mo 14 bhnv lnmln nqn mm NM 1740 hnllul mm um Llnlmmv All ll MM mm 4an NI TW Kvnlc Mao ILIII Cnnlul 34m Mum 2uwuunn Mmm ll 1mm rum rfunm wnn lmh luvth mmamum lNM Nu mum mm Ll In mi hurl ll vhll DM 00 loBWIM Don DTld Tfllll llCl Ed Damn Jr 31 Annu kUntlI Jeml Club mow Plynouu mm Joumll Fri nv nu 11qu mun nunn mm mo 5m IlOl Colltlu laid out In Mun rm Mudml Mflod Goll rm sun JMNMHIIM mm mm mm 1m mm In um IM MI runny mumy uwm llopryel muhouu all Yul IILGICIN Hun llLMnl Won 4va mm 41 Umlvrlll IIlml Elï¬n nm In 100 nm mm ma llcnnm on 1Amculuul UM Anwl mm tvHv WIN mm mm mm lhmml Plurflu lth IChuuh Invll IHIJIH hull Wm Unla My TAM ucmuuo Dear Dr Molnar All my life Ive had mnrhid ear of chok lng lo deaLh XI has become lush an obseulun that cant Mid foods am young woman hm cull dine out wIIh friend had nervousvbreukdnwn ova 1M and must sedanm bul even swnuowing them ony also have severe IL ck In whlch cant catch myihreath and my throat nlrlm terribly there any ï¬ling can doto conquer hm MluD LWanumul erld can srnmt xnnum tnm Chm IInumu tho mum tau mu kidm Ln mama At 4mm nnm mm mm isvom mm mu max llTov cu mm mm lWmfllnl TO GOOD HEALTH mm mm twin1 spam Lcmmm anr thnnel mam Lï¬am we nom Rama gpm 9n 11an nun ly JOSEPH MOLNER MD aauwnu lCBS Gall Chm zsmm In mm mm my xpnau 311mm 1M In mm kw yum ywm vm mm Nu IBUFFALO lBARME FBUFFALD OIORDNTO llEAMILION PQwer 0iTheMind Over Matters Seridus MONDAY All TELEVISION PROGRAMS SUNDAY AP WW MI SATURDAY APRIL EVENING ann In Mml nvmsu LAM mum mm um mu Ill In Imam Tm mr Im Am mm Tn Hi RIM AND APIF 00 It LAP Ila Iluu LMfC Nu wmu mm Lime 1mm linm uém Hmmlulvldl II TN Lnnn unm lIVM mu 1n 1mm Jam rm mu In Al lull Judde an 00 xmn dv lMW ONnnn wl annnll Tod 02m numm um hnurv In mum In znonm SInn ONm Mun erlmmv mm 6Tn 1ch mm IXMdv Alltn mm 2ornlu ifluHflNH MIl lAndy mmm m1 1m IMO 1Pnfl¥fl nu lArmu rmdn 1an ml Ahmmmn no 11 7mm Smu llmllmlt iii imwm 1mm Hh hm Duh Hum Ind Sublime SNI 15 td 11 1111 lelni World Wanher 41 Lock to Ilmll Album nl IZJII 27mm myneun JUMM HIM SHeufl 01 mm urn nu Nnum 341ml HAHN IIqu Dunl mum 730 mu hilt mm Mu xnnnm Ilwlnn nun nluao 211 cum wul Trlvd sBtvuly Hillbllllu tUMV Dulmo Huck Glenna nPnlh rum CW1 zzsuumy Mom 30 lDlnn Im lAnnoml Maria MORNING AND mmme 1030 lTzd Mm ISpeclnlm Em55m ucnumnm mm lLuln IN urn Hum Mu 100 aCaumy cum IIIuItM ocmm lhm Hhutch knit tPI nnn lavamu 5mm 1111 5pm Al 5H 5m om nMm Vnu mmr 510 26 mm xNIIL Hocqu Hem Amt llDlrm hny Hm Lilï¬x xllm In Inn um Ilh Anum NIL 1mm 11111mm uo SMullul Shawna Nm ma Sport on am am STmm Km chkh alum mm mm Im ldw numu uwun You Mu 200 rn Iullmn €411 hlunn RM 1mm Hwyy um 1157 There may be serious We Hon whether your Jump choking caused your nervous bunkrlow Ralherk the em The power at mind ovcr mal car can be Ionihe thng mud in me imam can do what Ls doing you Im not one am My see momma It the drop However ï¬n Nation like you Miss must hearmy hope that you Are under such specialist and it you nreut Istrongly use that wt consult on Int lLNG DJll zm wmmc mg Amy Hum mu 6Cmdlfl cmm IDr Knam llSundly Mum 11ch Inn In Ham tram mmufl IANn lmu um W1 mm in MM 14 mm My 171 mm mm rm mm immu humu qu but ITM 5mm LAM mum mv 1L Mm nmnn HIM ll LYN Lb IM Mr Inn III rum Rn1w nun Mlll lhl HI IMumlnl um mum mmukm Yup In Mm nut WMM Ilnu ldmu 7mm 100 mum my Inn mud Ixm run IJHI ammu Melon 4n wm ll plmmma Mm hm rmlu In fnnnlll 5mm mumd Mlinn Annhu wuu hum Llo Tau nmm rm HM IIJn ICBS Gel Clusic Gm Then Twin Bm TheLu Hell mm For mmm man the um um TM dvenlu ol chml Chm 120 1smm mm mm llv Mpllnh Dmon work xIzumn lunlh menu 11 mm 2TBA lhlnm 1M Imt aAurd nun mmr Hr In 1nn Lenum Mm uly nmmr mu than 41L an Thu Dodo dev rm mm IMlli Ind any lWmln mm 114 rm mm Awxmu My Lu Ml wmher Sparl 1120 Hlumu MI Clruclly Hem 01 Amuonl Mmm tsmmm Hm l20 flhnw Doctor In ma mun wumu II 44m Loner 110111 Mum 1000 LGununuh Hnauum On 1010 Hulmu DHlvla Gun Wm Mkhuslu Hiramy Present 11m xlnxocmm mm THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley Four 5pm mld not be do eated despiu Easts trump holding and our of Ike rive de clarm made ï¬n contract with mane play The fifth dcclnrcr misplnyed the hand and went down one Well invariably led the kin of dmmondA taken bthe ace 111 normal pantm 01 play was or declam to lead made to the hoe