Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1966, p. 9

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LC NEWS BOUNDUPV MONTREAL CF Prerrder Jean usage said Friday it is the responsibility of English speaking Quabecera to explain tha provkieelo the rest of the country but unfortunately many of them will not seevand will dothcar Speaking to largely English speaking audience at meeting Montreal area Chamber of Connnerce the premier said Tathem the French are tak ins over the provtnce and the tragady isvcomplete Some have chosen lo be was rive They do not want to be involved in business which theydo not consider Iobc their own They consider themselves iorelgoers in their own prov ince They wait they worry Lesage Criticizésa mill hell inches over The union has been mold or nine weeks demanding so hour week during the lite at contract no longer than three years it ako hasasked ior lm proved wages Prestriire rats was $2 an hour for city drivers while highway drlvcrs received mileage rate The union was offered re duction in thework week to 41 hours from to in aidyear con tract and wage increase oi as to 63 cents during the some pe riod Mr Taggart said the only matter the employers and union are agreed on is that the strike will be lengthy it is going to take drastic change in the attitude of the 14 arm annals axmmaitaaronnar mucosa inst mm reassurance From UFO Probe amountpr scientists opinion that some oi Michigans unldmliiledilylng objects prob ably were swamp gases may have convinced the USAlr VFace but not the people who lawthem Dexter Pollce Chlet Robert Taylor said 1have no idea what it was but dont think it wasswampgus Allen Hynekun North western University utmphysl cist and sclentlilc consultant lor the air force told press con iorence Friday that signings made ontwo specliic days prob ably stemmed from swamp gases He said his studywaa coa ilned to sightings made near Dexter Marehvm by iamin and by police officers and at Hillsdale by 87 college co and the mantyrtzivii dei do Dexter is small community lsabout 50 ndlessouthyvest oi Detroit lilllsdale is about 100 miles west any axnmm mutter PnoNumiuu CARRIERMISSYOU ii your carrier has untarrlverl by pm please phone 7282433 they do not talk or act Others are faultlinden they have closed their eyes to the mating development of this provincetheir province they refuse to see the miracle oi re lavenatlon that Is stirring through the oncesleeping glam that is Quebectheir Quebec Finally we ilnd those very small in numbers fortunately who are actively engaged In de rlding and destroying anything that is mads in Quebec WONT FACE FACES These persons relusad to lace the facts of life the provider said and inrcvenge like are dent misled lirebrands among my W11 FrenchCanada coma patriots they sow the seeds oi discontent of mistrust of hatred They are fighting rear guard actionhoping against hope that the quiet revolution the emancipation oi Quebec is nothing but bad dream The premier added that dare say that you can no longer remain silent To do so is to shortchango your fellow Cana dians those who have the right to know and those who wish to be understood For Quebec does not need to be dcicnded beyond its borders it needs to be understood And who but the Englishspeaking Quebeccrs who are masters oi their ovrn destiny within the French community can best play that role However Mr Lesage said that not all Englishspeaking Quchcccrs were lhis way and am convinced that the vast maiorlty of the citizens at this province who are not oi the French language understand what is going on It grcnt number are begin ning to realize that the Quebec revolution Is their revolution and It is wilh pride and respect that they are conlributlng to our no way oi liie the prcmlcr lit New Dairy Policy CIlAllLOlliZTOWN iCi Thc nnw ledcral dairy policy which involvcs an increase in retail buttrr prions heads oil the possibility of bigger ours later Agriculture Minister iicans said Friday Mr Grccne told the Prince Edward Island Dairymcns Ar soclntion lliere have already born low nervous Ihrummlngs in the