Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 31 May 1928, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRES^THURSDAY, MAY 31st, 1928 Page Fire THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 pei annum in advance; $2.50 to TJ.S.A Transient adviertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. INSURANCE G. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. ft C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St., East --Phone 123j. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division St, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Phone 22. LEGAL FRANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public &c, King St., Colborne. Phone 110. 18 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor,. Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Bar-rister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Ontaria, and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days. AUCTIONEERS Experienced and General Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Convincingly lowest rates for thorough service. S. E. ROBINSON, Phone 78r3, Colborne R.R. 3, Ontario. AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER--The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer--pays Tor the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone 10r23. SQUARE and ROUND DANCING little lake pavilion Every Friday 8 p.m. Commncing June 1st Pat Inglit and his Orchestra C. W. TRENEAR & SON DOMESTIC HELP WANTED DUNDONALD May 29th, 192J Master Averil Mutton i friend recently visited friends heVe. Mr. and .Mr.-. Jack Montgomery are enjoying their latest purchase, a Ford Mr. md Mrs. W. MAID, for general housework. No washing. Apply Mrs. S. W. Sutton, King St. West, Colborne. 22- AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN WANTED--I want a live salesmen to start work at ( Several territories open between Oshawa and Belleville. We i men who can go ahead and make $40 to $60 a week. Pay weekly, and year around job. If you are interested, write Box 95, Cobourg. 22-lx FOR SALE FOR SALE OR DISPOSAL SHARES--8 acres of Alfalfa, Apple and Cherry Crops. Apply to S. Henderson. Church St., Colborne, Ont. 22-2 NEW PERFECTION COAL OIL STOVE, 3 burner, with Perfection Oven for 2 burners. Used about 4 months.. . Will sell together or -separate. Priced very reasonable. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. 22-- LIVE STOCKS FOR SALlT Oscar €. Morgan SeveraL good farms for sale; also ~ som^valuable town property. Phone 7r18, Orland. 38-6m PURE-BRED DURHAM BULL, "Royal Boy," roan, born April 10th, 1927, bred by E. A. Rutherford. Would exchange for a good pure-bred Durham yearling heifer or 2* grade Durham yearling heifers. Apply to Alfred Muskett, South of C. P. R. Station, Colborne. 21- FOR SERVICE THE REG. PERCHERON STALLION, KLINIS 2nd (12956), enrolment No. 2227, will stand for service at his own stable, lot 26, con. 5, Cramahe Township, for the season of 1928. Inspection invited. Frank Cowie. ('astjetoi Real Estate for Sale S. E. ROBINSON Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne MARRIAGE LICENSES E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103J - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE---King Street, Colborne. 9 rooms. Woodshed. Drive barn. 9 apple trees, good varieties. Good well and pump. % acre, more or ileas, good soil. Possession at onoe. Apply at Express Printing Office or to Wm. Usher, Colborne. 17-tf PLANTS FOR SALE RASPBERRY SPROUTS-- Cuthbert variety, for sale. S. E. Robinson, Colborne, R.R.3, Phone 78r23. 16- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS FHONE 38, GRAFTON NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of John Collins, late of the Township of Cramahe, in the County of Northumberland, farmer, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of Night Calls Promptly Attended ' November, 1927, at the Township of Cra-mane, in the 'County of Northumberland, are required to forward their claims, duly proven, to the undersign-€Hl on or before the Twelfth Day of June, A.D. 1928 And notice is hereby further given that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to those claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 18th day of May, 1928. FRANK J. HART, Solicitor for Andrew Wolfraim and Gladys Collins, the Executors and Trustees of the estate of the said deceased. 21-3 BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accomodation Give us a caii when In Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM ■ - Proprietor spent Vici "The Cedars." Master Fred McDonald wheeled to Brighton and spent the holiday with Mr. H. Martin. Our neighbour, Mr. Herbert McDonald is suffering with a severe attack of roe Our teacher, Miss Ruth McDonald spent the 24th and two days following with Toronto relatives. Mr. C. Dudley, Ralph, Orloff and Margaret, of Warkworth spent Sunday with Dundonald relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Lawrence of Oak Heights spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett, Mr. Garnet Mutton am Mutton visited their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson, Wicklow, last Sunday. ■Mr. A. Lount of Rochester. N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Lount of Brighton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharpe on Sunday. Next Sunday is Conference Sunday; the Pastor will be in attendance; but there will be evening service in Eden Church. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy and son, Miss Gladys Collins, Castleton, and Mrs. Morgan, Colborne, were recent guests of Kingston relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goodrich. Mr. Fred Goodrich, Castleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Goodrich of Marmora lately visited Mr.