Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1966, p. 4

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MIMI IIWHIIKIHL ml Ha lal mnalmnl imlfll mun tree sported rnrlous lype lanes known as board mldharh lance whldt mlribw led math to lhn nnowdrilt problom 1m once wlllch bor dmd the blunt was made mu llpaLLd to col Apart wllh thm huwy unnlnncd boards MUM hmlzontnlly Alan nits wlUI fourth board pcln nnilzd along the tops the ml flat In tho macs bdwrm 1m board were stmldmt xtrlntu of barbed wlra In extra do tamnl In the maps pigs Ind other arm nnlmnll nnlo the mmL Until 1932 Mr Holthkkx op ulrd hll own milk ddlvcry vke In nurrlc Soun day In had in milk 01 mm cows early in the mom Inn cool In lry cold wrll water nwnxum It Inln lnu bol Uu of mm pint or mm mm Ilu It and lth dtlivrr II In nulnmerl In hnmdrnwn Iray In mmrmr cull In wiry ll MILK really wnn lrchl mm the um and IL sold Iva cum win or Ion ttnll By BRIAN BAKER The In farm slill operating the western outskirts oi Har lie is that of Richard llolch kiss lie movod lo his Tillin Strut larm adjacent lo the wrsc side Highway 400 from Scarborough in 1920 at timo when the land as far east lnio Barrie as Nixons Conde plant and where Barrie Fairground iare now located was all farm and When first came Barrie lhe roads were mostly used by thorse lralllc rurh as wagons hulzgim dnmocrais cutters Alcighu and cartS says Mr lHotohkisl In the spring liflln nslreet broke up aims like bog and remember that we after another rlcighloads Ytordwood coming in on lain mpring rnvw Wmlld lip onto the road and the disth dnii verx would have lhe hard work nl landing up all aver again road wan not mauplwed until 1936 Up ill that lime we lncal lmrsl owners were in de mnnd at 52 law by car owners stuck In the snow drills llarrlu did not seem to allu at all lrnm when first calm until alter Ihe Second World War nnw you would scarcely recog film it or what it was Wth tint came only our house ulood bclwmn lha 5h Side road lnnlslil than kn an lnl arms Hand and Allrcd EganMum Among kaprcsentalives at the annual umlerenca 01 0mm Hydm area managers held In lomnto last week was is mm Hydfl Geor Operating Last Farm On Barrie Outskirts DISTRICT HYDRO OFFICIALS RT CONFERENCE um um In In ml pm In in In wl in why lo urinal ullh Mm about how and when lhu car mould ht drhm Ona nl lhtm produrrd knit Ind hnld II hi lhront he Iald Gnnllner wu dlarunl wilh maul and pruning dun man woman And mmlu with nmull Youths Arrested 0n Assault Charge Strntlord youllu Me In nmcnr In mull Tuesday in countdim ilh Ill nlquuI knllo awn on Slrallard mMMlsl Michael Gnrxlinrr 19 nnd Vrny Brook 19 mo nrresltd nflrr Ynul Ilndrln old polka lwn youth hu by zivm rlde In lhe summer Ihe cow and larger calm go out In paslum where they llva carrlm llle unconcnrntd by chlldmn specter lora ha war traffic on Id Jncenl aumzumlinx hlxhwayn or the presence at refrigmslim laclory ln mm mldst It In lnA nesting in nole that despiu all tlulpcamcsa 01 human activity llllle calvu born ll pasmrl will stlll lake on nnlural car or man Wilhln lwo or three day unlrm Mr lloldlkiss bnnpu hum hark In ham 1151 cw day Ihe calm will run Away llka dm uhm awrnadn In his barnv framed wilh handhewn Iquarcd Umbeu made In the 1880s and mu showing the cut marks made by Ihe big hmad axes used to square the timbers 1mm his ma trunks he still keeps twelve head of Hemloer bee cows and calves in exhibilionlikc cum dition His new is soak the hay by hrawinx walnr over he halos befnre hey an led In due animnlx This makes the hay more parnmble and easy to digest CAREFREH LIFE He notes that especially early mile naming the sweet smell of pinklgq gompelod with the strong smell of freshly cut Inm bcr an lhapmpcrty MW occup led by the Ontario Cooperative on lunisfll Street ormerly oc cupied by saw mill and nicklc laclona quart says Mr Hotdlkksi Cuslmmra didnt have refrig erators at the time so it had In be delivered every day Ol came some people had ice boxes Even the lime pa IeIuized