Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1966, p. 3

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vr been someone who was given the extra Job to do when It came np Someumu this went with out additional pay but Gordon was there Last year when ho was reliede of the in of build ting Inspcclor on the appointment Griffith he was made assistant clerk and later was made Inspector of watercourses All his jobs wnuld make nuke list He was Always ready 30 assist ratapayer who come to the nflice or inlormafion and he took considerable time just being handy person La talk to on informallnn When Ihc Job or county welfare officer was advertised he applied after lull Ing lnnisfil Council that he Adding so He got the appoinlmem We know he will do good job on this very important pus ilion and time who came under his jurisdiction need not ear my will be slighttd or put in any way Wclrare today in big mk and with the pins to el nate poverty it may mean that gradually were will be no vmore hardship It is nut just mum 0f giving malaria aid but in Rolling training and purst or time who are weed to require assistance mm the weihre dqmrtments We congratulate the counly on IL chuiceof county welfare mica When he was first given posiiion in innislil the lam Reeve William Gibbins laid mum cll have watched Ibis young man in churdn Wait and not he wiil do real good lab as MIN of or and building in npcclnri We ice that his faith was justilind and that Gman nevcr let the township down Will Be Cool After Snow But Dont Bank On Skiing rm HutM mum llll Malian My In min alum mum Inn Inllnw lynnpllll thl muw pm ihly 111M ll Um Rim dril IIY ruin my poninl lhmmh HM Mllulwm In MIMIer Un lumv DISTRICT WEATHER Hmc may lw wml mi Mr IlLIlthl our In Mnkeml IH lhe Inwmll 100 ml Snnw lmlny II Mm In lamr all nnlh nnl ht numwl Ivy xllnhty rm wulhrr IM IIWI Imin will In rmllul In the amML MKI n1 Ivmlwlrvi 0r thudly MACHINE Same lime hack we had lcllcr from ill Innisfil cinan Imll hl Illlr Vlmlw llnmlv wnh liraMl HEM 31 lwnlulnl mind will HM HIM dull llw Ilhmnun lmldy Hnlqlll nlialvh Imuli Im Hnlnlllny Nul mum haul le FEMWBNN duh Tannin Ilamillon1linuw mun cniml mmli Welcomn annn UmIlPd ol Rntrln ImprintMN dncumem My mm Al ommunuy lluuw vadnwlny mm In nullllnrlu IMMMI and cily lficlnll wflh mu wnnanp wrannn New WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS T0 BARBIE AND DISTRICT INNISFIL NOTES Délegatiqn Objects To Outside Labor We learn in the latest release tom the Cuttenninl Commitlu that the park planner is being naked quote on the cost of construction at satisfactnry swlm min ppolx llhe inspector for the muniy health unit reported on the possibility at health hazard in the use of the prepay ed wading pool led by the meal streamMr Alex the park plan ner qmtad loud sum oi 526 or matan the park not including he manicured pools This sum also did not include Any basic equipment needed to make complote park nur did it in cludc outside leiicing septic tanks or tilebeds leIllnx us about amongother wings the Centennial Park Pni read in part Ilt menu doubt ha Him It is feuihle to dig out plum for Hwponrfl DonBealty my not Already bulldoter not stuck and had to be pulledout They had qulze time gelling It out and had he get another Inadim in do 50 Our mistaka was in my thatLin madxine beIonged to Mr Bully It seems lhat his equipment has not yet been med In the Centennial Put Mrs John Bradbury who lack an active part in the commilhee represenglng parcnh Huronla Schonl and the pickelhlg has written lengthy letter to me in which