Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 28 Jun 1928, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1928 Page Five Kicking a Tire is no way to test it! o NLY a pressure gauge can ever give you a true indication of inflation. There is a correct pressure for your tires. It depends on the size of the tire and the wheel load. At that pressure your tires will give you maximum mileage. If your tire inflation goes three pounds below that correct pressure you cut mileage from the life of your tires. Use a gauge. Better still, drop in at a Dominion Tire Depot once a week and have every tire inspected, and the pressure checked. Let an expert search for cuts and bruises. Often a slight repair will prevent a blow-out. You are never far away from a 2 DOMINION TIRE DEPOT W. J. ON YON COLBORNE THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued] every Thursday morning by H. S. j Keyes. Subscripticn $2.00 peri annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A Transient adviertisements 12 cents , per line first insertion and 8 cents ; per line for each additional inser-; tion. Business cards not exceed- i ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. jnWranceT^ G. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE GOOD MILCH COW, 2 large Heifer Calves, Holstein; Yorkshire Sow, dne to farrow latter part of July. S. E. Robinson. Colborne R.R Phfhe 78r23. HOUSE FOR SALE MEDICAL A C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w * Residence: King St., East --Phone 123j. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence. Division St, Colborne, OafT Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Phone 22. LEGAL FRANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public &c, King St., Colborne. Puon» 110. 18 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Ontaria, and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne HOUSE FOR SALE--King Street Colborne. 9 rooms. Woodshed. Drive barn. 9 apple trees, good varieties. Good well and pumip. *' acre, more or less, good soil. " session at once. Apply at Express Printing Office or to Wim. Usher, Colborne. 17tf TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, addressed to the uncersigned and marked "Tenders for Church Decoration" will be received up to noon on July 2nd, 1928, for re-decorating the interior of Trinity Church, Colborne. The specifications may bo seen at the office of the undersigned. 25-2 Dr. J. ARCHER BROWN. TENDERS FOR COAL AND WOOD SEALED TENDERS, addressed tc undersigned and marked, "Tenders for Fuel," will be received up to 6 p.m. on July 3rd, 1928, for the undermentioned fuel for the Colborne schools: 3F, tons of Anthracite Egg Coal, to be screened and weight certified, and delivered in the bins at the Colborne school buildings as directed; also So cords 4ft. Wood and 25 cords Stove Wood, to be delivered and piled for measurement in the school yards as directed. F. J. SMITH, CS-2 Secretary. SON J. BLACKLOCK Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when in Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor Cam ASTRAY signed, Lot 19, Con. 5,' Cramahe Township, three yearling cattle. Owner may have same on proving property ami paying expenses. H. C. McDonald. Colborne R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 35-r25. 23-4x Came on the premises of the under- signed < one yearlinj Colborne R.R. I t June 9th. 1928, eifer, black, with ! Owner may have I ; property and pay- j red R. Kernaghan. 25-4x FOR SERVICE THE REG. PERCH ERON STALLION, KLINIS 2nd (12956), enrolment No. 2227, will stand for service at his own stable, lot 26, con. 5, Cramahe Township, tor the season of 192S. Inspection invited. Frank Cowie, Castleton. 21-4x NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes that to satisify a claim for storage due by one Alonza Smith, a nounting to Eighty-four dollars ($84.00) a Ford Sedan, Bedding.Trunk, Valise, box containing dishes, and a box of miscellaneous articles will be sold by public auction on Saturday, June 30th, 1928, at 7.30 p.m., on the premises of R. C. Hunt, Parliament Street, Colborne East, by S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer. Of which all persons are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. iDated at Colborne, June 20th, 1928. 25-lx R. C. HUNT. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to The Mechanics' Lien Act, R. S. O. Chapter 173. Section 48 (1) that to satisfy the value of skill and materials and charges for storage due the undesigned by one John Blackburn. 67 Park Road, Oshawa. Ontario, amounting to Thirty-five dollars and thirty-five cents ($35.35) a motor car, Grav I ort, engine No. 23776, will be sold by public auction at 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 30th, 1928, at the Colborne Garage (Turney Bros.) Colborne. Ontario, by S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer, Of which all persons are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Colborne this 18th dav of June, 1928. TURNEY BDOS. 25-1 MARRIAGE LICENSES DUNDONALD June 26th, 1928 No service in Eden Church next Mrs. S. Puffer spent a few days last week in Toronto. And now it is road-work the busy farmer is called on to' do. