Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 31 May 1928, p. 7

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1928 NEW STRENGTH FOR ALL WEAK GIRLS Comes From the Rich, Red Blood Made by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. There must be no guesswork in the treatment of pale, anaemic, girls and ehildren. If your daughter is languid, has , a pale, sallow complexion, Is short of breath after slight exertion or on going up stairs, if she has palpitation of the heart, a poor appetite, or a tendency to faint, she has anaemia--the medical name for poverty of the blood. Any delay in treatment may leave her weak and sickly for the rest of her life. When the blood Is thin and watery give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, coupled with nourishing food and gentle out-of-door exercise. The new, life-giving blood which comes from a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, increases the appetite, stimulates the nerves and brings a glow of health to pale cheeks. Mrs. Robert Jackson, R.R. No. 5, Shel-burne, Ont., praises this medicine for restoring her daughter's health. She says:--"When my daughter was nine years old she was so weak and thin that we feared we would lose her. She was very nervous, and going to school seemed too much for her. Often she would have to stay at home for days at a time. At times she would have a very high fever, and the doctor's treatment did not help her. I tried several remedies, but with no good results. One day a friend advised me to give her Dr." Williams' Pink Pills, and I did so. It was not very long after she began taking the pills that I could see a change for the better. She kept on taking the pills for several months, and through them grew into a strong, healthy girl. Since then, if a tonic has been needed at any time, it has always been Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." The pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine o., Brockville, Ont. Be Friends With Your Children HELEN GREGG GREEN "I cannot understand why Jim is slipping away from me," said Cornelia, in one of her moods of seeing things as they are, not as she would have "His friends I hardly know! And my own son--well I know the real Jim --less. All my life, I've been making friends, thinking of him, hoping that Kie sorij and daughters of my friends Sweet Scents The old-fashioned, sweet-smelling flowers hold a place in the hearts of real garden lovers that is unattainable' by the brilliant-hued scentless bloms such as zinnias petunias, calendulas, penstenfbns, antirrhinums, etc., which are grown with such zest nowaday and, which undoubtedly are more or less indispensable by reason of their bright coloring, and their prolonged flowering season. ,. However, bright coloring, and a pro-if'jnged flowering season need not hold 1-sway to the exclusion of ail else, and with a little care it is possible to include many sweet-scented flowers without detracting from the decorative effects of beds and borders. Modern roses, for instance, with their unquestioned perfection of shape and coloring, in general have undoubtedly lost the fragrance associated with the rose for hundreds of are as richly perfumed as the old-fashioned cabbage rose; for example, the deeply scented clove-red blooms of! the Chateau de Close Vougeot, and1 General McArthur, and many others, j When possible, sweet-scented flowers should always be grown near the 1 house, so that their fragrance may be j wafted in at the open windows. Roses,' hite jasmine may 'is good tea* Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest 13 tea in the best package--Aluminum "Yes, Smith is an optimist--he went into a lotery where the first prize was a motor car and immediately started | building a garage." "That reminds me of Jones--he hadn't a penny left at the end of the month and so went into •t restaurant and ordered an oyster supper--he reckoned on paying the bill with the pearls he found in the oysters." Classified Advertisement! MOVING AND STORAGE. and SULTAN OF who rules a little bunch of Malay S ^keeps a constant and watchful eye. Emmy-Lou. "There you have it, Cornelia. You have not lived with „im. You've lived above him." "Perhaps," admitted Cornelia, wistfully. "I have been so interested in making him a thorough-bred, an intellectual, maybe I've forgotten the human side of my boy.i I had not thought of that before. Just the other day he said to me, 'Jim's mother is back. He tells her everything, Mums --things that I expect would shock you.' And I replied, T can't see why a clean young fellow need have anything shocking to tell!' And he just walked out of the room with 'Oh, that he oi that boys "My de; there parents i Know. The other day I marked, on all this to Jim. " 'But, Mums,' he protested, I know every mother of the bunch. They're all line! They're all pals with us.'" '"All pals with us!'" cut in the always-wise and understanding Aunt Badminton players find drink of hot tea of great benefit after a strenuous game. In leading Badminton clubs of Canada, Red Rose Tea is a great favorite. No other tea offers such