urban underbrush ntwut the inrrrnsc There urnild he or more reason for such ronccm it the rnvcnnnml had not lulrralurcd this new policy had lnslcnrl lllltl tell the dairy industry to ram tiuuc ricirrlorutlli This would have but rvrntu ally to ahmln ulllcil in turn nruihl hum the prurprci of much idiiltl and unmnlruir lnhlr consumer price lfltlfllhtl III the long run iha new level is ti hundml privra our in hair cent It pound in unlrr to help pay lur an in JEAN LESAGE crease in the return to farmers ior their manufacturing milk The new level is hundred weight up irom $350 text of his speech was re laased belore delivery Break Located NEW YORK tCPldiopaih men have located an under water break Lbat knocked out one oi tive transatlantic cables Thursday night hampering some communications spokesman for American Telephone and Telegraph said the break was 68 mil Mishoro irom Tuckcrion N1 The break interrupted com munications of Press Wireless commercial carrier and sub sidiary oi IniornaLional Tele phone and Telegraph The and subsidiary leases channels on its section of the cable to malor newspa pm and newsgathering ogan clan including The Associated Press and United Press inter national USES RADIO Press Wireless said it was un able to obtain an alternate cable line to tendon and was using radio However the APa ioreign news hit from London was ilowlng unintcrrupIed by Friday aflcrnoon over radio iclciypc relayed through Tangicrs to New York Diet Demand SASKANON tCP Opposi lion Lcadcr Dleienbakcr said Friday the Stcvcn Truscott case demands lull Investigation by royal commission Mo was 12 when he was sentenced in be hangrd ior the strangling 01 11yearold girl in Juno 1959 at Clinton Out The Conservative government under Mr chimhakrr rom mulcd the death scnlcncc and Tnntott now is serving life term ni Collins hay pcnilcnliary near Kingslun Ii Tnntolt had been 20 years oi age he would have hcen er Nutul ltlr Illcimbakcr paid at press rotilcrcnce Ii there was ever case that demanded lull investigation Ihnt is one Strike Deadlock mnumu rcpt 1t laini negotiating cmmilltrc for the lnirrnntlotml ilmlhcrtmd oi Tchmsirrl 11nd dug in ii hrcla Friday night indicating that strike by live locals Iu noulhuralcrn Ontnrln ulll Lini linue until unlun demands are ml by the trucking industry Toiluulllrr chairman llny Tnccmt raid the union and Its 500 nlcluhcra in the locals are prrpnrul In rmuluuc striking Tell us more and youll pay less When you COIIIL lo llm lnx iorm culled Claim Furl oi your income or ioruonal Exemp lionn own up to ovoryihinq Count your employers if them is to be any break in the deadlock he said Reject lax Bid TORONTO OptThe legisla turn Friday rejected proposal from Kenneth Bryden lNDP TorontoWoodbine to exempt im the Ontario retail sales tax signs posters and literature or dered by political parties lllr Bryden made the pro posal during clause by relause discussion of bills that will im pose $195000000 worth oi new taxes April Provincial Tifemurer domes Allan said it would be diiilcult to decide when auditing the books of printers what items would be eligible for exemption Mr Allan also reicctcd pro posal irom Vernon Singer ti TorontoDownsvlcw that the land transler tax be imposed on the seller at propmy rather than on the buyer CANCEL POLICE LEAVE DUBLIN IAPlAti police in the lrlsh Republic were told Wednesday their Easter leave was cancelled as anxiety devel oped ovcr the April 10 ceremon les to mark the both annivers ary of the 1516 Easter rising against Britain Pmtectim was ordered or British and Ameri can diplomats reported to have reclaimed threatening Itolcphone C3 PHONE 71324 mY EXAMINER WANT A17 COMPOSITE DWEltINtl PillIIll Economicals Dupuis Witness Called Hostile srmnanooxn Que CP Jacques Beauregard 36 for mer business associate oi Yvon Dupuis was declared uhostlle witness Friday by Judge hivcn der Vclileux Mr Dupuis iormer federal cabinet mlnlstor without portlo iio now on trial is accused oi receiving $10000 irom chiro praotar Roch Deslauricrs 13 19111 in return lor influence in getting racetrack franchise Deslauriers lives