Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1966, p. 5

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Every country Has food specialities which thmugh they may not be entirely indl enous the country seem so beoause they um ma there with the care that produces pmduci essentially their owu in In Canaaa maplosyrup and maglesugar ugly Cangglqn the map me LA Mu fan drive along the mag Haas of Quebec In the ate spring or ear summer you are sure to find gnaple syrup and map sugar for sale at wadsigio itands ificky is the child who has early memories of ga thering sap in the sugar bush and who knows the de light of taffy In the snow and of sawingoft part Im told that in Quebec preparations for the su garlfigofi begin during the late aummerbetore tho ancrw falls The farmer and his sons or hired hands gather all fallen wood old rails and all the dead limbs are cut off the trees In fact anything that might be used as firewood ls collected and plled close to the su gar shad fogilutum AL nll 441 Dunng the sugarln off in the Eastern townships of Quebec father and er male members of the fam tly are up long before dawn The day begins early and andsLoflen oyg gfler dark Same the farmers in the area carry thmgh an did tradition of putting gs in the syrup during the boiling stages to colledt scum Others have been known to Even poach eggs 1n the boiling sap IDEAL WEATHER Ideal weather conditions In the area wouId be ap proximately 40 to 45 degmm with the mercury drop ping to around 20 degrees during the night If these weafim conditions prevailed the sugarlngoff would 9310me 10 30 days of steady work Iilcigiédé of fidpfidstipmhiéidy available 11 Canada Light However the pmvinco of Quebec has an Iddlflonal gnde Canada Amber Grades are defiermin ed by color laypr ant freedqm frgm wagging to sell maple proéuds by grade Maple syrup should be stored In cool dry place Once the container has been opened it should be stored In the refrigerator with tha container capped to pre war from enfierénz If yo maple syrup for several mon ths brlng the syrup to bail and then pour 1t Into ster llzled pint sealers or other jars of cvmcnlent size This will prevent mold developing DID YOU KNOW THAT Maple pmducts are unique The only place in fine world that maple trees grow is in eastern Canada in the provinces of Quebec Ontario New Brunswick and Nova Scoua and in the northeastern Unitcdfilrartes The Province of Quebec produceS 5150M 90 the Cangdlgnmgplo cryp In 0mm maple productlon could be substant Lally Increased At present there are less than one mll llon maple trees tapped and there are 60 mllllon maple bees ln lhe ppovlncg 0551in Xrédhces over two million gallons of syrup gnnuany bout VA of this gm into the maldng armaplq gugal AboTlenahal of the maplo Ls exported and mosqu goc lheprdtcdfitatgap T1151 gifortyflgallons 51 isaiSWare mqulred make ona gallpn of myp Annial per capiln consumption of maple pro duob In Canada 15 less than live mmm ndm lh mly DominiVI MN mllcy Mm dlMllnn AM rhnlnluluum In the mm Inwmn mumy mn HI alluu Mun 91M bland IHI Mmflwmvd Iml 0th lwumh In her um wow on mulmnny nlmdly lumlvul nil llu mlvlunll Wu han mm unlarl with hp mm ml mum ullxlnclnn IA lrminl what Min MI dlml lmrnl nu lulu OTTAWA mu Nor Oflvlm hal ymlr mnury an hrr mlml AM on hrr mlml Hm lu my ml lhc nmmo ml dlanl wlm mrlw ymllh IHW family awnnun and lit HUfll MrKlNNKl Erln mlariol In r1 Primm mum tho mood mam durinl Slim BlueEyed Blonde Has Taxpayers Money In Mind buebec thaon1y pmyugce in yihich 11715 Eam By EILEEN DIXON Mum horn aha llvn hm wllh Iwr Mth ml llslrr nlm Invelnnwnl May ml Ipmh Illmlnl nl Tannin nun the 011m luer alum wmlwm mm My an IMhtl wilh Allwnnm Ilm hrr ITAIIIAUMI mm lhn Unlvmlly Ullmn with In mumm In IWI Ilnr lull Hll 1m nvllmr de ndrnIn Mlawma lmnl 11 XI mllunnl drlrm mm Inrn numb ll Cnnadlan 91 menl IKIMN AT 0110 Arlqnlly in 