milk was available at one cent quart extra sumromp 1cm Iwn the left km area manager Cannlnsion and mm the Barrie office Pile sales superinlm dent Ferguson regional manager Gralf mn mnl HUMP In muln yum NNVICT ENGINEER CATANZAHO Indy IMIAA mm convlclrd lmlnmnn SM urday night or mnnzhuzhlrr in Mrck lllnl killrd pcrsnnl In polenr llaIy ml rnll dlmlar Ha wm unlrnred In 10 yell In prison Ciro MIMI mu englnm Um runlml mmmulnr lrnln In he ler Don ML The pmmulnu Inld Im 14 drlvinz Ill oxcmlvo ml The Mn murtlrrx x5 dunks lmm nknhrvllrm rkmrlal dun am hnmeacd dent lnlnllllu And in nhorllou deaths Mnjor musts nl automo bIlc drfllh are altdin Inn lurcd chest of he drivrr and lraclurcd Akull the passen ger Then injuriu can b4 greatly reduced lhmgh the use shoulder helm energy My smlmnt nonpcnrlmllnfl slurr lnl Ihalu and WK lxrm pml dim on he lashbmml and 1d in bmldnx down statistically the 4221 death reported to his office In 1965 Dr Shulman nous that rcrlzln structural changes in nuamohile construc lim could prevent up to one lhlrd all mm dcfllhs Dr Shulman says In his run nun report that more ware 175 suicide compared wilh 153 road deaths He add 01 his nflice now is hnldiug Inquest inla all suicides uhzrc lhcre am indica tions that similar death can be prevented TORONTO CPIDr Marlon Shnlman Metropolilan Toronto coroner says Metro sul cldca exctedcd lrnflic dcnlhs In was or the Hm lime Mr Holdlkiss has many In teresting implement from he pmmechnnizallan cra includ lmza democrat wagon wilh wooden wheel spokes one horse anllw hay rake loop lype hnrraws made In Scotland in the 1300s hay chopper and wwdenwhcelod cultivator He still prefers to pump watu by hand pumpl Suicides Exceed Traffic Deaths ed ofllérwisc 14ml construc tion has Iefl the mm creek mm whiuh the cows drink rather muddy but he hopes this cmditiun will clear up be maflla cows go out to pasture aumer service and saw en ginser Hydmaarea manag ers my rumsible or 31 rural areas serving more Man 515000 Mdplysglkged um mini Hydro Photo The by aw taming In prndilurl 3111000 In mm Iho mum of Hwy mu uupvrlnlm dml wax mu er llmu ml mm INPEMIIIM COMMUTE mnllun was mvrdwl by Councillon Gihhins and llurnn Ihnl nlknal IMHI ho Imlnllfil the lllh lino railway rmsinx of the ON Thl buy crowing sinus the paved mml mm In usc ROM USTR 0y mu Mnurlra Iloynolvh Wm Immlnlul later from All Evan MPP Simcnc Centre was read to Counril allowing me rccripl upon by he hifluray ongim on the advisabilny ml it man or slnnala nl Highway Glurthill cornvr These were not rcuammemled as oniy KM CLManta have been cardui hut inttmrcnnn II nccldrnls warrant atop gnu than the corner ol tho um line and Highway 11 ihnuld rnle mnyhlcmlion N0 STOP LIGHT Tha Park Commiuca was given pcrmlssinn to enquire ln In he purchase of nnnlhcr truck to replace the former vehicle The Department of Transport and Publicity has reslrtclcd tren planting by pupils lrom Innis They say that it is desirable that the South Simcoe planllnxs thls year take place in West Gwillimhury lawmhip Inslmclions Wm lssutd lo have lendm mcivvd or brush and weed spraying materials or township mad NEW PARK TflUCK Prlcesron powder nr use In warble fly spraying wil be ob Rained by the dark NOT FOR INNISFIL ROADSIDE SPRAYING Tho travelled portion much Sweet In Mrny 15 lo be moved to centre In road alluwanca Comer requested this at the last meeting CENTENNIAL PARK By motion ol Councfllnrx Bur on and Todd bylaw ahllsh Cenlcnmal Park under 19 Cnmmunily Centres Act was given an readings bylaw ap painting John Iowan as road swanvisor for 106657 was given Ihjrd rcnding Admusing to be given or 100 more picnic tables or the Inky side park Specification will be avnflabla ramlhe clerk at Lh township 0mm MOVE ROAD OVER budgét for advertising was set at mm to cover the cost of procuring literature hall rants and other material to put on Bcaullfy Innisfi cam palgn ME mum NEEDED Fellowlng motion by Coun cillors Burton and Glbbins it was agreed at meeting of leoundl that the gate