Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1966, p. 3

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as nu tumnlL mum all mw nme wiulic uluM IIIHIIPH ulul 0m pm In hnnlx 1mm mm whw mm mn lwl lm lwlll In Tmmhv 1mm NII mmwie uilh duly Five hundred canvasserlv working under team caplaim have been rccruiléd by he lo 531 socicly Each cam has chairman Apnri ram Bartle canvassing will Luke place in Toiicnham Beciim Cooksiomi Allisian Hell Ewart Mm Stroud Angus Mirihuxsl Clowcs Gulhric Shanty Bay and Pains wick cmmrman of in ytarl campnlfln is Bill Dcnnisun In dusirial chairman II Jim Wiglc with Don Coulson as commer clal chairman There are seven wnnl chairmen Healing 0f Hands Trinity Church 113m ill be llmlinz Scr vlm Sunday at 11m 113 Anglican Gum mo lay lng on of hamls WI In Inna by Rev Lcckir war kn the Onlcr 8L lukc the Msicixm one the healing 1mm Ulr dulmh Canvassing in aid of cancer research began yesterday The objective of lhe Barriebranch Eeanadian Cancer Soclely has an 502 $15600 Last ycnrs goal of sumo was surpassed Canvassing will cnn linuc throughoul April whlch ls nalionally known Cancer Campaign Man Chairman DI this year drive Jack Cain said the nbjeclim ar each division are set up by head ofliceJn Toronto and are based on he amnunt money needed or research Nntiunally the ohltcliw ls 175000 compared to $232011 lag you Tnn Canadian Cancer Sncicy is composed at 55000 volunlavr workm plus handful nl Aal lel Mulnlu Ihxlmln mu lmsy 11mmlny rrhcm hl for lhrlr fmlhrmnlnu pm ltnullnn ll Thu Bvurlrrrf mule mm by MIMI nml fiquvun 11w rltmmnnrn will Cookslown Girl In Compolilion oflida opening of mg new branch at Illa ToronWDmm ion Bank at Maple Avenue and Dunlmi St was held yummy Cancer Branch Seeks $15600 NORTH STUDENTS PREPARE FOR COMIC OPERR rNT OPENING OF NEW BARBIE BBBNCHOF BANK nried people Thusemen and women devnle much time to raise money chiefly for research intn the cause and ultimate cure of cancer Some at the fund are used to educate the pubiic to be Inware the danger signals oi the disease and how best ta el lcnt cure it they have the slightest suspician they have be mmn infected with it por iian the lunds go to provide services at many kind to pat ienis whohave already become cancer victims The Ontario Division at the Canadian Cancu Socicly is one of 10 divisions in Cannda it made up of 13 districts 95 units and 15 branches Cancer can afflict anyone at any age regardless of sex or physical condition Bxdy dxag nnsix and lmmedklle treatment by either surgery or radlnllon of some kind is escnlial it that palenll lilo is to be mad Over 10 million dollarsllas already been spent ln the starch or the cause and cure of ban ter Although great progress has been made lhe problem has not been snlved ln snllu al the fact hal the best brains money mg buy are working on ll 11 Cancer Socicly ls he on ly nallonnl voluntary axcncy Illfillmg lhrough rrscnrm cducm lion and servlcex IL sole sourto fund is volunlary gills from lhe public cvrlloclcd during its annual April campalgn public ls asked lo rcmrmbrr lhe mielys slogan lho lilo ln questinn would be ynur nwn Th Bml Inundallnn mnlnlalm 250 tullrgo lllllcl duh and mum han 1000 olhor ynulh organlzallom ln Norlh America luln Hm pull On IHVI IIIIInA flu IrlJll Annual mmmllm hr nlmu Itnlw nlhmnl Awnlhllnn in Twmln Il nunpolllhm ll Inf lurlh plmwntnry ml Emilia Hiver Mmknln Ilmmllml 7111 Ina KIPMN almullmul on vnliml IMI yrar hlmflm will nlllurl nr mm drlrlnlu hum um mum Agan II nmln Special mg was 5mm son general manager of the Ontariu divbioq shown here are Mr and Mm Denni he nlvm 0min CoHogIIIa Alulilnrlum Awll pm lillmno MI Nu erm llrulvl dimtnn llu plan uIIIAM xllrmnr KIM Mwflvy tlmwuim Ilmlnl CLUB MIACIIEI FAR Lust n13 the narrie Ccnlml Collegiate Glee Club pufarmcd bdorc nnolhcr sellll crowd as it presented Brigadonn by Lem cr and boom During Um yrar whonl nr panimfion have sponsnml IM py Onymrg Shaw officials Mid Ihe produc tion was Ming climax In In males year or he 91ch lm and was inanan we Over mo students and many stall members