9w xov mmnl wu on the In lMuu ym mum rlo In on um dklnt mm my mm In mhvl Hm nu ln unlm m4 dmfliuni mny um did In Ihoxe dm anlo Romp Fullvnl by mm In that pun Anmunn marl Iymp rm mm In utmn Enmw ml lnal In wouhvm goals Ian mum Are not kmncdlalcynu should find ma satisfiacdnn in the new you du main FOR THE nnmmAY If wnwrmw is your blrmday your chart shows in indica flom mu Md net monetary gainl occupauonal advmce meat 4nd lnemsed prestiga be the end phlsmew year in your Me To sequin all M1 Imam you may have to work mimic hank Lban Mal and dmkler law mu responsibil luu but the extra umpde 71 09 by up results Mpfliods for agivmommt on the fiscal mm The days between April mandMaysflhalausvweeks in July we Seplembor mm Oct and from on 79 umgh NW 15 Consolidate then and look mud to truly exoefltnl twwmnm cyde beginning with My 999mm cycles for lob first 17 days of NW Hm well hem Sept laud Oct Navanlm and the has two week in Decemth Fine phndary influmcu aha tavern your personal Wu with onwhasls on mmmlce between mw and April 12 and tho entire monk of August and next Jan uary on travel and 50an so fivlfios In midJunn the last two week at August law Navalbet and bemoan Dec 16 and Jan dnild born on dds day will be imaginative and idealistic will howwver have leniency Inwardva FOR MONDAY Planetary influence Mon day indicalu wme dmngea In your me either home or when you work an let thgm dlp1ay 99 Takg FOR THE BIRTHDAY ll Monday 15 our May your home dicales that ring the coming year per Iona mum plus women Non with 01mm will help you waehicve much thflm your imeresu cenke about career at your ham any plans for ex pansion made mw and filmed diligently should wurk out WEI Best period at flnandal ud vanccnwnt The days Ween April 20 lay lhe 15151th 31 In phlhprc sHJi and filings all unfit out or the best nlng with Feb1Bcs2or 50h Mesa and rmninan 1h first 17 days July Sep txmber the His week of Odo bet midNovember and late December Darmslic and mflmenlal Wondfipu will be governed by MUM mm or most at ha in mom antad with mtnance pmimlndy award between now and April 12 and January nos parloda or have Middums the last two mu August and the week between Doc 16 and Jan 15 film ma Ihel Imn wllh flu lwallh dwulmonl 1h work llamlmll wan the In Inlurflnl petpk ml hm Mlnl or Inn bdrm dml lhlnk men Mu any ullcnlur rlnlm Io Illi klml ullnpll Imam nu your pmunnllly man mun Nu Hall Mam lrxk Mum III MI Ilnulln Allrr Ilmy Aw nyl run hum lxul mvnlh lmxkrd zmul In mqfllrn or now mum chum live Ier lhq nu pemlnn plum md youm ollrmnm we hmny IHINIIM In mule um mu final Ill llmrwnl lnlmlul Wu vmrk lhnuuh Mir glnnn mm mm Ih mm In uh mu mm Rmi mm Mapl Eyrup Fullnl wlll In hnhl 1n Elmvnlo on April Ind NIp Ball null Since protein diet appeared lnthe regular Sat urday column Skirting the Bay the womens desk of this 11 am has received numerous requests by letter and ephona for copies of the diet For thesye and others who may have missed the diet we are publishing again Anticipating the Increased sales of grapefruit due to the diet we advise shopping early and in large quantities One member of The Examiner sun de cided to try the diet but found the citrus fruit in short in ply while doing the weekend shopping Another sk nny start member iciun up her usual supply the fruit was news by checkout cashier with What are you on diet or something Remember this diet puts the emphasis on pro Mus BREAKFAST 16 grapclmlt or unsweetened grapofnllt juice eggs any style slices of bacon mm you can cat eggs and 12 slices of bacon 11 you want Cotton or tea No sugar or cmm Mr And Mrs William June Walk am shown mivinz the mupgim filming flwlr marriage In Muyl hunch Burie Mair James Clair offidated the Imm rues 19 1M bride the DINNER 75 grapefmlt moat any uylo any amount salad much as you can eat with any dressing that con tains no sugar Coffee or can SUPPER grapclmll moat my