APWMWupwlmU8 mm In ll wyhl Ima dmldar Mnw luv 01m pawl ulmh lhr lalwllnn uhm mam pound llllIl NJJJZVIIIE lllmln clnl polka lmldlnfl low mm In mmMIm wllh 5000 hank rolulmy Wrdnmlny ll Frnnklrml ll mllu nl hm 1N mm wm mm up nmulny all pnllm mrdud the am or Mum llxrlnl um mum at lhc ï¬lm at Mmlrul bum Mr mm rnrrylnu mmloll Ilmlflm ml all IInflnl hula hm he lmnk Alnll lulu car Mr rnlllrlï¬ nuy lnxn run drmm uul mam In cur Police Hold Men Woodbine imphcd that Harry quce 1mm Conserva live my lund rulser sum Keswd he could use his Influ ence on lvrmcr Ontario liquor commissioner Mlnn Gmman now miniser ol mom in Unrns ll two Mekims Di lilleric Ltd brands or sale by the liquor Contra Board of On Karim WITH 11 51 Unllrrl Slalru hm mm 11M ml 1muuhnu dmhlar mm by 3mm pulmh 4000 pound In rr twllnl June 11 13 Trade Analm Wiuim lwvmmm In Mm rnu Iv nhL In um um llm l5 ulmll wl ho lnllvll In LUV ppm mmmuy hen the Re And Deparuntm Store Unlon NM amokde at the Null Canada Ltd pllnl hm walkcd cl lha Job Thmdaan dispute avrr the ï¬ring nl hm union 101an5 Mn 01 MM romplmy II prrpnml lo deal with UII Milan Hanna only within thu pmvluoru 71 he Mm nml provindnl luhlnllm 1w rminu pmnlon mumu nmlénvm Ii mliu nudh r1 Ctrnwnll Cheese Quota Up 10mm Influence peddling allzgaliom Against Damnalive pan umraiser were kept More public eye by me New Democratic Party in the kgislniune In flu prmhm flan Robert Henderson union Ipokuman Inld he president ind vicopmldcnl local 436 ad been llrcd by ha tompmw Mr llmdonon all he walknut was also ordtmd bmuno man nznmtnt refund ln return money Md by unlnn member plow hing lééjmkem Ont He was at the lime and was given death senlcnce It we later emunmd by the cabinet bu lite Workers Walk Out However Mr Hobart said he had requestd min legal opinion and that when he had them he womd cm the ham what ncflon any would ha lake Leim read In the house has mlgnyQen Nth who to indicate his mm with regard to while inquiry mg the Melqhen ease film promier aalrile had mmde about he Impri £1 the question beam mereia im Mclchm can we the lawn Donald ammonia 1h NDP leader asked Premier gm be wgs ctmnyry1a on Mu was conï¬ded in 1959 munitring the 12year 31d gigl n93 CllnwnE The aflomey gema said that Dr Ward Smith of de partment had not been asked to give an opinion on theflmo ul Lynn Hamper death be uausa he is not speci Melchezs Case Mica men are not peau ofï¬cers Mr Wishan said and they have remsmflily to investigate cimmstances re my to honucide summen zumnmml 5M mall lncldrnlnl lo lhmunndx dil mx uranium in the moldy hllpnrndo rlmru OM on bookie flan lnflarfl lmlhrokou manl Thun lny nhzhl um up In M000000 000 mu warm on he LONDON CW EINllon me has become bl buslnm hu Hrlmlnn bookmakers and he canntrylcmnmlsiw Mm blrrl Til ï¬le an elmllon 91 fhomlqu the nnllon mld he ordeer lnmscnpt Mr Smiths press Name and ound dld no mesmnd in mm terms wIlh mu mpam He said he would Man copy of the tran wripl In Mr Dldmbaken The Conservative lander uid mm dillmnl mm mm qumd Mr Smith umly the lame way or said Mr Smith mmla ID cxiramdinary Maximum that he ilkgal dednralion cl indcpcndence by U39 uMlMuprLmads regime In matdash was mmnmblc nlh Um Japanese Invnsion of lnn chum and thc lullnn conquest ollfnhlopln In Dy 1930 Big Business Oppoa on chlcn bakcr asked Mr Marlin whether the monument NZst with the former Canadian diplw mgga Wu OTTAWA UPIExternal laAn Minlsler Martin dzcflncd comm In the Common Thursday on uiUcbm ul Rhov dcxia by Arnold Smith Com mercurygone Dlmrnnmws Elliwho He said there could be tibiy less money available or direct lnvuunent which would hurt us as investment dealers but them will be certain long range bendlls wreaking cm In Cub Mr Osusuy called the refund able lax angle mgcnlous be um can work holh as brake 5km down the current boom and as stimulant later on requlred The period II will Images the nation should pmvlda mp1 time he sald Mamaéfflaxam Declines Comment ramebendiu to the Invest men cmnmunuy will accrue fmm he wuragomu and in gudmu budge brought down mnsday night by Financa Min hler sharp nu III Am mam the 2000000 we umxc Ions on Import Canadian cheddar dm were aimed Ln early Mazda at on Canada nl cfllnn commiuoe on The 118 was llsh consider Ing an Increase of 6500000 pound next year with sup plement nl 1310000 pounds on aged cheddar mm the us world quoln next year would be more than 9500 mpmd mun Sees Benefits Bmlo Exnmlm