Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1966, p. 4

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rm nnrrnl mch Join UCW wu ll manned wlih Mrs llny lhhur pmmlnl lln HM larnrH rnmlmIM lhc wouhlp wvlca and mrdluallan in mm on Mm mm mlml by Arr Um MV nM can Ml not review vm ghm by Mr Ham Damn 51 um enjoy Ioclnl gelMeer and not tick wmr Man 10 Followinl Um luppcr Ihnrl pmng nlnnan planu ulna And can Iudwl unlnl Mr And Mn vn mm And Mnrlorie Mn 5m ml naymnml mllmplo nmlu Mr Men quu Mn Camnhnn Tho many lrlmds nl Mn II Whllnoy Inherity wm xrlmd ta hear on Wednesdny her mum dcnlh Mr nnd Mr Whlwy Im armor rul Idem Hmvnle CONGREGATIONAL SUPPER 1v new Mr and Mrs um Rawlay Ilelcd or luv days with Mn Callnnder Bradlard Miss Vlvlan Jacobs 1101 Toranw spam the wetland wllh lm pannu Mr And Mu Dan Jacobs John DIcflnwn Hnnullun cwcd friendshlps here over weekend Mn and Mn Gram Pyhurm mm the wrckmd with tho lab ler pannll Mr and Mn ngrdmu ML and Mr Van Beudull murard It the end ol the wtek mm Florida fly MRS TERRY Mrs Lawson Mlnson return ed alter spending the winter in Toronh with Mr and Mn Qandand and Inmlly Mrs flex Manning Tarnnlo Mrs Ken Dillnne Barrie were Thursday mm Mr Ind Mn Mannlng By MRS CAMPBEH 0118 ANNIVERSARY Over 150 mmnbm of Innisfll hauler No 162 0125 and vw lors gathered at Strand Com munity Hall March 24 to ex und welcome to Mn Emlyn Lillie Wnrthy Grand mm of Gmnd Chapm Onbado and hEr officers and to heb Innis Chapm celebrme in 39th birth day How were Worthy Man II Nellle Oanlpbell and Wob dly Patron Fraser Campbcfl Room111m was given In our dunner numbers he chap ter Mls Addie Black PAL Mrs PM Mrs Pena Vcbiz Frank Bum lea far mer editor of Nov Scofln weekLv newsvwer and 1° rovdndal Irehivist Dr Em Order Of Eastern Star Welcomes Grand Matron SHARE THE WEALTH CIHS MCKIUT HIGH ST Anvo NUISOVVIII Clu Evuy Monday 300 pm Admmlon 30c RCA Assoc wmo ELMVALE BINGO $32000 ADMIRES PAGE mum in ANCIENT PRESS Pnm Sun ny nan nu Abpr laxvice will be held In the Pmbyluinn chmh Junlur and unior chain of lhe Unllcd and Imhylulan churches win pre unl mvlcn ol Euler muslt llav lllr llllcr lnuoducnd the speaker IlLv Falhcrllcl anger helm undmlanding of the Roman Calhnllc mu wan rcallzcd Father Bclnntzcr thanked everyone far lnvllmx hlm and msmlcd Mr Miller wllh an Irish llncn laqu clnlh This cloth grand the table Sun day mnmlnx or Communlnn Serving Falhcr Manger mu hl pmplc were thanked for Lhuir Ibwghllulmn min hall was aflgr lhe meolinu ADVANCE BOOKING Good 5M can bc Bookd at Roxy Unum The ball la be packed the last week ln April lar overseas rellcl and discnldod nylons are lanan collcmd bus hip planned in May lnr um UCW member to visit dillucnl mls slam ln Tunonto The Easter Tea will be Wednesday April ll with misslonnry on furlough Malaya spczlkcrn Black PP Each was present ed with red me courage by the Worthy Malmn who expres szd reng at the absence of Mrs Margaret Webb Wm is ill in hospital and Alfred Webb PP Mrs Helen Mul holland and Mrs Jean Hand wen presented with their 25 year jcwels other dlsllnguished guests pre sent were Gordan Emma WG Mm Marng Gish myhan Grand Adah Mrs Olive Hyccrt Grand Ruth Mrs Shir ley Gordan Gram Wmder Don Ruling Grand Sentinel Mrsr Bertha Cody member Grand Glazier executive Mrs Perla Barrie Mn qu nio mm WIN Farm admire pain prinwd on the handopcmled pres used by Joseph Home to qnposa Confederalm Mr momwmommm MCWWMWQWMHH QWflWd wnwpKDSIEHRWM fwufimnoufiwfiLEw Ianmum