style any amount with gravy pmvldcd 1t ls no lhlckoncd wllh flour You may substitute llsh or meal Any green yellow or ml vcgmblo as much I5 you can eat plus salad as above Coffee or tea GRAPEFRUIT DIET PUTS EMPHASIS 0N PROTEIN BEDTIME SNACK Tomato juice or skim milk Ai oach mail you out until you no iull uuill you cannoi cal any more Do not eliminate an ling for example do not skip bacon Ai break or the mind at dinner it is tha Accumulation oi iruxl ihni burn up tho al Thu grnpmull is lm Mani hwauso it Act II catalyst that mm int on down on miiw ii thought io Iiioci tho insulin balance that hinder iho burning up pm coalI Try to iimli younscli lo ono cup Ii each mu No oniin boiwoen meals ii you can mi th cmnhlun on oi foods until you In nuiinl you wont be hungry between min Noio Mi it this ilni you ran at what your family oaia Mocpi imam broad Ind whliu vogunhlu While your ImHIV cain tinno you may hlvo douqu or mfllfl help oi moat or Vogmblu Eli unit you no Muiicd ihcn intro fixlmli in Ml more Oil lhin llot olimlnnim xugm Ind Marvinn which iorm lipoitin Ind lipohin whai uunon iai Fni don not form AL ll helps burn it up You tan try your mm in buiier nnd mo ii gou cmusly on vcgmhiu You can lose um pound in inn xiayl ilwrn will ha no weight loss lho iimi our lays hui you will mddoni limp ii iln on he iiilh tiny lhrrn merfou wi lose ona pound xiny unlli iha lOih day hen you will losn liz llml may iwu layn uuul you reach the pmpcr wrigiui Ila 1M lwrv ul hmlquulu Tha ml down mil nverylhlnl an In drum lll maul raw we Ilan In drdvh hhll we ml ll mum WORD 0F CAUTION More mun my AIM II win In obtain your Doctorl nppmval mm Iuolm aw WED AT MARCH RITES mg Mammdqigg Hoyter daughter in and Mrs John Moor fiBardekbfldfi room In Mrs James Wm yo uulul uw hullum uh an Initial In luu Men hum Mlu Omlm cum In drullni mm wanna nu ma rm lulu row or mats MI heap Id ufidergsumgtc flu Met 01 wmfiw dilly mm Inny nnbd mamrm 6t what sh m3 cl yew boy ban tried In Idu Ln mm um beam the funny the chargemurder md flue nature cl Mumg she felt the use mould have bun Mud in ma pflvuy Mango noun Morsevet Ih 11 couth um the boy canvlcled Ind untamed in death not only ll innocentbmuvathemlnun Mr Mal Dear Ann Lumen My hus band received tape recorder 1mm bis boss or Christmas That gin changed my life few weeks ago my husband asked me In listen salt speech he had recorded When heard my voles In the hack Kround almost died embar rassment was shrieking at one chlld Ind then another throughout the enlim tape which heed or 20 minutes scolded screamed and houled orders Ilka i=hwile 1er was the first Um had heard recording my own value and It was horrible ex perience Eu was probably the best min that could hm happened in me ANN LANDERS vawed then and there in sop yelling nl my children Ann lnjusl these lewmonlhs have discoveyedlhm chlldrep respond Jar spoken kn zcnlla volce man to orders barkcdou like drill mutant sharoJIDWshopc that on urenmau will learn snmelh mm her loner Dur Ann Landau am mercury to an cxccque who well an his way tn means We have worked clmcly to gather or in years wasnt plannedH jus happened We ell in love Mr is 14 years older Um am and has lean agc children His wile Is bar Ing IcUunlrcd nlfiwit mm olher moLhers will learn something from my ex perienceModnlnled Molly Dur Molly Thu exams tell thin the one voice 15 Just Ioclcly bendlu llcrfiisband Im cash rcluler and her mlal rout Mr and luv dinner to mhor wire WtCk Ind we aka buslmn lrlps whenevtr we can WI clnnol consldcr mnrrluu this firm becausa hls boss would surely ask tar his rulznallon Mn mum more In me than InthIng 1n the world Ind rdusc to give Mm up or woman who hung on only or he money Ind panama Inkc hero Inmclhnx can do to bung about ha happy endin In dupcrllcly warmIn Th Elldown Dm In Your Ilory 11 lo roullna Im prinllnx ll Ibo rhk ol borlnx my nndcn madé dmh or lhu ml our wins