brisk, zestful flavor and rich quality. Put up only in bright, clean aluminum packages. uew MANY MOTHERS RECOMMEND THEM Baby's Own Tablets Are Fine for Nervous, Sleepless Children. From Canada the fame of Baby's Own Tablets is spreading over the world. Mothers recommend them to other mothers, and wherever they are tried nothing but words of praise are heard for these pleasant tasting little tablets that promptly relieve the minor ailments of young children. Baby's Own Tablets are one of the best remedies for children's ailments be easily shocked j I have ever used," says Mrs Arthur you'll never hear anything. Don't T. Allen, of Auburn, Me. My little you know that boys and girls during I girl was nervous and could not sleep, the adolescent age may b4 frightened away from their parents by sensitiveness, a fear of being critic-Yes, Aunt Emmy-Lou, you're right. I but" a 'short time before her bowels And why should I criticize Jim's i were regular. All mothers should friends so long as they're manly boys? jkeep Baby's Own Tablets - * I guess--well, what I need to do is to.!for they are be friends myself with Jim--to walk. I Ba^,CS, or' talK ana play with him. I guess I J-aruP'-,h, have been living above him. Why- ike to tell t oolish things ,' replied, I tried the Tablets and she was re-. 1 lieved at once. She was also troubled [with constipation and nothing seemed to help her. I had used the Tablets I But just then a voice called down jthe stairs, "I'm going to the basketball game to-night, Mother." j "That's fine, Jimmy. I think I'll !go too." I There was a surprised silence and then, "Oh, gee, Mums, that's great. mother is a regular fan. She never misses a game." Tears filled Cornelia's eyes and she jsimled with a great joy lighting up her face, as she nodded, "The beginning of a new relationship between us. I'm so happy to have discovered the trouble before it was too late." in. It teems assured that all future will be defensive only. This of c does not assure peace, but it mises a lot of hypocrisy. High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS h the approval of tl Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. i valuable remedy." i Tablets are sold by all of price, 25 cents per box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Naval Defence Quebec Soleil (Lib.) : Naval expenditure in the Empire is shared as follows: Great Britain, $290,000,000 a year (1927); Australia, $28,000,000; New Zealand more than three millions; Canada, $1,755,000. Of all these countries Australia pays the greatest contribution a head. The distribution by units of population is as follows: Great Britain, $6.10 a head; Australia, $6.82; New Zealand, $1-75; Canada, 19 cents! a bed or border is ider hedge, and an edging of pinks with wallflowers, jonquils and pheat-ant's-eye narcissus for spring flowering, followed by stocks i shades of rose pink, purple, and lavei der, will prove a delight the whole summer through. No garden is really complete out the fragrant sweet pea, and when lack of space forbids a hedge, they are most decorative when grown in big clumps in the herbaceous border, either in mixed colors or combination of shades which hari ize particularly well. To insure a succession of bloom a herbaceous border, it is necessary to grow many flowers without scent other than the old-fashioned favorites, such as centaura (i sultan), carnations, evening pr (Oenothera), sweet Williams, lily-of-the-valley, tall madonna lilies, old-world bergamot, etc., and therefore, it is an excellent plan to put night-scented stock (mathiola), mignonette, etc., between the clumps of early spring-flowering perennials in early Minard's Lirilment for ntsect b Viceregal Printing of Menus Is Costly Ottawa.--The high cost of housekeeping becomes high indeed when that house happens to he an official residence occupied by a representative of the King. Housekeepers might be excused for being startled if presented with a bill for $10,000 for the printing of menus and invitations or for $4,700 for the family's telegrams, or for the comparatively small matter of $260 for the winding and the regulating of the clocks. These were some of the items that' ere approved by Parliament when J. C Elliott, Minister of Public Works, .presented his national expense account, including $121 for sewing and button machines and $969 for plumbing and heating, which seemed rather excessive as compared to the expenses of the average householder. The Red Menace in Canada Three Rivers Bien i'l.blic i Cons.) : According ti the st it 'incuts made by the Abbe Ct.sgrai" recently, "people %'r.o are in favor of changing a government by violence" are not sufficiently checked at the frontier. Every indication points to the fact that those in authority should pay some attention to the warnings which clearly show that the peace and security of country are gravely threatened and should take appropriate steps to maintain public safety. The Smoke Nuisance La Presse (Ind.) : The smoke evil is not so serious in Montreal as it is in the great cities of Britain and the United States, but it exists here none the