took pm mcNnuomI hand and In Toronto modudim ol lhn Mikado son right and Mr and Mrs Law Mr Dennison is the manager of he new brand hue Mnhaw is um accumtanl Villlam Caldwell Thursday was elected pmldenl ol the Rotary Club ul Battle for 196661 Gordon Mason was eleclcd secretary and Walter Carmlhers lreasurer Direc tors are Ted llrenL Lcn Gil moum Wayne llnwdl Dr Woodslvck and Wilson Glee Club Show Proves Success ROTARY HEAD mlm uer In mlIla lidm Wtdmlnuor IM Aullml ImMI lunln ST ANDREWS PRESBYTEHMN CHURCH ll Md SPEAKER REV GORDON WALKER COME AND WORSHIP GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES OF WITNESS IN Whllcflxh Icnrm at SM pound Em mm Mn dozen tor mull In £60 lnr extra large Cortland Ipfle 575 bnskcL mum leroll Minn nnd pnrmfipl $50 rhubarb bunch $15 mushrooms and ripe lamp on 75 pl Md klluca Ind uhhare 25 rnrh Turnlps us each Celery bunch CuA rumba 115 rush Nplnnch 115 Good home Mkan wu plnnllhll And Intludod np ple ml mince pin 150 370 nullcr um Inswwrry mm and donull 370 dm Yinml Ha Innf nun Us Ind up nrnn mullln and Mal muffim Inn him on mu qunm fr Icevcnnditimu are treacherous on Lake Simcoe and Kempcn on Bay Robert Caner fish and 11¢ 11 supervisor of he Lake Simcoe Dinah at he Depan ment oi Land Ind Forests warned today mm mm wily mi Dulwork Mllnw mm pnlr VH0 attributes cdndilions to thlw which mad the Ice mel ting 970$th ago 1119 weaUIexcondilions are abnormal this yqar and we hnvaanother week at warm weather like we had twn weeks am It will Ill beupen Mr Carter 5an He repofled dzhfinx few akldom travelling in the middle of Lake Slmcoe last week new were 3900 hula on Lake Simcoe and mare than 400 ml Kempenlell Bay me peak of me Imon Only alow Amtinlmmt Kmnrfll ll mm mnAuIlAnl with Ihv Gmlnn My Mrlmwurm mluum mnmrncln Mumlny has been mnnunrnl Ivy leln Kale nnml mam1 Hm NIUMI nlhnmhxmmm sAruhbn Arm lsés Mr Carter pointed out that Ihe lee isbeglnnlng lo Weaken along thoshores at he lakes and um in starting open up 51 sum or the river months In the play parallel ls drawn between the prole at man undwmen of Biblical lime Ind lhusa the modern age The Farmers Mnrkcl on Mu uulu St ha fresh new look lhl moman wilh mamm lnz Job done Produre was plen lllul and Includm lmh maple syrup priced from 155 small gnL INN Mun In Imula In 1m wlIII IIII if Lynn an IIII l4 flulullwrr Mm II nnvl In lulle Adm Mr Ilauku mud lIuM ymn In IIIIIHI Almy ll IIII rm ol WlevI War II ml IIIIM In upmm MIA work In nu AMnmnIle In mulry In Imam mum 1m Message of Easlrr 1966 wlll be presented win costume music and war In dramn mulled In Josephs Garden at Burton Avenue United Glurch Sunday at 130 pm iovi GBDA Names Consultant Mrs Falkeiml portrayé the leading male Ascnalh the scheming and selfish We 01 Joseph Mm discovexs hat she has gained Ihe garden she dlr ylrzd hm lost her husbands Venus Lambeu as Jmh of Arimalhcn handles he part in man of Wealfl ho his narrow indulges his wife too well Wayne Sykes handles the parfi of Nimdomus flla leach cr who lemma fur new way of We 11 humbic but wlsc mvnnt ghl Marya is brouzhl lo life by Sue Gauthier Mrs chlmr and KL Hen ry In charge costuminx During uven shilling scenes the choir under the dlrcdion of tha organist oi he church Doug las Gamzway will pmvidc Ens ler music wilh wlolsl Mrs Dav vid Reeve singing He Was Despised from ha Messiah Farmers Market Has New Look Conditions Pbcr On Lake Church Staging Costume Play CI IT NEWS Owners of nuts 19 on the ice are iiabie to fine upon conviction mmln no minimum amount sei for me tine al though it can range to $1000 an amuunt which Harold Van Wyck assistaniyconservaiion 01 liter or minke Simcoe Dis trict said would probably never beim°s9d Alter their location is pin pointed Lands andIFoxests ticus will attempt rcmfiva lhcm More than so Barrie Sea and Navy League Cadets zen Ihis morning for Toronto whnre hey will spend the day visilln ILHCS Haida For most of the cadets it will be lhelr first time on warship main now as March 31 was the duadline tar thg ramnval of their is huts an and Forests omclals planned to make an