us pm hlcnll My Nu Lnan II Jnhnm the host Km bl all find It mmtu minn iylo Mrs John Kennedy fllnnle Emu Mm xlmml Mn mm Illsuimcr Mn Normal Mg up 1h Mn Jmmn In mnmL hm um nome vrry It 5210 dxum my cum Mldudnlnuylhalinll rm hula Ma lady main that drum that my 7317 Kmmdy hut ml MIA MM untrue hum porhd In lwr 104w Lu Wally llmmrd with Mn Mmmna nunMum nqu perfect mbll put0r Dhuu Designer Defends Figure Fashion NEW YOIIK Children Respond To Gentle Voice WEDDINGS BANGUETS PARTIES MEETINGS cll John Blnbnlnlmur We In IIIMII All mhlnlul luv Vultly Mm AM In Ta 1an hudnl Nolhlnl ll Tow Inn pruhn lnull 728445 7m bay 5min Mumy Tumult NW 21 he prlv at We In Coulnb any Mummy Kluflon om H1 hence 51 mm by hing In wn commuted Am the On lnrlo Courtvnl Amen Ind the Supreme Court Cindi re my big Ippul The crime wn rwurder memu Lyme up Junb 1959 In theoulsklzh ol Clincan l5 mm nmhmu of lama the Inc of an RCAF mum she wn Stem wruvdie Winant Officer 93 1311mm Go new job and make new 1i or More you know ll um mm mm feel Around your eyes will look like ele phlnl tracks Your hair wlll be gray and youll be spendlng mm and more time in lhe bgauly shop Ilka the bossl wile All chance or marriage will luau vanlslled because dur lng the years when you should have been meeUnl eligible me you were ducklug Immd cor ners wllh mnrrled one Conlldanllll lo Nttd Thlnl PIXWI Opinlon Sorry but cant down and cry with you When people take the kind shun out you took and try to gel 54than or making they hav no right lncomplain about quafily GUELPH CHMrs mnan of Guelph Thursday was clcclcd presldent of th Hnmllmn conforms 01 United Ohmh Women other officers Mn Funk Taylor Ancasur pastpres dcnl Mrs Marlin Johns An mm Mrs lawson Hamillon Mrs Kenneth Mayer Niagara Falls vlccprcsldenm Mrs Ashhm Guelph rt cording tummy Mrs Archia Durant Kitchener correspond ing secrcmry Mn Virgil hlm hull Pam lrcmurer Prcshylm prelldenu cloned Branllord MIL Wm Pmlw Brucc Mr Norman Eellry Walkman Guelph Mn Elm Lambert Wallmslclnzr luldimand Nar Mk Mn SImanlon Wa ledord anon Mn Harold anm Port Credil mum Mn mm Dundu Sudbury Mn Crozier Cop pu Clirl Nlmn Mn Grecnlul Sl Cnlhnrlnu UCW Elects New Officers The conference was nliendzd by 150 dclegales 1mm Sudbury la Slmcae Mn HimIn Tomato ESSA ROAD Allandale Drugs Mmhwd Hannah Oh um avldégica 2500 loalmp pnéHound disceéanciu and lxylérvkwed rly ammo connected wlm the me and nlzhlly mulled over legal vol st Ind Mamie at mum WROTE ANGRY BOOK oak cnn dunnan win wank on It Slov tnt Mal ng anger crepk Into the book And live Canadan pub lisher raund to handle 59 she toned It dogn bit the pull it and it camuut last week The Trial olseven Truacol that lmmedlllely to the top the Cnnndlnn bummer lint ln Pmlamen Ind In the press anemonem being liked Ind edeul department ol Nil ce hu the me under review Mrs Lemen doesnt warn new trial for Steven What flood would that do she asked People cant remember lhingl even years later some of mm Involved have moved away Ind tome Ire degdf SOYlalflll commasslm nl hmiiri minim handling the boys trill an Ilaynl pprdpn Shb camends but the time 01 ha lhll dealh was set on mod ital gmmds that do not con form to hose any recognized medical nulharlly and wilhnn lhejlluged time damh no clga flying Steyeu exists Mn uncurdais 13 press 13mm owner or muses noclallon Her lather and broth bolh Ira lawylu In late husband LeBourdals wrote num ber book on the North and on industry and her mm me Me GweLhnlyn Graham twin won the Governor Generlll Award or fiction She hem wrote number of short flare is and articles balm lacfllnl the Truscou case You an MAM ymr phlrmurlfl In ht Ivllluhln IhPfl you need Mm nnrd IN the hmnl Am ml tan dlpflul him In All nur huh nah um deofiIfihgfiVagon rmu 353w or punw Mai Ir mmm md IN DEPENDABLE TN EYTJH l1 AFTERNOON AND EVENING wmm ll BARRIE mm E51

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