Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1966, p. 2

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Damage was sustnln ed iollWLng an accident yoga day involving vehicles driven by Alice AL Guildcrhouse oi 011 and Norman Wright 46 or 41 Dunlop 51 West Constable Bill Johnson investigated the accident whim owned at 645 pm at the corner of Baylicld Ind Co 51 streets Constable Bob McKams was nIefled In the scene of an aod dent Iho corner F553 Rmd Ind Qnnbcrlnnd 5L at 734 pm Dena GervaLs 1a sustained his injurlm when car driven by Wile Young 17 of 60 R0 91 stmdu curb and left the road flw mishap mm 116 mm Corp Km McKenzie csti mica danugeursfio Barrie youth received lacer ation tn the fingers of his right hand early today when the car in whid he was unveiling rolled over at the innmdlan Penc tang and Mulcasler streets flnl teem IIII Ilu nu at mm WM Mm alumna Ia Nah mugIn lyrup an mull 1110 In my Iml Almllnl In lrvul lawn um um hm Inn dnnn Um up IM Mun lvwvd mu uwummu nnrumnn Hana WhatDd You Think Amt Sf 13 Barrie Youth Hurt Slightly When Car Rolls On Penetang VINQUIRING REPORTER ASKS WARREN SNOW think It good Idea you wnrk hard enough get lagrade 18 they shouldnt base your Mum on one exam BARBIE PUPILS MAKE MAPLE SYRUP leadership training 554 sion is scheduled for Monday at the Ontario Department 0L Agriculture office In Barrie dlscusslon on the years HI pro gram as wall as him on lunch lng 4H malerlnl wlll be prow snnlcd Tuesday marks the monlhly mealan the Mine slnz Clubs the Mlncslng School and Ihe lnst opporlunlly fur members In that area en roll in lhc club of hair cholm Two or lbrce addltlnnal mem yesterday Drivers molved were Asher Greenhamh 22 Tm rum and Kenndh Fildcy of 32 Bothwell Crescan Total damage Win estimated at 57m mm lhv WIN mm mm Human huny mum he mum mnurlm Tn Th9 mum mm Mp Im luchm mm yum up we mm in Will Discuss 4H Programs While the ducedny event at Trlnily Anglican church ls has ed on business and dlscussinn groups of saclal cancern all no work The local committee consisting ol 0119 Hum Barrie AYPA branches has prepaud varied program of cncrain mcnl bars are still required orlhe 0m 4H Swine Club This club will be mccflng early in April Following the Saturday cvn ning banquet ddncn will bu Nearly 500 Anglican youths from all parts of the Dlocesn of Tomnlo will be in Bartlo April 15 or their annual con ference mw 19 up In bum boned III khan lmulnvul ml Ihe WMI hrlp Illh 1qu nllr VIM LEFT 10 NIGHT mt Imr WM 5mm llnann numb Kym ml Min Lym lEnmIncr Hum 300 Anglican Youths To Convene In Barrie mo the mambcnhh ol the Mail Mcrthanu Com millm mow Hr mulan In Inn Chamber Commerce lmard mom to nlve lha slow lmur cnmmlllre hcadnl by Gur ney Trim the nmhorily to up More mt mow or mm Im on or 0w Hanks dimid Sun dny 1h wmuw on Ibo mob Ill ho dandy and md 11 Mount ml or law tonight ml high at HIM Pimnlmr tmm mlmml low in during momm no my Uw rmmwm Munpull Only In mmv flurrlu nmnln aver uulham Onluln And Hut whlly Il become morn lnlrrwrnl durlnu 1M lay Na mm mm cur rent rml wmllwr II In alum lnr Um ml wrrkml Knnw numhlnn my main rnnrflnnnl mm Nnmnl Ihnn Friday but lbmpfllllxlfl III In rhangwl nrw vUIlmlmm Inovlnl ml Ihn Imng will mm mm Ml mnw nr Mln In In Innrr lam mum Hun day The relaxande Invnlvm merdunu on ma assessment mu 1m ballot Murncd Wed nexday 95 elecle llnndny as holiday while 46 Invorcd Vcd nndny Twcnlyfivn did no vols Slx nddiflnnnl volt le calved LN morning warn not included In Ibo loud but wm In pmporlinn to