuries, our best artists are at the present time producing works of no less merit and are thus preparing for the future a con-supply of what may be described as national art treasure. It is important to bear in mind that Lon-has become the principal world-market for works of art of all periods and schools; we gain much more by retaining and improving that market than we should gain by an export duty on works of art. Cranberries Can Be Grown in Canada Canada imports nearly all the berries she uses from the United States, according to the Department of Agriculture, yet the fruit could grown profitably in many districts and sold at such a price that the home market could be kept for Canadians. Since most of the cranberries are from Cape Cod, the freight haul of the United States grower is no less than would be that of eastern Canada grow-furnishing western markets. It Id, therefore, appear that there is excellent opportunity in Canada for the planting of cranberry bogs, utilizing lands which are lying idle at present. Will Give Canada Helping Hand Photograph shows a happy group of young women who arrived in this country recently for domestic work, positions having been assured them before leaving the Old Country. They arrived in Montreal after a pleasant voyage on the Canadian Pacific Steamship "Melita" with the ship's conductress, who is seen in the centre of the group, and who advised them that it were better to work for be independent than just to work at keeping house. REDROSfc 'is good tea If you want the very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pekoe 17 In clean, bright Aluminum Safety Measures for Farm Water Rocket Airplane ] GREAT PRAISE FOR Has First Flight BABY'S OWN TABLETS Machine Travels 300 Meters! From Summit ,of the The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. have received the following letter from Rhon Mountains |Mrs. Griffith, of 21 Merchison Ave. East Hamilton, Ont., concerning hei experience with Baby's Own Tablets: Dear Sirs,--I wish to thank you for the handy little booklet you sent the Care of Children. My baby BICYCLE BARGAINS - nd Slightly for Price List PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS 191-3-5 Dundas Street Weit, Toronto Berlin--The first flight with a rocket airplane was accomplished by Fritz Stamer from Wasserkuppe, the principal summit of the Rhon Mountains, located in Central Germany. boy wa8 sjx weekg old when j flrgt This type of airplane uses the gas ' sed Baby-B 0wn Tablets, being new pressure of rockets fired off from its to Canada, but since the first proof hull as a means of propulsion instead 0f their many uses in bringing "up a ' a gasoline engine, in the same way , family, I have never been without i the Opel motor car recently shown them, for they are worth their weight »re. jin gold. There is no trouble in getting The airplane is said to have made (the little ones to take them and they flight of 300 meters propelled by often prevent an illness if taken in rockets and then to have gently glid-, time. My first baby Is now, at the ed down to the ground. New experi-|age of four and a half years, a picture ments will be made in three to four of health, and my nine-months-old weeks' time. | baby'is also well and happy. They Meanwhile the rocket airplane (are both a real good sample of what "Grasmuecke" (Grasshopper), built'Baby's Own Tablets can do, for I by Raab Katzensteln in the airplane j have never yet needed a doctor for works at Cassel, is nearing comple- either of them." tion. The flight with this airplane! The booklet to which Mrs. Griffith promises to be of a more serious na-! refers is entitled "Care of the Baby," ture than that made in the Rhon'and treats with what a mother ought Mountains. lto know for baby's sake. A copy of This airplane has its tail on front i^e booklet will be sent free to any-of the wings in order that the rockets,! one requesting same from The Dr. which are contained in a construction fixed to the rear of the wings, should not damage any part of the machine when fired off. For the this airplane will alto i---- i Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, 'Ont. equipped with a 35-horsepowi Anzani engine. After having gained a certain height the engine will be throttled and the rockets fired off. If the latter system of propulsion proves successful the engine will be taken out again. Most ^TWorld Still Unknown Explorer Finds High School Boards and Boards j>f Education Are authorized by law to establish" INDUSTRIAL,. JECHNJCAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES ■ ft i may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL ArTB PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given In varldjij tfades. The schools and classes are under th« direction of^AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. AppM^trtlon for attendance should be made" to the Principal of the COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High 8chools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Too Much Gas rince (Ind. Cons.): The waste of natural gas in the Calgary district amounts to 60,000,000 cubic feet a day.) The Turner Valley gas is wet gas. It has a large naptha content, and the naptha production depends on the volume of the gas flow. If the wells are to be productive, therefore, the gas must flow, and, seemingly, if the gas must flow, thousands of dollars of value must flow away. It is possible the gas might be exported. But there Is the same objection to exporting natural gas from Canada as there is to exporting power from the St. Lawrence. Dr. Hamilton Rice Says Air- j11 would develop competing industries 1 . t-j rv fi 1 in the United States and create vested plane to Be: Big Help in mterestB there which might make it Mapping Dark Areas I necessary to continue the export, even xt -tr 1. mv , „ , . 