Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 17 May 1928, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1928 Allen's Grocery and Hardware Farmers, Attention! We can save you money on Seed Corn. It will cost you less money here than anywhere else. Mangel Seeds, per lb........................50 Turnip seeds, per lb.........................50 Dutch Setts Onions.................2 lbs. .35 Multiplier Onions.....................2 lbs. .25 We have a full and complete stock of • Paints, Oils, Turpentine and White Lead Also a complete line of Hardware Fence Wire Machine Oil JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF SALT Get our prices on Sugar by the cwt. before buying elsewhere, as we sell for less. Come and get one of our new shopping bags--Free to everyone making a purchase at this store on Saturday, May 12th. C. M. Allen & Son All Varieties of Flowers ON SALE TOMATO PLANTS CABBAGE PLANTS CAULIFLOWER PLANTS ALL COLORS IN ASTORS Ready at C. W. Crandell & Son's COLBORNE Stock-Taking Sale May 17 to 24,1928 In taking stock we have found many lines which we must clear out at remarkably low prices. CRETONNES--A well assorted range of colors and designs, p€r yd.................25 CURTAIN NET--Floral designs special, per yd. .25 CURTAIN NET--Plain, extra good value, reg. 35c per yd., to clear.............29 CURTAIN RODS--Straight pattern, each......10 WINDOW BLINDS--Plain and with insertion to clear at, each..........85c and 1.40 BATH TOWELS--Good weight, per pair .... .60 RIBBONS--All widths and shades at. . . . Half Price FLANNELETTE--White, good quality, 28 ins. wide, to clear...................19 THREAD--Coats 200 yd. spools .... 3 spools .25 BLOOMER ELASTIC..........6 yds. for . 25 WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES......Special .85 HOSE--Women's Queen Quality--Exceptional Value, per pair..............2.00 BOYS' BOOTS, sizes 9 to 5, tan or black, to clear at................1.29 We have a full range of Canvas Outing Shoes at Right Prices GROCERIES Choice Dairy Butter, per lb.............38 Weston's Fancy Biscuits, per lb package.....30 Jelly Powders..............5 packages .25 Lemon and Vanilla Extracts......2 bottles .15 Prunes . . ................21b for .19 Evaporated Apples..............21b for .25 Raisins, choice seedless,..........21b for .25 Pineapple, choice, each...............25 Bananas, per doz......................25 Walnuts, shelled, per lb...............45 Rice........................31b .23 Pure Lard, per lb 17c............31b for .50 P & G or Pearl Soap..........5 bars for .23 Fresh Pork Sausage, per lb.............22 UTILAC--the quick drying quality paint-- the paint you have been looking for, pt. .90 j A full range of Paints, Varnishes, Shellac, Muresco and Brushes at the right prices for quality goods. Reynolds & Keating >ne 49 King Street Colboi MOTHER WILL KNOW Where is the book he brought from school? Where did he leave his one foot rule? Where did he put his cap to-day? •" Where is the game he wants to play? Where in the world do playthings go? Mother will know!. Where is there Where can his little playmates be? Where is the dog he rescued? Oh, Mother will know! Where are two arms that hold him tight? Where are the lips he kissed tonight? Where are the eyes that often dim, Fraying that life be kind to him. Where is the heart that loves him so? Mother will know! when sheep EAT DIRT When sheep or lambs eat dirt, wool r other foreign material it is almost certain indication that they lack lineral matter in their diet. Usually • is lime which is deficient. The sit-ation can be remedied by including little bone meal in the diet. new zealand apples New Zealand is doubling her apple export this year and has arranged for refrigerator space on vessels to Great Britain for 1,000,000 cases. The under orchard in New Zealand is 000 acres which with assurance steady market will be greatly inc new Canning factory Through the efforts of the Publicity 'ommittee at Orono, Ont., a canning aotory will be established and oper-ted this season on corn. Already farmers in the district have signed tots to £ sctecl thai • 435 t is vil! be possible to nearly all triplets On a farm in Duffern County, Onit. practically every ewe has given birth to triplets, which is rather unusual. A few farmers, however, are complaii ing of the mortality being somewhat high, which can largely be traced lack of knowledge of proper feeding methods, says the Agricultural representative for the county. GREAT BRITAIN'S COME-BACK Every British heart must feel thiflll of pride in