There ls noshortage The Examiner notes of speciï¬c superlative in the scope and description provided of other provinces The wild splendor of British Columbia the magniï¬cent vistas of the Prairies and theoldworld flavor of Our der Dlefenbaker and New Democrat Stanley Knowles has been drawn to the case Steven Iruscott inlrecent days As 14yearold Ontario bay in 1959 he was sentenced to hang charged with the murder and rape of 12year471d girl The sentence was commuted and he is serving life imprisonment The currcnt interest In his case has been created by book written by Tor onto journalist Isabel LeBourdais The current edition Macleans Magazine carrtes an article based on it Mrs IABourdais studied the transcript or the boys trial and became convinced that the boy was normal young teen ager and not guilty of the crime She Barrie Examiner March 25 1046 Her bert Crawford 0m Station elected president First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Ltd It Coughiin Phelp ston completed 40 years as auctioneer in annual report to Copaco directors General Manager Morrison stat ed hog market looked good Barrie Flying Club engaged Thompson 0t tawa as airport engineer Squadron Leader Victor Collins formerly of Barrie appointed dcience counsel at Aurich Germany or three Nazis facing trial on charges of killing Canadian air men George Johnston of Minesing MPP for Simcoe Centre said tenders would be called within month for grad ing new tourlane highm between Tor onto and Barrie Orvi Todd Chur ehlll named chalnnan Simeoe County Ag ricultural Committee Craftsman ll Williamson arrived home recently immioverseas on liner Ile de Franee The attention of many Canadians in cluding parliamentarians as prominent as Erime Minister Pearspn9pposllion Lea 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Tentative lann bring considered In divide counly nlo high school districis inspector icicr ill Scoii in annual report poian out that pupils at Barrie ubiic schools are gelling more than rcndlmz writing and arilhmclicl For in stance Qucon Victoria School sinco demolished is now silo of post oiiico music laugh in all cinxsroomx by Miss iiiiiiigan and Miss Johnson rink operat cu in winter for hockey and skating Mrs lllacksiock gives loik dancing lnsirnclion for senior hllnlonis classes have been inkon in imporioni places such 13 iiro hnll connly buildings llorrio Examiner Norris Dairy etc Similar cxlrnmrdcnlnr nctlvily was held ai oihcr schools lit In Inmnln not an long Inn xomconu Auggrntcd green plum garbage bags would 5n ll1ureo vlckup onlrluncy ml 120 sslnllnlion amp nycca could be rclm an mmual mm $750000 Vnndmus are lho way of municipal polillrs Mvwlmnn ulu daily Ixy mm new mm mly Null rum II II mall llama um yearly Onlmo mm yum 1150 HI maul 3150 lhm nmm H30 mth Molm Ullwï¬ll Illlfl ypar MM nil MM MUM MIAIIII mm rm htth 0va NM minkm mm 31w UM nml Im vilnmmm 7M1 timm 41nnmny Aw Tmnnln lulhull Mum HUHIIMH in mm Wes lrndu um Ummlnn nr Public Concern Whetted nunn mm the use or Um hag 100 lhumr nl lhorknnmhnn Duly Namm CIRCULAR THOUGHT willan Sprclnlnrb OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Aulhnvlm mnml Inn mam lml nunn Walmnnh Dill ml or payment pmlm In Duly bundnyl IIan mum llnllda mm hv Elmriv Exmuiurr Besides series of mlnor doubts Mrs MBourdais raisestwo major issues The book says there is conflicting evid ence abou the irrle of 49am 9n gpin ion made it possible for Truscott to have killed the girl the other rules it out The second area of doubt according to the book ls the dfllerenre in oplmons of