incorvn Taxaovrca it Break Dona Cctr ExpenSeS In column deaixnod tor the ivmridax taxpayer who la not In position tocmptoy elhe amines oi protrusion ai ecoonataat or visit an laeorao Iar attire By CECIL KIDD Effective with yourrim In man returns it is non for our ot the followlmt and lube parking re Iioence eat tIra rruleage ven year mm Wot ation as an axponse baton determining up rummage iflte tax ottice will no longer aecqzt ï¬xodpercentage such 25 per cent personal and no longer accept deprecia oa car which costs 00 walling between home and lie otï¬co not accepted and must be kept and be ovatlablo If requested ivioam Biliars rumor SEVEN portion BIA Imrabie Busineas miles over tat miles it Total cost equal lo taiallotvabla emenscrlbcample twelve hundrednvertwo thou Ii youyhuve tax problem you would like printed please write to me cara at Earrle Examiner Prrrsaunou tAPiA tod ml grand Jury Indicttd seven man Thursday on ground they Imported relahelled and sold 000000 pounds of harserneat Ia boneless beet US agricul depariment oiticlala esti mated the operation netted it at $1000000 staniey reonlield assistant Us at torney said that more than 10 Mono pounds ot horscmeat had been imported from Mexico Ihipped to processing plant at large where It was rclahollod and then sold to processors tons ot it was poisonous or nonedible N0 RECOGNITION IINTIED NATIONS Renter Sixty countries have intonned ï¬lo United Nations they do not recognin tha breakaway re gime Rhodesia and have ae vared trade relations It was dennod ihuraday The court Ient letters to the UN aetr In torth the steps taken to contorm with resolutions ot the Security Cmmcil condemning the mulltcral declaration ot Io dependence tmrn Britain Nov it 1965 and calling turno horruc mncltmu Includln an oil embarxo agaotst the rezirne In Salisbury EXPEL CHINESE BEBN tAPiThe Swlaa gov ernment annomced nnrrsday It has expelled two Guam ottii cilia one Nationalist the other Inr spying on Na li Iiat Guineas diplomalli In ï¬witmlaad The authorities said waa an otticial Irom Taipei who has Irequaatiy come In Switzerland on nIIicIal mis Iima th eotIur was Identiï¬ed Is secretary oi Iha Commu nist Gilnese Embauy In Bun alley declined to name them or mtin anothor Iomlrn national who aLso was exnclird In eorr uodion with the ease lMDfl NUISANCE LONDON MP loading BriILah medical publication aux vpeuod Thursday that tathera who attend the blithl at their vbahira in hoapitaln nre Just nuiaanrethry and attontion when they taint The nrulauyht on tathm witnessing delimitn lbellcvad by some authorities In oorntnrt mothmtinlra in In The tunat an nuthnrilnlivo Journal Cid medical opinion commmu nor Ur MTAWA tCI lemon pmmttioa tn auide ttvhnolouh rrat dartloanth and um nt nir rratt especially aurtrd tor Aurt rtflhlral amt tryrntry Industries has born art up ity the National lleuwrh Cotnacil tltn lunch Into Committee on Aurtrulturnl rant thelry Itvinilnn Ma remnativca at Intlvmttlra rov amrnmt and Industry unilrr grhainnsn PM II Somhwrll nl lntvrnrty Gurlphl nthI rtdtural rnrinrorlnl primal AMTMN HID MEETING ATHENS liratrust GtMl haa rimI4th to abstain tram tha comina marina at the rhlr nl XIIIIII at NATfla northvhal mnh an authartlnttvr mtma Laald ltNltttstlny ulrltt The Mum Ian Jinn trmlllnllnl Tmlalru rhld the Monte jnrrai otatt will nnt Uh part tn the mutt xnetuird In Arr jinn Turksy ot the m1 at thia manihr HTML Will IIIth ItIIIlmtnn nm Int maiint riaittmInarr Worm fltivrra Imm IIrtwy at the imrvirln llnallry Mum Itrvl mtay In Win llu Inluml Irritnll In Innluhta Nu tlonat itvaawy Iragua name IIUI ttIIraLn Illntlt Ilauka Meailall mittml llllhln In fin aam uaamtt New York Burvlay ntrht liltlyl IltiN Ill WNIYIIIVIIII IIi II HM have annnunml the stan Itna ut Ihvre nmr impmt plum lnr aratnn mu jinnpit It mm nurth