reading another triumphant budget, delivered in Westminster and made posisble by tne amazing and irrepressible resilence of the British people. Since the shattering typhoon of the war, the British nation has suffered from an almost incredible series of economic blows which would have been regarded as gravely disastrous in calmer times. There was the general strike, the coal strike, the crushing burden of un-miployment. There was the need of econquering foreign markets lost dur-ng the war. There was the rising trength of foreign competition, whether it sprang from the energy of United States opulence or from the cut-rate prices rendered possible by European poverty. There were enormous war debts cf her own and other nations to be P In the face of it all. Great Britain has restored her finnancial stability, regained her fiscal equilibrium, com-inig out with a surplus of over $22,-000,000, and now talks of actually paying off her collossal national debt in fifty years! The world never saw anything like it. It is a complete and, we hope, finally silencing answer to those who Brattle of "the decadence" of tlhe Mother Country. A people that cai PLANT DEATH TO MOSQUITOS Cornell Professor BORAX EFFECTIVE Ithaca, May 5th, 1928--Two sim] weapons for the warfare against m quitos have been evolved at the N York State College of Agricultu at Cornell University. Experiments conducted by Robert Matheson. professor of entomology and E. H. Hinman. his assistant, have demonstrated that a familiar water plant is anathema to the larvae of the insects and that ordinary borax, placed in rain barrels, water tanks and other breeding places, is- an effective and inexpensive larvicide. The plant known as chara fragilis, is closely related to the algae commonly l'ound in fresh water pools. Reason Unknown Just why it kills "wrigglers" has not yet been determined, but the experiments suggested that chemical agents released by the growing plant are responsible. Cornell entomologists observed several years ago that natural pools containing excessive growths of chara fragilis harbored no mosquito larvae, although nearby pools, in which the chara was not present, were nurseries for the immature insects. A long series of experiments, recently concluded, showed that the plant was fatal to the larvae of at least four mosquito species. The mortality rate was 96 per cent. Furthermore, it was found that the introduction of small quantities of dried chara fragilis to aquaria also had a lethal effect on the wrigglers. Prevents Breeding ; While experimenting with the plant, the entomologists discovered that borax would not only kill the larvae but that two ounces of the crystalline salt to 10 gallons of water would prevent all mosquito breeding. Professor Matheson and Mr. Hinman, with financial assistance from the research fund established at Cornell by August Hackscher of New \'ork, plan to renew their experiments during the coming season in the hope that much can be learned about the introduction, cultivation and utilization of chara fragilis in mosquito control. DAIRY COW SHORTAGE The establishment of creamery, ice cream plant and milk distributing plant at Fort William, Ontario, has caused a very strong demand for dairy cows in the Thunder Bay district of Ontario., It is impossible for farmers to buy any locally. There is s strong movement on foot to bring in carloads of dairy cows and of young pure bred heifers from Old Ontario. The greatest demand being for Hol-steins, with Ayreshires a close second. PRIZE MONEY INCREASED of $200 in the prize list for Yorkshire exhibits was agreed upon at a recent meeting of the Yorkshire Swine reeders' and R. S. Jenk-. of the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. The extension covers four sections, sows and boars under and those between six and twelve months, and brings the total prize money for this breed to $1,165. fully and nth stride within a decade of the closing of the war. are a marvellous people who--although their quiet modesty Is so easily mistaken for dismay--are the outstanding world's examph virility and know not the meaning of "decadence." MEDICINE MAN GETS FORTY DAYS Vancouver, B.C.