Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Mar 1966, p. 1

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CommonsApproves Salaries Of Judges sr JOHNS Nfld CPITho unlrr Alminn ha mumul In pm with Mo nl nlnunhln ll MI lrvlnlml In Ina um an UI lee nl IJIXXIMIIK apL Jul KN ol Ihc urhm mun Ivy wring llmlhru IN lehnl dunrmfl Nmrmn unlm mlmnly hurlan Imwllnu mock Ivy ulmlunlo ulmlulllrr Inn 111 Imnml Irnzion and mmMiunn nu Uu lnml llanlrmun Hun mlll Imu in shin wnuml Captain 0i Sealer Reports Theft Tension In Seal Hunt Approvnl wn givm chm day la Irmlulim providing lnr lhn salnrlu um new judnn um lnr tho Ontnrlo Su meme Mal three lnr he Quay Supwinr Conn one or Use This brmlghl mum from Mm Debate on the death pcn any mdbd Mnmlny night ulnar Lhrm days hon 45in Cownn IImGllumbcrl re lnml Nu mnnfmfl mun rmulml 1p conLInue 111 resolution nbahsh cap unl punLmecnl will be re lumui Prim Minimr Pearson sold VulrMsduy possibly withln two wok mrmbcrl are ready In accept shoan rum voting most the dnyrmna mer rcmluflon approving he ries fldhyncvf judges OITMVA CPIWill i1 cap llal punishmml dobala still hanging lhe Common stayed lo court chlneylgy by de lpnIlIl flunk nmman MIIIIII Ann IandrvIl Hy Nnol 1umnIII I1 nmlrIH mnlh MumIa mum lflfllnlnlvl ham1 mm raléaugus at 01 wn Wednesday nmld specu Imlnn ha ho is In danger BERN MFAVIDER of Far llama1 my Wan mu The Examiner TODAY uhl In large mmqu ll Numlalln win and IN 0n rallwfl Mn Ivmuumilnflml gm Ihom an mhanlnm SnmNMnfl hm In Ive done or mm wnl In mluna M1 II lhm Time jun In many Norwrzlnm lnxl KM nnhl he lull Knvnmmml le lillal roun lnllnu vndmrmna laklna of haul Hal IMMIth nflrr Up nmllM unlbnu rnplnrll lulmnml Hm llVlmlrl ynwllmfln rally Mu Imnu Uul Um vawrulam Inan hlvl Kenn MM nlmmhlw Khan ulflil ualn Ivy llw Nmuw alum pal Hue IIAHNI bark ynuu Vo AIM up Alurrhwa Hm MI xlhlnl Inks Um pom lumw Mm lnok lhrm luml In My marl Mennufiflo KM Nlmlnlam Hm ltllnflflwl lemwl In opium hr ukiwn Nulurzinn annnl Kvillkll khlrh vlndm hrm EN mm ml Mlli Inr lwn cnw nwnlw um lmlblflm Ink hl know um um llm will Wu 1m lmlr Inn work when Juno mm mm Huhn lm said Wu kmw ulw wk Um In hm rm ml Capt Krnn MM 3000 pulls slncknl In by hl rrcw lor Mllrrllnn IMII Ind hem Mnlrn 1c mminlmmu In Canada are maul In our nu llnn bald ulchanl Bell PC Carlclom law and rm mm lmmurnllon min lm lIm wna m1 higher dc gm publlc service than mvkn lnlml party He look mum Al romarkl Th resnluflml bpcnul Ihu door hr the minor panics debate the pnrumn polillm may Ice often play role In sud udlclnl nppoinlmmls Only um Liberal nnd Ionservmivcs havu nvrr had the opportunity In mnlml nppolnlmcnu the vaincu have mo nulhnrity lo determine nu number at judge they rcqulre but he Imi oral xovcmmcnl nppninls and pays the salgzrics New answick Supreme Court mm or the Ontario county court and one or the dislrlcl court at Alberta being emailed mm the cauo us Cowan mcmba 1m Tor onto YomJlumber embaer ted the lovcmmnnl Dds ka in tho Commons by blocking GanMl Manor FL Im vial llnuul III Mm IM lnlu My who went