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman have another son added to their family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald visited Colborne relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sharpe, Edville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sharpe. Mrs. R. Broomfield has been visiting at the home of her son, Mr. M. C. Broomfield. iMiss R. Morrow of Rochester, N.Y., was a recent guest of her cousin, Miss Ethel McDonald. Four pupils of our school are ' ing on the Entrance examinations this week at Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dunnett of Brant-ford are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dunnett this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chesterfield and Miss Ruth McDonald lately visit-i Brighton relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. Broomfield, Oshawa, tent a few hours Sunday with Mr. id Mrs. M. C. Broomfield. The Ladies' Aid is planning for a strawberry festival in the hall on Friday evening, July 6th, 1928. Dundonald's population is increasing--two fine boys born within a week. Why worry about immigration? Messrs. Harry Mutton, Elton Goodrich, and Frank Goodrich went over he excursion to Rochester, where visited friends, r. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton and and Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Trenton recently called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Mutton, "The Homestead." IMr. and Mrs. W. L. Dunnett, accompanied by their Brantford relatives, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Dunnett, Brighton, on Tuesday. iMr. E. McDonald, mother and sister, Mr. Herbert McDonald, Mr. Frank Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Broomfield and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor attended the Masonic service in Colborne Anglican' Church. Sunday evening. EDVILLE June 26th, 1928 Glad to report Mr. Ray Hoare is improving slowly. Our young people are practsiing for the strawberry festival. Congratulations to Master Clifford Godwin on his success in the recent exams at Colborne High School. Mr. Cecil Glimmer attended the Masonic service held in the Angli Church, Colborne, on Sunday evening, June 24th. Mr. E. T. Farrow is having the barn and house on his lower farm re-shingled. Mr. J. Coyle. Colborne, is. doing, the work for Mr. Farrow Rev. W. H. Clarke delivered his farewell sermon in Sharon Church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke made many warm friends here Sharon, who were very sorry at his removal. SHILOH June 26th, 1928 Mrs. Harold Mutton entertained the Ladles' Aid last Thursday aftei Dr. and Mrs. T. Philp of Picton spent Sunday at the home of his brc-th- A number from here attended the Quarterly Sacrament services at Eden last Sunday morning. (Mr. and Mirs. McDonald visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright of Dundonald last Sunda; PERSONAL KNOW YOUR FUTURE. Send 25c and Birthdate. Let me try and locate your future mate, will send name and address. Ad el. Box 1600 Sta. C, Los Angeles, Calif. 23-4x SEED GRAIN FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE--59 acres of land, in Township of Cramahe, one-quarter mile from Castleton. Good frame house. First-class barn 30x50, underground stables. Well watered, and good cistern at the house. For particulars apply to R. S. NEWMAN. Castleton. 26-3c FARM FOR SALE--50 acres, more or less, on the Provincial Highway. 2 miles East of Colborne. Ideal location. 8 room brick house, good barn, poultry houses, etc. Land all in crop. Small fruits, berries, cherries, etc. Immediate possession. Enquire on premises or address FRED SIMMONS, Colborne R.R. 4. FARM FOR SALE--To close Estate of late Charles Crealock--146 a< more or less, Lot 18, Con. 8, C: ahe Township, 33 acres standing timber. Good Frame house. Good bank barn, equipped with lightning ; rods, tie-up for 9 horses and 25 cows: large silo: drive barn, hen pens. W,ell at house and barn. Trout stream runs across farm. Situated on gravel road near Mor-ganston. Posession within one month. Terms can be arranged. Apply to G. E. R. Wilson. Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne or Win. Crealock. Norham; or W J. Samis, Warkworth. SUMMER WOOD for sale. 2 stove cords $5 delivered, or $4 at the yard. Also quantity Dry Beech and Maple Body Wood $3.50 per stove cord. J. W. Heckbert, Colborne R.R. 2. Phone 54r21. 23-4x NEW PERFECTION COAL OIL STOVE, 3 burner, with Perfection Oven for 2 burners. Used about 4 months. Will sell together or separate. Priced very reasonable. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. 22- CASTLETON June 26th, 1928 Miss Helen Cameron spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Ross Taylor is visiting friends in Belleville. Miss Beatrice Theobald is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. P. A. Thompson spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dingmah were in Peterboro last week. Mrs. Charlotte Ferguson is visiting her sons in Rochester. We are glad to hear Mr. Hersley Partridge is on the mend. Mr. F. Goodrich went over on the Warden's Excursion on Thursday. IMiss Florence Glover is visiting Miss Nellie Ross, at Campbellford. Mrs. PareeUs and children of Toronto are visiting Mrs. R. Puffer. Miss Meta Cowie of Colborne is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. Williams. Mrs. (Dr.) Richards and family of Warkworth spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Everett Allen and his mother called on friends in Bowmanville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Brown of Grafton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Beckel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Covert called on Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Covert of Toronto recently. Mr. Leslie Campbell attended the funeral of his aunt at Coe Hill on Wednesday. (Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knight of Wick-low spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. . Kemp. iMr. and Mrs. Raymond McNutt ot Norham called on friends in this vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Garrison. Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mirs. H. Wblfraim. The W.M.S. held a successful quilting on Thursday of last week. Four quilts were all finished. Messrs Andrew Kemp and Geo.Bon-athan attended the Masonic Parade at Peterboro on Sunday. Mr. N. Gaffield returned on Tuesday night from a visit with his sons at Rochester and Toronto, respectively. Mr. Cecil May and two sons, Chas. Ghent, David Arkles and Ziba Harnden went on the excursion to Rochest- Th© Ladies' Aid will hold their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon. Every body welcome. Mr. George Cracknell of Colborne is presiding over the sixteen candidates who are writing on Entrance to H. S. at Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Harnden have re-tusyed to their home in Peterboro. after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Welton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matthews and family of Brighton and Mr. John Mc-Cubbin of Warkworth spent Sunday with Mrs. W)m. Isaac. Mr. Prank Armstrong, who has been attending college at Lennoxville, Que.., is spending his holidays with Mrs. Gerow and Mrs. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Farara and son Keith and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oole-n of Toronto were weekend visitors ■me of Mr. R. Coleman. Sherman Rowe and Miss Edna Dingman of Peterboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dingman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Puffer, Orland, Mrs. Carr of Wooler and Mr. and Mrs. R. Chatterson and family of Rddystone were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carr. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. Hoover in honour of Mrs. Gordon Haynes fnee Muriel Bound) on Friday evening. The bride received many beautiful gifts. ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and daughter. Blossom, and Mr. Jas. Vosburg of Inwood, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vos-*burg and. daughter, Gladys, of Wooler, Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. Savons of Grafton. Mrs. Sam Vosburg of Port Hope, and Mrs. Fitzgerald of Wooler spent Mondav with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellis. On Thursday afternoon, the- Rev. J. E. Beckel and familv leave our village for their new field of labour at Napanee. For five years, Mr. Beckel has discharged his many duties faithfully and diligently. Visiting the sick in fair and stormy weather, lending a helping hand and giving a cheering word wherever needed. "He went about doing good." During his pastorate here the debt which had been accumulating for some years was paid and the new shed erected. He and family will be greatly missed and we hear all around expressions of sorrow at his departure from this circuit as its pastor. NORHAM June 26th. 1928 Wm. Robinson is visiting her daughter. Mrs. C. Partridge, Seymour. Miss Lenore Isaac is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Carruthers, Har-wood. Mrs. Ella Campbell and daughter visited her son at Havelock one day recently. IMrs. S. A. Rankin and family of Campbellford spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ella Campbell. Mr. Stevenson and family of Havelock spent Sunday at the home of her ' ir, Mrs. Clem Palmateer. CODRINGTON July 26th, 1928 Mr. Hardy's family have moved to Toronto; and Mrs. Mary Dusenbury and Mrs. VanBlaricum to Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Smartt. of Rochester have moved to Orland and are riming the mill. Miss Lorna McColl and Margaret Hennessev are home from Normal. The thieves who have been busy around here stealing grain and selling ~.t Trenton mill, and also hens, are iow in Cobourg jail. Wallace Ames nd Rex McColl lost barley, and Mr. Cowan and others lost hens. They admit they took them to Toronto. The Norham young people are putting on an excellent play "Go Slow, Mary," in Bethany church Friday-night, the 29th. Proceeds in aid of the removal of the church to Codrington. The Men's Store AWAITS YOUR INSPECTION OF ALL THAT'S NEW IN MEN'S WEAR New, snappy stock of Summer Goods. Highest quality lines at just less than ordinary prices. Low expenses means low prices A city stock to select from, boys. Just call and see! MEN'S CLOTHES--Large stock of Blues, Greys, Browns and Stripes. Pleasing styles for young men and men that stay young. Prices $12.00 to $25.00 TOP COATS--Special prices $15.00 to $21.00 Headquarters for Tailored Suits $18.00 to $24.00 Made by Semi-Ready, Fashion Craft and Tip Top New Straw Hats Summer weight Felts UNDERWEAR---Let us stock you with Underwear-- all styles and materials--$1.00 to $1.25 per suit. Shirt Time is Here--Call and Select your New Shirt! New shades--wear like iron--Tooke, Arrow and Forsyth. Coatless Days -- Wear a neat, snappy Shirt! Ties Hosiery Sweaters Sport Pants Knickers Golf Hose $7.50--Our Fine Shoes are known to be good--$5.00 SPECIALS NOW ON Men's Khaki Pants $1.50 Boys' Running Shoes $1.00 Work Sox, 4 prs. for $1.00 Men's Work Boots $3.50 Overalls, large sizes, 44 to 48, for 75c Sale Boys' Suits (2 prs. bloomers) for $7.50 Special Sale Men's Broadcloth Pyjamas New shades, seaon's weights Rain Coats and Slickers Men's Wear, Shoes Trunks, Suit Cases, Club Bags, Hat Boxes Fred Hawkins Phone 47 Colborne's Store for Men King Street BUILDING MATERIAL Everything in Rough and Dresesd Lumber JUST UNLOADED Carloads of Gyprock, Lime, Hardwall Plaster and Plaster Paris We carry a large stock of B.C. RED CEDAR and MOULDINGS Also the famous EDGE GRAIN B. C. CEDAR SHINGLES Colborne Planing Mill H. A. GRANT Phone 99 Victoria Street COLBORNE FLOUR and FEED SEEDS Why pay $2.25 a bushel for Seed Corn when we have STEELE-BRIGGS No. 1 FODDER CORN at $2.00 a bushel Longfellow Hill Corn at $3.00 a bushel ALL SEEDS GOVERNMENT TESTED F. A PHILP COLBORNE

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