she expressed dis Vappoinuaeu and disgust wllh the art appearing in his col umn an Du 24m She writes You informed your readers that we needed one man in lead us by the nose to say our children were trying to lcam under dirty and un healthy conditions was voted to chair an investigating com mittee into the sanitary condi tions at liuronia School No 11 In doing so found that the lac ilities at this school were an tircly inadequate and delinitciy not in condition to help pre vent tho spread at infectious htp atitls liuronia School never had and netu will have the facil itics that are available to Sun nybrac School studans lound on inspecting llumnia School that my son along with Si other boys were sharing one sitdown toilet nvaabie to them in the threeroamed uhnolt did not asir that the school he closed permanently but that it be clos ed for icw day todisiniect and clean it til would Mk more Nlnum 5mm any mull ltumlll lrlnMa rlmuhnu Sal unluy Wnlll mullmd 15 Ill III In MINI Inlay lwhlnlly IINIMINII INHHIIII Ahllllnl In mum in llxlny mlunlly ria rlrulnl lumllhl Nullhmn Miami Tl Inuan Carinno mm Ilhrr lnudy lulu VIIIIMI Iananl mum Am Mlur My mm nailr 11le usl 15 Ihifllni MU hula Alumna Saul Hr Milk Mainly mm Illnnmn ml canzhl Vulnw rhnnlimu 1luully liHI whim WWI mwlheul In mum 2n llruuun In nnrlh I5 lomgllh DISSATISFIED than nno dayrlorclc Oh lnxwrinl Hull nllnnnm Ind nulin by MFMDI lltlo moltr Mainly rlmlll lnnlzhl anlvm rlnmlmmu Salmvlny Wimh llfll II Ihmlfll III mm 10 Inlay nudunny de rmlng lmlm mldrnu nm wumrml hy lhn 2mm and pmenled wuh ur lmu gill dunnml by mm mrrchnnu New mm and annmnmnmu of Mining hrlnl npmonlalim lrom gyms IVY Special 0m NIB oldest rural telnphone compan in in this part 01 the province the IvyThornton Telephone Company going to be taken over by the Bell Telnphonn Com pany in 1967 Richard Davis president of the board of direciors said agmomeni had hem reached or the firm to become part 01 the Bell organization and modem dial Iystem will be in stalled school will gladly meel wma gnu and Rive you full and lrue detailiol side or this whole Allhe headquarters of lhg rural system at lvy Earl lleid who has been helping in oper ate Ihe switchboard since it was installed in his late inlhcrs homa January 1912 was found at his usual place plugging in callsi Hi wile Dorolliy look over as he talked aboul the early era the company STARTED IN 1909 was starled In x909 said Mr Reid recalling seeing the first line being built when ho was mall boy The llrst switchboard was installed In thc mlnwn raunn luauJul Imulmm May ulih mm hulnninl lulu lhin nllmmun at early lhl mnlmz Salunlay mnbnly rlmuly will Mlmlhw llll lml Hmlq lbnhl Ivrclml Inl duly 11 lay nml nullh My 20 onlth VIMix lnmlml Kllclmur CNIMinN T01th lelvflmumh Klumlm Tnmlnn Klllnlrw Mudmlu leh Hudlmvy My Mp Mam Kuwkuin hilt Hirer Mrmmm ummnn Yawnt Tnnpuulmu All llnlflll Ill Illhuh IM wnxo bmhu ilu ml neatly Am Iuptrvlwr Mm nod wish MIOV rmm Noll fiuo autslnnl hnslru Llilvr Ml HIM Dnnnld lrprnrnl thmleM Rev num tunic and rmmnunn IM Minimrlnl Mm Hun unw cnhnxteu Auurlnurm Mu II meuinrr IDmln Dials 16 Replace Rural Ieléphdne Svstélm At Ivy fllln Holmln gelMi by Rowe Cilallm has been sel ¢ced ALLCamdlan or 1965 mi group aloud first It the Royal Winter Fair Toronto CURRAN ALLCANADIAN HOLSTEIN GETOFSIRE general slorewhlch was then operated by Lcnnnx was consldmd wonder uL thingand cited great deal of interest and curiésity he said ntaling It inulgucd him as boy and he couldnt visit the store wflen enough to see it opprace so when it was