Im III dnubllul plied luh wile loner came at hu lhix morning And Hm vnvrlu rMJrlmml live lim Do you think the nnw wok nlna lo ulllu Ifrwn wlth us Julm Mr Jarklm Sdkilor General Penna laid lhnl Iurlng his 20 yum at hm he had never heard chm mo pnm pouum ncllv Jo cl Judga In my way in lumm Judmmn Justice Mmblrr fludm xnld he fell Judnu um complrkly lndmendtnl of any polmrn mrl Mr Hail 31M Um nrflrla was irresponslblc totally my wold ul unlit 11w account said Judicial nppoIMmle In Canada nm nnHonnI disgrncn became crass political palmmlgo pmvaih aver muril and nhililyf by Robert Pnllie NDFBum aby KW u1o qunled mm newspaper account speech by Pml Vflllnm 1L Ar us of Bitumen mm In have he mpiml pun Lshmenl dobnle exlcmled Al right In Bryce Hackney Lib era mamm or Montreal Var dun CP Winthaw HERES ONE L05 ANGELES SIGNS TOP PITCHERS 1mm than momr arm Walirr ollnllnyn money In In mim developuwnl nrsdny ha Mnmtnhn logisln um muddy mum lull por mJtUnu IN mum on wian pmlmy MUM me mncrn 7mm and lwo Menu rnliurl minlslm mriml hem In nur lluy valley and 1mm flood pm nmllnm Flood Imicnhtcm wk ml 211ml nbmo winkr murmu lu lmol IMn mnpam with 30 tool In db mm loud at Winnipefl Thelleda watershed mm hm Jup ink Mimm and nclghborlnu Norlh Dakota M111 hztxflqmpnlml muw mwr 11722 pod WLJNIPEG CWA cdlical period in Manilnbns load pic luro expected ncxl wok dayumo tcnmeralum in he so and mu hasten mom 1n the 1ch Mar anon men Animuum Minlslcr iconic Hutton said Vulnmlay during that period wuld have urlms Heel but he Inmlay Mather mom Kmflmlm only micrufo procipilaupn Grants bulld coral crew Ind men with plow 15 were digging iv polnu among the rubble Hundred wnrkers Irom malty office buildings Jnmnwd the area 0T1 behaard and two or three men wen carriod awa in ambulances doctor who was quickly on the afler the collapse had laid was alarmed 15 20 men might pg lrapn Vxecklng crews replaced the mun crewx and began dur ing lhe debris Alum two hour alter the collapsu body was removed through hole dug will shovels acetylene tfichu and chain saws Manitoba Passes Flood Control Bill We have one man dead and three in nnspilal Ahnul hall dozen men had Injuries that warn reeled without sending them to haspilaL cLEAR nanms Ira Chief Alex McFadden said at 1245 pm that all work er had been accounted far by the muimcflnn oreman The collapse occurred about 1010 rw Firs estimates at Um miss ing ranged up 20 but police called off rescue crows several ham lalar alter foreman on the Job nocounfed or all their work OHAWA OP Concrete steel and wand washed to the ground today where an aparb mealoffice building was under construction killlng one man and Idling Lhme to hospital fink of owe workmen auflered iesmr injuries which MM lw lum Concrete Wall CollapSes Meji Caughtln Rubble MUM Human lo mm II In pomlvv mood Al Mm Smflum am My mum flu mum nn Nmnuhflo lw llalu rim In no Mhuur noder lo Wnlurm lay mvrminu wm sewnmun I001 n1 Winnlxwm mm Mom In 105001 mum lml floodivi muu xl In lull prlnmry lhktfi mum mm nl mmvmhmn men lcdcml In uslry mumr Mubmry