- and Mrs. Elton Goodrich Nearly every family in this neighbourhood have one or more cases of whooping-cough, while the older ones are also afflicted with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dunnett motored to Mountain View, on Victoria Day, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Parliament, returning the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald last Sunday visited Mrs. T. Samons. Wicklow, and Ruth, their young granddaughter. Both have been very ill, but now on the way to recovery. Please remember that Wednesday evening, June 6th. 1928. is the annual meeting of the Bible Society, which will be held in Eden Church. Davis of Toronto will illustrate address with lantern slides. Silver collection. Like a "bolt from the blue" came the news that our Pastor beloved, Rev. W. H. Clarke has accepted a call to the Shannonville United Church. Rev. W. H. Clarke has only been with us, two years, and deep regret is felt at his going. We had expected a settled pastorate after union and so keep our ministers years. EDVILLE May 29th, 1928, Master Charlie Godwin has been quite sick the past week. He is some better at time of writing. Sharon W.M.S. are having a quitting and 10c tea at the home of Mips W. E. Hinman this Thursday affex-noon. Mrs. Cecil Gummer has been fined to her bed for several days with a severe attack of "flu." Dr Brown is in attendance. Rev. Mr. Clarke has received a from the Shannonville Circuit, regret very much Mr. Clarke leaving his charge at Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham received the sad news of the death of their friend, Mr. Charles Crealock, Morganston, on Monday last- SHILOH May 29th, 1928 Mr. Hubert Mutton has been visit-g friends near Sunderland. Mr. W. S. McDonald, who has been ill with the "flu" is improving. Miss Myrtle Mutton, Wooler, spent e weekend with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Won. Peterson and ns of Oshawa visited relatives here Sunday. Ml Ralph Wilce and daughter, Aileen. who have been very ill, aTe uch improved. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton and family of Bowmanville were recent guests slatives here. LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid If purchase is made. Raw Furs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pry for Out of Town Calls. Used Car Parts for sale SOME GOOD AS NEW PRICES LOW Jack Cowey jr. COURT OF REVISION Village of Colborne NOTICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Municipalitv of Colborne will be held in the Town Hall, Colborne, on MONDAY, JUNE 11th, 1928 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of hearing and determining all the complaints against the assessment for the cur-All parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselves a-ecordinglv. H. S. KEYES, Clerk. Colborne, May 16th, 1928. 20-2 )Ij frost l& wood farm implements ALL KINDS REPAIRS ON HAND c. t. turney one 93r3 COLBORNE The tough job that t tie and spirit is like th< " r a while it become NORHAM May 29th, 19!8 Mr. and Mrs. S. Gummer spent the weekend in -Trenton. Miss Eliza Stone of Toronto gave us a short call recently. Mr. and Mrs. Russell of Oak Heights spent a day recently at the home of Mrs. Robinson. Mr. Lome Cryderman of Toronto spent the weekend with his father, Mr. D. Cryderman. The old saying, "Everybody works but father." It seems he is doing his share at present, since mothers have CASTLETON May 29th, 1928 Miss Marion Quinn of Peterboro is spending a few days at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chapin spent Saturday with Mrs. .1. E. Wolfraim. Mrs. H. Brown spent Monday at Napanee. visiting his parents there. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Purdy of Trenton were calling on friends here last week. Mr. Harold Black spent the 24th with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Black. Mr. P. A. Thompson has returned to Colborne, after being home with a [Mr. Donald Miller is home from the University and is engaged in farming on the homestead. Miss Edna Cryderman and A. Bently were holiday guests at home of Mrs. Purdy. Miss Gertrude Newman spent weekend with ■ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Newman. Miss Marion Quinn and her lady friend, Peterboro. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Quinn. Miss Helen Cameron has returned to Grafton, after spending a week with her mother, who is ill. Rev. J. E. Beckel is in Smiths Falls this week, attending the annual ference of the United Church. Mr. I. A. Ghent and his mother have returned home, after attending the funeral of Orvil Ghent, at Windsor. We were very sorry to hear of the sad news of the death of Orvil Ghent, who died at Windsor, Ont., May 22, 1928. Sorry to learn that Mrs. Fred Jones has been confined to bed with illness. A speedy recovery is the wish of all her friends. Mrs. Wm. Covert, Mrs. H. Moore, Mrs. P. A. Thompson. Missi Irene Moore spent Monday at Centreton with. Mr. Frank Wolfraim. Mrs. P. A. Thompson and Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim have . returned home, after spending two weeks in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolfraim. On Thursday. June 7th, 1928, the W.M.S. intend holding their quarterly "At Home" at the residenceof Mrs. W. Nelson. All ladies are invited to attend. Mr. George Tait has purchased the fields to the north of our village lately owned by Mrs. John Wolfraim. He is erecting a new fence on the property this week. We understand a ladies' Softball team is being organizezd in our < munity. The boys are well organized and have very lively games every Friday evening. Owing to the absence of the Pastor, there will be no service in the United Church this coming Sunday evening, June 3rd. S. School will be held as usual at 10.30. Messrs. Herb Kemp, Percy