at the dump on the 10th Allne wlll he kept lockedl new gated to be lnstellzd and new term placed at the mad allowance The padlock on the gate will have ten keye hide willbe kept under controland be aued by the clerk so that un authorized persons cannot dis pose oi materials not aweptable under the $28000 colleclluns contracts Signs are ta be cred ed at llelghl of 12 cell It would appear that the present dump site la to be canllnued in use with the present method of gllsposal by covnrlng andburn DROP IN TO THE BARRIE EXAMINER AND ORDER ANY NUMBER OF PRINTS my mum EXAMINER MONDAY mm Lush INNISFIL NOTES II $125 HOTOGRAPHS AVAIlABlE TOWShiP Dumhf Will Be locked SORRY BUT WE CANNUI ACCETI IEHIIIIONE ORDERS THE BARRIE EXAMINER DISTRICT TNLWS REPRINTS 0F EXAMINER 48 HOUR SERVICE $125 lo $l50 mumm Saw Tax ExLu 110 16 BAVFIILD TORONTO CPIDoolan he Hospilnl or Sick Mldrm mid Sunday Curan McClumry hnltlln her nun llrr munin mnhrd In Immlnwn llepnrlmml um mlnlor Friday Dntlnu Inld ll will be mural any Morn they run Mrrmlnn whether her It tool mlul he Ammlhlal The Bill Sulherlands nl Slroud are Ieavlng for home this week allcr spending winter at Dun edin on the shore of he GuIl of Mexico During their enlny Ibis slay they have learntd somclhlng about Ihq early his Iury of he place It seems that om the early seniors In the 13005 was the Duke of Smhnr land who had Iniien out will his We and at the same time fallen In love wilh IndyInwnilinz In tho Queens household They come In Dunuiln and lived Diem unlil the death ol hi1 who In the old land when lho Duke reques ted lhe Queens permission lo wed the lady oi hls heart lu end he it lhnt Ihc local Epim Copailnn Church wns Pmiil In lime Ior he wrdllinx and Ihnl the molar was married II lhe some lime lhe Bishop coming from Ncw nrlcnn Io nahArm the ceremonies llill ha been inked he my rnlnlion in the Duke bul hm nol Irnmd hi lnmily me back Ihal lnr Mrs Annex llnbcxbon Lindon horn mending lhe pfllil Inth wllh Ihmn Ind will drive home wllh lhcm Girl Crushes Foot In Store Escalator our infarmalion was from report of Frank Kai adminl lralor the School Bnard This should be authorin sufficient to quote we believe All refer ences In our mchn came from 0mm of the Board even to the mcnlion of one person in fluencing the Committee in keep Ing chlldren mm school LEAVING DUNEDIN Besides tbs letter of which we used parts In previous column we have another lelter rum committee member of the Hur onia School parental This letter also took exception to the state menL in our article of March 24 the criticism being that we wrote what wa received without checking ha validity the limb After meetlng of Board Chairman Stewart and Dr Scott at he Hegllh Unit report was released absolvlng the school lrom all blame or the recent lurcoLlon complete cleanlng was carried out and liquid soap dispensers added to line wash basins Mr Brnlley who heads tom mltlee operating Sn School at Huronla School told the School Board that they would med he five classrooms agaln this wmmer Use wf oh schgol was granted The lnsulnllon the oad dem partmenl olfipu was approved on suggestion of Eben Sawyer Used will be stym loam materiaL and mahbgnny Knish plywood The PNng road woxk pontemplaled or th year was outlined Wu hope copy of this will be tabled l0 ratepayers may be informed Just how the lunds are to be expended swan scnoon XIIembers ol lhe newlyldrflfid Industriar Committee ROAD orrics OOOKSIDWN SpeeiaIIFor nation of recreational com mlllce In nvmoto more sports and recreation for Ike Youni people the mm is bcmx considered here And already much Interest hm been Mn metin discuss um um mry steps to up such com mnm and organization in way In quahly or govemmont mu Iowan equipment and lacilxliu ha been calm Inr nmrsday April ym Al ha Lez lon IAH hore nmnuaixlil dier to sm Cwmy Jim rid mli monk Ind also nnmer mmstlnm dur Inz In open fonm dimulim um nu ulk Wells and gran by the Mm and pmincxax amm mML which aid progress are nod but was shmld be dune 11 