who nrliwd WM nmw mm with ungw jmlm clmmx nrfaim minislrr MM lmlvml Iunda umId Ir mud nmflnhlo Manitoba it Howl damage wcnl mynml me purhics he vnnmu agencies wilhin he punmm mid krill nM wmld he comhlclrd only If it Mn quwcd by tho pmvlnre nac emergcnvy lull releases Um mvcmmcnl mm Xlahilily causal by llw dike rrr ll NOC Hon except la lmlldings ml vc hicks And is mmzmlve lo Mnrdl Xl the my nllnr Im micr Dull Rublin nnnounwl the government would nlxsod the EU raising prmmry Ilikm in hr lure of lhronlnnrd lltnxl oi nnlse md when looked out the mth eridnl lhé hdxldinx was Iamng down Thu res just Kept coming down and coming Fbun nine 23 was sitting At her dcsk in second offing ngyrxs the street we first mm Loon of the building were to have bound licel and the remalnlng ninu floor analjlmznhx Peter Remedy muting at his office deskv across the slrcel said he heard loud crack and as loolmd up one whole wall and part another at rlghlnm glu In crashed imvard About 200 not or wall and conslnlcllm scalloldlng along Ellyn Street came roarlng dam will lnlemnl walls lo dcplh or about so eel from Lhe slrch LOQRS aF omens progresscd as far as the nuth smrcy when the walls came lumhlxng down leaving fares reinforcing rods ntlng skywmjd Rev George harass ire de partth chaplain said he gave the last rllc ol the Roman Catch Ohurdt one mam Twa other were taken In hos pital after being dug out The building was projcclcd 12 slarcy ruinfmtd concrete structure at he sauUIczIsl cor ner of McLaren and Elgiu Streets about six blocks lrom Seven ambulhncu and1 our doctors stood walling tntaka escued menJo the hospilaL Glyn 1451 RITES WNW mm Aml nyxdulii on mud Ml wm mun Mary an Im 11 lhc mm mmle Tues Isl Eric mm Quebec minis lrr mlm mill WanMay In the lnglslfllum nn Invmllznllnn by his lcpnrlnmnt lKVn nlllu rslnbllsh risn mum the NHL Mr Kitrzms MM Qucboc brrwvry hm hm figurme nchlrd lml noun wru du rmrrnl uhlrh mulvl Imllcnln mm cnnlnmlnnllm min mu mm man Um dllmml hrw ellm Ilmv luck the slap 10 com lnhuln further to he nfllclnl In rrsllgnlim and In order to nkxnrc mnmmerl In tho ma svrvM luy our Quebec City The hrcwor planned ta mm mm ml ulnaa Uml nrm wuh war nroducai In on Montreal plum Dvw has said it will refund all purchnm ol lLs beer In the Quebec amt Pickup bmr outside the brewery was to be gin today UhlL MONTREAL Although all 16 mu said to havrcnnsumnd large quanuliu of bccr mmprongod Inveslh gallon of the death has Mb lnhod no connection between lhn hnarlAmMe and Dow bar or any browm producl Au lhurillu say it L1 looswim make my definite condmlon The beer to be discarded LL 600000 gnHans ln slack at Dows Qurhcc buywcry nnd nnnlher 400000 at we bromr ll Que bcc agents 11 mm Mum and currently in lbe possesslon of olkuw nubile The move announced In statement In MannM1 Wodnu day by Dow Brewery Ltd al lows he deallu at 16 middle axed Quebeceru mm mm canjliac 1mm Lhrce weeks QUEBEC CmOne million Hanan beenDow ale and Champlain panel brandytwill be dumped Into this cityl saw age Lsystem ililhiq Iho no two FmEMEh