Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 28 Jun 1928, p. 1

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- 2. «« a s THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1928 $2.00 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. CRACK NELL--SMITH On Saturday, June 23rd, 1928, at St Cyprian's Anglican Church, Toronto, the Rev. R. Seaborn officiating, assisted toy the Rev. Frank H. Mason, the marriage took place of Ethel Mildred, third daughter of MaVand Mrs. E. L. H. Smith, Toronto, to Alfred Edward Cracknell of Montreal, third eon of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cracknell of Lakeport, Ontario. A profusion of peonies, garden flowers and ferns formed a pretty setting for the ceremony, bows of white tulle and mock j field day. Ribbons will be awarded orange blossoms marking off the guest | the winners in the Standard events pews. The service was fully choral. : and a medal each will be awarded to The bride, who was given in marriage the young men and girls receiving the by her father, wore a period gown of j highest total number of points. A White georgette, four deep frills fall-! silver Cup will be awarded the County ing from a long, shaped bodice, long, | winning the highest number of points tight-fitting sleeves, and round neck, in the Standard Events. This Cup is Her veil of embroidered tulle fell donated by the "Farm and Dairy," from a coronet of lace, caught at the Peterboro. back of her head with a*band of tiny. Programme: orange blossoms and seed pearls. Mr" ' JUNIOR FARMERS' FIELD DAY The annual Junior Farmers' Field Day for the Central Ontario group from which Junior Farmers and farm girls from the following Counties participate: Lennox and Addington, Hastings, Prince Edward, Durham, Northumberland, Victoria, Peterboro and Ontario, will again be held at Presqu'-Ile Point on July 6th, 1928. The ribbons, medals and trophies will be presented in the pavilion at eight o'clock on the evening of the W. Lapworth, -sister of the bride, matron of honour. The bridesmaids were Miss Phyllis Smith, sister of the bride, and Miss Alice Tickner of Milton. Little Phyllis Coffey of Colborne, j niece of the groom, looked sweet in a Nj a dainty lace-trimmed frock of orchard j crepe de chine, bandeau of silver a (tissue, and-carrying a basket of Kil- j larney roses. Mr. Arthur George j Cracknell was his brother's best man, j 10 a and Messrs. Bert Maguire and Walter Lapworth were ushers. During the ^ a signing of the register, Mrs. Bert J. Maguire, the bride's sister sang. Im-| u a mediately following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the j ■bride's parents. Clinton Street. After j 4 p_ the supper, the happy couple left by ; motor for Oshawa, Peterborough, poinltsi, the bride wearing .-nGirls' Softball:Hastings Co. vs. Durham Co. --Girls' Softball: Peterboro vs. Northumberland Co. ,--Girls' Softball: Lennox and Addington vs. Prince Edward --Winners Peterboro vs. North umberland vs. Victoria. --Winners Hastings and Durham vs. Lennox and Addington and Prince Edward. 10 a.am--Boys' Softball: Prince Edward vs. Hastings 11 a.m.--Boys' Softball: Northumberland vs. Durham. 11 a.m.--Boys' Softball: Winners Pr. Edward and Hastings vs. Len nox and Addington. 4 p.m.--Finals: Bays. Girls. Standard Events Boys' Standing Broad Ju; Presbyterial W. M. S. in Session a Campbellford--Meets Next Year at Cobourg Campbellford. June 22.--Cobourg was elected as the meeting place for the Presbyterian W.M.S. next year and the time set was not made more definite than early in June. The election of officers took place at yesterday's session. Several of the officers for this year will retain their offices for another term, but there are manv new name on the list. Honorary Presidents--Mrs. McPher-son and Mrs. R. Hall, Peterboro. President--Mrs. D. Ewart, Cobourg. list Vice-President-Mrs. W. Allan, Peterboro. 2nd Vice-President--Mrs. W. R. Turner, Peterboro. 3rd Vice-President--Mrs. Head, Col- 4th Vice-President---iMire..C. T. Dick-n, Campbellford. 