tuner 50 BARRII RUBY GIVES UP DALLASv Tu AP Jack Ruby killer PrtsLicn Km nedya assassin and Thursday he has glvcn up hop Fnr he ï¬rst Lima ha wnl bmught into court or hearing he clearly Hated remaflu for shooumz dawn Lee Hwy wald Nov 24 m1 thy ullcr 05 killed Kennedy Shoppers Paradise flu or two but may be law shun at cilth and alter lhaL Improvements al he Welland Curx xpccled in make lrnlnc Hrs easier 25 Dunlop ET He said only four or ï¬ve shim will be mulling today to move up the runway and One or our are expected to be Welland by Monday He said there is 151115 chance at WHERE In the 1m vmk mce Seaway Authority 0b law said early ham la al wayl ï¬ght to moderate and It usual unme mun me etha pan of the seaway doesnt open until Monday The shipping Mum also gets under way at Saul She Marie today when the Inked States and Canadian locks open to trarflc The Leon Frau relaxer bolmdjorlhe Lake heaa Expo NEE m1 though the loch xpgkmman we St Law survey by the Canadlan Frau also shown ships on the move on the other Great Lakes nlfhough the WAth Canal the By THE CANADIAN PRESS I6 EL Lawnante Seeku 09901 May from Maxim Lake Onlarlo Ill pay the sales tux um As much as the Inn Iunuover on major betting event such as due Epsom Dtrby Ind the Grand National mmm This is your lusl chance In an whingcomumency wlu 50000 Valera hdbroket whlch claim the malnr share polillca belting look £1600000 $4800000 on Wm e1st 111M Irving says An rt guess on the ms of the eecflon puLs Die total in £400001 $12000000 or more $531132 aflr p535 la or bank clerks and schoolteach er who count balloLs elation night lothn egumalcd mfluon poundsplus spent by the major parties on campalgning Elecdoq law llqu lhaex pcndilure of Mel candidatelo £450 £1350 pm 16 pence for each eligible voter in an urban constituency twopezwe for each vow In rural consumency Thus each pan could spend an and lap $191259 Seaway Opens general elthon mm much tha ma cast run ning the campaign and ndmhn luring the electian TAX FREE SHOPPING You pay N0 SALES TAX SAVE SIWE SAVE Remember LAT ONLY WWW Normally he md the mun mid nol have carrkd out in nut inspection until nflnr mm But because of event In Quebec Cily the Inspection mu being made now WHOM tomm Liquor Control Board of Ontario has mawd ahead it Emivnnnual examination nnd analysis 0m nrlo Irmvcry pmductl Provin clnl Secretary John anomka OM the lgilenfure mi mm New YorkNawbold Morris 64 lnrmer New Yuk my tldalland mayoralty candidate of cancer LCBO Examines Brewery Products MontrealWilmm Mun dadi 50 Expo 07 visitors services am an 44 um 15 yea By THE CANADIAN PMS mutualAlma Lamina 56 president and man many of the daily newspapu In Granby Qua La Voix de lEst anleranby rndio an CHEF alter lengthy Inca EllynJudge Boy Manning Edmmjson 60 past presidenl of the Album Liberal Amh Mon and dhlnct Court Judge 012m lot mm mum in min main man debug Monday and mm with liaalvole in volved berm the two day nu out The Common also gave second tending an amend ment of 0119 cuIlurnl Re habilitation Development Act cumming the Initial ARDA after debate 1M put the siding ovuflme mm April The mama ll am to start the budget de ï¬ne ï¬cngp stands ad humeri until May under commen um brands of beer have been mm wiihmxi ï¬nding llnk with heartallum death In Qnehsc any Samar Jeanhnnoou iDul KM hQudwc laid in the 53 Mgr vfag lupdflsm En and Ma Jmmdlr when downbwn apartment and II If build Parliament At Glance Mr Wlnlers elm wld the House the United States is raislng its Ma for mom Canadian cheddar clique Health MmlxlerMacEacheu told Alba gorpmnnsï¬wo more By THE CANADIme numb Much 15 Trade Minister Wintenlnld the he is sending forum mnaanlu guidellpgs on to good He Canadian citizens DEATHS ury last year tila Dominion Buruu ol Statistics reported Thursday Benaiit payments amounted io $65900000 In Jan uary ihis year $2120000 in Docembcr and $380001 in January last year The avarage weekly payment was $24 in January 1966 $2146 in Damn hor an 141101 in January 1965 At the and pi January than ware sumo claimants In in more oi 10 per cant irmn the and oi Dumber PRESIDENT RESIGNS James Clarke president oi the Winnipeg Grain Ex change rinse 1961 ho resigned The exchange board oi govern orr announced Thursday that Mr Clarke is leaving to accept senior partnership in ï¬rm oi ecomnuc consuiiania iii resignation is eiiectiva not later timnAug BELL NEGOTIATING spokesman iorilril