II About 270 bullou wcro nrlnhv ally dlsmbuled LII ha 115 lhal hava hccn pltkcd up to dala marks good return It ma lounh away that Iho commit to hzu hnld In connection wllh store hours but Uni is tho first that In pmviderj thn 1m mu M1 lollm man merchants committee wfll ask town council to pass l7th cumming nnallday Man day closing allnr the count ol AlnrcvbyAslom vote on the tin Ing Issue showed 68 per cent in lavgr Monday fall fit Inlr Lah 13m Aha llurrn noulhrm human IM Wlnrlmr lnndnn Variaml thlinru wilh HIM Inwlhmlu Imlay Hundny mnlnh rmrly wll Inmr nr mm IN mnw ur mlu nlurinl lh allrmrun MM mm IM Ilnuhll 1041 Wind nunle ny IA Ind llrhl MIIM ml fillmh ORILLIA Orilllas atom will soon be rinsed all day It €11 Riel lemllz LAM Onlmln Nlum lnll Imlnn Klllulm lllmlllnn Ton rmln Runny wllh IN rloudy lnluvnll lmlny Sunday mnny humming mum liming nllrrmmm Innnmnng rnnl Wlmll wmlmumly I1 lwlay Hm Innhzlul ml Sunan Delegates mm from far away Au Tammy Paler borough and Brampton will have an opportunity to relax and see the sights Barrie during period ul free lime Saturday afternoon prim tn the banquet Nnrmui new nay mlaaml Mfivma Haull er My th numdem In held In Trinin auditorium Fea tured guests on the stage will be the Citations wellknuwn Barrio lho hm AYPA branch at Trinity is creating deter built around he 41 Hours Mts Live as the main themer Local busi ncssmcn havcrdonaled prim straws and sppt dances In addilion the dance pro gram limo will hrlwo room MCK MILLER Idonl mink grade 13 exam should he abdlshed enfirely but va should have series of ma ler tests throughout lhe year The final now but loo much crammhg Orillia Chamber To Ask For Monday Store Closing hum mm film Norm In mm mm VIII Temperatures Continue Cool wmam The merchant and profes lInnnls who were polled wen dlvlded lnlo vanion calcgorlcs below lhe survey and worn then matcxoriwd at the end Thom whldl lhe bylaw would dlmlly affect lnvorcd Monday by Volt 662 pet can to 33 per um whlle those would bu exempt lrorn Ihe bylaw by nature or their buslnrs approv ed Mnnday closlng by 705 peg cenllu 295 Kr ccnl mining rInmUnm today and Sunday Mule dinngo In lemmrallxxts Fmrnl Tcmpmlnm My Imllhl huh flnnlny Several pcoae expressed their denim for Wednmdny clofinz alm mud that Ihey would mama ol Manday to tho mm of unnnimily Except Inn may be mm In the bylaw lu wow chum hour ChrisLmn um durln he sumv mar Grncnry Ifam have been club In why for 111 um month nlhouxh other menhnnu hnvu kppk hallday Vcdnudly HI Thoml London mlhury ltnvllnn mu kilo Mam Kmuknnlnu mm mm MoMnuro TIIWHIHI preach council and approve gym at the earliest possible Extensive prnparallom or the survey were mndo by the com mlllcc Tho twn was dlvldnd mo mus afirgcnmnbu ol cnnvassera wcro engaged to pltk up Ihe bnlIoALs In the hall wllh unlquo almos phuu Young people St Giles and St Georges Angllun ohmelm are pmle the two locallons ln LheUppcr Room SL Giles AYPA ls creaflng theme qulet sallludo Recard ed music wlll provide hack grnund along with llghl refresh menls ln um solilyvllghled Blue Room Th parish hall basement wlfl come alive wilh Coffee House The Dragons Den created by St Georges AYPA has Spanish theme Thu ddegalu will have an opporlunily to let on steam with live entertain ment mm Mk Huger and Ga Dancers PAT AYERSE am calam ly in aver of the ldu dont think final exmnlnnfims are fair They are no good In dicators ol persons ability knowledge like tho Idea of term work ml Imam Im ulurvl mrr llm 11M MI lumw ml Ilvm In Mummy