moved Io 1h home his lalher the late Willlam Reld son Earl was glad tn help dont gel he thrill out nowle still find lntareslinx sald Mr Reid wlm will be 57 In Junel From small beginning when relatively aw enterprising Insidenls met lwgeiher and star icd Lhe company it dcvnloped through lha year and now has subscribers in Utopia Egbert Thornton and olhvr nearby corn munillcs as well Is Ivy We bnlh have spent much at am lives Al the switchboard she remarked Sincn they know all the wt ncnbm they more or less ap The Raids also operate the Ivy post Wine in the 5am frame buihfing now known 01 miles around the are as landmark FEEL PRIDE We In pride in it re cordl said Mr Reid and his wile smiled in agreement HM Xumlnl mm mr line per vlm nty Iml Ilm In Mk work Mr IIH fill our IMF mu Ila mlll ml up por IMM in our Hlv Ll In yuu mmulrv Ialldmmn Hwy 11 and with one change was lirk witma nmswx mu American Dairy Show Ear fishing The Ier were ownv ed by Glenanon Farms Al PERSWIRI To WIN zvm munmo To your flowers AWLICATION or LINIMENT TOLTON Equipment 7264 The Alllslnn council which ls henna by Mayor Darling will hnld ll April mccllnz on Monday nluhl 1110 depuly rnnve who ls serving his 12m ycnr an the council and llllh as titp uly didnt lhink the parking qucslinn would come up oréle the switchboard on per sonal basis For instance if resident Is away and wishes lo have messages taken the fields are glad to du so Vlsitor frnm nlhcr centre wilh melon have frequently cammendcfl ha open parking In Allislm and merchants thcvu his hat lawn lnrlnr In on coumuin more ouulde shopptll la leil Allislon may be Ilillucnl In lar ger places like Harrie nml Orlllil when mm mth be mm cunmliun withnul the motors nbscnrd Dcpmy can llunml Our mldenln like lho way It In hnmllwl wllhmll the mrlcr The system alsn is the means of providing hclp in lime Dl lrouhIe LisLs of volunteer fire fighters police and emergency car srrvices ar kept for ha 90 The Raids give 24hour sch vlce with ball on ma wall mat wake lhem for lale night or early mowing callsl It has been rarely that lhey have re quired ngslde help patient and Appreclalal to our area sald Mr Ln tribute lo the ncids praised their devnllon lhraugh the years By CUImAN ALLISTON Our penple do not dosim parking meter in nu lawn Ind we have no intention installing them said Deputy Reeve Ralph Hunlcr during disc ion about Aiiislons civic fllui Company Is operaled by live FIVE DIRECTORS iistm Rlchard Schlelssncr Jarstyvflle and Tara Hill Farm Millbrook NY Rm sire Rowe Malian Is awn ed by Rnnchn Santa Monica Tcxmo Mcxlco Alliston Opposes Parking Meters 20 DAVE MICKIE featuring THE STARS OF TOMORROW bGrout Stars Bill Paul and the Blues Councll Tony Silvys and tho Soloisis Toddy Rbblns and the Kordnals PMHOH Wyn Rlchlo Adams Davn Mickie as host APRIL II AT THE EMBASSY HALL ADMISSION 50 PER PERSON Evuyom Woltomo SPECIAL ENDS WED APRIL llé Blah It mm In Am HAIR STYLISTS of DISTINCTION I43 Dunlap SI Em 7187443 rcmlerbd an ppmlalal aorvice sald Mr Davis the Reid ashe devnllon duly wotaunt Adam Anim Agency Prounll OFF All PERMS By CURMN GUTILRIE ISpeclal List acllva blachmflh In On Town ship Edgar Bert Guest Mm was 32 yam old March 27 la menL1 the dscline nf horses pn the lam When first came here 46 years ago there were many line show horses In this uea said Lhe retired arrier whn lumed his lradeln England filer were plenty olhers ton Now fllcre are very few harm on the arm and not too many show horst agounq he dlreclors who at Ilecled by shareholders AI president Mr Davix was appointed by 1h directors