an thorities on the maturity of the person who committed the crime The public concern vhich has resulled from the publication oi Mrs LeBourdais book has been speedily reflected in the House of Commons The prime minister has indicated an investigation will be un dertakcn Whatever lhc findings they can have wide and serious consequences spent three years researékflng the facts and her book presents persuasive casa for an Inquiry to reexamine the avid ence King Edward SchooL Principal Winston Law has five hockey teams two soccer gcams fiyc sgflball tqanllslangat amen is coaching three violinisls Mrs Spearn teaches art Miss Loth and llllss Doris Kearns leach music Mrs Shear ves re ligious instruction Al Prince Wales Principal Bell and Assistant Ger ald Smith are very active in leadership of sports music and manual training First homo and school in town was organized at King George School last year line talk on llouso Plunu given by Earl Cox at Barrie Horticultural Soclcly Barrie rink of ski Albert Simon lluss Londry llorman sham and learl Jack Hz Kennedy won premier honors at 0w on Sound bonspicl Coach llap Emma unounccd that Barrio llycrr would be back in DNA Junior next season with much stronger club than one which miss cil layolls this your 0t llvo homobrowa on cam only goalie Jim Strachzn will ho eligible next year Cecil Cook Murray Richardson Donald Clark and Gordon Needlram will he too old Team will have two sturdy Iclenccmcn Ray Gnrlcpy and g9 Lundnto start along with ionurn Doubtless the approachcan be made more attractively but every avenue should bcv utilized to keep tourists aware wherever they may be that this province it the greatest in vacationland attrac ons per cent but you rnnl elhhlnale Jobs um Aldrrman Kennth Dear Murray We and Mluno Knu pl Har old Forster successor lo Al or Motlatt opened plumbing and heating business in Russ Block IICI Cadet Corps direct ed by ll Cockbum began training for annual Insvccllon In Queenl Park adet Major VII lam ultlo ls commanding flccr mm by Ca Roy Woodrow Llsr Runs chkllnu larnld nrnll Alvin Hulchhlson Norman Graham Color par nnlpn5CII of LI Ernest Alexander LL Hill Iallanlc SKI Ronaln Stewart Ipl Austin Slnncham Cpl Illldcn Robnson lhrn mldcd that lhc mm were not cllmlnalul lull transform lo pther 11w parhnvms more would he nudlnmdll advantage In using Iho b1315 15 HYnun ur mum um mum Wn can take comlort mm film lllll lhn lnvonlinn ml the whorl vufflm aub mmml Toronto 7in cnunrllpr up pruval luhlmhm Amflallnn llm nnaliun lnu 1an MM mun nl Clrmlnllnnl 1M nnadlln Im urlmlvdy mum Ia lb nu Int MINIMUM 01 all non dlnmldm thl pa wr mauled In nr modltd lvm nr lflllfll Ind I150 lhn local nn Imb Iillml men For limmlrm VaM Alb NH Th HIIIIMII mxmhcr In AU Ihl Inmrll ququ Illvlmflll 714 6117 CIHUIIHU mpulmml when 1mm Orville Prcscoll compllrr and adilnr FATHER READS To ms CHILDREN says in the preface ln hl book lcw children loam In low book by llaemsclvzs Someone has In lure lhem lnlo the wondrrlul world of lhe wrillcn word nomeune has to shawfllem um my And lnlhres who uzuall Ipend lzsx llme wilh Ihelr chi dren than mothers can do this by reading aloud Not much time necessary hallhnur on two week day and an hour on Sun day should be mm lhan cnuuzll And one enormous bnnrï¬l Hrs shared pleasure mndlng aloud Thls somclhlng parcnl and chlld cln do logelhcr It ls snmc thing Lhat slrcnglhcns the bowl lamin allocllon And it lers lather an opporlunlly amwer qucsliens In commrnt and uplaln lly dolnz so lath er In actually leaching wilh out nilhcr Valhar or chld be lnz