Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 17 May 1928, p. 6

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6 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE. ONT.. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1928 The blow landed in the nick of time and it ended the fight, whaling bin about and pitching him into the wall with a force that jarred the room. He slumped loosely back upon the floor. Mary, brought by the uproar to the door of the kitchen, screamed and ran back, and Wu raised a shrill chattering- I ee Haines was already kneeling beside the fallen man, whom he turned on his back. "Not even a broken jaw," he said. "He must be' made of India rubbe-." wno~had JMt been'caUe'd ■«>«» and ' Gloster, and laid Haines there was a calm reserve of ;his bandaged hand on the shoulder uf strength which might be employed in . other. His calm was amazing to the crisis. He was older, to be sure, Harry Gloster. but he was not yet old enough to be I 'That was fast work, Haines said, sjow i and it saved me from being filled full * There was one determining factor! «f lead, which is bad enough, or beg-which Gloster could see, but which Joe Kln* off which is worse. But if you re could not. The right hand of Haines headed for the Rio Grande, don t let had been kept scrupulously out of th's hold you back. And if you come sight beneath the table from the mo- back again, don t come back this way. ment Joe entered. It had appeared to He's bad medicine, you understand?' Buck Danields, presumably her father, in an out-of-the-way ranch house. She complains that she never goes where other girls go and obviously alarms Daniels by this statement. That night Joan slips from her bed after Daniels has retired. Two prospectors, Hal Springer and Rudy Nichols, are shot and killed in an argument with a scoundrel by the name of Joe Macarthur. Harry Gloster returns to the camp, finds the bodies of his partners, and realizes that he, win be recused of the crime. So he i Harry at first this might be from fear I 1 ve never side-stepped „ flees southward. Now he is talking to ■ \est the other should note his infirmity HarlT Gloster replied, shaking his on elderly, not unpleasant man in aiand take advantage of it to fly at his head. ' -- throat I "You're not too old to form a good But now that the actual danger of habit," Haines rejoined. He scanned battle had become almost unavoidable, I the magnificent body of Gloster, and there might be another reason which last °f a!l his glance dwelt on the induced Haines to conceal his wound hands. His own fingers, and those of --and that was an indomitable pride Joe- lyinS unconscious on the floor, which kept him from taking advan- were long, slender, bony-intended for tage of a weakness to put off a dan-; movements of electric speed. But the ger. And, in fact, he was now meeting . Angers of Harry Gloster were square-They exchanged eloquent glances, fche ]agt outburst of Joe with a calm tipped, built for crushing power, and Harry Gloster drew a great smil<j ^ gcorn.. i "No," he continued, "keep away from breath of relief- Before he could speak Yet certainly he was helpless The him and you'll have better luck. And again a third man entered the room,1 f ^ of'hfe rf ht band'Were start moving now!" stopped short as his glance fell upon Gloster's companion, and then ad- ZV^ihwV^ u^^nr,^- CHAPTER IV. restaurant along the route. "You're headed for the Rio Grande--pronto!" says the elderly man knowingly. "If I were a sheriff I'd have you locked up on suspicion. But I'm not a sheriff-- not by a considerable distance." NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER III.--(Cont'd.) vanced again, slowly, with an indescribable change in his manner and dextroU8_and on his ieft side he wore The ranch house in which Buck step which told that he was facing , Daniels an<J Joan Hved wag nQt oW danger. As for the man beside Glos-j Tq reach to hig rJght hip ' but the parching sun of a few sum. ■ >r, he, too. had altered, sitting a little wouW bg ^possJWe^pposJte him mers had drawn the life from the n there was a man quivering with hate w<x>d and warped it loose, and a score and with murder in his face. At the 0f wiid sandstorms had battered and Yet he said calmly enough: "Hello, "Howdy," nodded the other. "Kind' of far south for you, Lee, ain't it?" "A little far south," answered Lee, while the other drew back a chair with his left hand and sat down slowly, gingerly, never taking his eyes from Lee. He was one of those long-legged, long-armed men whose weight is condensed almost entirely around herculean shoulders. "Yes," went on Lee as calmly as before, "I'm a little farther south than usua1. I'm on a trail. Maybe j could give me a few pointers Joe." Joe grinned, and there was no mil in his nile. dryly. "Ain't it na?heral for me to do anything for you that I could?" Here Mary came to get the order of the newcomer. He snapped a request for ham and eggs at her without moving his eyes from Lee. "I'm looking for a woman," said Lee, continuing as soon as the girl had left the room- "We all are," said Joe, grinning K"Her name," said Lee, "is Kate Cumberland. That is, it used to be. She's the widow of Dan Barry, and Dan Barry was a man I wronged, and he was a man who gave me my life when he had it like that--to take if he wanted it--" ."Well," said Joe with sinister meaning "gents like that come few and.f-ar be^-een, eh?" "They do." answered Lee. "There are some folks that hold a small grud>e to the end of time. I've