5th Vice-President--Mrs. Simpson, day. inity c charming ensemble of navy blue and j Bo>"s' Running Broad Jump, grey small French hat, and brown fox j B°y« Wnjung High Jump, fur. Their honeymoon will terminate ( in a boat trip down the St. Lawrence ' ^ to Montreal; where they will reside. ] Girls' Standing Broad Ju: 1 Shot Put. s' 100-yd. Dash. Girls 50-yd. Dash. Boys 220-yd. Dash. ; Girls' 100-yd. Dash. ------> I Relay--1 team (only) of four boys •Mr. S. B. Gearing, manager of the j from each competing County-Standard Bank at Picton for the past: 220 yds. ■ of the Brigh- j Relay--1 team (only) of four girls RETIRING FROM STANDARD BAN ;on branch from 1888 until 1903, "tiring from the Bank the first of lext month. He has a record of 47 J : 'ears in banking business, the last 40 )f which have been as manager. Mr. ! rearing has always been held in very j ligh esteem by head office and by-hose who have had the advantage of vorking with him. I Lakefield. Treasurer--Mrs. W. N. McDougall, Lakeport. Assistant Treasurer--(Miss Jean McDougall, Lakeport. • (Finance Secretary--iM-rs. G. F. Clarke, Brighton. Recording Secretary--Mrs. Rorke, Norwood. Corresponding Secretary--(Miss Gertrude Harvey, Cobourg. • Y. W. Corresponding Secretary-- Miss Gertrude Havey, Cobourg. Mission Band Secretary--Mrs. Wim. Learmouth, Hastings. Home Helpers' Secretary--Mrs. O. B. Jdhnston, Centreville. Literature Secretary--Mirs. C. C. Armstrong, Waarkworth Library Secretary--Mrs. C. C. Arm-Armstrong, Warkworth. Welcome and Welfare Secretary-- Miss Edith Tedford, Norwood. Supply Secretary--Mrs. J. R. Eak-ins. Millbrook. Glad Tidings Secretary--Miss N.' M. Davidson, Peterboro. Press Secretary--^Mrs. E. E. Cox, Peterboro. hange and Life Membership Stenson, Peter- --Horse Shoe Pitching Contest 1 21 1-4 t 21 5-16 Cents m Belleville Board on I 23rd, 1928, at 21 5-16 j ! alf bushel basket is standardized . legal package for apples, under Order in Council passed June 8, and now effective. Specifications ; for the new package are obtained from If your supply of printed envelopes, 1 the Federal Fruit Branch at Ottawa, letterheads or billheads is getting This Order in Council also provides low phone or see The Express. Good ! that berry crates shall be of one or stock and good work at close prices. I other of the fololwing sizes: --j 24 pints (2 tier or three tier) Don't forget the Wednesday afternoon half-holiday, continuing through June, July, August and September, all places of bu.sir.esis W " CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Time Table for Colborne GOING WEST 19--Daily............ 3.08 a.m. 27--Daily (except Sunday) 7.40 a.m. 29--Daily (except Sunday) 12.27 p.m. :ept Sunday) 7.17 p.m. EAST NOTHUMBERLAND WOMEN5-S INSTITUTE j At the East Northun men's Institute Summer in at the Paris-it Hall *•<' < the following ofifcers wei 19(218-9: (President--Mrs. Leigh Isaai . Cornwell of Rochester, NY. is spending a few days with Mrs. W i' Mr. E. M. Broomfield's barber shop will be closed during the week of July Jjst, until Friday, (ith. Miss Marion .Morgan of Toronto and Sfir. Claude Morgan of Peterboro were With their mother oyer the weekend. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Reed and young j*m of Rochester, N.Y. are visiting yis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reed. > iMr. Harold Jamieson expected to leave Vancouver on Tuesday for home, <uere, to visit his parents, Chief and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson. , Bruce Joice, son of Mrs. Geo. N. Joice, Eddystone, had the misfortune to have his arm broken, last Wednesday, when he fell off a horse. <-!Dr. A. H. Snetsinger and daughter, Clare, and sister, Miss Clare Snetsinger spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Snetsinger. 'Mr. D. C. Matthews has returned torn a boat trip to Sault Ste Marie, it: company with his brother, Capt. H W. Matthews of Rochester, N.Y. ■Mrs. W. T. Baboock, accompanied i^ier son, George, his wife and three children, all of Royal Oak, Michigan, spent Sunday with Colborne friends. ' Mr. and Mts. W. A. Samons went to Rochester, N.Y., on the Warden's Excursion, and spent a: few days visiting Mrs. Samons' sister, Mrs. Pal-nvateer. I Mrs. J. C. Russell of Dutton, Mr. ^ld Mirs. Thos. Smith of Leamington *hile motoring home on their return from Montreal visited Mrs. Russet's ^pughter, Mrs. W. J. Chapin. fMr. C. Kenneth Matthews of Belleville spent Sunday at his