aware It CIIALLENGING Mr Fromm In no lalking Just Ibou rcndlnx plenum bank In your pruchoolcrs He means conllnulnu In read In your chil dren nllcr lhry have learned In run or lhrmsclvn com numb leading them Alon the palm of lllcmurc eruduclnl lo them your van hoylnmd arltea huran wkh them he IIy non BOWMAN IInre hnvn Iwrn number mm do In Candi nI Cnrquct an nmmnlck ovrr nmdemnlnnlloml nthooln III xrnernl mm Vlnnlpen And own rInI In MonImI Mum Maurch IIIchnnl hnx born nwtnded Irom hockey Perhapl Ihe work look when an Mnrrh ID Quebec Clly mm nuIml wumlmy miIIlary urvIu nvtrlm It mud Ior Hm day wIIIu hva mldIm nmI Inur dvlllnna Inlnn HUM Cnmmm mllIlnrymvln wan An lma mu Ihrealuml In break up ulcmllnn In World War It dld In Wrdd nr II Slr mm IIunINI wax IrIrm MIMI And when uuunlu um rnwdml mIIannu Ivy rallo nI Iwohone he MI um mmrIpuon Wu nmmary IIn lrlnrl In LIIml lendtl IIIr WII Irld IAmIor In Mn mahllm lnvernmem but Mud WIHINI mlnndum mm the CANIIIIIH peoplu lInI ml Muml In nln Ilnnm mnny olher IrmIInn Hdel Ild Mn mIIIIm mum IIIny mwrlplim llrx on puI InIn QIIM In lalmm ml be lpUnn mm only 07 mm In Prnndytnnmlm Mnny pmpl mm mm mm mm rxrmptlm mqu nlw mlnml out Uul llrluln lnmhml runnerin only haflva Ihnmh van and ma mic rvl Amlrnlln and NM 74nlnml min lulut II Although er HllAry onlllmenl WM mmrknue ï¬n qualinu mu hmt hml In Mruwul Mm unuhwl lha Mnde 01 mmlrmllmlfl nowvamp and limo um Mb by amino llle mblllm Mmn Nlmlnnl Mar AT THE LIBRARY 1m mclkm In than my wnn um mm mluu Imam In mob bumnl llw Mllm 01 lhr nulnlur and aim lm poll lla lnn Tn lml ummymml unl mlmrnl 9mm nnmin Ilnp rim with mlm In dun empry 11mm Nick lwi In In mavlu Imn rnvulvy rhmnl 11mm min Ml rle hlrl Mum pnrmhaulu or NI Im ham and had in HM lrmpg CANADAS STORY IMMr inï¬ll 0n Mirth Ill lmTmly winl lmlim ll 1min uflvr In cl d1 dun lMlhmmur anlmnr nele lflnlnurmqnls In Mulle Imwnm lumnvlrml larilk mu llwï¬mlnn llynmv Rumlulpnttnm Mutation In Unur lan Inlumllml mqu IVANew mmkl lvlhlnllm unfluwmvl IQIIflIII In IlIINI lhnllnuehmn mlnmu In Nan mum MM lMlnlnrh nunmmrwl plans In hubld launnlhn Unlvmlly Ili hnnIJ ll W14 1M nllmum Imam NHlll lhl rvm ml mum Hue Minimum 1mm IlflllNl 1m Mm mm mm lmlinl Fundypub Innmllnru Iml ï¬rmly don Ifl Vlllvld Iuh hr rlum nu Human nllmllr lurch Am Funrhlnnlunn nowpapa 11 anh MIN and mlpdmllm wan va Id lhnulh Ihu lmmlnl pmhm rmnlmml Innalvml Hwy nuvly lulrml Inn Hume xluvlnx mll WM II Conscription Biot Caused Niné Deaths Do You Read To TheChildren Its GoodTime To Start discovery new books and mulching and touzhcnlnx Inelr mlnds by nlwayl cncouraxlng lhem lo explnra new and mom challengin awnuc In the won dcflul wor of the printed pale Sloryldllng very indent art and reading aloud 13 one lace that which anyone M10 can read can muster ade qualely There are many books which Iain lmmeasurnbly from helm rend alwud such PINS the real one of caurre The Norse and Greek myths and all the vast azure hoard ol lalry lulu were nrlxinally meant In be hard rather lhan read In nncs scllr Poclry Ahoud Ilwm ha mad Aloud lo chll drcn The lullrcr whu want In read lo his chlldrm will ï¬nd no derrth ol maltrial word nl wnrnlng readan aloud an add est wrllerl rkill Badly wrillen books are dull cult to read Iloud became lhclr prose do no ullnw he nalurnl rhymms ol mach Thzlr nulho or do not deserve or rxnccl the lwnnr beinl rmd Iloud GOIW llllS not only unnecessary bu unwise to lry to avoid the vlo Inn and gory Inl 11 the hack ynu read Jun dunl md lhzm mflsunz 15mm ALICE umamonmzu 1w my an mm POP OTTAWA In wckame chanxehs wcck member of lhe