ialc phone Cor oi Canada Ltd raid Thursday he company is nepo Liatinz with telephone iirm now optrating in lho Boun cour Que area ahoui aibie transfer to Bail oi the smaller tompanyl amia 111a Bccflncour firm known Tclo bun has about 600 luiephoncs in it sme and ir one oi slr loirphone tnierpriscs in that re gi 75 miles nmhuat oi Mon By 11m CANADIAN PRESS UNEMPLOYMENT LOWER An average cl mm bane lldarles drew ummplaymmt lfuurance each week duxlng January compared with mm In and $8109 In Jan bluntly have swelled head The Stars have no lnenllon of leltlm nu go any farther and By LORNE ADAMS BASKETBALL 0n vlhuraday the teachers will answer challenge of the greatnmielssuumubuw ut basketball sum The leadr am who manly Acquired phenomenal one gum whining xlmk against flu CKVE No Stan hum let new navel Ihe channels to the vast depths pl lull prams an put ltl BUSINESS BRIEFS Stqï¬gfchdllenges Grade 113VStars By ANITA JOHNSTON 0n Snlunday he Inner of auxdistricts baman tom men were entered in the wldor Georgian Bay Dhlrict ï¬nal In Richmond Hill Central had AT CENTRAL centralireams Enter Finals 7114900 NATURALIZER STYLES nuns TO LOOK AND FEEL WONDERFUL Jun Nu look lav wum wulhu tlolhu Amt anunllnr known mm Mu min and mm mm comVovlnbh Eng Inlo In alry moth Ihpo mm boon mmmd Inn and mud to lo the whole village uzemhlad the engagement party The results are trash and To Lind oak more you hob ynur llckg 5311 my meniim oTmE pormlly Vlclarlan society In the plot two young memben of flu Ar Lstocracy who believe In mar riage between classes whim In Victorian sachst la unthink able him mean to maka love polhm This dubbated Ticket are now on Ian or he Sorcerer an operelu that Norths Glea Clubwill present at Centraln auditorium on Apr By Gilbert mg Suiflvan of 0qu pen By naw you have all mohany MUCBd me various people walk ing ammd the hall waxing those ridiculmu 513m the am 15 la Coming The HiAY ob viously In something up their deem and lap leada secret they wnnt even tell me Sn keep your eyes peeled and you can tuned or tho Bu 15 ogzgmA will alto to deflate their not egos sure to El yvur tickets as the pNCEBdJ this game will help the 1565 pax In tho graduating dinner 15 cam entered In ha Glrh Doubles Boys Dwqu and Mix ed Doubles Our girls em June Knox and Jame Findley advanced go the semlflnah and our boys dwblesteam of san dm Wednelln Ind Gary Yates N0 CHANGE PRICESI ll Kayiï¬faytyjnlon nnnlopw Onr prim will nmllnl SDImm Ind Rec4115 rum3m to 3150 Telephone 725W mum snons Dunlo III2 97 Glee Club 1695 ROBINSON HARDWARE BARRIE HI MONARCH REFRIGERATION C0 WW veryhep new loan KW pmvlded the music Thu We and her madam re 012mm gnu me was manuhus was unmumun Mmtal ny gown girl or mothers had made The GM thou Linda Richard son gstheir Granny Quaen 1h who Band has received word that it has won $176 from the Kiwanis mic Festivaljlhe len 101 band won two firsts and ma Jlmiur Band won one lint Ila the largest sum the band has ever won Saturday evening the GM but on Grannyn MORES RADIO APPLIANCE STORE STAYNER ONT Monday evening 17 Key dub bers cralad 15000 chickens in two beam in me 00 rain mon gzr the Qippled Gllldnnl were ddealed In dose game in me ï¬nals One mixed doubles team also ruched the ï¬nal 01 he Gonsdaflam evem Central smalal trlumph came whe lied afler lhfllllng tame d959 lamMum battle wvn the mixed nimble mmplonship and entire Geongim Bay Dis JACK WILSON APPlIANCES ALLISION ONT Before you buy Ivy you youmii an and hear new Frigidaim Dishwasher in mioni So visit you Frigidaire danier and for yourself how Super SumaWMungAcfloandom Mihoul provrinsingl So how you can wash and dry an lhadishos nnd polo pens toot Thom Isnt anything hm ï¬lm Frigidaire Loi your eyes and am be the Judgoi Frigidaim is whispomuiot dishwashev that can am you Uioilmo Holiday loom Dishes Now at Frigidaim denim Sea why it your cumu In In mind by THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND fRUCK Copy win mum To Your nom by MI DUNLOP SWEET EAST IARRIE ONT ll DUNLOP SYREET EAST BARRIE ONT CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 3mm Hmmén mam versatile blank whose wear Includes plum an Elma cover an and musician wmï¬ Barrie In her wk Americas India We dwlns um um mien ol cummme concern Miss Hdlmpn who cxcellent FINN of we classic has been mm flawï¬ mu Community Afaoclaljlnn qw cam pilmmg Er mbsmpclméui flex wasonl mncmi To Rppéai In Barrie nmm mum