grandfather's, Mr. D. C. Matthews, and at-tmded the services in Trinity Church, with Colborne Masonic Lodge. Messrs M. K. Langdon and Harry A. Quick were elected members of Brighton Village Council to fill the vacancies caused by the resignations of Messrs. Thos. H. Tweedle and Frank R. Wlhitton. All were glad to see Mr. B. H. Coyle able to be on the street for a short time Wednesday morning. He is recovering satisfactorily, although slow- In the recent report of the ful students obtaining degrees from Toronto University, appears the name of V. N. Ames, Principal of Bennett School, Hamilton, who has secured arts degree through an extension class and is thereby now entitled to write B.A. after his name. The Hamilton Spectator has the fol lowing to say about Mr. Ames. Mr. Ames attended public school in the county of Northumberland and attended Campbellford high school. After completing the teachers' course he entered Ottawa Normal school, graduating in 1911. His professional duties commenced in the little white school house in a rural district and he then spent four years as principal of Wooler public school. Mr. Ames then attended Belleville Collegiate for two years, where he obtained a scholarship. After graduating from the Ontario College of Education he joined the staff of Collingwood public school, from whence he came Hamilton in 1.920, where he is principal of Bennett School. COMING EVENTS iMiss Culver is offering the balance of this season's hats at less than cost. Take advantage of this sale and save money, as the store will be closed after July 1st, 1928, and remain closed until September 1st, 1928. ,Mes«rs. C. M. Allen & Son have been doing a rushing business since Saturday, when the big fire sale of groceries commenced. They have lots of good goods left yet, and the sale will continue for another ten days. See advt. on page 8. The W.M.S. of Sharon Church will hold a Strawberry Festival on the church lawn on Wednesday evening, July 11th, 1928. Berries served from 7 to 9 o'clock. Good programme. Come and enjoy the evening with us. Admission: Adults 35c, children 15c. Wicklow and Vernonville Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Arthur Kernaghan on Thursday, June 28th, 1928, at 2.39 p.m. Committee: Mrs. Chas. Rutherford, Mrs. W. Hoskin, Mrs. W. McGregor, Mrs. Chatterson. All interested are invited to attend. Florence E. HalL Secretary. COLBORNE POST OFFICE Domin 1 Day, July 1st Colborne Post Office will be open from 10 a.m. until 12 noon, next Monday, July 2nd, 1928. Mails will be dispatched at the usual hours. No Rural Delivery There will be no rural mail delivery ■ collection next Monday, the mail irriers having a holiday on that day. A letter has been received by Capt. . G. Willoughby, Chairman of the Committee, from the Hon. J. S. Martin, Masonic Grand Master, confirming ; appointment to attend the monster < [lie to be held at Presqu'Ile Point . Wednesday, August 1st, 19'2l8. ixpected members of the Craft from the three Masonic Districts--Ontario, Peterborough and Prince Edward-- ' together with their wives and families, ' friends and sweethearts will gather at , Presqu'Ile Point, the finest picnic SPEND DOMINION DAY ground on earth, in much larger num- IN PORT HOPE bers than last year, when in spite of - heavy showers and threatening more, The citizens of Port Hope are again over five thousand attended at the celebrating Dominion Day on July 2nd same place. Other Grand Lodge Offic- this year. The program shows a ers and other prominent members of great deal of thought, and all classes the Craft have signified their intention j of the community have been consid-o£ being present. There will be three classes of Horse t&oes, 2:13, 2:18 and 2:28, which will ttract the best horses in the district. The Pats Athletic Cluib and the jakeaides of Toronto, two of Canada's istest Ladies' Softball teams will be drawing card in the sports line, DEATH OF MRS. WM A life-long ident of Haldimand J Harnden, widow of | William Robinson, ly on Sunday, June 24th, 1928. j while Bowmanville and Port Hope pit :eased, who was in her 76th year, 1 a hardball league fixture, i bom atj Dur- aing Mr. Yern ml i e-Pn thfield. -Airs -iMrs. Sylvester of Belleville, j wuF'thrill attended the Mrs. Blarkely of Toronto, and Mrs. stunts, loop the loop, wing walking, " ' anging by the teeth, and other a<' hale the vaudeville attractions 1 le best, in some years. The show will be held both after-ing, with daylight fire- N TRENTON 109-- Sunday < GOING EAST 10--'Daily (except Sunday) 10.02 a. 110-- jSunday only...... 10.14 a. 28--Daily (except Sunday) 2.43 p. 30--Daily (except Sunday) 7.18 p. 18--IDaity.......... 