Mr and MP mm wunanu mlalluInl Umr Inmily dull on necks ha occultn lw wIIlIIp llmu null or multlnl nmhm Idme nlul mm mlllN nmnulnlwl In plan glnlnblo nwmvlnl lnr Mu Imne My nml mum Am rvnvltlml wugnm In rth Mn me mmlvlevl of Mnhllxhll hum llruil 1m mwlmz Arm nl Jill Mle Hyunultl will jihan Mirle II dnulflilrr In Sunday vI um Ir nr ï¬lly Tmnnm 1mm Muru mu mm nl Mn annmp all rall Innnralnl II mrmlwl Aml mu Hmny prrnrnl my mvlro Va nmluriwl Hugh Mm mm In Umllrngu MNM Sunday vlnilnu ilk Mr nml Mn Ilny lcl1rkrn mu lr aml Mu Culquhmln Inrl Mr Nmll Mr null Mn Wm unl Mule Mr And Mn Mor Iwn and childnn Tnmuln Mr Aml Mn Arnold erudm linml Wayne Illnnc nml KM 4an Ray MI IL HWYNMH 3cm Mnf Hulk mm kaend wllh rrlnlhu ll Drl NE on group ï¬an hm quills hm ï¬lling mcir Rod Cm Monday nflcmoon at Ibo harm of Mrs Pat Ramsay Mr and Mrs Novfls Mn Eunlcu Novils and Mm 1le nassinzlhwuile Hsilcd ln Elm vnle Sunday with ML and Mn Name 06 Mn Snider huxlcu or the ï¬nal hmmaxlng mul nhlch he and Mn Gamble Juan comludetl or lhc VI Sum Inmy day be mm April Trinity Pansh HnIL nan1e And Mrs IL HMKSNI Mr Mr Dunn and Mn nldwln nltcndul St Andrewl Ichurdl service in Barrie Mnrdl 27 The 1qu lanthicr Mr nd Mu llnrnhl DoughMy wu onn Um chfldrm baptized dw Amlu CRAIGHUHST MRS LORNE HANDY 5R Please phone your mm Hem tn mm Red Cross Month March L1 over and April begin annlher This L1 known as Daffodil month in aid oi cancer FASHIDN SHOW Friday evening Man 15 the lawn hall was decorum or spring lashlon show sponsored py Dogï¬san qus Insu lng to the value of $18 had been sea In Toronw Mm Hedonism read scripture and madilallan Mrs Inward chaplar mm the study hank Woman Io Woman Mr klnson mld hvw life has changed or the Eskimns Next meeting be Mrs Arl Hansens April 19 Visiwrx welcome at all meetings was voted toward the renova on the church Mn Han vlen Dorcas secretary repofled Inbalaolnewmimqddoth Mrs Molly De Mumford has rtlurncd to lawn and staying with her daughter Mrs Don Venom models poured wearlng 5pm mosses SulLI sud summer alum Irom lllrs Pmkneys shop Hols gloves and purses also complemented the models costumes Mrs lllonkman was commentator Durlng lhe evenlng draw were made The audience was enter lslnod by trio young dam cert Loulu and Barbara ergln and Sharon Cook Mls anlce Monkman sang solo and Mrs George McConlsLon gave monologue Toronlo lurrlor modelled several styles The Curling club sponsored mixed bonsplel March 15 with 16 rlnh taking part Prlle wln nera were am draw Cassclman Orlllla Ralph lloughlon Markdalc Dung Ross Cookslown 11 am draw John Doe Dawruviuw Dnn Ramsay mksmm Gordon Taylor Tm ronto Mr and Mrs McKilllcan have returned home ahea ho may In Florida Wank or wllcmra of the Famlly Fun night to be held in Hue school the evuilng at April 29 Murray McDawcll new Chi tago racenLly or Ulrwday lqursg at the Sum train Mr and Mrs Rage Halve udchudren Toronla vlemd °Lhe lormers parents Mr and Mrs Rain sann mu St Johnn WA mceï¬ng at the home at Mr Filmy db cusud business directed by pm sldenl Mr Vflliafn fliley $50 Mrs