Bounds, Wlillard Day and Austin Isaac, who started out bravely to sail the Great Lakes are back to the land for n mgenial work. The pulpit supply committee of the Castleton Circuit have extended invitation to the Rev. J. G. Gardiner of Frankford to be their minister for next year. Mr. Gadiner has accepted and will likely assume his duties here t July 1st. The Executive of Cramahe Township and Colborne Religious Education Council met in Castleton United Church on Friday evening last. It decided to hold the Annual Convention in Eden Church. Dundonald, on Wednesday, June 13th, 1928, at 2 and 7.30 p.m. Splendid program of study and addresses. It is to be hoped this will be a very largely at-:ended gathering. MORGANSTON May 29th, 1928 A fatal accident happened on the farm of Mr. Charles Crealock on Mon-noon of this week. May 28th. 1928. Mr. Charles Crealock and his hired man had been clearing out the barn yard when in some way the team took fright and ran against a post, throwing Mr. Crealock off the spreader onto the ground. When the doctor was called, he found a couple if broken ribs and a general shaking up. About six o'clock the same evening, he began to grow worse and in few minutes died. Mr. Crealock had lived on the farm near Morgans-nearly all his life and had been very industrious and hardwoking. lever married, and made his home with his two sisters, who with a brother William of Norham mourn he loss of their loved one. Mr. Crealock was connected with the Morganston United Church and in, the absence of Mr. Beckel at Confer-the service was conducted by Rev. D. R. Clare of Norham. The ipafhy of the community Is extended to those who suffer from this sudden and tragic loss. COBOURG Martin Snider and Sabins. all of short call i Korham a s WARKWORTH Mrs. Donovan, Tamworth. spent the. week with her daughter, Mrs. A. M, Jr. and Mrs. Hazleton of Toronto, nt the weekend at the home of . Mos. Owen. Jr. Robert George of Cramahe has purchased Mrs. Robert Puffer's home west of Warkworth. Born--In Percy Township, on Sun-ly. May 6th, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. '. F. Barry, a daughter. Dr. W. R. W. Haight visited Wark-arth one day last week before taking ) residence at Richmond. Ont. Mrs. W. W. VanBlaricom of Picton sited her mother, Mrs. Curtis and other relatives during the weekend. Epidemic of sticky-fingered gypsies seems to have been let loose on Ontario, press reports from various cen-reporting visits by a gypsy band someone being poorer as "the re-" of their visit. 'Ware of gypsies, vout money when they're round. Miss Lillie Harvey has taken a position in Toornto, and left for the city last week. Captain Edwin Campbell of Toronto, spent the weekend with his sister, Miss Campbell, Division Street. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, who have spent the winter at Seabreeze, Florida, have returned to town for the sum-Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Denton were in Kingston on Tuesday attendinc the convocation of Queen's University, at which their son. Dr. George Denton, received his diploma as M.D. CM. Mrs. G. W. Rothwell went last week to Hartford, Conn., to attend the graduation exercises of Hartford General Hospital, her daughter. Miss Ruby Rothwell. being one of the simulating class. Douglas Westington, of Camborne, a student in Classics at the University of Toronto, sailed yesterday for Europe. He expects to join I his brother, Prof. Mars Westington. in Rome, and together they will spend the summer touring the Continent i and visiting the principal museums. Tweed is considering the question! it waterworks mil sewerag.- disnosal systems for that village. The estimate Do you watch the pressure of your balloons? THEY are designed for low pressure. That's the reason why the pressure of balloons should not drop even three pounds. Under inflation means premature trouble -- excessive wear on side walls -- bruises and breaks in the cord fabric that lead to blow-outs -- treads worn out before their time. Drop in at a Dominion Tire Depot once a week and have your tires inspected. Ten minutes service by an expert will add miles to the life of your tires. 827 You are never far away from a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT W. J. ONYON COLBORNE *paint this Spring Are you proud of your home when you look at it from the If it needs painting, do it this Spring. For the sake of appearance and for preservation of the wood, do not leave it another season. The cheapest thing about keeping up a house is paint. The most expensive is not to paint when painting is needed. Flo-glaze Paint covers 25% more surface, lasts 25% longer, looks 25 % better. Ask us to demonstrate this to you. Because of an exclusive scientific treatment of selected raw linseed oil, brush marks self-level and disappear leaving an enamel-like surface which does not easily crack or blister and reflects light perfectly. Come in and let us tell you about paint and varnish. We know which Flo-glaze product will do best on every kind of work. Th, Firuth that Erutur*' T> A TXTT FOR EXTERIOR AND 1 rVllM 1 INTERIOR SURFACES A Canadian product, better made ROBLIN'S Hardware brighton SEEDS GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS IN BULK TURNIP and MANGOLD FORMALDEHYDE For Treating Grain, etc. EVERY FARMER SHOULD USE IT! W. F. GRIFFIS The Rexall Drug Store Colborne, Ontario A SURPRISE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE HOME TOWN PAPER How about sending a weekly reminder to that relative or friend who has left town? You are too busy to write an occasional letter, let alone a weekly one. The home town paper will be sent regularly each week anywhere in Canada for $2.00 a year--less than 4 cents a week. THE COLBORNE EXPRESS

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