Jack Banting in rclary The only agreement that exists between lhe Reid and the shareholst is handwritten document dated Dec 30 1912 which outline the hours of op erallon emergency procedures and esrablishe the cHZSO per yearpaid or the operation or the line wth the Oro Agricul tural Soclew or over 40 years Mrr Guest alwaya musldered the horse show and racing pro gram the nature of lhe annual all lam He himrnll played an IcliVe part in arranging many at UM shows and mm 1934 to was he was president tbs rudely There has been great deal Inflation since then and In our agreemean slnu have been Verbal said Mr Reid daughter Rulh wlm ls Kecrelary at lhe Barrle Colleg lale still lives at lmme also their youngest mm Brian whu grade sludcnl at lvy School An nldcr son Allan Reid lives Drillla and works Longferd The oneInu Alllslnn lacrosse slur who is wellknmm HI dealer is an cnlhusiasllc buuslrr lnr his home lawn with has lumped from 1171 pvpulaliun in 1933 lo we ever 3000 are looking or Ihi development to continue he laid will an cnlhusinsm whlch showed lu was hlmscl convlnced The lawn ha our lulltime unstable wim Chlnl An dmon In charge club aux Iarles 20min volunteer in brlnads wilh hm lira trucks in cludinx pamper fine artificial Ice arena and 77bed hosniu Alllxlun maple are proud 04 their move George Mccuue who ll one lhe ynunml warden in 51mm Counya Iona hlslnry wellkylan local hus inwmnn he npmtrs ml male Ixrncy the mnln nlrrd hm We ml we have real deal In oflcr 3an the deputy nave emphasizing Ihe lawn And in ponplo um keen nr new bu and iflduslry Last fictive Blacksmith In Oro Laments Decline OfHorses DISTRICT NIWSg TKE BARRIEVEXAMINEJK FRIDAY APRIL 1m elli Ihave only missed and fair In my Ihan 40 years and that was last year when wasnt well enough 10 gn mid Mr most rlendeho oflcn ac pompanied Mm Alcx Graham of Shanty Bay WM in now 3150 missed aucndlng the 0m gait last year on the first lime years There were eight or nine blacksmith shoclng horses in On alone In 1920 Now there Isnt blacksmi shop In Lha entire lowmhlp Mr Guest 15 menled Turning to Ihe blacksnmh trade Mn Guest said we was special skill imdcare neeflcd just as lhere is In other per suils It alsn took much prac lice lo glans shoe just right In get the most an of horse The grand old 0m resident said he lide riding in can but perlmed Ihe horse and buggy excepHoy lung distances Hisskill as barrier was widely recognized among horse men and he shod horses for leading show and racing alsbles Perhaps the must nolcd was Lhe stable of the lale William Wright for whom he shod hams nr 15 years lllr Guest smiled with pride as he recalled praise mm Mr Wright or his Here We Are Folks Opening Day Special uuxxoxlm NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONTINENTAL INN SAT APRIL 2nd 1100 pm Auptlonl 491mm 111 ml ulmunum mwwdmmmm in butl lum In INI EDIN SHOW TASTEE TREAT FREE ADMISSION GET ONE FREE Open Saturday Apr 2nd Your favourito Ice Croam 50 flavour of Milk Shakes BUY ONE CONE ANY SIZE TONIGHT SAT AND SUN Hamburg Hot Dogx 428 BLAKE ST ADULT Mumoi THE admin mam mm or Mr Wflghts 1M7 Queens Plate wln ne5 Ihorsg npmerl Archxyoxfh also ad many vunnml sulky winners including winner at mranfo and other city tracks as well he Ora Coldwalet and other Kala he said Evenings Show at 100 and 800 saturdny Future Tlmu Loo 520 Ind ml NOW SHOWING Fcalnr 115 and 330 Na Maw 11 yam of Th pussycat 11965 ISM THEYEAR OFTHE DUCK AH Act Of PURE AEGRESSIDN Adun Enlmalnmcm xURSULA ANDRESS NOW PLAYING vi

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