mm way In as an no in Since 191 time has been rapid increase in govemmzni intrusion into private life and the operatian at all phases business and induslry At one time government was policy directmg force rhat did not on to much into the lives of In his but this is all changed Stating he had sent editorial dipping in members of the Dominion Parllamenl and On uio ugislalure outlining his wncem Mr lvllluxommcnlad cum ALLISIUNvwhat he learned mmiem trend toward vntrall zing control cl gownmen drew warning lrnm fillis ad imr at one at Simme Countys oldest weekly newspapers the Nyeamld Minion Herald fwhen improving efficiency we shvnld be careful not to take action which can weaken the control 01 the people um their governmenu said Ihls well lgnvwn newspaper onuader for strengthening demmatic pm oedum man era of increased goYLmmcnt planning and mm lro Promote Sports Ht Cookstown Synoplln All bl Ontarlu ll In fightnortherly lo norlhwest erly low of modified arctic air am all weather pattern la un Ilkely to change significantly In the nextday or Tempera ture will mntlnuedalher pool More cloud expected over the north than nvsr snuflternfin tnrio The light snuw allimz It may over Northern Ontario will conllnul and only few widely scattered snowflurtlu gel likely over southern On llletorecast calls for cloudy Aides th low my period and low light fumflurriu Loannigbt will 25 End In Pfedided him or tomamw Imigmmemmnsu oilown modified flow 11 Arctic Air is weakening thak spnng feeling In Banit diam Alliston Editor Concerned By Government Intrusions DISTRICT WEATHER CURRAN Bum littlo 010 wonh orax muth as you likowuhablo any limn Arcficléir 1owing That Spring Feeling Get 5100 for every 75 with sixyear Scotialrank Savings verttfimtes THE BHNK 0F NOVH SCUTIH Clair Laka Erie iioaisiaiion which rough on iiimrly and long of bureaucracy should be causing grave con cern In all inlemsicd in pre nrving our strong dmnocralic way oi inle said Ihe nowspnpcr crusader ho urged return in economic policies uhich en courage pnvaie initiative and cniemrmc Remove the incon live with crippllnz tuniion and burmwracy and you have Ierimxs siiumion in xunarkcd Our citizens arc being de privcd Vol rigth whlch were ones won high cost said Mr Willis whn duplnred Ihe apathy with which the trend is iencd by no many They hide lhur head in the sand and chirp hai can we do about 117 insiead 01 making their views known ho suggested Regional government which adds to emciency is progressive but changes shouid be made in manner to keep cnnlml with the elector It finally impor Ianl Mr Willis mdintained hat local rcginnal gown menu which are being set up chmxkd be made directly respon wible to the people they repre mnl rather than some higher government department at envy The day muld come when the opposite lmnd would be tea grcllcd il not shopped now warned the Allislon edxlm some manfi nammur mum In at he peop over their governments said Mn Willis who warned this was sumsmin of vital concern In all internstcd In maintaining strong democ racy or hh tulure erlere 01 weakcnlhe diroét can unnucorqedyommgmnsmsm Pumas Temvcrllfltel Low mlghl 1111 Tuesday Windsor 28 St Thomas London Kilchenar Mount Forest Wlnxham Hamile Lake Ontario Lake Huron Ni agara Halihurtnu Kfllaloe Windsor London Hamilton To ronlo Variable clnudimss to day and Tuesday um change In genalarm nds ugh Georg Bay Agoma Saul Ste Marie North Bay Sud bury Cloudy with law sunny periods and aw light snow fluniw today and Tuesday LI lle change In temperatures was 1mm all Cochrape While River Mainly cloudywilh Ill He change in lemperalureslw day and Tuesday Occasional light gnaw Winds partherlyls fifififlflw ADULT immumr SL Catharinns Toronto Muskuka Nbflh Bay Sudbury Earllan Sault Ste Mane Kapuskaslnz White River Moosnnee Timmlns NGS mm 9200 FEATURE AT Ind Monday and Tuudly Therein niche for km wsmmcm HELD OVER AWOODfAleM Aumwmnstswmmm 735 Ind pm lam MMDMIOM mum 092 199

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