House Common shlflcd Ulclr allcmion inside and espe cially oukslde the chamber In nonpafllsan topic Capital pun Lml ll bu llme Your chlldrcn Ire tougher lhan yMl thnk They love In an lhc Mus mll lha deck awnsh wllh blood Mnreover ll ynu nllompl can ceal mm your children lhu viol crm lnhorcul In life ll you lry mm me lllumy wnrl nuler and they wlll not bcllava you lcr buy have only In mn lha headllnn in lhn mmpawn la know lhnl you Ire wrung lly rendlng lho rluhl book la your thlldrcn you an hrlp lhun lo nrrpm to med Ill lho ltrmr Ind all ta leA um We will Allnf TU EM AND TO TELL mpqu by Noah Mmugnmrvlr Imminan Mtfly lwtnhunnal nmlrnnm hum IUIWHI lnlk In lnr flu mmml rhllrlrm In In In hunu Ind gm lnr nl um rmur my um vuzl AM Imlrlnl um 1mm Vuk he um In Hall Puliarnenl Hill has long bran the scope ol vocal and well organized lobby by Ike abnll mm The reltndunisu have been mute but seemingly deter mincd Mm only flu nuarncy mug of Qqcbec flyjnz um war mm V115 had In underline Iiznlll rant flu Dionne childmur dzr Ind ma gangland Hmrpil dying lhIrd force on Pam menl lhll large enough In lip the debate either WIyAconsists or hose MP1 who my prop erly more imresled In the pruledian ol miely lhnn 1n the ale ol thy municreg This tugs you are Ion whm In bcgin mdlnl your chlldun ha libmy hu rmnlly lcqulr ed mvrrnl exmllml mllcdlom mm with no lnlendrd or lzlllnx nr rudlnl IIDLH ulhtr lhln or lan reading T0 CHILDREN FATHER HEADS TO HIS CHILDREN complled and rd lud by Orville lmrnfl TN henulllul wl lnlrrullnl hunk ll lmmemtly mind Ind run Inlm Inch Ilnmllnl llmu 10 THE HMIEllOllS NEW umnrs Ind umxmled mm mm Jamhl TIIH MONKEY my mu tolm 11ml Imkf an Inlrndld nrlmnrily lnr lihrnrlm and MW mph Mun oh II in In lrll Ilnrlrn lo rhlltlun hut llmr no man why Hwy rim nnl In rem aloud 11on In rlmle lrndmnnn alnrlu mm Human Inllulou ml Ilmlu IIy modern wrllru lnr hildvrm AM lhv mm my In llllll hum mrnycnmlds mm nldor MK and um TIIH MHIII mom 100K Mllml by Kllhlncn le In lul luuuu Imnl humm nm Mk um Mry my lulnm Animal Myles Memlu lull wltnm vllnreuum vinm anlnul hhlh luvmh Ilnllu ham Umk Am Nam mylhnlonlu ml In mum ndumum by molnn Hm Thll honk would mule vmwlnhll gill la hmry nl Mldvrn mmnuble vlaw than MPi PATRICK NICIIOHON OTTAWA REPORT Parliament Shifts To Death Penalty An nunll IivlrImw the wruunro nn lMHInIMl lml number if havllo mm 5mm lrmn Vlrtmh Inlk Irlmnl ll Um MDIII Onlnvln Nam or umlrnlnq In IMmlln mm mm HM mm 1Iynrvhh mm In For mm nl Ihu 1mtrnu hm mmn Ll Wmllinnw lull rrklnx um rial hulmonl or lurrnilu mint Mka Can ada since most our nutty lemma comes from he Unil ed States Mon imponahlly hey will be quuled every lime court riu to decide when rlee speed and and MI be am niey have already aroused arming mmersy in the United Slates Nobody homer much thou he ate RUstn Mme por nography appealed to the barea 1y meme or that old um Fm mt book wrillen by John Cleland about 1750 had been Vivldnm was lent to the ab unionist mm by the aptly llmad mutrtdlon bl lha Trus on use conrernlnl the ymmld boy whn men yum no mu tound gully ol the nlnylnn uyenmld girl Ila wax nnltnced lo dram under Iho law ll lhcn WM hut my pmperly Lho Dlmnhnkrr znvcrumrnl on rmmulrd he unlenm Io lllc lmpriann mrnI Vlih Iull cmnuomlpm on TV nnd nu an MP old ma hook wrillen lrnm ma vlew polnl an emolloml molhcn douhll Pllma Minhler Inmn put ho normal mount nl virw 1m ML nu munwhlle lwo MP5 1m prmuody UM doubt upon Tan Idna Judlrlnl Iyum uhlrh um rrmlinn lullnmml Ntw DEmMfll Slnnley Knmï¬u un anml lhll lho Imy could nnl Inmth hm rnmmllled murder nd uhd