Md Idler Wcs Amhnl wmrisingly ed out spades to oonlinuo with our munds of clubs diuardinf heart an um lourlh dub This hand occurred in lhe 1W aLx played in Dana in 1964 was played at nine tables and as usual the results were var Iod Perhaps the most nulmmr thy came the hand flue at no one of the ï¬ve tables where 50th bid our spade did East double the contract Opening leadkin diz monds DAILY CROSSWORD Ra psyrhlqlrisc my depen on his human ol my case use hypnole ind out what is wally bother lng you buried so deep in your subconsclmu mind that you are unable to recognize without help oauqn acne Isnl am In solve lheJroblnm Rather is pmisely son of condition for which we need psychlulrisu mey dig ouuhe deep and very likely unmasoning event or tllude whlch now an makln your lflebmlserable nuiler usmg hypnwsm anlensy mean lryln no dmanze your mind and not be mad swallowing such an attack on the problem all luo Mlmmerrly malls in nounrain Ihe morbid fear Into dilfemt kin and perhaps worse one sympbm mm underlylnq emotional unimail much evI dentLv flantd 1n ddldhood II al¢agelner hkely ha you do ml consciously remember what Hie umqtimnl tension up to be ha type of problem In whichhypao sis may be mauve cannon you not to 15 ml be under taken by relneon with only smallenng of uc skill Gun quonm 41a Thu mam wm North me South 1v Pu herb 20 Anulhlllel nmnmm 76 Fumh hhlrd 10 mm 17 Flaw 13 Indlm cumncy Conlan 15 llumnrhl 16 Any gln nkkmm l1 Excllmt Ilvn ll PHIMIAI my 71 Milk 29 nrhk uflmm Nlfldtnly mum Inn mwlunla tut Nlckelx mm OM mm at cellular MJmnoun 70mm 10Mr1un loallm lL Dum West dealer Nonhm1th vulnerable ACROSS Work Eyuem nor welth 5cm 71mm or 01 klLl WEST maunlm Minn CONTRACT BRIDGE 64 Qt nada souwn Axusu 0952 iKQJ oxnos quu 4mm NORTH meuuru 150m 15 Comm mum1 Ilmnjly udibrx dJany an 02m thpa HipHa Llimlu Tum 440046 of un Pmnnun old 310 Mplu By JAY BECKER II potbl as Tum1m pllnler qumyuuiu Gnuut lmounl 29 Dhcon Inna violently aw gy Pub Luv Iumr mm etc 31 lek ADOPT METRIC SYSTEM TOKYO AmJapan has be mma the WDrIds 715 coumry lo cumplcta adopUnn al the met ric swam oi measuremcnl And to make um um every one abdu by the rum he government announcrd inn of up mama yrn when 5105 or anycng conflnulng use he ccnlurinmld Japan systems In huslntsa transac Mon and ofï¬cial documents de clarer three diamonds doubl ed and went down one100 points At slill another table Norm not to Ima heart and West played our diamond doubled going down three500 mink still anodier table made it or some 620 points duplicating the remit 01 than thsauth paim who had bid and mladofaur Wes as cubic Noah be oama decim at three minim liter opening the bidding wi diamond West having remain ed silent flimughoui East led dun taken in dummy with the Jack Alici cashing me we of spades deciarer played heart losing to the queen East made vhe killing return diamond and deciarer wound up going down two nsz buL East MW 101 Mb the MON spaer wuld not get more than one trump trick since dadarera hulding at this point was he KQM at trumps So am nydeJmIrAepndcs Not noreswlly boss mun Ireuuenlv run In din bones of long Handing but nut in aH At your age the com plalnl not unum even in people who dont have diabetes mend East dxscarding heart And played heart nowade dum my West went up wiul lhu ace any glam 11h puriï¬er heat Obslructioi oi Um Ilr pay gages as ml cenzastlonr or large adenoids or tonsils 1133 may be causa Ihla odm be war doclpueck ll out sweet ruity odor no unuunl when child has to vet or may be umpwhagme hydrated ill mly bu due Ace lona In the ystnm and canvha corrected In lint me by giv Ing fluid And sugar lmit juice would be an exhume help that 15 na point in Ill uuing mrcuzh Ilest and you are Fmd in the root your fears may not be easy but myth and it can mramrorm war who lilo Dar nr Mnln My 2yearold daughter has rel medicmn Hka odnr in he alh since the was bat xurlvd cougn medicine small Tould you pIaIn Ihls Jun Dur miner it true that diabadc 1m xexunl power qa lajhls disease Im health Daslaswgn new dia hulan 10 men 31 clmlly as nunmanual PQHUH IHHIM Ml WV mnwmmxu Ant Milan3 vLL aunwmse BLONDE wxw Au nuum umLa was Yomsm wwmuiovT WWVI 552 22m 8519 683 20 zzmm BARME EXAMINEfl SATURDAY APRIL £5 11 13 VD darn 00in 41 nr 9523