rubbld for Dow IODump Million Gallons Of Que Beer 2N SEARCH through lion worker allci collapse or commotion in downtown trapped construo varstorey bulldan under law lpday CP wimplwlul mm RenewMm cumulo dlhd mum human Inlmmunln hm Huh WitMil Md pm duu MI 0M Wm aluminum Imwd nub mum Under mm pm It commuta Iml ll val nunum my mme MPan mm 1mm mm lmlny hm up nlx men mnmrnu Mm my lmnml nulr dull lnnla nu mm at Mill Mum alum mer Pun ml Innthew lkwn ml am on the mulbouu Ilqn 15mm ulmhnl IllM llw tour bulldln MIAMI EACH Fla lMVIIIIHNN loom luulry hairll MM Mnml Iner Mlly lodny lummo mm In and and jmwll Ill MK MN Larry lndmw ul mlII Mum 54w Ham Inlfl hll ILDrlLtm ulllmla mu mmuatlrr May Produce Nucleai Float ADIHH MIMLk Hluwln lllrullrliFlwhnnu hmke Ml nlnul llle EIIIquMnximmll bun llllny 1m mum mm In hm 3cm ll wu nnmmnCN 11w lnlnnnnlhnu mlnlury Inlll 1m Himmlnfl pullmnnn mu kIIIrII In dull WI mm Kwunll lmqu FMIL In in mnunuml Angry Mob Beat Up Six Mon born In ninjor mun In mm uhnl nuMucd ulocHun mm palm and lhv quJnr pmxnmn 11 It Ilw Wllum pnvtrnnwnl amen Ill lNlllvfl kl 16 HIM 1h Instminute Gnllup poll gave Am Dad over the Com vawcs of per cml rnough or Labor majority ol 200 man annnal Oplnlnn lnll Rave Lahor In tltrllan day land of nlm pr rrnl TM n1in Emum poll pul Lahur nhnml Hum Is per crpl Robbers Loot LIL Hotel olllrini nkmifhn 111 llnnnl economy Issued by he pallx may mm vmeu mm The uplnan pollsters haw ayaln Mormrd hem cmMnb ichy they wnll Iclurn Labor guvcmmanl mlh greatly ln crmcd majorin 1n the Hosea llnuu ol Commons LONDON CPIBritain 354 mum dndnrl rmalcdly old by he pollslcu how they an xulng vote chuma lo dn At uwnurlm today In mural election Border Fight Erupts In Ethiopia ILmlxmln figure Lovmmlxltr Tho Ilnlnvnl lhe ruonmny WUM by committee named by His team depaerent said The hwcsdzaflan conducted by federal and provincial nu umrmu and hy mm pendent mulunu has re vealed no inzmfient In the beer sell or any nutniacth W905 la and me mm beaunbunzd The heart attach said Mr Kinam 1m cqmd by GENERAL ELECTION Expect Large UK Turnout LATE NEWS II erI millnu main hum hemm mu pcr mm of UN rlrctnmln ull lum nm In mu nl Imlnnu nulhuu own mm um In ISIV 0n lho lficr MM nnnihM lmmury rcmrl mm mm rrkc mo by cent In mosHm sumo mm but twice he mm his 1311 lull yrar of Tory rulr 1m prnz lhc mum lhul could 1mm Ihr pull lorcculu nru lumme nupmuum and ancr venlnl rundidnlc The lremry Mums show lha bulancoofmynwnu xkfldl wu cut UGLOOONM 1061000 0001 In 19 mm cmmm rar malicr The hulnnrc mr pram fimnpy In the last am lvr KN llsnn has Man cmnamlc trouble on Ihe 13 Netbde ycm ol Tory rulu Comm15 Ive bendrr Eduard 1mm has much 17 man Socialist muddle Forly cases ware rapmlnd n1 whlch 15 paLknu died All had mnsumod large quanuuu of beer or several yearspsald the health 1V111110n WE Beer disease which nude the luck muscles dcgemrale ls depart mm was advised March 19 by Hocal doclore posibla f9 Iaflomhip between excu Ilve been dnnking and the dy type of Maul131m MWK

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