11.20 p. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Time Table at Colborne GOING WEST 603-- Daily (except Sunday . 37--Daily (except Sunday) GOING EAST --Daily .. .. . . ..... 604-- Trenton local-- Daily (except Sunday) .. VERNONVILLE GARAGE REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS USED PARTS FOR SALE Jack Cowey jr, SQUARE and ROUND DANCING little lake pavilion Every Friday Pat Inglis and his Orchestra C. W. TRENEAR & SON Trinity Church with Col- Albert Anient and Stephen E. Robin- hanging by the teeth,' and other acts! ourne masonic Lodge. son of Haldimand Township. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joslin have re- The funeral services were held o turned from a motor trip through the I Tuesday afternoon, at the residenc States, bringing with them as their.1 of lher son- Stephen E. Robinson, b , eeders- the Rev- L- H- Coles> Pastor of Wick- j works in the afternoon, and a mag-Marion IJ0^ Baptist Church, of^ which deceased 1 nificant display in the evening. ars. jThe committee in charge are to be the I congratulated on the excellent program offered, and will welcome the I co-operation of the people of the dis- burg, Indiana, and B Steward of Danville, 1111: riends will be glad to learn that Chief Jamh recovered from his recer to be able to be ng about the house for so each day. All hope to s COLBORNE MASONIC LODGE Floyd Harn-onville; Mrs. Aubrey Woof, Codrington; Mrs. Wm. Orvis, Wooler.-Secretary-Treasurer-- Mrs. G. F. Clarke, Brighton. District Directors--Mrs. George Law-son, Brighton; Mrs. L. Palmateer, Castleton: Mrs. J. B. Moran. Codrington; Mrs. H. C. Kelly. Warkworth; Mrs. John Locke, Campbellford; Mrs. Wiliam Orvis, Wooler; Mrs. A. L. | _ _ hour Qr his famil-a short time. I Mr and Mrs. A. J. Cracknell, Mr. A. ] ing, June 24th. 1928, when the: It is expected that there will be a | G cracknell Mrs. Garnet Coffey and I tended services in Trinity Church, great crowd at the Orange Clebratlon j daughter Phyllis Coffey, were in To- There was a large turnout of members in Trenton on July 12th. Elaborate rovAo ia'g,t Saturday;, attending the of the Craft, together with other preparations are being made by the w,eaQ.mg 0f Mr. Alfred Edward Crack- friends. All were pleased with the in-nell of Montreal and Miss Ethel Mil- structive and appropriate address giv-dred Smith of Toronto, which took en by the Rector, the Rev. Bro. Thos. Men's Fine Shoes and Work Shoes | mace at St. CvDrian's Church. ATTENDED TRI the celebration of the day. V-firs I :utive 25-2 1 parade on Sunday Tweed, Worsted, Serge, Cheviot-- you may choose any cloth you like-in any pattern or shade-one, low price. Every TIP TOP garment is tailored to the customer's individual measure, in any wanted style, and sold with a positive guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Come in now and see what wonderful value TIP TOP Tailors offer in fine Spring Clothes. Fred Hawkins Shoes, Underwear, Work Clothes COLBORNE Try one and be convinced no clothing firm can give as good value--not one--as do Tip Top Clothes dred Smith of T I place at St. Cyprian's Church. I McKim, M.A. The services through- Congratulations to Mr. Harold Hin- out were impressive and in-spiring, of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hin-1 with appropriate music by the choir. )dville, who last week grad-1 Mrs. S. E. Turpin and Mr. Cornwell uated at Ithica, N.Y., University with I rendered the solo parts in the beauti-' 'egree of B. Sc. Last year Harold ! ful anthem, "Abide With Me," with ITY CHURCH i „ u I AUCTION SALES ~,J their •---:------ even- j Thursday, June 28th, 1928, at 1.30 p. m.--Household furniture and effects of Albert Richardson will be sold by public auction at the residence of U. A. Colter, Wicklow. No reserve. Terms cash. S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer. Tuesday, July 3rd, 1928, at 1.30 p.m.