less and is becoming more and more grave every year. We cannot afford to wait any longer we must take steps now to combat it. We shall be more certain of getting rid of it to-day than we will be Sour Stomach Canada and the Air Le Canada (Lib.) : A new air mail has just been inaugurated in Canada and the first flights have been crowned with astonishing success, airmen anf mail arriving punctually on time. Ou: country is apparently eager to recove: the ground lost in this sphere. It is far behind other nations, but when it starts a job it goes ahead with giant strides. A man on pleasure bent usually i turns "broke." Usually it's the men who don't mow where they are who think they Just a tasteless dose of Phillips' Milk of. Magnesia in water. That is ail alkali effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for 50 years among physicians everywhere. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volume in acid. It is the right way, the quick, the pleasant and efficient way to kill the excess acid. The stomach becomes sweet, the pain departs. You are happy again in five minutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Employ the best way yet evolved in all the years of searching. That is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full directions--any drugstore. Cute in a Baby-Awful at Three -and it's Dangerous- by Ruth Brittain_ Why Tires Give Most Miles Per Dollar The life not the harsh grind of citi or rough roads, but heat which is created inside the tire by internal friction. Heat not only weakens the fabric, but also softens the rubber, causing blowouts and tire failures. The above illustration shows a single cord of a Firestone tire greatly magnified and untwisted into fifteen smaller cords composed of many little fibres. By means of the exclusive Firestone Gum-Dipping process, every fibre is insulated with rubber, which prevents internal heat and friction. Your local Firestone Dealer gices you the better service that goes with these better tires. See him today. FIRESTONE TIRE 8> RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR GUM-DIPPED TIRES "A GREAT TONIC" SAYS MRS. RUSSELL After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Firestone Builds the Only Gum-Dipped Tires Mail's slogan--You never can till you try. Woman's slogan-- nefer can tell until you try it on. Henry Ford dances nothing but the schottische, and so we suppose that the old Lizzie's predilection for the shimmy must have been an acquired instead of an hereditary trait. Thumb sucking does look sweet in a baby, but it is disgusting in the three-year-old and sometimes it hangs on until fifteen or sixteen! The habit may cause an ill-formed mouth or induce adenoids; and it always interferes with digestion. Pinning the sleeve over the hand; attaching mittens, or putting on cardboard cuffs, which prevent bending the arms at the elbows, are some of the ways to stop the habit. Another bad habit--irregularity in bowel action--is responsible for weak bowels and constiuation in babies. Give the tiny bowels an opportunity to act at regular periods each day. If they don't act at first, a little Fletcher's Castoria will soon regulate them. Every another should keep a bottle of it handy to use in case of colic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stomach and bowels, constipation, loss of sleep, or when baby is cross and feverish. Its gentle influence over baby's system enables him to get full nourishment from his food, helps him gain, strengthens his bowels. Castoria is purely vegetable and harmless--the recipe is on the wrapper. Physicians have prescribed it for over 30 years. With each package, vou get a valuable book on Motherhood. Look for Chas. H, Fletcher's signature on the wrapper so you'll get the genuine. APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible in th« Order in Which They Are APPLICATIONS ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Help Supplied y ' The Colonization and Immigration Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have number of Experienced Married Men With Their and Families--Married Couples Without Ch.lare Also Single Men. Farmers requiring- help will he wel -'■-uk a to make early application t< File Your Application HON. JOHN 8. MARTIN, Mini Look to the Blood for Beauty's Secret THE source of skin beauty is in the blood. To acquire "The Skin That Charms" you must correct whatever faults of impurity or deficiency exist in the blood. A doctor, prescribing for his patients, first proved the great value of "TRU-BLOOD" in improving the skin's texture and smoothness; in giving it healthful clearness and color. TRU-BLOOD promptly corrects! faulty conditions in the blood, then J works its magic on the skin and . complexion. Used in conjunction with TRU-BLOOD, Buckley's OINTMENT! j works further wonders in clearing the skin of blemishes. Rashes", ■ blackheads, pimples, blotches and ■ roughness are quickly banished. Your druggist can supply you with these proven "Buckley's" products. ard's Liniment for Toothache. I ISSUE No. 21--'28

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