'after the developmnt of a Canadian New York--The work of explonng aeman(j the surface of the earth and compiling verified and corrected data about the important continents and oceans is going to receive great impetus with the development of air transportation, according to Dr. Hamilton Rice, South American explorer, who has just arrived here from Southampton on the Leviathan of the United States Lines. With only two-sevenths properly mapped, there remains five-sevenths still to be measured and charted before we even have a true picture of the world we live in, he declared. Dr. Rice has just completed the last report and recheck of the maps he made during his South American ploratlons, which were begun years ago, when he explored and roughly marked out 500,000 square lies- of what was then little known territory in Braxil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. The last of this work of the explorations was so greatly facilitated two years ago by use of a small hydroplane and a sending and receiving radio set, Dr. Rice 1, that all doubtp were removed o the practicability of going ahead with similar exploration work and map-making elsewhere. The next big step in furthering ex-ploratiom work, he said, will be to establish in a sufficient number of schools of higher learning depart-! ments which. wHl_ teach exploration. His visit to Lonaori, Dr. RJce_.said, j SSg^SJfiS* *lth, of tbertoyal j Gcorgtaphlcai Soslety regarding maps ! of land he explored in South America i that were compiled from sketches and | photographs made from the hydroplane. While much additional explor-. • ing might well be done in the t'erri-1 lory in which he worked, he added, his 25 years' work has resulted in a ' general outline of corrected data now ' being in the hands of both the Royal. Geographical Society and American i Geographical Society. That many farm wells amply protected from pollution and re potential sources of danger from ater-borne diseases as typhoid, dysentery, etc., is the conclusion drawn lary and from the results of the analyses at the Central Experimental Farm of water samples from rural wells. Of 450 samples of water submitted during the past four years, bacteriological tests indicated that but 37 per cent, were quite free from pollution. Thirty-one per cent, of the samples were definitely polluted, while a like number were of a suspicious character pointing to possible contamination. In the majority of cases contaminated water comes from the ordinary shallow well with its much greater possibility for admitting germs of excretal origin than the drilled well which taps lower, purer depths. The location is very frequently at fault, and an examination of the data furnished with the samples shows a very distinct relationship between the quality of the water and the distance from such sources of pollution as privy, cesspool, barnyard, etc. Fifty yards may be considered the minimum safe distance from any source of pollution, indeed experiments have shown that it is possible for bacteria from polluted sources to enter the water of a well 200 feet or more away when the well is in the direction of the ground water flow. If the well is situated at a safe distance, it is next in importance to have it so constructed that any ground water must pass through soil and thus be filtered before entering the well. This can only be effected by insuring that the sides of the well for a depth of 12-15 feet are tight and impervious to water. The top, naturally, should be so constructed that no contamination can enter. In emergency, water from contaminated or suspicious wells can be rendered safe by boiling and also by chlorinating with chloride of lime, but at best this is only a temporary makeshift and does not get at the root of the trouble. The remedy is to construct a safe well, and bear three points in mind: (1) that a deep well is best (2) that a safe distance from contamination is essential and (8) that the construction is right,--A. G. Lochhead, Dominion Agricultural Bacteriologist, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont. Classified Advertisements BABY CEICX3 e 60,000 for July and e catalogue. A. , Ontario. 1flUSt'SwUzlfir hicks from Blood-tested Stock ig, healthy chicks from high-produc-stock, blood tested and free from baccllll, white diarrhoea- Males with pen pedigrees of 200 eggs and over. ~ Rocks July delivery, $14.00 per ~ C. White Leghorns, $12.00. Tel.™, t» r cent, with order, balance COD. Express paid on 100 or more; live delivery Otterrille Poultry Farm, Otterrille, Ont. hundred. Mothers With Little Sons 0 Mothers with little sons, Who stand with lifted faces All of earth's helpless ones Cry from the lonely places; And the dead men plead their caus< And the crippled men implore: 'Go fashion the future laws That war shall be no more." For war is a knave's design And a coward's brutal scheme, And men whose courage is divine Shall foster a nobler dream. O Mothers with little sons, The years lie in your hands; You are the chosen ones; Men wait for your commands; Not till your Hps declare, 'Our sons no more shall fight," Shall the crimson soil be fair And the ravaged earth be right. --T. D. Edison Encouraged With Rubber Tests Fort Meyers, Fla.--Encouraged by the progress he has made in his experiments to find a rubber plant that can be grownc ommercially in the United States, homas A. Edison started for the North after the longest vacation he has spent at his winter estate in 45 years he has been visiting Fort Myers. For the past five months the inven tor has been working his custoTiary long hours, sorting and testing rubber 4 specimens. Minard's Liniment for Insect Bites. Actor--"A horse, my kingdom for a horse." Voice from the Gallery-- "Will a Jackass do?" Actor--"Sure. Come right along." What most people call indigestion Is usually excess acid in the stomach. The food has soured. The instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. For the 50 years since its invention it has remained standard with physicians. You will find nothing else so quick in its effect, so harmless, so efficient. One tasteless spoonful in water neutralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no bad after-effects. Once you learn this fact, you will never deal with excess acid ln the crude ways. Go learn--now--why this method is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full directions--any drug store. APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible in the Order in Which They Are" Received* ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are Invariably Farm Help Supplied Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their ind Families-Married Couples Without ChMdr< Also 8lngle Men. advised to make eMly application to Geo. A. Elliot File Your Application at Once HON. JOHN 8. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture Bid goodbye to every day scenes get the crowded streets and city see tfce things you've longed to visit the places you've read about the open road that beckons to fun adventure, for a week, a month year. WALTER ANDRCWS LIMI1 346 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. BOILS. Minard's will dry up It kills the inflammatio disinfects. A Friend to Women Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound LYDIA E. P1NKHAM MEDICINE CO. and Cobourg,8Ont.,'Canada. ISSUE No. 25--'28

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