Coulis kcanvales clnc at her homo lmvmg lallen rcggnuy 9me la shmddcr Mr and Mrs Gordon onncl ly and children are leaving lawn the first April and wlll lay up lidfllce Aqmga Mrs Olive McMaslér hï¬ ie lumdlu her home in town havinupcm Christmas In Sash Jiclmwan with her sunlnlaw 23nd daughler Mr and Mn Nurman Scull and the remain der the wlnler In Calltanlla wllh her son Donald AROUND SIMCOEV COUNTY Miss McMASTER COOKSTOWN DALSTON Lulu II Vhllinl hrr In memm min llnndy and Mn Donnhl Han Mn 1le Elm and Mn mul Mn mm MM Au EIl Mva mmlav mum with ML ml My 11mm lmJL MIL Wllllnm Gallup ml Mu mm Ilwll Hle Mr nnd Ml Ikmn MCKMW mic 1mm ILJ JMmlhmp Mr Iml Mm 1mm Anleng Amy iulul nl ltunn mam Mu Vllllnm ï¬ll and Mn Wplllmn lullnn uxwul Wmlnwlny Mllh Jan Lark Mnynrv Mn Hun Mdilwnln vllllrul umpla dlyl Ilh Mr null IIIWI Mr nml lxI lltll nl INNINI llw duer fur lhrvv MJI Al Kuumdnc Lrmwu huluy nrninl 1n Um Ian Innlslll The No large summtr rulllrncm In the Duublnlnr prnpcny nn Ihu mum show the hay Immed Ialrly cm Mmoln nus Irma turn down by Clmrnrn Canning and Jr Krhnnn Vc umkr Aland the properly IIM hem pur rlmml Ivy Ilaylnim mum ll um nrmcrly uwnnl hy Coop Itnlalb annm and Wevlnunly by the lvlnmlmk lnmlly Our lulurmlfllnn ll MVHM lum nw homu In In ereclul hm Nmmfln 11mm rmlml wwa 11 hi lrrullmlIulnw anlvr llnluln um klllrll le MA ml Mm IInHmn Mum In mnlnr MridrM mum Hwy IInrplq odpcrkcr also known as The Cork of the Norm was observed in mm on two accaslmu short lime ngu 1th hird little smaller lhnn now did talk sldcrable damage In pinu mes 1n the dislrltl ln llw All 19 also amund CamphtIlford We were wry In lcarn nl Um mm In Tomnln nnblly nallnnlyne and Miami ympnlhy lo hls mother Mn Imllnn Una Ind ulhrr member the Family whn hm hm summtr cut1£frl alum 119 mm ondoltnmio Mu Hid Im lmby In lho der of Mr mm Mrs Imnc Jury Dnlslnn NEW DEVELOP Mr and Mrs Frank Varley and family who an resent llvlng in Markham recon 1y vis Lied Mr and Mrs Willrtd be Congralulations la Thumas Warm who celebrated his BSUI bigflgda arch 21 Spring Froli be held by Mincls Associalion Sulur day April 16 830 pm at CM ndian Legion Hall 73 Gamer 5L Darrin Ilcfrtshmlnln will be scrvnd All am welcome and tlckcu may be secured at Min ens Ggyccry sune car conval esclng her hum allowing an operation kn Royal Viclnrlaflox pi 11m Mr and Mrs Gough nnss Junk and Terry and Mr and Mn Hafm Vurslen attend ed the banquet of the disuicl HolsteinFrisian Association al Guxhrie with Mrs Bu Massey March 17 In an Irish selling prepared ruslicnlly by the hostess Speaker was George Cooper principal Shanty My School who outlined Um back gmund of the proposed univer sity and ï¬n it hopes to become and mean to tho community Mrs Robert Sinclair and flea he visited several days with her mum Mr and Mrs Bram PRINCIPAL SPEAKS Mr 51 Mnflwén mm and MIL Allan Hmwn attended the banquet Ontarin Hug Producers Associalinn Bl King Edward Hotel Tommi Mardl 22 The next day they were present at linings the Marketing Boar The mhool board provided the evanlnzs entertainment vii