nerlal sur vey of the like Friday but were prevented by the suddcn snpw slonn which hit the area The survey will be madehow ever Ms allemqon Vc plan king to so the number huts sllll let an the lake and we will map them to lmow exactly where may are Inca4i Mr Van Wye sai Rev David Reeve L1 sup ervising the play and will he narrator the pcflnrmance which will be npul In the public wiu no admission charge Bmcc Fraser Camp nordtn this week was elected meadow lhe Centre and South Sim coo hmnch of the Ontario Pub liq School Men Tcnuhm Fnder nuon Alsa alcclld he 196661 executive Mr Brian Davis mum first viunnmidcnl Iluhm Janna Barrie second Vicvflcsidcnl John Sthmidi Camp Harden merchantas um PM prosidcnl L1 Hidmd Boswell Barrie The annual meeting was held at the Manic 111 Cookslown and mum discussion nl he patsibilily ol advnnmmnl gardlng mlmy ncgmiauom rcmmmvndalm was pm rd to encourage the provincial Isumbly lo Madly he Inga responsibilin Iranhers in flank In mrncurriwlnr super vision pupils Bl Barrie Cadets Visit Warship Borden Man Heads Teachers Group NEW DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS PROGRAM DEBENTURES 259 lnnilfll SI INVESTMENTS Simcoe District Iooperative Serwces I0 to 20 Year Debentures be or Interest to Year Debentures beur 52 Interest New Compounded Debentu re The Amount Invested Will Double In I2 Years Demand Debentures bear Interest Bears Interest Calculated Monthly Can Be Withdrawn On Request Funds Deposited In Advance 0f Purchase All Exlnlng Dnbanlurol Aro Tumfomblo With No PannIIy If Ronowod For An Addllionll Yam Bundles Clothing and olhcr useml articles have been brought Into the Examiner ol ficcs nr dislributian the am IIynl 2m who last everything In fire earlier mi week Herbert Grecnlnw hls wlle Elhel and their elghl children were 12 homeless allowing fire whlch destroyed lhclr two slory lrame house on Dunlap early Tuesday mnmlng The lamin was mad to flee lnln the mm =le only In Ihcir night clothes and were unable to save anyming from the burn hug house Thu loiugIima slabuily and Wide cxpericnca of Sarieant Insur ancu Agency offer comprchm 5ch protection programs INSURANCE AGENCY LTD 21 COLLIER 51 MIME Donations 0i Clothing Made For Family Burned Out In Fire fldny grade mum and eight students fromPrince of Wales public school toured The Barria Examiner ycslcr One or two people every day PROTECTION ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS BARRIE STUDENTS TOUR EXAMINER PLANT Bar rln bhix week have been coming Io lhe Examlner nice wilh article or the lamily Over dozen parcels have been collected and taken by Examiner staff to the Greenlaws who are slaying with neighbori in woman brought in dress which had just been cleaned Shé xald sh ximply wanted Mrs Grannlaw In have iL day to lee lhepmducllon of the nzwspaper mm advmiy In and editorial deparlrricnls the composing roomand the The Examiner wnl jam any onflo The Board Of Park Management Persons or organizations wishing to reserve any gark area undor the jurisdiction of the Board of ark Management for any function whatsoever must nppiy in writing at least two weeks riot to the scheduled date or the event Arcaa vil not be posted as reserved unless two weeks notice in glvm Johnaon Surntary PUBLIC NOTICE With Flowers Long Lasting Flownin Plants Fmsh Cut Spring Bouquets Arltslic Easter Arrangement Order Now For Easter Delivery Incally 0r Anywhere In The World Through man Harris Flowers DUNLOP ST 1mm Say Happy Easter additional gills and win see that they in distributed in Grecnlawx BRENNAN Arthur Jamm At the nnyu vlclnm Hmnlllh Bu rlz on rrIdy April 19 Ar lhur Drenmn Bndlnnl sum BinIt beloved Ian ma me Lawunc Dunn and try Ann shunmm bmmerol luck Evelyn zm Mm $hrubxcla mu Ind Lh 1m um um Wuum mumn new ma Janna Funeral ulna ucme nmml to SL erxl Church an only April or qulcm It 10 lnltrmmt SI MIDl Cemekn prossmom Hére Doll Ditkefi son of the editorial Ila ex plains he intricacies the press in an attentive audiences Examiner Photo DEATHS 726653 hfibifll

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