Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1966, p. 7

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wa Brewery Ltd in Quebec Annuunccd earlier this week it will dump memo gallons of beer lolluwing remain that 18 persons described as heavy drinkm had died recently In the Quebec my area mm mysterious heart ailment Wont Remove Beer MONTREAL omm po lige in suburban Mann Royal have aimed hmficr tn up 3119 Eaqfigeg of chum lung Palice ChleI Walter Boyle said Saturday tha so far three amng lhsmm om tour ML He said the hiddent fol lowed growing complaints in the suburb about the Wuiow gangs of teenagers couple oi cvqnings ago he said three of the longAhaircd membcfl of set which hangs wt In local restaurant vmc gfiked up or loitering and an hing the peace TORONTO CFlG Slep duel llquor commissloner Onlarlo says no beer will be taken of the Ontario market the wnka of an lnvesflgauan to number of dcnlhs among heavy beer drinkcn 1n Quebec lntensfllnd lasting of beer will mum in Ontaflo however £17th imam house my were given the option pKA Menus court having the hair cuttwin their parent mn sent Thay objedcd so while twn constabla hnld and youfln in mm third went on work with pair of desk scissarS TELESSES SIIORN Mull umr destmclim the wnlully mutated mm and agreement by the ywth that enthlng mm look bench So barber was calledat the police departments expenseo convert the hacked looks into neat short back and Side an The polflo hope the lessml win have some effect but me mmbg Managua think diffen may lheyre mm and 1113 have demanded mceflng wl Mayon Reginald Dawson to pro No medical evidence has been produced to link in death with Bow but com pany spokesman flld the move wu suture to regain public confidence Beer said by Dow in Ontario in produced by Ontario Brewer ies And the company said it will not stop sale hm OTTAWA CF TM Ottawa cam ol Donna Pace and llenllm Clark dclcalcd Shawn Rumbau and Lynn Campbell ofArppglyr suturday In blah Ichaoldclinling minimums Dr Ottawa Area achonh Miss numbers wall judged but wvlduzdspwkcr In the NEWS ROUNDUP compcullon an An trance Khfllnrxhlp to Ollnwn Unlvcnliy Dom Amprlor girl Are nnd In Gruda 11 iha comm Iponmmd by the unhmfly and thc an memnl Team Defeated 1h lmry Pinmm ll lamNu lnlu lull lawn on Um rm mm umrmM tho T1 Inin In WMmmm lmr mw 1M um the manual Pdlicé Turn On LangHaired Set SPRINGTIME SHOW WINNIPEG 1GP gold min which reodved reprieve though an unprecedented pro vincial govumment loan three year Ago wfll ceasc Operation th ond June Mlneu Minister SimMm Lyon 471d was coderenca Satur day But San Antonio Gold Mines Md EM lbs 501 Industry the town no miles northeast of Whnlpel informed Hm zovanmont of in decision Friday Ha said no firm de dared it could not continue to operate economically with duoed gun and rising costs Mr Lyon Laid Iho sole pur pose of the Man was to keep ha lawn 800 alive and added that the loan la secured by first morlgnge which gives the gavemment every hope be big mpnld Forester author of he lamed Captain Horatio Horn blowr sea stories died Satur day in Human Calif He was 56 AP Wirephob San Antonio received $140 000 loan from tho Manitoba gov ernment in 1963 and has been getting $15000 monthly fed uni provincial subsidy since last December SARNIA CWRobert ll31¢ New Dnmocraflc Party leader Quebec said Saturday them should be mm of the 31 of 1517 in Ontario and In 1807 be said the roma sim aplriu Upper lavrcr Canada uniltd to achieve the rim MIMI durumnu prize the wodd our Canada could go award in Inancyl nnd dcainy ll Quebec Onmrhz could museum Um link Nd unila than and whim lle deep in lhclr cvmmnn history and il can ammo the present day the spirit xm Mr Cliche spoke at lnnquel ending daylong lamblm Wes NIH Association coder Cease Operation Author Dies Spirit Revival Nullrml my Mm Ml INN will be hrhl Ml your Apt 1147 WM mum Mun1m mm Imlllno or 0H Hm Ml vnqmm FORESTER Dawuymm says page mm mm Saunbmv the Unified States will Lakef steps in Seoul try to end the Medan mu The dispatch mm news papers ndeut in the Rhodeslnn cam is based an an interview Sunday vrlm Sir Roy Weknsky former prime mister of he shmllvcd Car trad African Fedorat Walensky who had he feder ation amp the colmet Brit kh colon ol ol Northern modem Nyualand