Howard Campbell on duties of school board Harold Husband extra curricular activities 91 scholarships laid duy oral com petitions eta Gordon nldwcll unnsporktion Bernal McKay procedures re building schools John Cruxl9 ï¬nancial aspect and Dr Walsh Ule future schools This proved to he in tucstlng and enlightening Lunch was served Mr and Mrs Mor ley Olnment were welcomed guests April will have delegales 1mm here mend on Iha 6th and report to he April mccllng MrsGeorgo Campbell request ed ilzms or the animal ccnlcw n13 project history of this area Holmes concerls pic nlcaschoo14 elm may ha lell with huNKAn Dicker or Dr Moan Principal DJWiLson rammed bus tour or the various clause Grade will be Ouawl June and 47 Home and School Asmullnn met at ha schoni March 21 Treasurers Indicated 0204 raised on Project Night Mrs Cook who alluded Home and District Council at Elm vaie reporud centennial prone nl calliecung booksiand maga zines or use by Lndlan Pupils Representatives have been nom inaled in nach are who will set updepols for pnliaciion Wmng Emmi In Mr Wmlarns blrmdny nlvemry nbmn mamas I1 ï¬esg Memorial Schanl MINETS POINT MIN HMI ALLEN Hy Mill RIIN IM CROSSLAND UTOPIH home of Mr and Mn Jaék McCann Fo110w1ng devollom and pleasing inanclal xLporls lwn 13me Were discumad Plans were made to hnld bnofll at ha Bush arm sale and 10 me or the galdm mam anniverg my ce1chratlonol ML and Mn George E1113 The hostess served del1clous lunch Mr and Mrs Ken Bush VII llnd Wednesday wllh Mr and Mn Mex Dempslcr Bartle ST GEORGES WA vislted Mr and Mrs Amati Dedmpster Elmvale lm wéek Mrs Priolcmi Toronto spent the Weekend with Mr and MIL Alth Dempater Ge wing at THE GREATEST NEW CAR VALUES OF THE YEAR luummn ml Movmln MIIflnnqnhWBHIIOWMILaumhuu Sly uh Mumml ml mm mnnlmum Delnm Imammm lmrwhuol ovum mummy briuhl chroma wheel lm mould Inul Five bnghl whvlnwnli Inns PLUS llww value lealum nvmlablo on nvmy Cuuml 201 ml on annual COMET 202 SEDAN snanIY mlmpuml and Inocinll mmndl Them boauhlu two and omdoor pollwuhl Wlulo Cumul 202 mm lum ho Mkyamonlh wood mnmml nmnumion mm unwound wnhIlmusuncialSnailiumwmlosmlmmm no EIIVIHU mm my and ninth inuvnur Specially equipped Specially priced Speeiallypuilt for this sale only vy Mimi lpoérnhlnMalumhlo My Curved Pxnperly is changing hands In lhln vicinity HIr Oahu Barrle has pur chased the Alexander properly Mr Alexander has mm Mr Moms arm Mr Moth has pun chased arm in Mcdonle Wil liam Couzhlinhas sold his arm lo Emmett Sgnne Jim Fnra has taken over Hawk Tracnyi arm GIFTS By mm 14 SCOTT Lorne Rnwden lwmu after mending three weeks In Bards hospih REAL ESTATE social evénlng was bald In lhuchoal Friday night or Lar PARK morons BARRIE no Banana ANTEN MILLS ounwuhn vnhm Mn and lnubdocv wluln Mulml can 500 mlam haw mm mogul SloWuhl me Salty lanlum Pawn pmlmmluq 240 LuMc Inch ocvllndnv mums Ionumrl wum Um ulkyImnum and Jun Hangs rnuIIIduva Nch Mohc mmrmswun slnmlnnl mnliummt on made only dwinu mm In DunncnvaMumcluunwllmlwhuulcovm Dvaumul huum mulnl wnduw lnm EM mass wlmlnwn 1m mom shouldev