an 117 mm mm Amm mum DAVID LEAN FILM or mmtmwc gygmnzfliiflifiii NOMINATIONS human um PICIURE am Dlnmon us scum nu ACADEMY AWARD WED APRVII 6th GALA PREMIERE um DULIUIWIU MN lawmanmomma alumna sum NOW IN MAN man Ha hi III In mudn uumv Jun 0mm uqu IIOIMAM 00le mansifir unmul nIIn ovum mm mu Well worth trip to TORONTO wk Muc Prior to Grand officers night In lnnislnl Chnrflcr Mr and Mn lmcr Camper enlarlnln ed Lhclr ollicm nnd Grand 0b km to mum dinner With the head able centred hy the beautiful blnbday cake flanked hy tall candles and spring flow The cake was cut by er lhy mm and Pam as all sang mppy blnhdayfl Prasldcnt the resolved spcclal thrill Sunday when watching lhe Timmy Easter Seal Parade sum Brenda Wilson daughter Mr and Mrs James Wilson unnamed wllh mu olher Lnlldrcn llnmla had how mum Sid Chlldrcnl llm lhrpnlo along wlu hm George Mulhollnnd accum panled by his wile presented number of nmeliy musical numbers on saw and other in strumenB Wflllam Rum gave reading and skit was pre senlcd by 11 members delic ious mm was served by Mrs Isabel Webb qnd her mmmfilec Gum were present ram the Valley Orlllla Waterford Iho allay Drillia Waterford Grimsby Chaplet and all chap ters of he district 111 WGM Mu mm Lime spoke 01 um arthritic and rhcu mali pmij and was present ed with donation In that fund mm Innbfil chapter Irene GilroyDDGM District No Mrs Jean PDD District No 10 and six Ms of Dierict wage pres alunz will Harvest matnms and patrons manly six visiting past mahan and patron were presunl as wall as past nmmm and patrons 11 Bim who earned hi on flcamip on such ma ne restored Lhe old machine to working alder It will be ex Ann mm Wle nu um um luu mm nmn mum MIT TIM 1me 1mm II 1HK Mill Mr and Mr Vallaca Gouzh allennkd the annual mceling and banquct the Onlafla Holmiu mm Assoclalian in Tomb March 15 STARTS SUNDAY Even film II no Ind 00 ML and Mrs arcnce Brown cnmrtained all their amlly ll dinner Sunday 11w occasion was well be Mr and Mn Hap awe whn are moving to olmwa sroron Mi auxIcy Hebe1n enterlam cd number 01 ridth at dwwu in honor Mn UM Mum nee 11M Swan March 21 Mgnyficauw Mum nee 11M Ennis March 21 Many UL xUszgre Epocivmi will he wclcommi The program will he follm April at Damon Archdeacon KM bonm speaker Aprll HIDD dale Presbyterian Church Rev Haynes April Qown llilIAnglican Church Rev mulch and Apr leghum Anglican Church the above speaker will conduct medita lions on the Words mm tha Cm rn liqg Wu WEEK OF WITNESS Week of Witness has been planned for the churches in amAvriIs¢aBMskl comlnud wort all churches Fatimang mg g1 mlexeswd By MES SPONAGLE At recent mice in Dalslm United 21mm cenfllcalu cl attendance were pmented to many ol Lhe church school by supctintmd Lorne Kandy on her of Mr and Mrs Jim Par mdge was presented or hap Lixm April am the 33mm cl Holy pommunlon will be ob mimmm hihltad 1961 an coastal coast train dLsplayIng Smpor uni came of Canadian th my Photo Awmuuilu 5V LIITID Mimi la MUS mmwast Therein niche for MET11 um DALSTON nmflnw In qd 99 home or Mrs Roy Bridge Presldenl Mrs William McDonald congratflatui Mm Henry Boer on receiving lwr Mr and Mn Arthur Robert son Scarboro visited Salurday wiih the mmerl broiherwllar old Arthur principal Variety Village schooi accum pnuled Prince Philip mund the school where Hrs Prlrrce talked with the how Ar lhey warhed The Prince also spoke in group of 400 parents errpupils Ind employees The school pre senied the Prince with beauti ful