Wide WWWQM states of mm and Malawi Iespedively and Southern 41 is quotqd msaying gt speedy muem and dont think that ma appeals made them wifl all an anal It We Weiensky saying vital to Americas lnlcr cats to that dhaoa and mm do not spread in TORONTO GP Vicwr Remer 1mm the United man am Iion waxmen aha unions ah udea equality of wages in tho am mobile industry Mn Reulher Invite UAW President Walter Reuther Md mectingut me unions Cana dian council that glabal wage parity would require unuy purpou among 0w wvrlrdn la bor menu The UAW has drendy started inward it goal he said The unmnl president and other top UAW ofliccm established fake Miami centre In J1 May Take Steps rage mam centre itnéia year rum our dlvhnglyu l5 mkmmm In fllzat oou apan wot omEh largest auto rmdncu Wan erg my uhidh has nnnmuwg it La field ing least 20 candidauss In the next mvindal genural 01 ion does no really expect to win any ml In the Queboc Iegisjnmn party official nah rector of Mamicmenl yur lIndependnnca Nalkmale said In All lnwrviw it in mam important In mvo the separatist portion at um elsglarata Him Worldwide dunes Miami ilséil elect candidates What internsh us most We present time is to kw uhera mu voices are ilhh election txpoctcd th year mum provide on accu rnw assessment separatist 5va tho pmvlncn WASHINGTON MP TM Unilul Nallom needs Wfl chm ohmval In My in palmlllnl the Wed tumble mots group nl mm mm upon ha old tho U8 DLsannnrmnc Maury They Mlmalmi ho lnllhnl an flanking and openumz mmdmollkmtvrflmlm yenr 4131390 pngo sully mm by the db nnnnmcnl my nnd rpluuod SMuulny by ha Vavhlnz on mm lvrclxn Pulley 11mm The centre which gmlwd he Iludy LI pan the new IVan inth ltulllu If John IIMMM Unl many The ulud mtyod mm MANN mm mm ho Lemme Nation nlmmt hall Maury N20 In unkfi Enter nnurmnl organizations hm luv Imnkm ll flap small wnm and lurk Denimrem nrmlta mm inky an or main munQM Enter Candidates Need Peace Corps Eye markup pager Plum Renaud national db HIM all you Imm Imp In ScatMd Sum ymmtlf Iha lolklmc cl bygone nae whcn Bonnie Prince CIch loamcd lhu 7Jan Hml Mm of whim Iwalllcf and luck will he ynuu Imcm lhh yen IIOAC nflm you lho honkll wny Io Scnlhmd Fly by mngnlfictnl RomRoyce 707 kt llld hch mm 20 nighu cvny ck lrom lmunlo In Olmgow Like many Canadian lxlnu you dimwu he Inna wumlh of Smuixh welcome And tlmncu are youll find yamcl linglnp My Munn in tho Highland And waning II All uwr Ihc wmld llOAC lulu ml mu you IIINII IVIIIIAI HIM MINIMIII VIII All IM 1nva SIWICI III INIth FOR RESERVATION AND TICKETS CALL 0K Johnson ANYONE FOR HOP SCOTCH An nu Canadian Pro survey 150m pm Fridaxlm midnight Sunday lncal times also showed 23 died In lrdllic mix haps one was drowned and two died in unclasifed node denu At least 42 persons died Sn ac ddenu across Canada during the weekend including 11 in one In in Onurlo Ontarin led the provinces with 20 dentin 11 fire deaths the Ojibwny Indian rescm on Parry Island in Georgian Bay 55 mflu northwest of Oriiiia included nine children and two adults Ontario also had eight tram deaths and girl was killed when she wan run nvcx by bnildozor QJebEc hindflscven uni death and one person died of ughyflfiuen Bntlsh Columbia had alx Ira Ic dam and drawmug Sa sketchcwan and Alberta each had three manic dealh and Nova Scam had one kguidunfilond Pdnca Ed ward Island New Brunswick and Manitoba wm family from Thu IUXVC docs nal Include known winIdes dnyings nalu ral or lnduslrinl deal The Ontario dead Mrs Jessie Levitt 79 and Miss Pond Dawdy4 as both St Catharina when lhoy were struck by cm while emaan St CnLharlms 5ch 0A0 Iclcr Fellcnu 10 01 Ottawa whtn he run in run 01 car an all ounwgyxprquy myoamld man and yourold woman both unldmll Hui whan Iheir car paxked truck ll hey rncnd wlm An oiher car on city firm In Toronto Robert Flood And erhnrd Goldrup bah II Hnmillm when the car they won rldinx 1n Ml hrldgo nhulrmm m1 Ihu rmdlnn ol ma Quacn Ellmbclh Way fin St Catharina SATURDAY Haven Dtrlbns newn ham 1mm onn lamily In In that daalrowl ourmom lmun 1m lho OJlbwny Imllnn Ilcscrm MI IMry Inland nlml mllu northwm Orlllll Dcnd Ire Thomulnl nlno mnnltu Damn Trncy Donna Charla Ind Abby Judge he clvll Irml zrmulumllwr Mu Mnry Jnnu Judge 71 MIN Mny nu Nm Tnbnhumlunu And my Full 50 mum The warm