mm nu Imtnm tiIiraa lairtlnlvl Inn tltarln llamaiV an nut tlnnl intttwut llilllil tab State and twin II Ilht tirlnlnl tletrmIv hail arh qvmtuharh trom Georgia n5 ï¬lth OrHow can one car please so many people QUEBEC ISNT READY OTTAWA CPIPrimejtlnla ter Yemen said Thursday Que bec is not yet ready to Indicate the procedure it tavora tor amending the eonatllutim ia Canada He suggested that con sideration oi the problem will be resumed at Iutura ledernl provincial corilerence otpre miars WILL HOLD HEARING omwa or flmpofl Minister PIdtarsgiII aald Thurs day public hearings willhe held before there laany final declf lion onan Increase in St Law rence Seaway tools lie aaidta cOMMoNS IN BRIEF1755 Common reply to opposition Leader Dielenbeaer that the radian Seaway Audiority Ia no gottating with its us counter parton possible increase in toils but that no agreed recom mgndation has yet became in the two governments STATEMENT comma UIIAWA tCP Iha tederai government and Ontario wiii malre Joint statement soon on pollution in the Great Lekee Mines Minister Pepin told the Commons Thursday Mr Pepin said Ontario authorities pre sented the government with an Interesting roport on pollution mama wallvtoawall carpeting particulariyzin the lakes last liondayr warmr aurnoarzan omwa CPINoauthorlz ation was issued or press in terview with Georgea litercotte avcoovicted murderer serving lilo sentence In StVInccnt de Paul penitentiary at Montreal SolicitorGeneral Pennelt gave this Intonmation in the Com mons Wednesday in reply to questionby Opposition Leader Dietenbaken Mr Dielenbaker phad referred to an interview withMarcotte published by the Montreal Gazette cxrurman Wm ans rubua maul ustang We for our den an for flavour add GT stripes disc brakes dual exhausts fog lamps and about 271 young horses Mustangand the single girll Not for very long Al The way those disc brakes hold on the wet think Ill put some on my duty That Fastback has the lines ofa clipper ship guess kind of flipped or it srona shuns up Chaia store sales were valued attul79ot000 InlanuAry an increase ot seven per centlrom January i965 the Dominion Bu reau oi Statistics reported Thursday Saieshy department riotea in the week ended March were estimated at three per cent above those at the corre rpondiag period last year crimiaian nxrarvns urrysler corp ot Canada Ltd For man on the road comfort is vcrything Mustangs bucket seat is llltc home away fro home The man eald we should not tlu 110 horsepower Silt In ooonouiye Oah Bnt you know Miai TO BUY 0R LEASESEEYOUR FORD DEALER Bill CITY FORD SALES LTD us you THEIIARRIE EXAllflNER FRIDAY MARCH 25 55 15 BUSINESSJRIEFS Ily Canadian rites Tllursdaynannounced patina aï¬soonooeipaaston oi its oar trimplant at Ajax near Tor on The expansion to double thereizueotlhe plant will raise employment to about 1200 than 750 TESTS PLASTIC PLANE AA anuh tirm reported Thursday It has built and suc ceastully tested light plane made entirely at piasucWaaa merAviatign said lithe plane gm Into commercial prodch llanlt would be easier and chaapu to build thaathosewith aIrIramea made trom tradi tional materials DISCOVEllS PETROLEUM Quebec Resourcos llinistet Gaston Binctte Thursday an nounced discovery oipclro Ieum at LAssomption 25 miles northeast oIitontrcal by Lav IncourtGoldtleld Corn llrm incorporated under provincial charter litr llinctta said it is possible the discovery is an im portant one as it wasilocatad tavorahly In limestune and at depth at 1350 Icet More than noon Ehgtlsh boats tished In Canadian watera as early as 1634 got heavyvduty Springs heavyduty shocks stiffer stabilizer bar and the faster ateeringrratio VPity the poor father with Mustang Except on Sundays Mum recommend test drive In good country air It will change your whole outlook Hm Ialu my Reva igfmï¬