clock and be in turn gave them madebuilding mach ine ihink got the best the exchange said the Prince He was iha speaker nta din ner given at the Royal ank Hold where $96M was raised This money will be mad lo build new gymsium audi iarium and library at Varier Village vocational school for handicapped boys Mr and Mn on were guests at the head table the banquet oi 900 gutstm Arthur says The Prince extremely lively re hailing willy and interested in everything ACTIVE YEAR March 21 the Goo 49 Club held their mornile meet IiBARRIjEfFiQRONIA pRlVElNiTHEATRE THE DARK EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL MRS Dwmm ymbx LOVK $30000 framilhe sale of ticket by strand Hockey 45am wgg 5ch glaleeg Horton Sale Of Iicketsvf Good For Team IE TIMILII THRIHS IlE SPIllSI filly Earth Examinm msrmm NEWS Copy Deadline Wednesday April 6th Phone The Classified Department 7282414 Saturday April 9th special Easter Classified Page In remem brance of loved ones will be published In The Examiner on Saturday April Suitable verses may be submlttcd or our classiflud depatlmcnt will help you wlth tho wordlng for your verse ILMemoriam Easter TONIGHT AND SUNDAY Many railrour tomsMp régfe that Gordon Mason llu been lost to the employ of mu wwnshp Last week he accept ed Iho posluon of County Web fare ndminisraior Gordon who has lived all his life In Slmud has served the Iownshlp in the capacity of welfare 9mm de puly cluk police cmnmluloner planning board mercury and in several other capacities CAnadlrur Citlznnshlp Bull Ca youwere Irish what would you like your name In be war anwercdhy 18 members Re ans of theyears work were given by secretary Mn Young and treasurer Mn John Thompson The club was active in making cancer dreslnza sewing mens shirt into ngns for cancer pnuents making doorodour canvas or March at Dimes and Red Crow dld welfare work and held show ers Officers elected were Mn Jack Young President vice presldunl Mrs Chalmers secretary Mrs 1m Gray Kreasurcr Mrs Dung Lowry pron Mrs Gerard Krul wd an3 Mu Ed Snow and Mrs Roy Brldge An evening of court whist brought prizes lo Vera BulILMaa Ferguson andst Thompson enjoy lunch was served Mesdnmea Small Sabin Pinkney Ind Aye NEW PDEI EURSULA ANDRESS Inaucomedyofmnguensmm For Mall lo Armnroul or Alllndalo Ilrdnn Wuymnulhl Hookjfmr nlniu Spam or Phonn mil Theyre mand by the WA Men nd the pruned In for lht YMCA nnvclJcn are thrto men and girl who hove travelled the world angina he song ol Canada and other lamb Du llth loved them Ind lho Frde raved About than FJIglish dubbed lhcm Print Philip Group 1nd opmed their wonky to them H113 vnu because they played or me Queen or ambushon year ago last summer and Philip invited than home lo almond or Royal 01mm Per lonnance Mm Important all theyre coming to Barrio 1011mm audilofium Friday April m4 Dml ml thll omnrtunily to hear themtheyll entertain you got you Aiman along with them and may evon lend you homo proud to be Canadian no mean ochiwmnl these days $200 Adulh Who Are THE TRAVELERS ASK The Ys Men wmismAvéLvAn Oceian 1i surréunded by xm Easter Island In the Pa 000 max miles of WW bu Opening Day Special Here We =ArevFolks TASIEE TREAT GET ONE FREE BUY ONE CONE ANY SIZE Open Salurday April 2nd Your favourite Ice Cream so flavor of Milk Shake Hamburg Hot Dogs ADULT 428 BLAKE ST Chlldronl Mallnu pm 50c THE mm 52 Hmmmm sumy lino no 135 955 pm HELD OVER 753 may My 320 35M

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