why win In lnnnunl My lwml willy WW DECIDEN Twrlu and mm Awl run lnrmlnl HM jury wllh Um unluo tar man lnllmm Imrw 1th rrlme lhflu hlln Ivy Iinuwlu hm lelrnnmd lhnl My boy nol lnnncrnL 1114 trial Junlgc And Iv Ap pul tum uzlm who Illur 10 riml um mm Ixy lhl nlluck berm MI Jlnl Hymv Irvu lhr Know hi my my umwly impel Ivmu by hi lrllnw Liberal Ilakvh IMNY Ind Mr Swain MU Lnnnmmll ï¬rmly rum Dual nu cnmvmnl uhnuld lw mm which MINI on HM judicmy mm mum or humlinh nulmumr nwlulnu will In mm rulrdion wilhln mum who lace lhcir duly unswayed byeilhcg mogul ar jradlflon They think Canadian boys who would like in mve their community as policemen but who might be dissuaded by the nhsmu oi adequate sanction against armed bandits They think oi our prison wardors such as those in New Bruns wick for whom 51000 year danger pay was recently rouxhtl against whom liiers would nlwnys enjoy open nason Abovo ail they think at the young boy and young girls and ot the women oi Canada hose ilm might be endan gered by the mount in our midst of liicnlly thousands of paroilod kiiicn REASONING VMUFJ These third lorce llls Ira ntlthrr abolitionist nor reten tionists Some oi them would re tain ca iiai milshment for the morn nngcrous crimes Trea son murdtr ol new nillcelr mum another crime such as bank robbery um lmlully Inch demand or ha prolet lInn of Ioclcly kJIler un lrnced lilo lmvrlxonmenl that would mean hr hl lila limo hm eight years Looking around hlmal my 125 bauxing suits an movie and mtlonal advertlslng Um upcnly exploits sex Ginzburg felt that anylhmg would go the name oi candor district court In Pennsylvan Ia disagreed and condemned the hardcover Ems news letter called Llaisyn and sexual ambiduaphy caller The Homewlfe Handbook 0n Selective Prmï¬sculty The supremo Conï¬rm tiar row liveHour dechlan dadd od Eros was sold solely as an lnslrumen or xexualslimulaliun and pandertd he will spread weakness or pornogra Ph The court dld 1m deny that Um Handbook might have same worth but condemned Ginzburz or his mnllvcsho commerclal cxploilalion or ergr ea or ill lusUul appeal on mummy he nnuily drmcd Gino burg pack bu lar the Id cml penllcnlhry whcro he wlll wmu Anomer book US edl orial wrilm Ire lam Mwmn lhn lull Um mmchmg km to be done to Item Um WM pornamphy and ear Um lhl ncw umiLnUm on the umrndmvnl win bxlnl new hookAbannlnz ouglax dis mm said this condemned Ian advenising lcdmiquv as old as hlxlory The advertisement bl our best magazines are chock full ï¬lms ankles c31qu bosoms eyes nnd hair Th said ncllhcr added In nnr dclractcd mm tho qual lly the cosmellu cars clnlhes or even Insurance lair hay try to sell book should slang an In awn regardless lho rcasovis why It was wrillen the wile used In ulllng lr Julian swan ya lo the scmillve heart ol the casehe ï¬rst amemkncm to the U5 Comï¬luliull whlch protects rec ipcoch ll male The conslllullon pmmu coarse expression well mined and vulgarlLv no 1ch Ihnn elegance book worthless to me my convey lomclhlmz value lo my nclah or and the distr ulna whnl much of Anclcw mll comidcr In In danxtmu bagc In the rec minty to which our nonsululinn tnmmilltd llsclr lur eath ta diam to Ewell mun nxcrc wuc unarnte Inlans wrinnn an he lhrm ca mcvldcnce the omms dxl litully In dcddinu between The world In nwl Aim pnlhfllc mlndl ml undmumi inn hum MANY OPINIONS In talk to In pear Ind um Ihlrh In MI Inrrhrd oul Joh mu BIBLE THOUGHT Wclmnié You wuch mm Mount Ifll ml mm mum rlru lllmly run Imn nu rout Mm mm hm ul hm éï¬ï¬n 71min nunIII gm pm 716 Ml uva may NeM ma nu tadu mu nun um Vngon when 716 M0