-- Household furuniture and effects of Rev. A. E. Bruce, at Grafton. Terms cash. No reserve as Mr. Bruce is leaving for the coast. S. E. Robinson, . ived his B.A. degree at Queen' I University, Kingston. He intends to continue his studies at Ithica to ob-I tain the degree of Ph. D. The editor was pleased to receive a, packet of scenic post cards of places of historical interest and beauty on the Great Northern Railway from Mr. Chas. S. Strong, who at the time of mailing was four days out from Roch-on the trip to Everett and Seattle, Wash., accompanied by his "sister, Miss Durand Strong of Rochest-"Tr. Strong wrote "One never tires mtinpial changing scenery." MARRIAGES lumpton-Bell-- The marriage of Miss Lillian Bell and Mr. Ray Plump-ton of Codrington took place in the United Church, Wooler, on Saturday ning, June 16th. 1928. DEATHS 'eaver--Manson B. Wieaver of I Trenton died suddenly. The funeral 3 held on Monday, June 18th, 1928, under the auspices of Trenton Lodge, 1 I.O.O.F. Robinson--In Haldimand Township, on Sunday, June 2,4th, 1928, Eliza Harnden, widow of the late William I Robinson, in her 76th year. Interment : Union Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM Wolfraim--In loving memory of my dear husband, J. E. Wolfraim, who j passed away June 29th, 1927. One year has gone and we're re- j Of that day our hearts were crushed, ;n God took you, oh so quickly, Wm all in gloom were thrust. wife and family. Mrs. McKim a organist. JULY ROD AND GUN A pleasantly varied bill of fare dealing with some more unusual phases of life in Canada's outdoors features the July issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News which has just bee-n published. While Ozark Ripley contributes one of his splendid fishing stories, Bonnyoastle Dale, in view of a recent discussion, this month deals with natural phenomena in Canada which have been mistaken Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is puiblished monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited Woodstock, Ontario. CHURCH NOTES UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Dominion Day, July 2nd, 1928 Rev. Ernest Forbes will preach at all CANNING SPECIALIST NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY iW. H. Warren, with headquarters at the office of the Agricultural Representative at Brighton, has been appointed by the Ontario Department of Agriculture to study and help with the solution of canning crop problems. He will be available to assist growers in every possible way. Directors of the Northumberland County branch of the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Association have arranged for a supply of molasses to be used in connection with cutworm control, to be. supplied to members at wholesale prices. HIGH SCHOOL ENTARNCE G. E. Kennedy, B.A., presided at the High School Entrance Examinations this week at Colborne, where 21 boys and 22 girls wrote. Mr. A. G. Crack-ae!l presided at the affiliated centre Castleton, where 7 boys arid 8 girls wrote. At Castleton there 2 girls • School Examinations. the 10.30 a.m.--Sunday School and Public Worship. 7.00 p.m.--Public Worship. Salem: 1.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 2.30 p.m.--Public Worship. The Pastor, the Rev. J. P. Falconer, will be away on his holidays during the month of July. There will be supplies to conduct the usual, services during the month. Motorists leaving the baseball stadium in Toronto recently after a game cut-in quickly to escape the crowd and ripped a policeman's trousers,, giving the cop quite a kiltie feeling. It wasn't a ripping speed, only about four or five miles an hour, but the court thought such acitons should be discouraged and fined the ripper $25 and costs and cancelled his driving license for three months. Taking liberties with Toront coppers pants comes expensive. Vaccination Notice OWING to odd cases of smallpox reported in several localities, it is ordered as a precautionary measure that all persons who have not been vaccinated for smallpox within the last five years shall be vaccinated at By order. A. C. McGLENXON, M.D. Medicel Officer of Health.

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