--An editorial in the Province takes up the case of Billy Williams of Kispiox, Tsimpsean Indian medicine man to the survivors of disappearing tribesmen in those parts. "Swanusk" is blowing; and Billy, called in by Emma's husband, blew upon the bad knee of Emima--and cured it. "swanusk" is witchcraft, of se, and so the judge gave Billy forty days in jail, and a warning not do it any more. It is a case which ites comparisons. Perhaps it is sn a case which may induce some salutory reflections. iilly was convicted on the evidence, and we have to take the evi-:e as we find it. It shows that white doctor's medicine failed to Emma's bad knee. So Emma's husband called in his tribal medi-man. and Billy went to work. He put on a crown of bear claws, and an eagle feather, and a robe of grizzly pelt. He danced around Emma, sang to her, he blew smoke on the bad knee, he rubbed it, he tried to straighten it. After two hours of that. Billy said that the time had come--the would take the bad spirit out of Emma and throw it away, and be would blow a good spirit upon her head. He also told Emma that she j was going to be better, and the evi-i denee was that she had not been j troubled since with her bad knee, i Emma's husband gave billy his watch in lieu of medical fees. "Let us hope that Billv Williams in jail, chewing the bitter cud of ! the white man's justice, never comes I to hear of all the quacks andhum-j bugs who flourish under the white man's protection. For then Billy | might come to think that his crime was that he cured his patient." If for Th, K\press wants to publish everv-ing in the way of town or district news, and your co-operation will help great deal. Send your news in early, ! there is always a great deal of last inute rush just before publication. SPECIAL PRICE TIMOTHY SEED RED CLOVER SEED ALFALFA SEED ALSIKE SEED SWEET CLOVER SEED SEED CORN and BARLEY We a VE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY i. palen 97 COLBORNE Nanette Hairdressing Parlours FINGER WAVING SWIRL BOB WINDBLOWN BOB ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTING. Will be open for Appointments MRS. LLOYD Phone 147 F. A. Philp Block COLBORNE Business is sensitive--it goes only where it is invited and stays only where it is well treated. Make Sure Your Car is Greased! With the" ordinary small grease guns, supplied with your car, and used by many garages, it is impossible to force the grease through some shackle bolts, spindle bolts, etc. on your car, but with our new Grease Gun of 2,0001b pressure, the grease is sure to be forced to its place. Fits either Alemite or Zirk clips. Bring your car to us and have it well greased! We also have an electric valve re-facing machine, reseating tools, and other up-to-date equipment that makes for quicker and better work. GENERAL MOTORS GARAGE W. J. ONYON, Proprietor Phone 122 King Street Colborne McKay's Service Store Weekly Economy Sales -- Approved Credit -- Free Delivery -- Money Refunded if not Satisfactory Friday, Saturday and Monday SPECIALS 1,000 BARS P & G SOAP........10 bars 39c Limit of 20 bars to a customer SUGAR..................101b for 67c Not more than 201b to a customer ,sp berry or strawbe , 40 oz. jar 49c LAVOLINE, the new wonder cleaner . . 2 pkgs 23c WALNUTS, fresh stock, per lb............39c SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGES -- known from coast to coast. To introduce we offer them at 23c per lb Saturday Only Full line of Seedlings on hand--Asters, Pansies, Salina, etc. Also Tomato and Cabbage Plants. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FREE DELIVERY PROMPT ATTENTION Cash or Trade for Eggs H. G. McKay ~ Successor to W. H. Edwards Phone 2 COLBORNE Ring Time AT THE JEWELRY STORE See our new Diamond Engagement Rings. The very newest settings--■-some rings set in white gold, others in the green gold. The prices too are reasonable--5 Specials $25.00 $35.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 H. J. MAYHEW King Street . Jeweler. Optometrist Colborne coal Alberta coal BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR Drumheller This is the best coal shipped from the West. I expect one car on the first train coing East. You Will Find My Prices the Lowest ira edwards Phones: Office 63; Residence 83 COLBORNE Orchard Hill Laying Leghorns HUSKY CHICKS -- FERTILE EGGS Book your order now for Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs. We ship when you want them. My pen in the Ontario Egg Laying Contest finished in sixth place last year. We can sell you some eggs and chicks from hens that were registered in this pen. A 20% deposit will hold your order; balance payable at time of delivery. ORCHARD HILL RECORDS ARE GOVERNMENT RECORDS If you are in need of an Incubator or Brooder Stove, see me before you buy, I can save you money. ORCHARD HILL POULTRY FARM Phone: 86r3. ' R.R. 3, COLBORNE D. C PEEBLES, Owner and Manager 3-15

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