in St Johns Que the main community in the constituency of St Jean iborvilleNapiervilIe which Mr Dupuis represented until the election last Nov l1 llir Beauregard testi iicd Thursday that in 1961 he was secretary oi Science Atlas Univers Line company he had iormcd with ilir Dupuls Mr Dupuis was president at the company and owned with Mrs Dupuls to per cent oi the com pany The court declared Mr Ecau regard hostile witness alter Crown Prosecutor lcau Blur venue claimed his tutlmany was riddled with contradic tions losses of memory and ianinstic explanations The Crown is attempting to prove that payments made to the account of Science Atlas Univers Lice in May 1901 ALLlNONE POLICY can save 10 on your Insurance costs Combines your HOME Contents Liability insurance UNDER ONE Policy CONTACT YOUR ECONOMICAL AGENl TODAY on ALLEN nvuak Northwestern tiniversity as trophyslcist and expert in the held of unldenliiled iLylng obi iccts yesterday held press conirrence in Detroit prime topic was the result of his findings lollowing an In vestigatlon of numerous UFO The sightings up southern Michi gan ills main observation was thedllusioos created by swamp gases had no relation ship to possible visitors from outer space Mysterious space slghtlngs have been studied by Dr Hynelrior the past is years Wircplwto And Cup wurae Delivered To Your Home bylpal THEltE Is vacuums For THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF cars AND mucus IElectically heated Cameron home 1350 square feet Last years heating cost$11498 This attractive homo in Cameron is owned by Mrnndhlrnll iAlnalclteccntl ilioAlnsllos Iverelutcrvinucdtodlrcovcrthclr cclingnahout lilo coat of electric treating era are their commcntn We are happy with the operating cost nicleclric heating in our years we havent upcnt anything on mnmtennnw While we are not planning to no thin house we definitely believe that electric heating would in vrcnno its male vnluo Vovc nlwnyn raid that electric hunting in the wircntinvcnlmeutwovoovcrniacin HEATING our WiTIl mw coar ELECTRICITY ilRlNiifl MANY nnNsrrm lilmnolcun electric heating In tho clenuont healing Mlhlu it bums no incl 50 it cannot monthly Crcntu dunt dirt ilhn nrnoot Electric hcnting oilrro you roombyroom or none temperature control You angry evrn comfortable lirnlthiul wnnnthnlwnys ou gain extrn living spam with electric healing loo linnunl servicing in elimlnnicrl Cleaning nnd in spection am not needed Electric hunting is the moat carefree ayntem of all With nliin nrlvnntngcs no wonder no many people are tummg to electric heat ing for the corn art convenience and economy they want In heating system LOOK mil Till illllLF HEAL OF QUALITY THE mlONUEiiT GUARANTEE EATING EYVIEM CAN HAVE The Triple Soul Quality in tllminhl guarantor lvnrlrrl Ivy the manufacturer ni Ihs hntins equipment the rnnlrsetor wlm iluililod It and the Hlmtrlc flillll Amcisilnn ni tlnlnrln who mun um the lylun mmin animal and tho haunt Iii Iialrly imulalcd loriuil lulurmlllnilnlmut electric irenllngsomilt uusll iirll rlNlric hrlllnl roulrnrtor or your liydru your hydro Economical umu lummmcc mama children Have you tried lhn now bubyn numn Io your llnl oi chlldrena unnqu its many to target incl ll monan youll my more than you have to So loll till all you can It you have any probloma contact your Diotrlct iuxoiiou Oliico Head Out Kitchener Onlerlo CANADIAN All llti WAY IcahnIsl tmil Iplvv pumll loo mm Immanu unliul llavlionlor hut in Iy available III in Ipmt will lusting tmtul lyIteml hallo Innruletl Itlhln ulnm ml In ummu ilvimllllkirmM be rnmhlnu uh lwml Impu in pm maintains1 at 1m with mlmll lithimlmlhyfli ruurri individually tinimlyrolvnunvllrmlwr in hum mmiam Clmlltl iroltoql liulv lunch 0mm Vsncmlvev lamina vaIm tendon lillndtm lbvmlo Oiln Munlllal Mention Ilnlilu no me Is this the year fill out my income tax right Electric Hauling Spoclella DYKSTRA BROS ELECTRIC 24 Victoria St 7264439 MA srrviusou slice INSURANCE 3A DUNLOP 5T DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE The Hon Benson Mlnlalu 716ll0l

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