met men like that." The meaning could not be misunderstood. And suddenly Joe turned white. His head lowered and thrust out a bit lvore than usual; he pushed back his chair somewhat from the table so as to sive his knees clearance, for quick action. And his right hand dropped patentlv close to his hip. "You've met one of them men in me, Haines," he said, breathing hard, and yet growing whiter and whiter as the passion mounted. "I've been thinking I and thinking about--you and me. And' I'm tolerable glad that we've met up-Tolerable glad!" And, indeed, the battle lust shook him like a leaf. Harry Gloster eyed them shrewdly. Ho had been among fighting men all his life. They were a sort of language which he could read with perfect fluency. But as he looked from one to the other of these two he could not tell the table. isted it. So that a voice sounded from corner to corner of the building and a footfall started small murmurs squeaking across the house. But when Joan arose from her bed it was like the rising of a shadow; there was not even a whispering of the covens as they were laid back. And so gingerly did she trust her weight to the floor that it gave not the slightest sound back to her. So, for a moment, she stood quietly, thinking and planning and weighing chances, with a hand pressing a hollow into her cheek; and perhaps timidity would have conquered now as it had conquered with her before had it not been that her window opened to the east and, looking through it across the night, she saw what seemed the rising of a great fire among the black edges of the eastern mountains. (To be continued.) Minard's Liniment for falling hair. Russian Girls in Japan Get Licenses as Geishas Tokio.--All geisha girls in Japan are not Japanese. There are at least six Russian geisha maidens, all with blonde hair and red cheeks, entertaining the tired business men of Kobe, Osaka and Nagasaki. Now there is one in Tokio who has adopted the professional nam of "Helen Doran," Miss Doran appeared at metropolitan police headquarters recently and made an application for a geisha license. The invasion of foreign girl en-kening surety. It was simply the ' tertainers is not encouraged by the suicide of a man tired of life and pre-! authorities, so the young Russian can-ferring to die by the hand of another j didate was given a rigid examination rather than his own. He watched the in her knowledge of the Japanese lan-lip of Joe curl; he saw him take a guage and ability to strum the shami-short breath, as if he were drinking ! sen. She qualified in every particular the insult to the last drop, and then'and the license was given, there was a convulsive movement of j She told the police she had been The elbow jerked back ; born in Moscow and brought up in and up and the big revolver came spin- Harbin, where she earned her living ning out of its holster. as a carbaret dancer. It was in that Lee Haines had not stirred; indeed, {'wickedest city" of the Far East that e smiie with which he had uttered,she began learning Japanese. Subse-s last remark was still on his lips. | quently she came to Japan and ' Harry Gloster had begun '■- - first suspicious move he would strike and his stroke would be as devastating as a lightning flash. "Wait a minute!" cried Gloster. "Wait a minute, will you? My friend here has a bad hand--he can't--" You carry people along to beg off for you?" sneered Joe. met this man before," said Haines slowly. "And I need no advice or help. When I fight a rat, I fight alone!" home to Harry Gloster SAVE YOUR FROCKS A clever apron design that almost covers the dress entirely- It is most comfortable, as it has wide straps prevent slipping off the shoulders. Design No. 279 is especially easy to make and only requires 2Vi yards of 40-inch material with 2% yards of binding for the 36-inch size. Patterns can be had in sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Percale, smart checked gingham, English broadcloth with shiny finish, printed sateen and cotton pongee are appropriate. Price 20c the pattern. Our Fashion Book, illustrating the newest and most practical styles, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price of the book 10c the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. A reliable antiseptic--Minard's pleted her study of the language. Great American Sport Boston Transcript: With 5 per cent, more motor cars the number of fatalities at grade crossings decreased in 1927 as compared with 1926, but with 2,371 killed it is evident that the attempt to beat the train Is still one of the most dangerous of the sports of the motorist. Only teas grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level are used In "SALADA" Orange Pekoe Blend -the flavour Is therefore richer, more fragrant and much more delicious than other teas. Only 43c per i-lb.--Buy it at any grocery store. Doll Shows How Queen Looked in Crinoline Era London.