drwlaling water in hydro therapy tank is ex namely helpful 11 the treat ment of many crippled mild ran it pain rdievlng and relaxing enabling the hera pist no use her skill in giving Weekend Mishaps Claim 42 Lives THE CANADIAN PRESS mm Im haul MIMImum HELPING CBIPPLED CHILDREN SUNDAY from the Ram Reserve next Orillln Deborah Jones crushed by bulldozer at her hum In Powamn 20 mile 50ml of Bay William iviuiioberu 13 struck by car while ridinz his bicycle near hi3 home in Richmond 10 miics souih at Ottawa By THE CANADIAN HESS Fullerton CalmQ For ester 66 author of the famed Capt Roxana Hornblowzr lea sagas New York Russell Grouse 73 anther ol numerous Broad nheufillfi which aim pul Ilzcr Prim in ma Jnmnlown NYGllhm Hammond 61 foam Swmd World War cmcswndem thu Boslwlravaltn Norton VA ViwAdmlnl Sir William Below 57 the Royal Navy deputy supreme Allied commander Atlantic Lluullne SwitzerllndGlnn Ballsla Fnrlnu 12 one at lM bestknown automobile dulgn nrs In be world 5L CIUIIYIIH Ont Rex The Lung Stlmcn 65 wall known mdln nation CKTB sporlscnslcr Munlrenl my Harold Damn pastor St Pal rlcku Church and wlddy known and rnspccled Duals Ipenk In Roman Calhohc prim yyaynplny Stats lloxpe Carmen Ncnl 7L wile cl Ilulyl Dcpuly Prcmlcr Pidra Ncnnl beneficial massage and exca cise Equipment sud as this Is another of the helpful sor viccs that are provided through Easter Seal rm In Dania area the Easter Soul cam paign again this your sorcd by he Kiwanlx Cl DEATHS Saturday April 9th Easter In Memoriam special Easier Classified Page In remcm branco of loved ones will be published In Tho Examiner on Saturday April Suitable verses may be submiiicd or our classified doparilncnl will help you will 1ho welding for your vorso Copy Deadline Wednesday April 61h Phone The Classified Department 7282414 Eh ifiarriv Examimzr mm min Mm Ann ma Four week residual drama mm lens Canadl endtd Saturday mm with adjudica turrmmm of three plnyx In so 1n lhenallona finals In Vic toria May xszl Seven inausb an chosen mm ll regions tn comprise lhIL yam1 Damlnlun Drarqa Festival Ihe film You win ner will be announced later Winning plays in Women Quebech Central nnd wmm Ontario xeglom warn mum mntlcllly assured berth ln the lipal campelfliom the Sukglchfiwm Albegta Brlflah Caiumbi zénes and one and mm the our Atlantic provinces and thy Eulan Qur bee Edslem OnurloQuzbec zones were was no Manlluba festival this year The first group I0 maka it to the finals Wu named at the end of Lhe Westem Ontario re along festival in Niagara FAIL March 26 Adludlcamr Barry Morse gave top honors Io bun don Lillie Theatre or II prod ACROSS CBNADK By THE CANADIAN Plums monmnm win coma mm Regbml Drama Féstivdls End Your invéstment grows by BANKVOF MONTREAL HIGHYIELD SAVINGS CERTIFICATES MY HBNH vaialzla in amaum from $10 $50000 any branch of Canadas First Bank in six years with math ludvik In Wane Quebec and Cebun1 Ontqu IC glans concluded Snlnrdny USE CANADIAN PLAY In Montreal adhdlulor Mar eel Saboluln chm 14 Mnnvr men Callemnlml produc tion Lu Donne byfiknn fiend while Else Munzh vwho ndludicatad the Central Ontario rexlnna mum In Toronto picked an Original Canadian play Stranger Unto My Braumm by Toronto playwright JothBurgesa presented by The Qucslon mm Barloth 113mm Mm Qouruer hndHer mv The first regional lesflvnl was held in Edmdem NB Mnrah 1M1 Jamaal Zouvl Id judlcator to All Adam prov Incu Elvevthe top award to University of New Bruns wick Drama Sodaly or us presentation of ArUnn Millers Death Salesman Prince Edward Island xkalchewan and Eulem Que bec rcgiuna lesllvals were held 1115 allowing week Mr Zouvl In Charlotletown Cashable at any time gave the best producflan Award to the Summers RCAF Play er or Lawrence anans Um der The Yum Yum Tree Universal Oooiar oi Barrie On arlu division 01 SiloBoy 000i ers Limited is planed in my mum the appoimni Mr George Mom Exam VieePruidml Mr Mordeu has had many yam of extensive apexlame in senior cxeculivg capacities fluvughout Canadas manufac turing indmlry For the past three years he ha been Gen eral Manager Dislribuiion Div lsioll Consumer Product in cluding RCA Whirlpool Appli ances RCA Victor Company MonkeaL UNIVERSAL COORER APPOINTMENT Georg Mord fi$¥fig QM

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