2E WRITE ll Illiflll NEW 1N urtk hm had IIH In with llmn NI ï¬lm In mnl ulm Ilmullnl lhe Mlnln In 51 lrlmlvm Fulhmllm Inn with Inrvxmwlu mu fly In Imam lu llnllrml llml Alum mlI Mu lInllwf who ll lrllml hum II Im Miro Im unuM lurml MI uinlvr In llw mm llnln mum hm uYmvlhl 1w ham lw mm la dulm Imh mlninlv Ilwll uYnnllll Elam lm mm In IIIIIVI mu unkind and Min WI mlnvl hall mmy mm In mmhmv hum rvur lurï¬wl dun on 1mm Ilma hm Ink for mum mm lo an my nut Whllt Hub umd my Mum nmmmr MmIL Tmunr nnrl Tnylnr Mm wm pul Iml 11 Mum wry rmuulul he mwnlnz If In mlln l0 nlvlmmd In my Ida nmnrrUnn hum WM 1Eu1mm1mry In Ilnrrla lulu Ir xnln plum Uer pallllnn brim fmmrJL Will rhnlnuml ol mull lhlnn In ml MM IM nhnuld lbw Iunvll mung vlalnl um um Muzan mm VI ml dtnl 01 he rnmfunl nrvn LI Iklnl Hm lhrlr mm glvm IKIVIEF ThI mulnrd phm wnl ymml lur Ilcvclmvnwnl IHh In ruml rmmrrmrnll ml Mnx ml wml ha The mu ml lho mad In mt Thu an lmnrhlm which romidcml Iolllml name lmr back Is Main hrfnru leluf lur lllmlulon Mlh lha lwnshlp mllrllnr Ind Ine mmlulp Inllrllnr lo nnqullo lulu he mclhod hy rhxï¬ MI may b0 handled WANTN mum Innbtil ï¬rst will be on cer tittcalcs nt promotion awarded to Grade rim with Principal McEachLm was instructed In bring In xugxcstlon tar npmov II the Board Prnbattanary pupils will be no cnptnd anmn or another war It wan agrrut alter cmtderabla discusstan ammg teacher Ind primipahr mm GARBAGE 0n prcvtmu moltm Coun dt had hem nodded um Fnllowln nppcnrnmo 1ch uallm lmm MI lhn am in ntnr 25 tldcrond In mprrl zoning committee mu with Elma Fgwyt nml Cmmclllar Glbhlnl lo Ml wlh Aullllml Clrrk Gordan Mn ZO NG REQUESTED and 000 will be nddcd la the contract Elmer nnxlcr lo lmburso him or rtmoval Aur lnge 1mm lhu lakrslrlo park Lhrn dnyl mk plus mm mm plrkup week towmhiy cmplbim loud ro man garbage lrom park mm It was agreed at the mccllng of leaclmu Ihnt Instead of prln anal writing In parans ol $ackwan1 pupils lnlcxim rcporl should no all parcnls whlch wuuld be good public rclallons Scth Act provides that parents who keep lhclr children rom school unlawtu are sub ject lo suspension of lamlly n1 lowancesr This wns one of lho Mm brought to the nuenllon ol principals lhe worksth 1Ireldby Innisnl teachers hia JUNIOR RED CROSS The doadlinn for donanns from pupil the and of March wotlhy purpose and has great impact in many p151 of the warld Winners In competitions dun Camp Burden received awards lng rear allon program last week The program was INNISFII NOTES May Lose Allowances If Pupils Kept Home uy 1155 The Slate Assessth Depart men Haridn Ls lnslsï¬ng um NM and local may place In vnlunllon on properties this year This wil raise the Mal imminent consideradiy with Now we both spend wintens in lhu sun though Hub did no jmn us in our swim when he accompach us to the beadn ASP35 FULL VALUE than 520 week Ended he sameAnglicnndmnh In Toronto but never me until Innisï¬l residents we are members of St Pauls Church though both our parents had won members cl he Salvadnn WINNERS IN BURDEN COMPETITIONS there as lawman we during the same ycras uvrkod an strutt railway n12 penis an hour risk lng life and limb clinging to open street cars to make less PARRY SOUND CF Her bert Duncan Hardslcy Tomnlo dmwncd Saturday when he fell through the ice on nearby Lake Msseau idle ski lng arms me lnku Io his col lage so miles narlhwcst Orilllm the danger that many ol the back areas will be law in com parison to such mundbs as in clude Miami and Fort Lauder dale but have equal stale rm resentatlou and say in spending taxes This similarity can be compared mu awn county The Flarlda Stale Legislature after weeks of special meelings he sent to lha Supreme Court suggestion or the mapper thmment and the number members that each dislrict may cled lo Lhe legislature 1111 now waiting acceptance by the court and with an eleclion pend ing lnr State 0mm and nominations or Govmor having been necuptod it would all be upset the plan was turned down again ies SEATED left right are euchre champion Jack Dalr am winner Ted Babbing ton and shumebonrd champ Young STANDING lel to right are Bob Gilles nlUl Zommmrru mum JAMS DUBURRHE MGRl GfllAH DWARU HUMEnunme bï¬ï¬lflllflillmflhflflmlfll muumum pie runnerup in he euchre tournament Common Zlnck sccand prize winner in shulfle board 3111 Bannister of OKeeles and We Castillani dam nmnewp Examlner phaio mum mum THE MAN WHO MAKES NO MISTAKES PLUS HOW 10 TUNNEL THE ENGLISH CHANNEL nmnewp Ex1minI rlllDi qu mum Future II 115 In 930 pan Sun It 130 340 525 125 no pm Adult Entertainmml NOW PLAYING expected to DufferimSimcoe Progressive Conservative Association Annqu Meeting MONDAY APRIL 1966 1815pm7 lhThe communmr HALL Rosémont Hon THEO RICARD PC MR ELLWOOD MADILL MP Evpryona lnvlvod Speékm HARVEYPraia Wlndsar SL Thomas Landon Klldwncr Mount Forest can Tempuglum EC MP