--Queen Mary has sent to the London Museum a beautifully dressed doll, representing Queen Alexandra, the King's mother, when she was a girl. The doll, which is fifteen Inches high, was made in 1863, and Is perfectly dressed according to the fashion of the day, including a crinoline. The dress is made of silk In the queen's favorite mauve shade. A little panne velvet Jacket is worn over the dress. It is lined with white silk and trimmed with white silk braid. The pink underskirt is worked in crochet. The correct halrdresslng fashion of the time is illustrated by this doll. Pads were then worn at the nape of the neck and the hair was tucked under. A net was worn over the The doll's jewels consist of a large brooch at the neck of the dress and a small pearl necklace. A rose is carried. All the garments are made by hand. Death Rate for Peers At High Level in 1927 The year 1927 was a fatal one for more British peers and peeresses than in any year since 1878. Thirty-seven peers died and thirty-one peeresses. The new Debrett for 1928, in recording the high death rate among the peers, states that forty-three baronies have been called out of abeyance since 1604. The title which remained longest in abeyance, 547 years, was that of the barony of Strabalgi, the heir to which is J. M. Kenworthy, member of Parliament, and the shortest was the barony of Bernes, thirty-seven days. The average for the whole period is ' one title called out in not quite every eight years. During 1927 upward of 400 honors 3re bestowed and seven new peerages were created. It takes 3,360 closely packed pages to list Great Brir tain's various ranks of titled folk with Dress of Italian Girl Students Worries Roma Rome.--Bare arms, low necks and short skirts would be taboo for Italian high school and college girls if Minister of Education Fedele took the action asked ln a letter now before him. The body known as "The National Committee for the Correctness of the Mode" has petitioned him, requesting that al those whose costume "does not conform to that modesty which is dictated by civilized Christian usage and sentiment' be barred from the institutions under his control. The school supervisors in several large provincial cities have already publicly admonished girl students for "immodest dress," but with little effect, and the "correctness of the mode" committee wants government action. NEW TIRES HEAVY TREAD FACTORY SECONDS NEW HEAVY TBEAO COBDS Size Price Tubes. 30x3} ................9 4-95. . .$1.60 30x34 oversize ........ 6.99 1.96 31X4 ................. 8.96 8.75 33x4, 33X4, 34X4 ..... $9.96 3.75 33x44, 33x41, 34x44 . ■ . 12.00 3.95 30x5, 33x5, 34x5, 35X5. . 16.00 3.75 31x4.40 .............. 6.75 3.96 39x4.40, 38x4.40, 37x 4.40, 89x4.75 ....... 6.98 1.95 39x4.95, 30x4.76 ....... 8.95 3.75 31x5.00, 3JX5.35, 31x5.85 9.95 3.96 30X5.77, 33x5.77, 33x6-30 13.00 3.50 Other sizes. Prices on request. We have your size at equally low prices. All price* f.o.b. Toronto, Owing to the amazingly low prices remit full value of your order or enough to guarantee carrier charges, and If for any reason you find our ately and we will cheerfully refund. ORDER NOW. THE KEYSTONE RUBBER CORPORATION Queen and Ontario Sts., Toronto Ten pairs of silver black foxes w shipped recently from Quilche British Columbia, to Sweden and i other 15 pairs have been ordered frc Quilchena by breeders in Sweden. the split part of a second before the man across the table. He: "Do you know why I won It was a long distance, but the arm marry you?" She: "I can't think, of Gloster was a long arm. His fist! He: "You guessed it.' shot across the table and cracked point of the aggressor's j: Add to the joy\>f the open road --this pleasure* giving refreshment. A sugar-coated gum that affords double value. Peppermint flavor in the sugar coating and peppermint^ Had it landed solidly, it would have knocked Joe half the length of the room. But as it was, he flinched back at the last instant, seeing the flying danger from the corner of his So the blow merely grazed the bone and partly stunned him for the fraction of a minute. He staggered up from his chair anc back a step. The revolver dropped down to the tips of his unnerved fingers and hung there by the trigger guard. The very curse which he tered was blurred and half spoken. "Keep put of this!" commanded Haines, and reached for the shoulder of his table companion. His grip was strong, but his fingers slipped from a mass of contracted muscles. He might as well have laid an arresting hand on the flank of an avalanche. Harry Gloster went over the table and landed first with his fist on the face of Joe, and secondly, with his feet on the floor. The half numbed fingers of Joe were gathering the revolver again. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.--Henry Ward Beecher. The Hariey-Davidson Single Cylinder Motorcycle is the greatest little machine that has been made. Safe to ride, easy to control, and most economical. Stands without a rival. 100 Miles to Gallon of Gasoline. Down Payment $105, Balance $22 per month for ten months. Price $305. Walter Andrews, Limited, 346 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. THERE is nothing quite equal to Aspirin for all sorts of aches and pains, but be sure it is Aspirin. The name Bayer should appear on every tablet. Bayer is genuine, and the word genuine--in red--is on every box. You can't go wrong if you will jusC look at the box when you buy it: T^ou get better value in tliis wrapped, roll of EDDY'S TISSUE BECAUSE the tissue itself is so superior to what you ger in the ordinary roll. Snowywhite, velvety soft, even in texture And immaculately dear, because the big Whue Swan Roll is completely wrapped, absolutely dust-proof. ■ guarded against all unnecessary handling it only is White Swan Tissue a better sue--it is one of he most economical ;ls you can buy You get bigger » paper why o EDOTS^nSSUES FINEST VALUES INI CANADA nPURITy FLO U R BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING - Pies, Cakes, Buns and Bread - DOES ALL YOUR BAKrNG BEST •:\«UE No. 19--'23

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