mom Ioolctmlrnlml wrung mm Cmainllu humor SMuly paddud ummmnnl panel um won hunt and mm um ham wmlhhinld wmhm mnmgnncy llleu oumdn mar vhw HHOL MUEO RIDEU 00 SEDANB light at thevevantnx was wok wedding whlch caused Yth laughter Larry and Narma were Presented with Aheautflul pala lamp and mlrrmz Larry apoke In appreciation the gtfla My wttl reald ertn Toronto Mr and Mrs Etnï¬r Thump mn and sons Hamilton yistled nnSundny gt tut Mr an rs an Vagner and sun Delhi have moved hm lo lhalngï¬eraparlmenls unlll they have their new Mm hum Thaladles ahxlllnry Canad lan Legion honnred Comrade Laura Padrlison with life mm Mr and Mrs Dale Weather ill and family Kitchener hav laken pcssessinn heir arm raglan Wrghasgd ram Scan By MRS PADDIEON NEW LOWELL hemp pin Comrade madam mm nunmin MONDAY Ann 1m Faking hie prnsentallvn M411 addlson prnud at bar pn she ha oldest member 3mm me Mrs Harvey Scott and Hugh Mrs Paddison and AnneMr and Mn inner MLQuay and Trasa attended Hue KcllyPad dison wedding Mardrm in Barrie Cmgralulallous In Mr and Mrs Fréd Prosser Slayner who celebrated their smh wedding anniversary March12 num ber ram here attended this re ception Mr and Mn Frnsser have llvcd most heir live In Sunnidale By MRS LAVENDER George Bidde by train thls week or gym Lakean Byba haining accepted posxuw ere Ha or iuhlo mam maul IMo lhialdl an Iron sum Iniuhl whilnwnll mu PLUS lhm muulay Ion anun nidnu 500 hnlllloli Dewnil tmnmm waWIownll Culvnd lulu ulm wmrlnwn LIn mom auldev loom llnmuhln nu lumhln kw Summariud arcvlmlw pawl1 wont mm mm mm Imls 11mm luvunmx ham to quIM Mn Allch Smooth tide unpenuou unnoth out rough mm Uqu whoIlla in ill chum lawn cm In no pouulm mu link Wulnu whuel Mk in Man to wales um MW Snlmy Padded lmlmmwl nlnol burl vuuuImmnmlvmIMle ndhlldwllh uamauuoncyllasluuou1d uwimmmov Ircviuklu gum allvinyl lnlmlon In cnowns Mrfand Mn Harvey Comer and sons Barrie were visitors he Harald Wright home Sun ny Mr and Mn Ralph Iickllng Shanty Bay wera visitors at Charles Simpsons over the week Mani 20baplisni was ad minutered In the Unilad Chuch Dabum by Rev Mr Haynes lo JackaLvnm Kfm daughter of Mr and Mm James Partridge lne 3mm Mn and Mn Bert hummer Czean and Mr and Mm Dee Paxtrldga Clwas pm present and nutndad the dinner party Mr and Mrs John Boardsali and MrsVlclor Dicker and ed the funzral of relauve Ed gagAmaylhnvale Mth 28 air and Mn smimnsan Spell day at Gravenhmtm wee armsmmm Ylu Malta and Cornell won Ipuclnlly bullt for IIIII lulu Only In llmllod numbnr maIpnclnlcarnmuvnllnula Tnh Idvnnlaac ha uumul nuw car vnluu your Vlfll your Mommy dlnlnr dur lnu hll snolllnh WM Bull Camel 201 20001 Scum By nms CAR0N Bill Kant Streaming vial ed Wednede wiLh his yuan Mr and Mn Kanln Mr and Mn Doug mch munLined Mend andJalaum at dinner party Saturday um V7 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Mr End ME Sun Healey Vascy vlsmgd lhelr parents Mr and Mrs Stephenson Mr and Mrslhmnas Spencer and son Kevin Richmond Hill 3mm Sunday at John New erl ï¬rs Carson waned hat daughter In Toronto Sahmhy APTO