ymr lulu may be In blah ll rm ml they an rnll at 1mm ml at mmIalIlM 1h may Hm In llvu mlvmlu yml IM rwr Fprnl DELTA ACCEPTANCE IIINMII IV lOWEST INIEREST RATES The lmpIIcnlIon me luwosu that dun with nubddlnd homing nvnllaqu their poorer rudder mm won by He recommended In annual lndufirm commLsslon report cnuncll lb lama Monday sian that every amoursemen be men to he canslmcflan ol morn norrmhaidiud housing ammxdlflon dcciamlrllml encuqu to knew Mullin they would bo moving lnla nodlllst my or not Provincial and lederal housing aulhuriiics have Indicated that they would Approve nirequesi from Lha city or 50 subsidiud uniis for senior ciLiun and so mm or lowincome ilmiiiu It is pruiccrnl that size that council agreed upon Monday Banlus Aldermen my be expected pm homolvu on Iha back lrcqucnfly our the pmject e15 mum lhodd be oriiven Sn thI use No alderman cut dissenllnz vole Monday and the only nola ol disapproval fame nal sun prlsingly from lormzr mayor and present chalrmnn of ha in main commlulon Willard Kinzle It Isnc 111mg Iha imam local ratepaycn that hes development will go Wald Senor lava lovemment will pay lho Honl sham with only nmall portion annual costs and no rapunl expenses at 10 be addod to municipal lax Qucsllnmd on tho point by AM noppru Mr mm Br DON um It wu Mailing mu week to hear Barrie ally ml hm away mm the problems of business and indultry long enough lo consider helping same of the loss ortunale people 01 Barrie And it certainly to munclla crcdlt lhaHhe members agreed to aumnfiw that help In llle arm of low mu MirL man mom yum they lhnuld be Exam Arent load Micah becusaumcanthke avow MDK into mantlerm only My your Iblllw on one dny AT CITY HALL Lessv Fdrtunate Will Get Break Vlmihnwflmmwn monlh UHIJHIHIMIMIHlhllluuh lunwllmmnllump nloy ll Iamghl man or In mm McGUINNESS DISTILLERS AGENCIES LTD 1qu Munml hung um Illm iv aw wvaunaw The charm of Europe is just sip away Why not taste it tonigzfi 154an mm mm 11 me In MrK1mlul View In Me at Banh than Idea of fIeflflb Ianewhen near Hm mi Hold 1wa COMMUNIEIS MULTIPLY Membauhlp In the Russian Communlsl pmy Increased to 12000900 from 000000 19 and 965 nulls hard and they uh lot out you The what In In beau position know what you are doing Ind may no JOMLODGI to decide when mm Ihould to unlvmlly Cum Uun mm Lolauml wml mu blank umnlmmummmuny llavmu vulmuuul In Iwnl KOCH mm mm flmh ImIlla on me payment flu Pint Imtalmmt etfmlvn mm due dale the above Somnd Inmlment Hem brlnl or mlil oomvlelo Tu Nollca Mu puymcnt wm April Wild April WIN April 9n my name fm Ping 20 10I0Y00MAI0 Second Inmlmom of 1766 Chy Tum ll due by SPECIAL ENDS WED APRIL HAIR STYLISTS of DISTINCTION I43 Dunlap SI Em 7287443 Wm 61 cm TAX INSTAlMENT iouanni II 03 Rul° OFF All PERMS WimYMH may Ooullll rum Mack chum Emmi Utvl unir In lllbll nnlu nl lhl lTHE BARRIE 2mm SATURDAY APRIL 21m EKIMSV ACROSS MUSKEG CALGARY CPIBryce Nod well Is developed swam buggy or v40 It explbrallon and devciopmcnt muskeg dl Mel co $20000 lhu Model6l can lords net at water and clear 11h1dx 0b nudes at specdshp to 11 mxzh Four prntuypcs are In use In the Rainbow Lake ollV llcld 353 Wfi ISHIUWKA £1 sagvcojsnmp Ah We Insurance thrwxh London was Amt SLESSOR Insurance Agéney 0011mm mm jun one OHM One Plan omflnxqmmm April April Avril April II wltlr Comprehenxlvo Home Protection All lines of Inmmco la Iii put thoV SURE In mmlml mommy nunuln In lnsimncé helium or Mon PM FéMefih 1M8 Olly lnuurn Jill em

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